

This was published 9 years ago

Prime Minister Tony Abbott 'beefs up' counter-terrorism campaign

By Mark Kenny Chief Political Correspondent

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has used the first day of the coronial inquest into the Martin Place seige to hint at a stronger commitment to the war in Iraq and to warn Australians that home-grown terrorism is "getting worse not better" and now represents "a serious threat to our safety as a people and as a nation".

And Attorney-General George Brandis has added to the alarm by branding Islamist terrorism in particular "the greatest national security challenge we are likely to face in our lifetimes".

Greg Moriarty, Commonwealth Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator and Prime Minister Tony Abbott during a press conference.

Greg Moriarty, Commonwealth Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator and Prime Minister Tony Abbott during a press conference.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The warnings came as military setbacks in Iraq have rocked Western allies prompting questions about the efficacy of a severely limited on-ground role being played by countries such as the US and Australia as military trainers.

"We continue to welcome the leadership that the United States plays here and as always, we stand ready to work with our partners and allies, the United States, the Iraqis, our other international and regional partners, to do what we can to help," Mr Abbott said.

Formally announcing the appointment of erstwhile ambassador to Jakarta and Tehran, Greg Moriarty, to the new position of National Counter-Terrorism Co-ordinator, Mr Abbott said it was essential to improve co-ordination of agencies such as the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation, the Australian Security Intelligence Service, the Office of National Assessments, The Australian Signals Directorate, the Australian Federal Police, and various state police services

But he declined to explain in detail what co-ordination deficiencies existed, how the new role would improve them, nor how it would interact with the existing national security adviser in the Prime Minister's Office, Dr Margo McCarthy.

"He [Mr Moriarty] will not be directing the operations of the agency, of any particular agency, but he will have authority across agencies to ensure that all of the agencies are pulling together when it comes to this vital national security challenge," Mr Abbott said.

"The recommendation of the [counter-terrorism] review was that we needed a beefed-up role and that's exactly what we've now got."


The comments came as Mr Abbott stepped up his rhetoric about the civic responsibility of all Australians, flagging citizenship denial in some cases while also dismissing claims by the Muslim community and some security experts that social alienation is a key factor fuelling the problem of radicalisation.

"I know that there are some people who say that they feel alienated by this, but no one should feel alienated by the government's efforts to ensure that our community is as safe as is humanly possible and no one should feel alienated by our determination to ensure that everyone in our country takes the citizenship pledge seriously ... we're determined to ensure that the commitments that everyone makes to our country, that everyone should have to our country are real and not just rhetorical," he said.

The government is considering further sanctions that are said to include the possibility of stripping citizenship from persons engaged in fighting overseas in proscribed war-zones such as Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere.

However, that raises legal problems of people being rendered stateless – an action that would put Australia at odds with its international treaty obligations.

Mr Abbott, however, has not ruled that option out, revealing that 100 Australians are engaged in fighting in the Middle East with various extreme terrorist organisations, and that another 150 Australians in this country are known to be actively supporting them. That has ASIO investigating about 400 cases files.

He said he would make an announcement of the government's intentions this week.

"Effectively, what we are doing is acknowledging that in the modern world it's not just people who are serving with an enemy army who are in a sense at odds with the whole nature of citizenship, but people who are working with terrorist organisations that hate our country, hate our way of life, hate our values. They have likewise put themselves outside the extended family of our nation."

The Prime Minister emphasised the link between the war being waged in Iraq and Syria and the threat of terrorism at home, declaring it was a conflict that was "reaching out to us", making it important "that we respond at home and abroad".

And he said the recent military setback in Ramadi should only make countries involved in the fight more determined to see off the threat of Islamic State militants. But on the question of additional troops, Mr Abbott would not be drawn.

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