

This was published 3 years ago


Pandemic exposes global fault lines - and how Australia rose above them

Nine months ago, officials in Canberra were poring over geospatial maps of Australia. They were identifying every major cold storage facility and ice-skating rink. All indications were that the hospitals and morgues would soon be overflowing. The Home Affairs officials were looking to secure places to stack the corpses.

About the same time, police chiefs convened to plan for the possibilities of a breakdown in social order and outbreaks of civil unrest, a fact that Peter Dutton hinted at publicly this week.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit: The Sydney Morning Herald

Instead of the official projection of a worst-case scenario of 150,000 dead, Australia has suffered 908 deaths in the pandemic to date. Every country, every state faced the same fateful moment of awesome responsibility and awful choice. The pandemic struck the countries of the world like an avenging angel, wreaking havoc on the unready and the uncaring, the slothful and the prideful, and re-ordered the world.

After an uncertain start, Australia ultimately made the right choices. Its leaders, yes, but also its people. The pandemic was a severe test of leadership, and of nation-state capability, but also of social cohesion and public culture. The whole of the people had to accept some personal inconvenience for the common good. In successful countries they did; in failed ones they did not.

And the countries that met the public health test had a much better chance of meeting the economic test.

Australia's responses have elevated it into a small elite of competent countries. "Our system has performed impressively and that puts a spring in your step and makes other countries interested in you," says the director of the Lowy Institute, Michael Fullilove. "And that's a positive. The prestige of smaller, well governed countries has risen, mainly in our part of the world – Taiwan, Singapore, New Zealand, South Korea, Australia."


The most dramatic effects have been in the biggest powers. "Nations cohere and flourish on the belief that their institutions can foresee calamity, arrest its impact and restore stability," Henry Kissinger said in April. "When the COVID-19 pandemic is over, many countries’ institutions will be perceived as having failed."

One of the foremost, shockingly, is the United States itself. The virus exposed its divided political system as not just an entertaining foible but as a deep national liability. Political division paralysed policy. In many countries politics is regarded as a sport, a game. In a crisis, we now learn, politics literally is a matter of life and death for the people and of national destiny for the country.


Even today, nine months on, the US cannot agree to stop the needless mass death nor agree on fiscal policy. With the daily death toll outstripping the 9/11 count, the US Congress remains deadlocked in negotiations for a second economic stimulus. It negotiates, sometimes month to month, sometimes week to week, the funding to "keep the government open". The asinine has become the norm.


The US President is surrounded by men with guns for his protection. But they cannot defend against bovine stupidity and political obduracy. The President caught the virus. Donald Trump bears responsibility for his negligence. The pandemic spelt the end of his presidency. But he is the inheritor of America's deepening crisis of overpoliticisation, not its author.

America will emerge from this coronavirus to discover what its national security experts already know. It has lost its power advantage over China. They are not equal in every way, but China is now America's peer. And its rival. The US is a much diminished power.

China too was exposed by the pandemic. Its was exposed for the weakness of its central political impulse – its reflex to repress. In this case, to repress the bad news of a new zoonotic plague. Because it wasted weeks trying to cover up the virus, China's Communist Party gave it the space to reproduce and multiply.

Beijing was not only exposed for its failure; it decided to break cover itself. In the global confusion born of COVID-19, Xi Jinping stopped pretending that China was a benign power offering "win-win" solutions to the world and revealed a China red in tooth and claw pursuing zero-sum dominance.


Not that he kept his ambition a secret. The moment he was anointed general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party in 2012 he told the cadres that he was "laying the foundation for a future where we will win the initiative and have the dominant position". Dominance was his aim from the outset. But when he spoke to foreign audiences, he diplomatically omitted this detail.

We now see what Xi's "dominance" looks like. Border clashes with India, daily fighter jet intrusions into Japanese airspace, economic coercion of Canada then Australia, threats and abuse of countries from Sweden to Britain, relentless incursions into the waters of China's neighbours in the South China Sea. The Philippines' secretary of foreign affairs, Teodoro Locsin, says it's like "a dragon in your living room".

But China's recklessness is inviting its own reckoning. Fullilove describes "a megatrend in the gathering of like-minded countries". He puts the Anglophone Five Eyes countries at the centre, the intelligence-sharing alliance of the US, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, and extending to Japan, Singapore, India and even Vietnam. They're not all democracies – Vietnam is ruled by its own Communist Party.

So what's the common interest? "They are interested in balancing against China," says Fullilove, countering its power by coming together. The European Union and the NATO alliance have woken to the danger posed by China's power grab, too.


Opinion in Europe has turned sharply against Beijing. Only 7 per cent of Europeans saw China as a useful ally in the fight against the pandemic, and 62 per cent have a negative view of China, according to a September survey by the European Council on Foreign Relations.

A sometime adviser to China's State Council, or cabinet, on foreign policy, Shi Yinhong, speaks for the moderate school of Chinese expert analysts: "Compared with before the outbreak of the epidemic, China's international political isolation is more serious," he said last month.

"The rapid decoupling of high-tech China and the United States is like the Cold War, even worse than the Cold War. It can be said that the developed world is rapidly and comprehensively forming an anti-China front, and the number of important countries that support and sympathise with China in all aspects is significantly decreasing."

Xi might take such counsel and seek an accommodation with an incoming Joe Biden administration. But, if so, there is no hint of any moderation in Xi's high-speed imperialism at the moment.

In Fullilove's view, it's too early to tell whether the freight train of Chinese expansionism will continue unchecked. Much depends on Biden's America. "China's leading the world out of recession and that has its own gravitational pull, but on the other hand countries know what China is and they're looking to the US to come back. Biden gives the US a shot at refilling the reservoir of goodwill to America."

The pandemic has broadly affirmed the effectiveness of the nation-state and social cohesion in the East Asian countries, the Confucian cousins of Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan. All have controlled the virus effectively, and all have demonstrated relatively strong economic resilience. Once China got over its initial bungling of the virus, it, too, has joined the other Confucian countries.

Europe, on the other hand, has been unimpressive overall. The European picture broadly is one of ineffective governance and social complacency. Even the better European performers, such as Germany, have had a death rate per capita eight times worse than Australia's. And the worst, such as Italy, have suffered a death rate four times worse again. A shambles, in other words.

Neither democracy nor autocracy can claim an ideological victory. There have been good and bad performances in each camp.


Democratic Taiwan is a showcase, the lowest death rate per capita of any credible reporting country. Yet Communist Vietnam also has performed just as well in controlling the plague and weathering the downturn. There have been questions about Vietnam's official casualty numbers, yet independent signs such as a Reuters check of funeral parlours suggests they're truthful.

Right-wing populism has been exposed as a failure in a crisis. Whether Trump's America, Boris Johnson's Britain or Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro, populist posturing has killed the citizenry needlessly, fed social divisions and harmed economies. With the near-comic footnote that a Brexit deal is still unfinished. Of course, left-wing populism is no better. Cue Venezuela, already suffering famine and mass refugee outpourings even before the virus hit.

Populism, whether left or right, in the definition that I prefer, is a political style that offers unworkably simplistic solutions to complex problems. We now see with COVID clarity that it's a pathway to national calamity.

The pandemic has accelerated another geopolitical re-ordering. The pandemic highlighted the destructive power of "social media", a phenomenon named with Orwellian flair. This industry has been the incubator for festering disinformation and social division, feeding conspiracy and distrust. Now governments worldwide are moving to bring it from the outer orbit of libertarian laissez faire into the realm of normal state-based regulation. In the US, Europe, Australia and elsewhere its days of all credit, no responsibility are approaching an end.

The clear-cut winners are effective governance, centrist politics, scientific expertise and social trust. The more a country had, the better it did. Everything else was distraction or destruction. It seems pretty obvious now. It's a shame of historic proportion that it has so far cost 1.5 million people their lives to prove again what human civilisation had already learned. And largely forgotten.

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