

This was published 1 year ago


Qantas boss Alan Joyce explains why your Christmas airfares are sky high

Alan Joyce has been the chief executive of Qantas since 2008. I spoke to him on Friday morning.

Fitz: Alan, welcome aboard. Most of us are glad to be flying again. But we can’t help but notice the staggering cost of flights right now. Why is that?

AJ: The ACCC does a report each quarter on the aviation industry, and they’re saying that air fares are around 27 per cent higher in October this year than in October in 2019, pre-COVID. A big driver of the price increase is fuel. We’ve paid $5 billion for fuel this year which is the biggest fuel bill we’ve ever had. Secondly, demand is bigger than supply. It’s at unbelievable levels internationally and domestically because people were locked up for so long and everybody was surprised at how rapidly demand rebounded to be excess of what it was in 2019. And supply is difficult because, like every airline, it’s been hard getting those aircraft back in the air and the combination means that air fares are higher.

 Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce.Credit: Janie Barrett

Fitz: I gather getting the planes back out of the Mojave Desert, where they had been mothballed, was not simply a matter of finding the keys, getting some jumper leads on the batteries and starting them up again?

AJ: Yeah. You have to do 4000 hours of maintenance just to “wake the aircraft” up. You replace all the tyres on the aircraft, the brakes on it, you’ve got these engine tests. And before they come back into service, most of them are due for a three-month maintenance check. And of course every maintenance facility in the world is chockablock, so there’s a big backlog.


Fitz: When could you see prices and availability returning to pre-COVID levels?

AJ: Airbus and Boeing are telling us the supply chain issues should be fixed by the end of next year, which will get more planes in the air and air fares will come down as a consequence of that. But the fuel price issue remains and nobody knows what’s going to happen with things like the war in Ukraine, so it’s hard to know whether fuel prices will come back to 2019 levels. If they do, and you have the capacity getting back in line with demand, you’ll have air fares significantly coming down.

Fitz: In the meantime, with your profit expectations and your shares up 22 per cent from where they were 12 months ago . . . the unions have been bitterly critical of Qantas outsourcing baggage handlers, just as they remain critical of the 2000 Qantas employees who were unlawfully stood down during COVID. There’s a strong feeling that Qantas management is not sharing the current largesse with its workers.


AJ: That’s not true, Peter. Despite the noise from some militant unions out there, the reality is that Qantas non-executive employees are paid over $100,000 on average a year. And we’re offering everybody this year 1000 Qantas shares – worth now over $6000 – and $5000 as a cash bonus. That’s $11,000 in bonuses that are not part of any agreement. And if we were that bad to employees then why did we have 25,000 applicants for 2500 roles we advertised recently? This is a company that pays its people well, and spreads the benefits, and that’s why we get lots of people wanting to work for us. We still have pilots, cabin crew, airport staff as Qantas staff and as I said just about every airline in the world doesn’t do baggage handling themselves. At one stage in the 1920s Qantas built its own aircraft. We don’t any longer because other people are better at doing that than we are and the same is true of ground handling.

A still image from footage showing  baggage handlers slamming Qantas travellers’ bags onto a conveyor belt.

A still image from footage showing baggage handlers slamming Qantas travellers’ bags onto a conveyor belt.Credit: Twitter

Fitz: Apart from those blokes we saw on that viral video last week, hurling the luggage on the belts – they weren’t very good at it!

AJ: No, they weren’t. Some people do inappropriate things and it’s how you manage them that’s important. I think our ground handler has managed this well. These incidents happened before COVID as well.

Fitz: Meantime, allow me to attempt to channel your union critics. I’m guessing they would say while you may be good to your actual employees, the problem is how much of your previous work you’ve outsourced and those outsourced workers are not being treated well.

AJ: Qantas has the vast majority of its employees back. We’ve got over 22,000 people working for us. We did restructure the business because we were 11 weeks from going bankrupt. And looking back at those terrible days in April 2020, we had to come up with a plan that allowed the company to come out of this and recover. We made a lot of management redundant back then – 30 per cent of head office was made redundant in order for the company to survive. And Qantas was one of the few airlines that did a lot of its “below wing” services in house. It was very inefficient and something that almost every other airline had outsourced previously. We felt as part of a recovery program to get the company back on its feet we needed to make those calls.

Fitz: You’ve been criticised for your own massive pay while laying off staff and cutting costs everywhere. What is your response to that?

AJ: Well, when we were losing money, I think we were the only management team on the ASX that didn’t take any bonuses. We didn’t take any pay for several months. I think our salaries were down 80 per cent during the periods that we lost money in COVID. And that’s what should have happened and what did happen. We’re the highest paying airline for non-executives in the country by miles, but we also need to have good management and we do need to pay bonuses to attract people from the banks, from the miners and making sure we continue to have really good management in the company. So I have no qualms about saying when the company makes money, the company pays bonuses and shares those benefits with everybody.

Fitz: Can we agree that coming back from COVID was nothing if not turbulent? Starting with all the lost luggage in the early days of post COVID travel [and continuing with Choice magazine giving you a “Shonky” for poor customer service]. Is it fair to say it was not us travellers who were “lacking match fitness” but the outsourced workers below the wing that were lacking match fitness?

AJ: The Shonky awards were a bit shonky, in how they came up with that because they hadn’t taken into consideration that Qantas had fixed the problem and put the resources back in. There were problems back in April and July, when there was a “perfect storm”. We had huge sick leave because we had Omicron going through airport security, at baggage handling, with our pilots and our cabin crew. That was also when we had the supply chain issues and we didn’t know what we were going to be hit with. And the combination of them meant we had high levels of cancellations, low levels of on-time performance and we didn’t get the service for our customers. But that was an industry problem not just Qantas. There were the same headlines worldwide because the same problem exists. Since then, we’ve figured out what we needed to repair and that we need a lot more pilots, cabin crew and ground handlers in reserve for sick leave. And what we’ve seen is a significant improvement in performance, particularly in the last three months where we’re back to pre-COVID levels of performance . . . way ahead of the competition. In October we were the most reliable airline by far. And that trend is continuing.

Fitz: Surely you can allow that there must have been mistakes made?

AJ: Looking back, in hindsight you always find things you could have done differently. We could have been less ambitious to get back to 100 per cent of our capacity so quickly. Back in April, we did that because we know people want to travel. People were locked up for a long time. But given the supply chain and the sick-leave issues, which we didn’t know we’re going to hit us so badly, that, in hindsight was the wrong decision.

QF32’s crippled engine after touchdown in Singapore.

QF32’s crippled engine after touchdown in Singapore.Credit: AAP

Fitz: OK, Qantas is rightly proud of its safety record, where, in the jet age, you have not lost a single passenger to a crash. With that in mind can we take it as given that Qantas will actively oppose the push by airlines around the world to have one pilot cockpits in the future?

AJ: We’re certainly not pushing for it. And as you know, we had the example of QF32 – where an engine exploded on an A380 out of Singapore – but we had five amazing pilots in the cockpit and without that I don’t think that aircraft would have landed safely. We know that and we’re very conscious of it.

Fitz: Alan, you’ve previously indicated you’ll stay in the role until the end of next year. Are you still on that timeline?

AJ: I said, “at least the end of next year”. I’ll sit down with the chairman next year and make a call about what that timeframe is. So nothing has changed on that period. It’s still at least the end of next year.

Fitz: Do you have remaining ambitions, beyond Qantas, room for another career?


AJ: [Laughing] Yeah, I’m thinking becoming a writer and a journalist who writes books, interviews business leaders and ask very quirky, very fast questions. There’s not much competition in that space. There’s only one other competitor and I like challenging a monopoly.

Fitz: Do your worst!

Tweet of the Week

“A 32-year-old climate activist is about to be imprisoned for 456 days for stopping traffic for 24 minutes. In that 24 minutes the Govt handed $533,475 to fossil fuel corporations. The premier has said that protesters who cause inconvenience should be punished. What about the inconvenience of climate change? The inconvenience of losing your home and your town in flood and fire?” Greens Senator David Shoebridge, in successive tweets, decries the sentence for climate protester Violet Coco.

Joke of the Week

Why did the chicken cross the Atlantic? To live in a country where his road-crossing habits were no longer questioned.

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