

This was published 3 years ago

Olivia Newton-John and cancer centre out of tune on vax

By Samantha Hutchinson and Stephen Brook

Consternation among the hardworking team at the Olivia Newton-John Cancer Wellness and Research Centre.

The medical centre is doing its best to promote vaccinations during the pandemic while quietly freaking out about how to handle its patron who, when it comes to getting the jab, doesn’t appear to be singing from the same songsheet.

The Melbourne-raised singer, songwriter, actor, entrepreneur, activist and medicinal cannabis advocate, who now resides at a Californian ranch, was frank earlier this year when she said she had no plans to take the COVID vaccine “at this point”.

Credit: Joe Benke

In the same interview, Newton-John’s heavily reworked daughter Chloe Lattanzi denied she was an anti-vaxxer, but opined she was “anti putting mercury and pesticides in my body, which are in a lot of vaccines”.

So imagine the unease at the top rungs of the Austin in north-eastern Melbourne and the adjoining ONJ complex, where the comments haven’t gone unnoticed as the hospital becomes one of the state’s biggest vaccination hubs.

As of early August, the hospital had administered over 800,000 jabs.

Keen to spruik the good work, the ONJ Centre’s media team released a message from its vaccination boss Dr Janine Trevillyan in late July selling the COVID jab as the “key to living a normal life”.

“The vaccines have been extensively tested, monitored and have now been given to millions of people worldwide,” Dr Trevillyan said. “The protective benefits of the vaccine far outweigh any risks so really the question is, why wouldn’t you get vaccinated?”

Perhaps that’s a question then for the centre’s “founding champion” Newton-John, who didn’t respond to CBD.


As for the Austin and the adjoining cancer centre, a spokeswoman gave the following terse response without managing to mention Our Livvy at all. “Austin Health is proud to be leading the rollout of the COVID vaccine … The vaccine is safe and effective and our greatest defence against the virus.”


Sydney’s legal fraternity is bracing for fireworks after the NSW Law Society fired the start gun on its annual council elections. Already, 25 candidates have put their names forward to fill just seven positions on the council of the body which functions as a lawyers’ lobby group and regulatory body, administering practising certificates and professional development.

Like any good horse race, major political parties are involved.

Step forward lawyer and Winc general counsel Troy Swan, who has a swag of endorsements from NSW Labor heavyweights including accident-prone former state leader Michael Daley, federal MP Matt Thistlethwaite and state MPs including Janelle Saffin, Ron Hoenig and Marjorie O’Neill and corporate types including Goodman general counsel Samantha Evans and Crown Resorts newly minted chief general counsel Betty Ivanoff - incredible she found the time in a crowded schedule.

There’s no Labor branding on his page - but there doesn’t need to be. An earlier placeholder at directed users to the NSW Labor homepage.


Swan has stiff competition from another candidate who also has form playing for the majors.

Former federal Greens candidate Kingsley Liu is running for a slot on the Law Society’s council as part of the “Your Voice in Council” ticket made up of sole practitioners including IT lawyer Phillip Roberts and Hillside Legal founder Alexia Yazdani.

Liu’s bio includes stints in engineering and investment banking before turning to law and founding The People’s Solicitors with late NSW attorney-general Jeff Shaw.

In 2019, he ran as the Greens candidate for the federal seat of Macquarie. Later that year, he ran for the NSW state seat of the Blue Mountains - setting a precedent for the region and the political party given he also sits as a director on the board of mining company Elsmore Resources, which owns a tin mine in northern NSW.

At the time, Liu told CBD he saw no issue with being a miner and a Greens member. To other media, he described his role as “the green activist on this board”.

Perhaps that is just what the Law Society needs.


With up to $12 million at stake, the Turnbull v Pillemer legal fight was never going to be anything other than a lawyers’ picnic. Now it’s a spinners’ picnic as well.

Back in the day, Malcolm Turnbull gave a loan to purchase shares to family friend Russel Pillemer, chief executive of Pengana. On becoming prime minister, Turnbull gifted the $6 million loan to his children Alex and Daisy when he tied up his business affairs.

Now Alex is suing Pillemer in the NSW Supreme Court, alleging he withheld relevant information about the future value of the shares, which deprived the family of millions of dollars. Ian Jackman SC is acting for Alex Turnbull while Pillemer has retained Robert Newlinds SC, whose questions to Turnbull Jr were met with regular yawning, eye-rolling and questions fired back. So much so that Justice Kate Williams intervened at one point and said “you really need to actually answer the question rather than ask questions”.

Then there are the spinners. Clive Mathieson of crisis communication firm Cato&Clive, was engaged by Alex Turnbull. As The Australian noted in its 1100-word report, Mathieson was a former prime ministerial staffer for Turnbull. But in an uncharacteristic bout of modesty, the paper failed to reveal that Mathieson was once editor of … The Australian.

On Monday, Pillemer reached out to rival spinners John Connolly & Partners. Connolly has a weekly motoring column in The Australian and is a spokesman for the Murdoch family. Small world. ”Pillemar brought us in mid-yesterday. We’re still playing catch-up but please let me know if there’s any way I can assist,” the firm’s consultant Louise Hall emailed journalists. Alas. Such was the speed that the firm was brought on board that its email missive managed to get its client’s name wrong.

Meanwhile, it looks like Lucy Turnbull, who logged into Microsoft Teams to hear husbo Malcolm give evidence, could do with some comms advice. For at least ten minutes she was front and centre of proceedings after forgetting to switch her camera off.

Credit: Joe Benke

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