

This was published 4 years ago


Put down the megaphone or China might opt for other imports

It is possible there is much more to China’s tariff threats against Australian barley exports than meets the eye. At face value it appears to be a blunt instrument for China to demonstrate its displeasure for Australia’s calls for an independent inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak in China.

But on deeper examination it looks to be part of a strategy by China to diversify its sources of imports – something far more ominous for Canberra policymakers and our exporters.

China's brewers say Australian barley is known for its purity and taste, but our exports are in danger.

China's brewers say Australian barley is known for its purity and taste, but our exports are in danger.Credit: Barcroft Media

To be sure, China’s Ambassador to Australia warned that if Australia persisted in calls for an inquiry, Chinese consumers could shun Australian education, tourism, wine, beef, and other products. And we have just seen China suspend approvals for imports of beef from four Australian abattoirs. That action is more clearly a result of the most recent friction in Australia-China relations – a clear warning shot across the bow.

Neither side will be able to easily back down from the stances they have taken. However, the barley dumping issue commenced much longer ago than the current spat. Beijing commenced its investigation into "dumping" of Australian barley in November 2017, ostensibly in retaliation against Australia’s anti-dumping actions on Chinese steel and aluminium imports. But, not even that tells the full story.

Another factor that is possibly being overlooked is China’s economic and geopolitical strategy to diversify its export markets and sources of key imports. The world has only lately focused on diversifying supply chains in the wake of the coronavirus, but Beijing has been concerned about its supply chains for much longer.


Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative has always been about integrating more countries into trading with China. Apart from seeing BRI partners as future markets for China’s exports of sophisticated manufactures and services, Beijing also sees these partners as sources of supply for a range of products, especially the lower-end "dirty" manufacturing industries it is pushing out of China.

Beijing is possibly thinking far more strategically and longer-term about its suppliers across a much broader range of products. Although Canada is the main winner of China diversifying its sources of
barley away from Australia, Beijing approved Kazakhstan as a supplier of barley the same week it initiated its anti-dumping action against Australia in 2017.

That action was no doubt intended to incentivise more countries to sign up to the BRI. As infrastructure across Central Asia improves because of the BRI, China will likely import more grain from Kazakhstan and other Central Asian countries that historically fed the Soviet Union. Beijing also could look to Central Asia to supply key minerals and metals that could displace much of Australia’s mining exports to China.


This does not bode well for Australia over the long term and demands changes to the way we approach the bilateral relationship with China.


First and foremost, we need to put down the megaphone and start talking to Beijing as an equal, through normal diplomatic channels. Beijing might even reciprocate by tempering its threats. It might even hold off diversifying supply chains to markets offering lower quality and higher priced agricultural and mining products than Australia has to offer.

Secondly, we should support the Belt and Road Initiative by signing a memorandum of understanding with Beijing that says we will consider BRI projects in Australia on a case-by-case basis, each on its merits. We would not be compelled to do anything that was not in the national interest.

Importantly, it would give face to an initiative that is vital to Xi Jinping’s prestige at home and abroad. Signing up to the BRI would also make it easier for Australian business to take advantage of opportunities that are emerging in BRI markets across Central Asia, including projects intended to mitigate China’s reliance on certain imports from Australia.

I have previously argued that Australia should appoint a BRI trade commissioner charged with identifying and pursuing opportunities for Australian business in countries that have signed up to the BRI.


Finally, we need to diversify our own export markets. Canberra’s hawks on China are right about this – we do have too many eggs in the China basket. But they are mistaken in the way they are approaching the problem. By continually incensing China on a range of non-trade issues, they risk losing the China market for many of our exporters before we have been able to establish alternative markets.

Losing a significant market like China without options is clearly not in the national interest. The China hawks need to be taken to task on this – how do they propose compensating Australian exporters of barley, wine, beef, lamb, education, and tourism if the China market is lost without alternative arrangements in place?

We are inextricably linked to China economically. As it emerges from the coronavirus pandemic and gets back on track to becoming the world’s largest economy, we will need China to restart our own economy.

Politicians of all persuasions need to approach China with an eye to the bigger picture. By all means, let us find alternative markets; but, in the meantime, let’s tread carefully with Beijing. As the American actor Will Rogers was fond of saying, "diplomacy is the art of saying ‘nice doggie’ until you can find a rock".

We need to speak diplomatically until we have alternative markets to counter-balance China’s possible trade retaliation.

Alistair Nicholas is an international trade consultant with more than 20 years of China business experience. He is a former trade adviser to the federal Coalition and a former Austrade trade commissioner.

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