

This was published 3 years ago


On net zero, the Nats can’t go quietly

A lot of things feel strange about this week’s spectacle of the Liberal and National parties haggling over a net-zero carbon emissions target. It feels at once momentous and mundane: a colossal political effort to sign up to what scientists now seem to say is an inadequate goal.

It also feels like time is warping: everything about the issue is suddenly urgent, yet climate politics has seemed stuck on an endless political loop since the Howard era in which nothing lasting ever really happens.

Illustration by Andrew Dyson

Illustration by Andrew DysonCredit:

That was best distilled when Barnaby Joyce complained that the Nats couldn’t resolve the issue in their party room meeting this week because they didn’t have enough time. As though the government hasn’t had years to think about this. It was like watching someone start cramming the night before an exam, having not cracked open the textbook all year.

There are many possible reasons for this weirdness, several of them familiar by now. All major parties, but especially those of the Coalition, receive large donations from fossil fuel companies, whose return seems to be fossil-friendly climate policy. The Nationals have become a miners’ party rather than a farmers’ party, evidenced by their occasional trip-ups on issues like coal seam gas.

The Coalition has been held captive by those of its members with a genuinely committed denialist streak. But to all this, I’d like to add one less-considered possibility: that we’re watching political performance theatre. It’s not just that the Nats find net-zero difficult. It’s that they must be seen to find it difficult.

That doesn’t mean these difficulties are fake or insincere. It’s just that the Nationals know that climate change policy is sensitive among their constituents in ways outsiders rarely appreciate, or even respect. And that’s because of how the climate debate makes them feel: “We feel invisible,” one Labor-aligned central Queensland mayor told this masthead this week.

These are people for whom the coal industry is not merely the source of a cheque, but of a town’s identity. These are places with memorials to lost coal miners, and landmarks devoted to the industry. From places like that, the climate change debate probably sounds targeted and personal. If they are cautious on things like net-zero targets, it’s not simply a matter of prioritising the economy over the environment. It’s more elemental than that.

We seem to understand that in the case of the British coal-mining towns Margaret Thatcher shut down. But we’re less understanding of their Australian counterparts.


That’s a shame because it helps turn climate change into a matter of identity politics. This happens because the people who most demand climate action – and actually express it at the ballot box – are those who will not bear the worst of its costs. That is, people in wealthy inner-city seats.

This is becoming a problem for the Liberals as we have seen in seats like Warringah and Wentworth. Presumably that problem is getting worse, which might help explain why the Liberals are now rushing to net zero.

These are people for whom the coal industry is not merely the source of a cheque, but of a town’s identity.

These are people for whom the coal industry is not merely the source of a cheque, but of a town’s identity.Credit: Peter Braig

But if you’re standing in a coal town, the underlying structural contradiction remains: this sense that wealthy people sacrificing little presume to demand that others sacrifice their way of life. That type of argument often ends up overlooking the fact that there will be real people at the bottom of this pile. And that ultimately means seeing them as mere obstacles to be overcome rather than people whose lives and concerns are to be taken seriously. That must feel less like a policy debate and more like contempt.

The result is alienation. And that’s exactly what the 2019 election results suggest is happening in the coal regions. Labor got comprehensively smashed in those places, routinely suffering from double-digit swings, but the telling fact is that those votes didn’t go to the Coalition directly.

Overwhelmingly they went to One Nation and Clive Palmer. The Coalition only benefited significantly via preferences. That’s a pox-on-both-houses protest vote. The Nats would surely know this. Now imagine how those regional voters would perceive the Nats cheerfully, frictionlessly signing up to a net-zero pledge.

No doubt the Nationals have helped foment this angst with their exaggerations of the costs of climate action and their thundering at “raving inner-city lunatics” over years. But whatever the cause, the tragic logic of climate change has finally trapped them.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.

Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.Credit: Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

The science of climate change’s havoc doesn’t pause for our political dysfunction. The economics of climate change mean we will either design our own economic transition to lower emissions or have it forced upon us. Now, as the Coalition edges towards a net-zero deal, that moment seems to be racing towards us.

That leaves only a few possibilities: the Nationals find their tortuous way to acquiescing and hope their constituency follows; the Liberals press on without them, and hope the Coalition survives; or the net-zero project fails, and Scott Morrison hopes it doesn’t end his Prime Ministership. None is straightforward.


And that’s why the spectacle of a deal – and the struggle to secure one – is so indispensable for the Nats. If you’re going to ask communities whose very identity is under threat to accept a concession that was only recently unthinkable, there simply has to be a pay-off. And the whole world has to hear about it.

Waleed Aly is a regular columnist.

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