

This was published 4 years ago

Value capture: adored by academics and despised by developers, its time may have finally come

By Michael Koziol

It was property developer Ron Medich's last hurrah. In 2017, he and his brother Roy sold parcels of land around Badgerys Creek, the site of Sydney's forthcoming second airport, for a sum believed to exceed $500 million. The following year, Ron Medich was jailed for the murder of Michael McGurk.

The Medich windfall, revealed by the Herald at the time, is just one of many examples of immense profit brought to the attention of a federal government inquiry into major infrastructure finance.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said works would soon start on the airport metro.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian said works would soon start on the airport metro.Credit: Kate Geraghty

Critics claim governments have manifestly failed to deliver value for taxpayers from the massive infrastructure projects funded largely out of public coffers. Rather, they have allowed land owners to privatise much of the benefit in the form of dramatically increased land values.

It is a particularly pertinent issue in today's NSW with its record $100 billion infrastructure pipeline, and transport projects including the western Sydney airport, that will transform the city and set up brand new urban precincts that feed off the rail line and the planned M12 motorway.

Last week it was revealed construction will soon begin on the $11 billion metro line between the new airport and St Marys. Announcing the plan at a press conference on Monday, Scott Morrison and Gladys Berejiklian had plenty to say about injecting cash and creating jobs, but nothing to say about recouping money from the massive increases in land value that will surely follow.

Peter Phibbs, a professor of housing and planning at the University of Sydney, has tried to get politicians to take notice for years. "Whenever we change the zoning on a piece of land, we are seriously increasing the value of that land," he says.

"We should be trying to clip the ticket on those situations. Sometimes we've done that, but a lot of times we've just let it go.

"As a result, the landowner has made a lot of money out of a public sector decision, but the taxpayer doesn't really know they're getting stung. They are losing an opportunity to get some other sort of public benefit."

That process is usually called "value capture", or sometimes value sharing. To an extent, it already happens: governments claw back some of the increased value from their infrastructure works via stamp duty, land taxes and, in NSW, "special infrastructure contributions".


But those can be patchy, ad hoc and cumbersome. People who advocate broader, deeper, built-in forms of value capture - which includes a motley crew of economists, planners, bureaucrats and even some developers - argue we should be doing much more to make the beneficiaries pay.

Federal Liberal MP John Alexander has been a strong value capture advocate.

Federal Liberal MP John Alexander has been a strong value capture advocate.Credit: Janie Barrett

Federal Liberal MP John Alexander has long been a value capture advocate. He believes it's the only way Australia can finance fast rail between Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. He has chaired several parliamentary inquiries on the topic, and had an enthusiastic supporter in former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull.

But Alexander is dismayed to have yielded virtually no change. With governments trying to build their way out of the coronavirus crisis, but the coffers bone dry, he says it is "more critical than ever" to take value capture seriously.

"I have for quite some time been very concerned that when we invest taxpayers money, we are not gaining a fair return for that investment," he says. "Shrewd speculators are getting enormous uplift on the back of such investments. It is absolutely essential that we find how best to capture the value that is created when we invest taxpayers' money in infrastructure."

There are many ways to capture value. In 1970, the NSW government introduced a "betterment" levy in Sydney, payable on the increase in land value when it was rezoned from rural to urban use.

But the experiment was short-lived: landowners lobbied against it, the Labor opposition vowed to scrap it and the re-elected Coalition government under Robert Askin got rid of it in 1973.

There have been other attempts over the years; the Sydney Harbour Bridge was partly funded by a betterment tax, and the ACT has a permanent one, levied at 75 per cent of the uplift in value.

Betterment taxes are designed to capture one-off uplifts in value caused by new infrastructure. On the other hand, a broad-based land tax will capture value year after year, although at a lesser rate. There is disagreement within academic, planning and economic circles as to which is preferable.

Statutory body Infrastructure Australia generally prefers a broad-based land tax, which it strongly backed in a 2016 report calling on governments to identify value capture opportunities early in the planning process. "It's about making the funding split fairer between the direct beneficiaries of infrastructure investment and broader taxpayers, while also increasing available funding for infrastructure," wrote then IA boss Philip Davies.

The Grattan Institute has backed both forms of value capture, but argued that a broad-based land tax was probably a simpler alternative to a betterment levy, which must be well-designed to be fair. Both organisations were clear that our current hodgepodge of transaction taxes, such as stamp duty and capital gains, was sub-optimal.

NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet has flagged his desire to replace stamp duty with a broad-based land tax as part of the coronavirus recovery. Asked about value capture, he said the government already used it in some cases, but he was open to new ideas and would await a forthcoming review by the NSW Productivity Commission.

In the meantime, the government is trying to capture value where it can. The major Sydney Metro stations are funded partly by an "integrated" model with developers, whereby the government sells the air rights above the station to a developer who builds the precinct and later pays back a share of the increased land value.

The construction of an underground metro station at Barangaroo.

The construction of an underground metro station at Barangaroo.Credit: Wolter Peeters

A Sydney Metro spokesman said the government has already recouped more than $1 billion from selling the air rights above the Martin Place, Pitt Street, Waterloo and Victoria Cross stations, and that the model has attracted interest from around the world.

The NSW government also implements one-off "special infrastructure contributions" for certain projects. For example, it aims to collect $771 million from developers to fund new and upgraded infrastructure at Wilton, south of Campbelltown, over the next 30 years. The government plans to create a township of 15,000 homes in the "Wilton Growth Area" by 2040.

Anyone developing and delivering new residential lots in the Wilton Special Contribution Area - chiefly Walker Corporation and Lendlease, at this stage - would be liable for the proposed levy, charged at $59,274 per additional dwelling.

But critics say these approaches to extracting value from developers are ad hoc and undercooked. John Alexander, currently chairing an inquiry into financing fast rail, has received a submission from journalist-turned-researcher Steve Skinner which points to numerous shortcomings.

Skinner says the developer contributions proposed at Wilton are "a big step in the right direction" but still "a long way short of the cost of providing adequate road space out there", citing research by Martin Nichols, a former land use and planning manager with the Roads and Traffic Authority.

He is also critical of the integrated metro stations, which offer the promise of contributions down the track, without specifying the amount or the calculation. For example, the NSW government is paying Macquarie $380 million to develop the Martin Place station. Macquarie paid $355 million for the air rights, and is building two towers, the first of which it nearly sold for $950 million earlier this year before the deal fell through. The other tower will be larger and likely worth more.

What extra contribution Macquarie will make is unknown. At the time the government's deal with Macquarie was announced, reports mentioned Macquarie would "likely" make another payment to the government in 2024 to reflect the increased value of the land. A Sydney Metro spokesman last week confirmed the government "will also receive a share in any future uplift in the value of the buildings", but would not provide further detail. It is understood to be commercial in confidence.

Phibbs, the housing professor, says taxpayers deserve greater transparency. "Why not make that public? If there's a deal for an additional payment, surely the public has a right to know."

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