

This was published 6 months ago

Pope seeks immunity in Australian court over notorious paedophile priest

By Chip Le Grand

Pope Francis is claiming legal immunity as a head of state to fight a damages claim brought by two Aboriginal men over the Vatican’s failure to protect them from the priest who sexually abused them as children.

Documents filed in the Victorian Supreme Court last month by lawyers representing the Pope flag the church’s intention to rely on the Vatican’s unique status in international law to stop the pontiff from being drawn into a civil lawsuit involving one of Australia’s most notorious paedophile priests.

Hold on to your hat: A claim by Pope Francis for immunity from an Australian court is likely to gain international attention.

Hold on to your hat: A claim by Pope Francis for immunity from an Australian court is likely to gain international attention.Credit: Andrew Medichini

Renowned human rights lawyer Geoffrey Robertson KC said the case raised questions about the Vatican’s century-old claim to statehood and technical legal defences it has previously employed to escape accountability for crimes against children committed by its priests.

Speaking to this masthead from London, he said the case was likely to gain international attention. “If it does reach the stage of answering the vexed question of whether the Vatican is in practice a state, it could have considerable consequences,” Robertson said.

The case centres on the abuse of two Aboriginal boys by Michael Glennon, a serial child rapist who despite being convicted and jailed for the indecent assault of a girl in 1978, remained an ordained priest for the next 20 years. At the time of Glennon’s death, he was in jail for crimes against 15 children.

Paedophile priest Michael Glennon in 1991.

Paedophile priest Michael Glennon in 1991.Credit: Mario Borg

The plaintiffs are seeking to hold Melbourne Archbishop Peter Comensoli and Pope Francis vicariously responsible for the alleged failings of their predecessors which enabled Glennon to keep accessing and abusing children for years after senior figures in the church, both here and in Rome, knew he was a paedophile.

In response, lawyers for Pope Francis have challenged the jurisdiction of the court. They argue that, as ruler of the Vatican City and Holy See, the Pope is a head of state and under Australia’s Foreign States Immunities Act, immune from any proceeding before an Australian court.

This argument, which mirrors legal defences the church has successfully employed in Europe and the US, has never been tested in Australia, where decades of clerical abuse of children and the church’s “catastrophic failure of leadership” were exposed and documented by a royal commission and state-based parliamentary inquiries.


“To my knowledge it has never been tested,” said Deakin and La Trobe University international law expert Dr John Morss, who has provided expert advice to the court on behalf of the plaintiffs about the legal status of the Pope and the Vatican.

“My view is that the Pope is not the head of a foreign state in relation to Australia.

“Up till now, decisions that have been made around the world have given the immunity that has been asked for by the Holy See on the basis it has sufficient statehood status. Australia would be striking a new path if they look at this from first principles and come to a different decision.″⁣

Robertson, a Sydney-born, London-based barrister who established Europe’s largest human rights legal practice, is the author of The Case Against the Pope, a book which examines legal tactics used by the Vatican to protect paedophile priests and the Pope’s moral and legal responsibility for clerical abuse.

He said that the Vatican’s assumed statehood, although formally recognised by the Australian government through its appointment of an ambassador to the Holy See, was “a matter of continuing controversy” among international lawyers.

“All that can be agreed is it is a complete anomaly,” he said.

“In reality, it is not a state. It is the headquarters of a church. It lacks many requirements of a state, including that it should have a permanent population. It is a palace in Rome with extensive gardens, a few hundred Catholic officials and lots of tourists.″⁣

London-based barrister Geoffrey Robertson KC says the Vatican’s assumed statehood is “a matter of “continuing controversy.”

London-based barrister Geoffrey Robertson KC says the Vatican’s assumed statehood is “a matter of “continuing controversy.”Credit: George Fetting

Comensoli and the Pope’s representative in Australia, Apostolic Nuncio Charles Balvo, did not respond to questions from this masthead. Pope Francis has previously urged the church to submit to a “humble and ongoing purification” to atone for historic clerical abuse.

The current legal status of the Vatican as an entity with “the resemblance to statehood” was established by the 1929 Lateran Treaty signed by Italy’s fascist leader Benito Mussolini and Pope Pius XI. Under the agreement, the papacy recognised the state of Italy with Rome as its capital while Italy recognised papal sovereignty over the 44 hectares of land contained within the Vatican walls.

The Australian government since 1973 has acknowledged papal sovereignty by sending two ambassadors to Rome; one for Italy and another for the Holy See.

The Vatican’s claim to foreign state immunity was recently upheld by a 2021 decision by the European Court of Human Rights involving survivors of child sexual abuse by Belgian priests.

In the Victorian case, the two Aboriginal men were allegedly repeatedly abused and raped as children by Glennon between 1983 and 1990. Some of the assaults took place at Karaglen, a bush retreat established by Glennon near Lancefield, north of Melbourne, where he invited families to stay, plied parents with alcohol and sexually abused their children.

A third plaintiff allegedly abused by Glennon withdrew from the lawsuit.

Former Archbishop of Melbourne Denis Hart told the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse that after Glennon was jailed for indecent assault in 1978, he ceased to be a practising priest and was not given another appointment by the church.


It took the Melbourne Archdiocese a further 12 years to petition the Holy See to laicise Glennon; the formal process for defrocking priests which requires a papal decree.

According to Hart, his predecessor Archbishop Frank Little twice petitioned Rome without success in 1990 and a 1994. Finally, in 1999, then Archbishop George Pell convinced Pope John Paul II to issue a decree stripping Glennon of his status as an ordained priest.

The lawyer for the two Aboriginal men, Angela Sdrinis, said Pope Francis had a vicarious case to answer for John Paul II’s inaction during that time.

“Australian taxpayers have spent millions of dollars trying to bring the Catholic Church and other institutions to account,” she said. “We say this is a case of direct accountability of the Pope and his office and that he should therefore be a defendant and answer the allegations against him.

“What we are seeing is a reliance on a technical legal defence to avoid direct accountability for paedophile priests. We are not saying that the Pope does not have the right to defend the allegations but it is repugnant that the Pope should essentially repeat history that we saw with Pell and the Church’s reliance on the Ellis defence.”

The Ellis defence, named after clerical abuse survivor John Ellis, was previously used by the church in Australia to shield its assets from damages claims to deter victims of child sex abuse from seeking remedies through the courts.

The case is scheduled to return to court in August for a directions hearing.

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