

This was published 3 months ago

Why Peter Dutton’s nuclear stance is so brave

When Peter Dutton was elected as the opposition leader I was thrilled (“Politicians who are pro-nuclear, until it’s in their backyard”, May 23). Now he has excelled himself with his signature nuclear power policy. It seems he wants to locate them in Coalition heartland seats. He has set up the Liberal, National, LNP and CLP coalitions he leads to become the natural parties of opposition, until Independents and Greens can win these seats and form a government that looks to the needs of the electorate now and into the future. I applaud Mr Dutton for his bravery. David Neilson, Araluen (NT)

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is expected to name seven possible sites for nuclear power plants in the coming weeks.

Opposition Leader Peter Dutton is expected to name seven possible sites for nuclear power plants in the coming weeks.Credit: Getty Images, Louis Douvis

Does anyone else see the irony in the current debate about the high cost and long lead time of nuclear energy in Australia when we are happy to wait 20 years and spend 20 times more for nuclear submarines that are likely to be redundant before they hit the water? Russell Deal, Bronte

Excellent piece of energy policy, Mr Dutton. Your nuclear reactor plan should work a treat, just make sure you have some very long extension cords handy plus a spare $60 billion. Also, when all those Nationals NIMBYs inevitably squeal blue murder, a nuclear reactor in your own electorate reasonably close to the coast on the doorstep of a big city would set a cracking example. Alison Stewart, Riverview

I have but one modest request for Peter Dutton. When his “off the shelf” small nuclear modules become available in 15 years or so, could I please forgo the free set of steak knives and settle for a Geiger counter? Although I am sure Mr Dutton doesn’t want me to die, I would like to monitor whether I’m going to fry from all that radioactivity. John MacKay, Asquith

Alexandra Smith highlights the certainty of NIMBYism. Despite Dutton’s statement that the nuclear option would be commercially viable, the Coalition must know this would need huge government assistance. But every dollar spent on such folly is a dollar that isn’t spent on viable solutions, such as demand management systems and the widespread use of micro-grids. There are people who have the imagination to make this work. Why aren’t we listening? Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls

We have a nuclear power generator, up and running: the sun! Nuclear fusion gives us more light and heat than we could ever use. Solar power is the only sensible and viable way to go. Where will Dutton be in 20 years? Long gone from politics and saddling future generations with the massive cost and the question of where to dispose of the radioactive waste. Mark Olesen, Ryde

NBN delivered “faster and cheaper” turned out slower, later and well over what was budgeted and unsuitable for purpose. Presumably, the Coalition has the same dreams of their nuclear policy and Australians have a reasonable expectation of the same outcome, after the latest professional evaluation. Chris Gresham, Upper Lansdowne

The LNP nuclear fission policy will no doubt be a fizzer and end with a Liberal party fissure. John Swanton, Coogee

Time for a referendum: If you don’t know, don’t glow. Les Shearman, Darlington


Schools short-changed

I still have a recent photo of the then-state and federal education ministers, Sarah Mitchell and Jason Clare, signing an agreement that all public schools would receive 100 per cent of their allocated funding, but schools are still waiting (“Principals spooked as funds disappear”, May 23). In the midst of this promise, when principals have been careful with their forward planning and budgeting, any savings for future projects have been taken from them without their knowledge or consent. What is even more galling is that schools submitted the proposals for their projects to the government and they received approval to complete the projects. But if the projects had not yet been completed, the money was taken away. What a kick in the guts is that? Mia David, Wollongong

Fickle trickle.

Fickle trickle.Credit: Andrew Dyson

State school principals all know that the noblest of their daily decisions revolve around leaking toilets, blocked drains, trip hazards, broken laptops and shrinking staff car parks. Now they find the funds for these modest projects have disappeared and Mother Hubbard’s cash cupboard is again empty. Back to the cake stalls, hiring out the basketball court, trivia nights and banging the begging bowls when the toilets flood. Thank goodness there are no baronial buildings, swimming centres or concert halls to maintain. Brian Thornton, Stanmore

When I took on the responsibility for industrial arts in my school I knew that the funds allocated were intended for use that year on the current students. I sent a letter to those in the district office asking what was the arrangement for replacement of worn and outdated equipment, and also for money to buy modern equipment. I never received a reply. Consequently I cheated, like all others in my position, and put aside what I could to eventually be able to bring a bit of our equipment up to date, some years down the track. No doubt the money that has recently disappeared from schools is exactly that kind of money – put aside to make up for the shortfall of what was needed in “small” capital improvement funding. I offer my sincere sympathy to those current teachers who are feeling that their efforts to support their students into the future have been undermined by those above them who should be supporting them. Bill Irvine, Goulburn

This action would never happen to a private school. Our public schools are being used and abused by successive governments, and it is our children who are suffering. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer

Teachers get a pay rise but funds are removed from struggling schools. This is outrageous. Public school students deserve an equal, well-funded education. Jill Stephenson, Woolwich

LIsten to what just might save you

Whenever I sit quietly, paying attention to an airline’s safety instructions (unlike most passengers who, in a slightly smug show of what seasoned flyers they are, don’t listen at all), I wonder how many will have their seatbelt on when turbulence hits, or remember how to unbuckle their belt if they need to evacuate in an emergency, or to inflate their life vest only once they are outside the aircraft (“I flew that route for decades. It gets rough at this time of year”, May 23). The incident on Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 suggests that few will do well when things go wrong. Ross Duncan, Potts Point

An Australian passenger, center, who was injured on a flight that was battered by severe turbulence, talks to reporters at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand.

An Australian passenger, center, who was injured on a flight that was battered by severe turbulence, talks to reporters at Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand. Credit: AP

No matter how much we know beforehand of clear air turbulence, we would be traumatised by a severe experience. But any expression that there was “no warning” needs context. For most flights, I remember we have been asked to keep our seatbelts fastened when seated. John Dawson, North Parramatta

On a flight to Melbourne, I was seated next to a young man who was asked to put his seatbelt on for take-off. He begrudgingly laid the ends of his belt over his lap but didn’t do it up, placing a hoodie over it to conceal its uselessness. I can think of safer ways to be rebellious. Clare Raffan, Campsie

How much more proof do our climate change denialists require to convince them that our climate is changing to a degree that threatens habitation on this planet? On an almost daily basis we witness floods, earthquakes, famine, wildfires, melting ice caps, mud slides, sea level rises and population displacement. And now a passenger jet plunges 6000 feet. That is not normal turbulence, folks. Please, let’s all wake up and get behind working towards a solution. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

News makes views

Soon News Corp’s “opinion-based” news will be available on ChatGPT to unwary users, who will be duped in believing it is factual (“News Corp signs lucrative content deal with ChatGPT maker OpenAI”,, May 23). The “proof” will soon be widely available online – that climate change is a cult, Trump won the last US election, vaccines cause autism and Ivermectin cures COVID. God (who will be white and Christian) help us. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Gina facing facts

Thank you, Julia Baird, for your exquisite satirical essay on current portraiture, giving so much pleasure to so many (“Dear Gina, I too made a grim subject”, May 23). Your choice of two splendid, prominent, largish historical figures was most revealing. The alignment of Queen Victoria’s photo and Vincent Namatjira’s portrait of Gina showed how important it is to think about the effect of their actions on people in their society. A Mount Rushmore-ish portrait at one of the iron ore hill sites could be considered. If that one did not meet Gina’s requirements, she could easily eradicate it from her leasehold without having to use Olympic swimmers to accomplish a removal. Bob Brenner, Beacon Hill

Kindred spirits: Queen Victoria by photographer Alexander Bassano, 1882, and Vincent Namatjira’s portrait of Gina Rinehart.

Kindred spirits: Queen Victoria by photographer Alexander Bassano, 1882, and Vincent Namatjira’s portrait of Gina Rinehart.Credit: Bassano, Namatjira

It has been universally said that Rinehart’s complaint is that the portrait is unflattering. How do the commenters know that is what is driving her demand? It could just as easily be that Rinehart, a benefactor of the National Gallery of Australia, has simply been doing that little bit more to promote the gallery and, perhaps, herself. She might alternatively be making a political statement to the effect that if people are allowed to use her body for the creation of art, entertainment and financial gain without her consent and without some prior agreement as to a royalty to be paid to her, she ought not to have to pay royalties on the minerals she mines. Help me out, someone, please.
Ross Drynan, Lindfield

How refreshing to start the day with a cuppa and a laugh-out-loud read of Julia Baird’s advice letter from Queen Victoria to Gina Rinehart. It gave me the strength to look in the mirror and accept my just-out-of-bed face. Cheryl Wilson, Crows Nest

Rinehart should get her personally approved image widely circulated by having it stamped on the currency, as did Her Majesty. This establishes an immediate and widespread connection between the name and the favoured image. The natural update would be for Rinehart to replace that other businesswoman, Mary Reibey, on the $20 note. Meanwhile, it seems the Streisand effect has been full implemented. Robert Grundy, Warrawee

Sensational, Julia Baird. Mike Bush, Port Macquarie

Less is actually less

“Bad news is good news,” writes economist Chris Richardson in his Herald article (“Flying by the seat of their pants”, May 23). While inflation shrinks, it should take some of the heat out of cost-of-living pressures? The problem is we are a large country with a relatively small population, with a small number of huge companies in essential services (banking, insurance, telecommunications, food) with no great pressure on them to reduce prices even while wage growth stalls and unemployment rises. Add to that the Ponzi scheme that is the housing market, fuelled by the world’s most generous tax incentives for property investors that will keep the cost of housing among the highest in the world, and it seems to me that bad news is just bad news. Michael Jones, Birchgrove

Uni at least tried

Your correspondent asks why our universities, with their “rivers of gold”, haven’t better provided accommodation for their augmented student population (Letters, May 22)? Over the past 20 years, Sydney University tried three times to purchase land near the uni, and each time was thwarted. It tried to come to an arrangement with the then Labor state government to buy the land between Redfern and Macdonaldtown stations, excluding Carriageworks, but the parties could never agree to a purchase price, largely over the cost of land reclamation of the severely contaminated railway yards. Then they tried to purchase the de-commissioned Harold Park raceway, but residents objected (the site now has many more buildings than the university suggested) and then to augment the Rozelle Sydney College of the Arts campus on Callan Park, again thwarted by local opposition. Three times unlucky for the university, but in each case they had a red-hot go. Richard Black, Collaroy

Sydney University

Sydney UniversityCredit: Wolter Peeters

Take the test

When I got sick in Switzerland in 2018, the medical centre I attended routinely provided me a quick blood test to confirm if I had a viral or bacterial infection (“Do you really need antibiotics?”, May 23). I have never been offered such a test in Australia. It is a simple and cheap way to reduce overuse of antibiotics and should become mandatory. Lewis Kaplan, Birchgrove

Political poison

It is time for Mark Latham, the man who at one time was being groomed as our future PM, to be finally held accountable for his venomous vitriol (“Latham’s comments triggered death threats against Sydney MP, court told”, May 23). There is no place for his behaviour, language or views in the 2024 social and political landscape. Alex Greenwich deserves more. So do all of us. Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

Highly Kylie

Kylie Kwong once told me that I was her favourite English teacher (Letters, May 22). Well done, Kylie, you are at the top of the class! Barbara Whiddon, Annandale

Bad connection

Pasquale Vartuli asks about Telstra’s commitment to Australia (Letters, May 23). Since privatisation, Telstra’s commitment has been to shareholders, not the rest of us. Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

Women of letters

I am in a queue to get a cup of coffee at the Sydney Writers Festival and counted 54 people – I’m the only male. Why don’t blokes attend literary events in the same number as women? Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

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