

This was published 1 year ago

As a principal, he was feted for his success. Now he’s linked to two police killings

By Jordan Baker

For most of his teaching career, Nathaniel Train was feted as a success. The 46-year-old primary school principal had been lauded for lifting results at disadvantaged schools; teachers admired him, parents sought him out and students liked him.

But over the past year, something went horribly wrong. On Monday, Train was at the centre of what the Queensland Police Union described as a “a ruthless, calculated and targeted execution” that killed two young officers. The young man and woman had been trying to check on Train’s welfare after he was reported missing from NSW.

Former Walgett Community College Primary principal Nathaniel Train in December 2020.

Former Walgett Community College Primary principal Nathaniel Train in December 2020.Credit: Facebook

Train was with his brother, Gareth, a known conspiracy theorist, and his sister-in-law Stacey, also a former teacher, at their remote south-west Queensland property, where police later found “a lot of ammunition and weaponry”. Six hours after police first arrived at the property, the three died in a firefight.

None of those who worked with Train at his most recent principal post, Walgett Community College Primary School in north-west NSW, could explain how the mind of a man known for helping kids deteriorated to the point where he could be involved in cold-blooded murder.

But they said a turning point in his life came in August 2021, when Train suffered a massive heart attack at school. It took staff and doctors a long time to revive him; he was near death. At that point, he stopped work. He was angry with the department. He had no fixed address.

His wife had accompanied him to Walgett, and the couple were often seen walking their dog. She remained at the school after he left, but would walk away when anyone asked after him, a fellow teacher told this masthead. Counsellors were sent to the school on Tuesday.

Train, who identified as Aboriginal, came to NSW in mid-2020, flush with success from his previous jobs in north Queensland. His recruitment was a coup for NSW Education; the department has struggled to find people willing to work in Walgett, where the incidence of violence is high and results are low.

As the principal of Innisfail East, south of Cairns, Train gained plaudits for improving the school’s results to the point where it was among a handful of disadvantaged schools in Australia to score above the national average in reading, writing and numeracy.


He ran a tight ship, giving teachers a daily schedule to follow. At the beginning of each class, children warmed up with chants designed to commit key information to memory. “I’m astounded at how quickly things have turned around,” he told The Australian in 2013.

His next post was at Yorkeys Knob just north of Cairns. On Tuesday, one parent told the Cairns Post that Train had a strong reputation for encouraging independence and responsibility in children. “I chose to send my son there because of him,” she said.

Train arrived in Walgett in mid-2020. It’s a difficult school. Over a 23-year period, the high school next door has had 29 principals. Around the time of Train’s heart attack, almost half of its teaching positions were empty. The primary school also faced problems, although not as many.

Many principals and teachers struggled with the factional politics of the town. Many had left as a result.

Train had the support of the elders. “He was wonderful. He was making some really important changes. We were supportive of him and trusted his intelligence. We hoped he would come back,” said one, who, like other residents of Walgett, did not want to be quoted due to town politics.


Many of the teachers liked him, too. “He was for the kids,” said one, who worked with him. “He was about education and for the kids. I’m blown away that he’s done what he’s done. I found him quite personable. He knew what he wanted to achieve. Tidy things up, get it functioning properly.”

Some community members were also supportive. “I thought he was very passionate about education, wanting to create real change,” said one resident who had several conversations with Train about schooling. “He was obviously frustrated because he found the system wasn’t doing anything for the kids here.”

But other people in the town did not like him and felt he was too strict. “He went in hard, setting rules and telling [the children that] hot chips and pies are not school food,” said one teacher. Some within the mostly-Indigenous community described him as racist.

After his heart attack, Train never returned. He was angry at the NSW Department of Education, feeling he did not get enough support when he came under pressure. He contacted local MP Roy Butler and One Nation MP Mark Latham. He made formal complaints to the NSW Ombudsman and the department.

In March this year, he sent 16 emails to NSW Department of Education secretary Georgina Harrisson in two weeks. They were cc’d to multiple other people. One recipient said they betrayed a fragile mental state; “They were quite out there,” the person said. “His mental health deteriorated post-Walgett.”

Another said it was difficult to make any judgment about his mental state from the emails, and Latham said they simply reflected frustration. “He left the school badly disappointed,” the MP told this masthead. “He said he was taking time out to recover from the experience [at the school] and the heart attack.”

Train was not the only principal or teacher to raise concerns about the professional environment at Walgett. In March, Latham raised some of Train’s allegations issues in parliament, including accusations that teachers’ aides were helping students with their NAPLAN tests. Latham has not heard from him for about six months.

After leaving Walgett, Train moved around. He was last spotted in Dubbo in mid-December last year, but family members kept hearing from him until October. A missing person report was made on December 4 from Walgett. Police would not confirm if it was made by Train’s wife.


Roy Butler, the NSW MP for Barwon, had exchanged a few emails with Train about the Walgett school. Their only contact was written because “he was in an area where he couldn’t get good reception,” said Butler, who did not know whether Train was writing from his brother’s Queensland farm.

“Something has gone horribly awry for him to be involved with what he was involved in. They were logical emails. I really don’t know what could have happened.”

Walgett locals were horrified when they heard of Train’s involvement in the shooting on Tuesday. “We’re stunned,” said one. “I’m still blown away by it. Someone you know doing something that horrible.”

In a statement, the NSW Department of Education offered its condolences to the Queensland Police and the families and friends of those impacted by the tragic incident in rural Queensland overnight.

“One of the deceased was a former NSW Education employee who had not been working at a NSW school since August 2021. He officially left our employment in March this year.

“Extra counselling will be provided at the impacted school today and for as long as staff and students require support.”

If Train did spend time with his conspiracy theorist brother and sister-in-law on their remote Queensland property, the trauma from his heart attack and his anger at NSW education authorities might have made him more open to sharing their views.

Joanne Gray, an expert on digital cultures at the University of Sydney, said research suggested that people who had a distrust of institutions and were looking for someone to blame, were more vulnerable to conspiracy theories.

“Conceivably, this person experienced some trauma,” she said. “[They were] in a position where they faced institutional crisis and were looking for some kind of explanation, they became vulnerable, and they were exposed to theories.”

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