This was published 2 years ago
Yes, in my backyard: inside Sydney’s fledgling YIMBY movement
Jess Scully concedes that in some places the YIMBY movement has been co-opted by developers.Credit: Wolter Peeters
Jess Scully is used to people saying “no”. As a City of Sydney councillor, she fields complaints about development proposals all the time – whether they’re apartment blocks, bike lanes, trading hours or something else.
These are the people often disparaged as NIMBYs, the people who say: not in my backyard. But what about citizens who support change and development? Scully decided they need a voice, too. So she created a mailing list called YIMBY Squad designed to reach this “silent majority”.
“A YIMBY is someone who says, ‘Yes, in my backyard’. It’s someone who welcomes positive change in their community, and isn’t afraid to do something about it,” the site says. “We want to hear from Sydneysiders who make up the majority of our community, but often don’t make their voices heard. This includes people who rent, those born overseas, people under the age of 60 and students.”
But a year or so later, Scully’s mailing list only has about 150 to 200 subscribers. A kind soul would describe the group as fledgling. A more cynical person might call it a flop.
Scully admits YIMBY Squad hasn’t been her top priority. But it is part of a nascent scene in Sydney and elsewhere, trying to reorient the conversation about housing and development, and elevate the views of people who don’t rock up to council meetings or join residents’ activist groups.
The movement is most active in the United States, particularly California and parts of the north-east plagued by housing affordability problems similar to Sydney. In the YIMBY (and NIMBY) epicentre of the San Francisco Bay Area, it was famously turbocharged by a zucchini.
In 2017, Berkeley resident Scout Sheys attended a council meeting brandishing a zucchini grown in her vegetable garden. She was there to complain about overshadowing from a proposal to demolish a neighbouring house and replace it with two two-storey homes.
“I brought a zucchini because I love to garden, and in order to garden you need sunlight,” Sheys explained. “This zucchini exists because I don’t have a big two-storey house next door to me.”
The story became a lightning rod because, as Molly Kraus wrote in the Berkeley Political Review: “In the great zucchini versus housing debate of 2017, City Council sided with the zucchini.”
Scout Sheys’ appearance with a zucchini at a 2017 local government meeting was a lightning rod for the YIMBY movement in California.Credit: YouTube
These days there are plenty of videos online of local government meetings in the US where YIMBY and NIMBY activists do battle, often quite aggressively, over individual developments or broader planning rules.
In the words of blogger Noah Smith, the YIMBY phenomenon grew from “a handful of transplants living in San Francisco who wished the city were more like New York” to “a nationwide movement for housing abundance”.
In Sydney, a handful of activists use Twitter to draw attention to examples of what they see as unreasonable opposition to developments. One of them, Kitty Farrell, rents in the inner west with her husband and two children.
The 43-year-old says she started involving herself in development disputes about 10 years ago after noticing people on online forums disparaging the apartment block she was living in as an eyesore.
“It just seemed to be explicitly anti-development and not progressive, which you would expect the inner west to be,” she says. “It made me feel like I should be ashamed that my family and I were living in one of those apartments.”
The politics of YIMBYism are mixed. Kosmos Samaras, a veteran Labor strategist and pollster, has identified a voter group he calls the “light greens” – progressive millennials who care about social policy, want to buy a home in an area they like and aren’t attached to the Greens or Labor.
Inner west resident and self-proclaimed YIMBY Kitty Farrell.
Broadly speaking, YIMBYism has a millennial bent, as a generation of potential homeowners find themselves locked out of the market by skyrocketing prices and blaming – at least in part – supply constraints worsened by planning rules and NIMBY objections.
Max Holleran, a social policy researcher at the University of Melbourne who literally wrote the book on YIMBYism, Yes to the City, says the phenomenon is different from traditional forms of housing activism in that it is “unabashedly middle class, arguing that young professionals are also at risk of housing insecurity because prices have spiralled so far out of control”.
YIMBYs can and do advocate for more state-managed affordable and public housing, but they also trust in the laws of supply and demand, and often argue boosting supply to the general market will ease prices for all (a question this series will examine later).
Critics accuse YIMBYs of being cheerleaders for unlimited development and in cahoots with developers – and clearly, their interests often align. As Scully concedes, in some places, “the YIMBY concept has been co-opted by developers who see it as a way of exerting pressure on governments”.
Farrell, who calls herself a lefty, is familiar with this criticism. She says the YIMBY community is a motley crew.
“You’ve got lefties who just want to have affordable and sustainable housing. You’ve got libertarians who don’t like regulations and don’t want to see progress stopped. And you’ve got right-wing people who I don’t quite understand. Maybe they’re the developers, I don’t know.
“I’ve been accused many a time on Facebook of being a developer. I’m a mum of two who used to work a desk job at a hospital.”
Holleran says YIMBYs want to make the fight personal, “showing up to previously staid zoning meetings to chastise those who block construction”. Meanwhile, “their rancorous presence online and off can feel like a family feud”, he writes.
That’s certainly true in California, but here, the movement lacks coordination. Farrell watches live streams of council meetings and tweets about them “because I’m a very strange person”. But she doesn’t attend those meetings or participate in the formal planning process. And while she talks to other YIMBY types online, they don’t meet up to strategise.
In that sense, Farrell exemplifies the limitations of the YIMBY movement – it’s a loose collection of keyboard warriors who haven’t graduated to proper campaigning. “I just shitpost for fun. But it has gotten a lot of traction,” she says.
“Unlike in California, I’m not sure if there is that passionate movement against NIMBYism. We’re just a loosely collected group of people online who are like ‘this is ridiculous’.”
Farrell says it’s possible the YIMBY movement will sharpen up, and suggests it could work closer with existing groups and local politicians who support sustainable housing – such as Jess Scully.
Scully was elected to City of Sydney council in 2016 as a member of the Clover Moore Independent Team, which is sometimes viewed as a NIMBY force. Scully disagrees, saying Moore has facilitated $25 billion of development in the city over the past 18 years, while insisting developers “do better” to build homes and communities that work for people.
In her time, Scully has sat through countless council and committee meetings, usually held in the evenings after work. She understands why so many people are disenfranchised from the process.
“A lot of community consultation takes place at kids’ bedtime and dinner time, when people with families don’t really have the capacity to attend,” Scully says. “You have to have a certain level of literacy about how council works, how to give feedback and how to have your voice heard.”
The YIMBY movement, Scully says, is partly about holding people to account for what they say at these meetings. Often, there’s a disconnect between what people claim to want and how they act.
“People say they want affordable housing, they want greening, they want active transport – then when it shows up as a proposal on their front step they don’t want it even though it aligns with their expressed values,” Scully says.
“People say they want active main streets, they want more of their shops to be filled, but then they might react to an investment or a redevelopment that would make it more attractive to a tenant.”
On the other side of the ledger, Scully believes council staff and planners need to be prodded into taking some risks, being adventurous and applying discretion, rather than sticking to the letter of what was already agreed or decided.
“We have created that culture by not empowering public officials to use common sense and their expertise,” she says. “We talk about bureaucrats like it’s a dirty word; they are sector experts who have institutional memory. We should value that and empower them.”
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