

This was published 3 years ago

Vaccine setback offers a convenient truth

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

What a marvellous and convenient distraction the extremely rare but manageable blood clotting disorder associated with the AstraZeneca vaccine provides (“Health risks force vaccine plan shift”, April 9). The federal government can claim that the botched procurement and rollout is in our interests after all. Bill Kierath, Bathurst

The PM’s rhetoric changes to suit the occasion and to wash over inconvenient facts, the latest being those associated with the blood clotting disorder related to the AstraZeneca vaccine. He is trying to wash over this problem by comparing this serious side effect with those of paracetamol (mainly in overdose) and the combined oral contraceptive pill, which is predominantly associated with a familial defect in a clotting mechanism. Scott Morrison should not muddy the waters by making statements about medical issues he clearly does not understand, just to save face about putting too many eggs in one vaccine basket. This is forgivable given our limited, but growing daily, knowledge about COVID-19. Confusing the Australian public is not. Dr Félicité Ross, Vaucluse

Will someone please take the microphones away from the politicians in the matter of the COVID-19 vaccine. At the start of this problem we “were leading the world in our preparations”, and not long into the matter “we apparently had millions of doses from suppliers all round the world but now we find that not only do we not lead the world but what we have is a bit faulty”. Is there anyone who will tell us the facts, not dressed up in advertising jargon, just the facts in simple language with no excessive dressing up. Gloria Healey, Neutral Bay

If the Pfizer vaccine seems to be the safest and most effective on offer, isn’t it time for the government to apply some creative and imaginative know-how and manufacture it here? Rather than obfuscation, blustering and deflecting blame, Australia could solve its current problem by a commitment to fully fund science and entrepreneurialism. Josie McSkimming, Coogee

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Pfizer was universally acknowledged as the better option months ago. All we need to know is that Morrison made sure he received a shot of the very limited Pfizer vaccine as soon as it arrived in Australia and was also given the second dose in a timely fashion. Sally Morris, Leichhardt

The latest COVID-19 vaccination recommendation that under 50s get a Pfizer vaccine won’t matter as most of them will be over 50 by the time they get vaccinated. Dennis Fitzgerald, Box Hill (Vic)

It would seem that the term “out of an abundance of caution” is the latest and greatest phrase governments use to get out of jail free. Charmain Brinks, Newcastle


Of laws, and those above them

Could the government’s response to the findings of the Respect@Work inquiry become another example of ignored or cast aside recommendations similar to recommendations from royal commissions (“‘Missed opportunity’: government ducks keys reforms”, April 9)? Agreed, noted or “in principle” changes will mean nothing unless change is legislated. Sandra Burke, North Sydney

The federal government’s response to the Respect@Work report makes one question why it bothers to commission an expert in the field of workplace sexual harassment then ignore her suggestions. Presumably the answer is to make it look as if something is being done about such problems then to file away the solutions.

The government is an habitual offender in this regard as the same thing happened to the royal commission into the banking system where less than half the recommendations have been acted upon. Spending taxpayers money on finding solutions to issues is all very well but it is pointless unless they are acted upon. Peter Nash, Fairlight

How unsurprising to read of the lukewarm response from the government to the Respect@Work report. Simply noting several recommendations without action is like being tickled by a feather. Disappointing. Vicky Marquis, Glebe

The government “will expand the scope of the Sex Discrimination Act to cover politicians, judges and state public servants”. The burning question is why were they exempt in the first place and why did it take an inquiry, which they tried to ignore, to tell them this is unacceptable? It seems that our lawmakers legislated to safeguard themselves from the constraints they had placed on the people who employ them; the general Australian public. David MacKintosh, Berkeley Vale

Australians at large are likely shaking their heads in disbelief that our politicians carry exemption from the Sex Discrimination Act. We should also remember that, federally, these are the same people with no anti-corruption watchdog. Brian Jones, Leura

Prepare for a surge in accusations, some legitimate and some not. Could this ultimately lead to businesses becoming reluctant to employ women for fear of litigation? Food for thought. Sue Wilson, Freshwater

All in a day’s work

A bit like Beth Hansen but in 2021, my grandson walked off his holiday shop job after being roused on by the owner for saying, “would you like a bag” rather than “do you want a bag” (Letters, April 9).Gabrielle Bluett, Mosman

Beth Hansen, I share your pain. Then there was the wheeze about a young man who had a brief day job at the Shoalhaven cordial factory. He started at 8am yet was dismissed before closing time of 4pm. A lovely bloke, but he just couldn’t concentrate. Mike Fogarty, Weston (ACT)

Age-old problems

I am encouraged by the article informing me I can “embrace my age” at 40 (“Embrace your age, it’s a privilege”, April 9). However, I was somewhat despondent realising I had squandered the last 32 years since my 40th birthday in abject misery. Gene Ransom, Kingsford

Old age isn’t pretty, but it’s much better than the alternative, isn’t it? Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

Apparently the very sight of grey hair causes conniptions for the television movers and shakers. It appears the only acceptable hair colour for female presenters is yellow. Men can have any colour or be bald. This is silencing everyone with grey hair. Our opinion is worthless now. Jan Carroll, Potts Point

Koala cowboys are a national disgrace

It is unfathomable that the NSW government is willing to nail the final nail in the koalas’ coffin by letting land owners, farmers, the Forestry Corporation, property developers and miners destroy koala habitat (“Protection for koalas undone by rates bill”, April 9). The public does not want koalas to go extinct by 2050. Koala habitat on Crown land needs to be fully and permanently protected while private land owners and farmers must be supported to preserve koala habitat. Regenerative farming that recognises the benefits of trees and biodiversity is key to our own survival as well as that of koalas and other native species. Property development in koala habitat should be prohibited. Instead of pandering to the Nationals, property developers and loggers, the government should fulfil its promises to double NSW’s koala population by 2050. Louise Taylor, South Arm

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

My wife and I are volunteers at the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital and as such koalas are never far from our minds. We rescue them from dangerous situations in the wild and from car accidents and dog attacks but still their greatest threat is loss of habitat, in particular connected tracts of suitable habitat that allow for clans to overlap and breed, ensuring genetic diversity.

We will not have these wonderful creatures after 2050 if we carry on as now. We can all claim to be koala lovers, but unless hard decisions are made to restrict clearing of land for agriculture and development – and this will certainly require the Liberals to stand up to their Nationals colleagues – then we will lose koalas forever. Graham Harrington, Port Macquarie

Australia has one of the worst track records in the world for deforestation. This is not only disastrous in terms of capturing carbon dioxide emissions, which are a major contributor to climate change, but the destruction of koala habitat is outrageous.

The koala is already “functionally extinct”, which means they have been so annihilated they can no longer fulfil their role as a key part of the health of our eucalyptus forests by eating upper leaves for regrowth and contributing to nutrient recycling in the soil with their droppings. It is a national disgrace. Stephen Morris, Magenta

Learning of the sod

Can we send a sympathy card to the poor unfortunate sod trying to design and place advance signage around and in the three levels of the spaghetti complex at Rozelle (“Tangled web woven as junction starts to function”, April 9) . The swagman’s library will no doubt require a speed limit of 10-20km/h through the complex for drivers to comprehend their next move and to ensure no need for a queue of tow trucks waiting above, touting for business. Terry O’Brien, North Parramatta

Giving them a gun for their money

Eleven thousand people killed by guns in the United States this year (“‘An international embarrassment’: Biden announces gun violence plan”,, April 9) This shocks and diminishes us all, not just Americans. On behalf of the human race; thank you, Joe Biden. Susan Newman, Mona Vale

Like all presidents before him, Biden is disingenuous on gun control. There is no need for a referendum to fix this problem. That is not how the constitution is changed in the US. With control of all levels of government, the second amendment could be overturned in a heartbeat if Democrats truly wanted to fix the problem. But, follow the money. They also take donations from the National Rifle Association, the peak body for the weapons industry. As before, there will be lots of rhetoric but no meaningful change. Gary Bigelow, Teralba

Early start is a good start

As much as Malcolm Elliott makes some salient points as to the reasons behind young children being suspended, I feel he’s missed the most important: inequality in access to early childhood education (“Anxiety fuels school suspension spike”, April 9). At the moment, many cannot afford the fees, making it a luxury rather than an important link in the education process. Scott Warnes, Suffolk Park

Long gone, but not forgotten

I admit I haven’t always seen eye-to-eye with Alexander Downer, but his description for abandoning Australian citizens overseas as “a bloody outrage” is certainly accurate (“‘A bloody outrage’: Leaving Australians stranded a breach of human rights says Alexander Downer”, April 9). Maybe he too believed government promises in 2020 that they would be home by Christmas. Unfortunately, the stranded continue to wait, desperately trying to accumulate the many thousands of dollars required for a return to their homeland, and we all now realise that the PM actually meant Christmas 2021.
Lorraine Hickey, Green Point

Precious in anyone’s language

Melissa Coburn, you could be describing my bottom drawer (“Old letters preserve the magic of the past”, April 9). More than a bag, the heavy drawer contains old letters from my godmother, grandmother and aunt, aerogrammes from dear friends with a talent for describing their latest adventures, postcards from family members, greeting cards offering congratulations or commiserations, birth notices, funeral programs and diaries from high school, university and early career detailing travels, social events and new-found freedoms.

Every now and then I dip in with a view to culling it, then become overwhelmed and retreat, hoping instead to save the task for a time when I will be at leisure to reminisce over a full and fulfilling life. Or maybe I should simply bag the lot and dispose? Jenny Middleton, Pymble

Bragg rights

Righto, Senator Bragg, let’s introduce legislation to shut down superannuation lobbyists but widen its scope to shut down all other lobbyists, including those representing big business and mining (Letters, April 9). It’s the only way that such legislation will pass the pub test. At present, there is a severe imbalance in access to politicians and their minions, with mining and big business having unparalleled access compared with that of the quiet Australian. Let’s fix that. Laura Beaupeurt, Callala Bay

Double W-up

I noticed a letter to the Herald from a Way Way resident (Letters, April 9). This aroused my curiosity and I am now aware of Wagga Wagga, Wak Wak, Wal Wal, Walla Walla, Wog Wog, Woy Woy, Wuk Wuk and Wujal Wujal. Whoo whoo! Graham Lum, North Rocks

Cairns: the musical

Hamilton is a wonderfully successful musical, but I am sure our steadfast ally would not mind if we were to “borrow” their idea and come out with Cairns: the musical. Imagine, Australia’s most colourful treasurer Jim Cairns and the contemporary cast he would bring: Gough Whitlam, Rex Connor, Al Grasby, Fred Daly, backbencher Paul Keating and, of course, the treasurer’s lover Junie Morosi. We could always throw in the Vietnam protests and cut to Nixon and Kissinger fuming in DC. All we need is a colourful scriptwriter – any takers? Steve Johnson, Elizabeth Beach

Names in the sky

If the current term “airmen” is to be replaced by the gender-neutral term “aviators”, do we now discard the dated terms “aviatrix” and “aviatrices” (“RAAF marks centenary by dropping gendered ‘airman’ term in favour of ’aviator”, April 9)? Michael Costello, Peakhurst Heights

Way to start the day

The Embassy Cafe in Newcastle. The best egg and bacon roll ever and, if they thought you needed something extra to start the day, they’d make a really strong, black, Greek-style coffee for you (Letters, April 9). Peter Butler, Wyongah


The COVID-19 vaccine provided the inspiration needed for many letter writers this week. There was the much-discussed rollout, described as “not all bad” early in the week, which progressed to a “complete shambles” by the end of it. Scott Morrison was blamed for not taking responsibility and passing the buck to the EU and the states, which lead Sandy Mackenzie of Bundanoon to suggest “we are over-governed”. “Either get rid of the feds or the states but three layers, which includes local councils, is way too much for a country with such a small population and it costs us dearly”.

The PM’s vaccine woes continued with the “CLOTS-21 pandemonium”, as aptly described by Les Shearman of Darlington. Correspondents, like Eric Sekula of Turramurra, understandably questioned the safety of the vaccine: “Call me selfish, but as an older guy I really prefer to get the Pfizer vaccine rather than AstraZeneca. If it was good enough for the PM, I’m willing to give it a go.”

Some have written to tell us how fed up they are with seeing close-up shots on television of people receiving the injection and others have complained about the use of the word “jab” from the PM down, “as it makes the process sound somewhat unprofessional”. Kerrie Wehbe of Blacktown reminds us the word is “enshrined in Australian government policy in the ‘No jab, no pay’ initiative”. Unfortunately, it appears “jab” is here to stay, but we can’t help agree with Neil Crosby of Annandale’s view of the word: “A shot requires care and precision to take aim. A jab adequately describes the current wild stab in the dark developed for COVID.” Pat Stringa, Letters editor

  • To submit a letter to The Sydney Morning Herald, email Click here for tips on how to submit letters.

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