

This was published 2 years ago

Why tens of thousands of bats have taken over Tamworth

By Angus Thomson

Tamworth is no stranger to hosting thousands of noisy guests, but the town’s most recent visitors are causing quite the stink.

Thousands of flying foxes have been camping out in the home of the Tamworth Country Music Festival since May, feasting on the annual blossom of native eucalypts and white boxes — a valuable food source for the threatened species.

A colony of grey-headed flying fox is seen over the Peel River in Tamworth.

A colony of grey-headed flying fox is seen over the Peel River in Tamworth.Credit: Sam Mooy

It is not unusual for grey-headed flying foxes to flock to Tamworth for the eucalypt blossom but favourable local conditions, combined with widespread floods washing away alternative food sources in NSW and Queensland, have made the regional centre the ideal location for a batty bush doof.

The guest can be noisy — and odorous — in large numbers, said CSIRO flying fox researcher Adam McKeown, but many have made a long journey to enjoy the spoils of the west.

“The grey-headed [flying foxes] live all the way from Gladstone to Adelaide, and they really act as one big population,” he said.

“Individual animals are moving from Queensland right down through NSW and back again — all the time.”

Thousands of bats move through the sky above Tamworth.

Thousands of bats move through the sky above Tamworth.Credit: Sam Mooy

The CSIRO records flying fox populations every three months through its national monitoring program. McKeown last visited the Tamworth camp in May, where he counted about 85,000 bats.

“That’s significantly more than you’d usually get in Tamworth,” he said. “However, you do see these winter influxes every couple of years, and this is actually a bit less than a couple of years ago when we saw up to 150,000 animals there.”


The last time the population was above 50,000 at Tamworth was in 2019.

With flying foxes able to travel 50 kilometres in one night, word travels fast, said Jae Price, Tamworth’s only flying fox specialist and a volunteer with Northern Tablelands Wildlife Rescuers.

“It’s probably a little bit of word-of-mouth because they do sit up in the trees and chat as to which trees they went to last night,” she said.


“We have a country music festival in town here every year, and we get thousands of people ... I kind of try [to compare it to that].”

Price said that while some were misinformed about the population influx and were proposing a cull, most locals were supportive of the threatened species whose numbers were declining due to habitat loss.

“It’s quite the phenomenon here with so many bats in town,” she said. “I mean, it’s something that not everyone gets to see.”

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