The Coalition berates Prime Minister Anthony Albanese for not travelling to the White House after Donald Trump’s refusal to ditch tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium, but it has ignored the fact that the world is not dealing with the same Trump of 2016. The context is significantly different, as Matthew Knott observed (“The special friendship is over. Trump doesn’t care about Australia”, March 12). The slogan “America First”, which was repeated throughout his campaign, was clearly not a case of mere words. While some conclude it’s all about “the deal”, maybe more attention needed to be paid to the blueprint guiding much of what we are witnessing: Project 2025. The landscape is changing, as are our relationships and alliances, which no doubt present problems for Australia. A responsible opposition would consider a bipartisan approach in the interests of the country. Betty Green, Busby
Donald Trump has confirmed Australian aluminium and steel will be subject to tariffs.Credit: Bloomberg
Whatever happens with Trump and Australia, it’s a win-win for the Coalition (“Albanese blasts Trump on tariffs”, March 12). Had Albanese travelled to the US and met with Trump to argue our case against the tariffs, as Deputy Opposition Leader Sussan Ley says he should have, they would have criticised him for leaving the country during the flood crisis, or for kowtowing to Trump. Whatever he had done, it would have been wrong in the Coalition’s eyes. Trump is unpredictable and unmanageable. He’s a gift to the Coalition, and he’s a gift that will keep on giving until the election. If the Coalition wins that, the gift might turn into a poisoned chalice. Prue Nelson, Cremorne Point
Isn’t it ironic that the opposition says the PM should have flown to America when there was a cyclone threatening Australia? Shades of Scott Morrison and Hawaii. Glenda Taylor, Stanwell Tops
I wonder if Donald Trump has economics advisers to explain to him what a recession is and how it is caused. He may also need to know the implications of a sharemarket crash, a lack of confidence in the business community, a steep rise in unemployment, and the potential dangers of an economy spiralling into recession. Perhaps he does not take notice of this advice. These advisers could also tell him that tariffs are trade barriers and do not encourage productivity because companies can get away with being less efficient behind a high tariff wall. Meanwhile, it is natural that other affected countries will probably retaliate. It must be clear by now that in an international trade war, everyone loses. Brian Parker, Terrigal
So, we are not going to escape being hit by Trump’s tariffs. I guess our first $800 million downpayment to the United States for our submarines didn’t pacify Trump. We should retaliate by closing US bases in Australia; a good start would be to stop the build-up of a US military presence in northern Australia. Tell them to pack up and go. Joe Collins, Mosman
Turnbull turns up
Malcolm Turnbull’s observation that the ABC was critical of him for not being self-censored rang a bell about the ABC for me (“I won’t be gaslit over Trump”, March 12). As a daily viewer of the ABC’s News Channel 24, I have become increasingly concerned at the undertone of subservience towards Trump in the ABC news cycle since the start of the year. The change is not dramatic, but there are moments when I feel the words read on the ABC news bulletins could have emanated from News Corp or Sky News, rather than a newsroom at Ultimo. As SBS News has reflected a similar “softly, softly” approach towards Trump since November, one wonders if the word “independence” has disappeared from the news corridors of the two government-funded broadcasters. Or does Trump simply have them bluffed? Brian Kidd, Mount Waverley (Vic)
I admire the courage of former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull to state the bleeding obvious: that unfortunately “the United States under Trump is not the America we have been used to”. We face a significant readjustment in our relationship, and it is a time for real courage and strong leadership. As Malcolm Turnbull says in his opinion piece, “we sleep through it all at our peril”. Narelle Ryan, Woollahra
US President Donald Trump and former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull.Credit: Bloomberg; Alex Ellinghausen
How amusing that the photo chosen to accompany Malcolm Turnbull’s opinion piece shows Turnbull dressed identically to Trump, while at the same time decrying those who suck up to him. More amusing is Turnbull’s accusing Trump of having a “thin-skinned, volatile temperament”. He spends the rest of the article defending his own legacy, taking great umbrage at being accused by Trump of being “weak and ineffectual”. What is it with arrogant former leaders who find it so difficult to accept that their short time in the sun is over. Perhaps Turnbull could take a lesson from Julia Gillard, who has found a new arena for her talents and doesn’t suffer from relevance syndrome. Irene Nemes, Rose Bay
Malcolm Turnbull may well have a spine, as your correspondent claims (Letters, March 12); it’s just a shame he chose not to exercise it when he was PM. John Croker, Woonona
I would like to express my appreciation to Malcolm Turnbull for not shying away from speaking up, and standing up for what is right – a rare quality in today’s world. I applaud Turnbull and only wish the sitting government as well as the opposition would follow his true leadership, unafraid of the bullying ways of America. Your article was inspiring and gave me hope that there are still a few good men who will speak out. I’m grateful for your powerful words; please keep going. Isabelle Moss, Roseville
The Herald’s View is right (“Biting tongues on Trump will not avert tariffs”, March 12). Former PMs and everyone else should speak out, and not just about Trump. We have a culture here that leans a little too strongly into censoring, banning and suing for defamation, not to mention the Bernard Collaery and Witness K case. We can’t waste time trying for constitutional amendments US-style to confirm free speech rights, but must publicly affirm free speech at every opportunity. Tom Mangan, Woy Woy
Double standards
The Coalition’s finance spokeswoman, Jane Hume, seems intent on seeking an investigation into the upstart online newspaper Gazette News for supposedly deceiving residents (“Coalition call for probe into local media teal coverage”, March 12). I trust while she’s at it that she will also seek an investigation into the many News Corp mastheads, such as The Daily Telegraph, The Herald Sun, The Advertiser and the Courier Mail, which have been deceiving residents for decades. Bill Young, Killcare Heights
Jane Hume has to be joking, complaining about so-called fake newspapers deceiving residents in seats where Liberals are contesting independents in the election. The pot is calling the kettle black. But she does it with such sincerity. Alan Russell, Unley (SA)
Poor Jane Hume. Given the job of attack dog for the Coalition, she’s trying her best to drum up faux outrage against independent community candidates standing in supposedly “safe” Liberal seats. If she’s so concerned about transparency, how about a probe into Murdoch media Coalition coverage? Independents have nothing to hide. A pity the same thing can’t be said about Hume and her cronies. Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga
Coalition finance spokeswoman Jane Hume.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
There will always be politicians who don’t like scrutiny and are willing to make false claims to damage those who scrutinise them. Gazette is an independent news organisation with no ties to any political group, and any claims otherwise are categorically false. Our organisation was set up by people who believe in local news and the need to accurately cover local issues, including the environment, in an age of misinformation. Local people are concerned about things such as safe local roads, affordable groceries and bills, bushfire preparation and access to doctors, and they want to know about local community events, local culture, local businesses and local eating. We’re working hard to serve, and to report the news that interests our communities. Anna Saulwick, Publisher, Gazette News
Parties on notice
Bravo to Ross Gittins who perfectly explains “the more you think about climate change, the more you realise it’s going to cost taxpayers a bundle” (“Alfred’s great climate wake-up call”, March 12). The costs of Cyclone Alfred – to human health, beaches, wildlife, properties, agricultural production, and more – should be focusing the minds of politicians. Yet, we have a Labor government with moderate domestic climate policy allowing Australia to continue as the world’s third-largest fossil fuel exporter, and a Coalition opposition using a nuclear fantasy as an excuse for avoiding climate action altogether. Irresponsible. As Gittins suggests, in the absence of courage to act on this crisis of our time, both major parties are likely to bleed more votes to the Greens and climate-focused independents at the upcoming election. And so they should. Sarah Brennan, Hawthorn (Vic)
At the National Climate Summit in Canberra as far back as 2007, Kevin Rudd claimed that “climate change is the great moral challenge of our generation”. Australia’s response to that challenge has been nothing less than lukewarm. Of major concern is Ross Gittins’ observation that the Liberal Party response to climate change is that it “only pretends to care and whose latest excuse for doing nothing is switching to nuclear power”. Albanese should make the coming election a referendum on climate change. It is becoming increasingly obvious that the cost of doing nothing is far greater than the cost of taking action. It is already, in Gittins’ words, costing taxpayers a bundle. Michael Healy, Raworth
Hilarious hypocrisy
I laughed out loud at the gall of Alan Jones complaining that the Herald was running an “anti-Jones crusade” against him (“Jones’ lawyers probe contact between police and journalists”, March 12). Jones was the absolute master of the most vicious “anti” campaigns run against others, especially women. He perfected his nastiness to a fine art with absolutely no empathy for those whose reputations he trashed, many times unfairly. Chickens, roost, revenge, served cold, are terms that come to mind. Toni Lorentzen, Fennell Bay
Former broadcaster Alan Jones says the Herald is conducting a crusade against him.Credit: Rhett Wyman
Alan Jones the victim of an “anti-Jones crusade”? Why, that’s terrible, especially if it’s anything like an anti-Muslim crusade, or an anti-Julia Gillard crusade, or an anti-climate change crusade, or an anti-Jacinda Ardern crusade, or an anti-COVID 19 crusade, or an anti-Wagner family from Toowoomba crusade, or a … damn, my pen’s run out of ink. Patrick McGrath, Potts Point
Tax US monsters
Ian Bell’s suggestion of taxing or regulating large American vehicles out of Australia would serve a dual purpose (Letters, March 12). It would remove these wasteful monstrosities from the roads and carparks and would be a retaliation to Trump’s stupid tariffs. Bring it on. Alex Springall, Westleigh
Is your correspondent suggesting there should be a tariff placed on these oversized and overrated American vehicles? Rather timely, especially if they are made from our steel. Brian Collins, Cronulla
Mean Mr Minns
Listening to Premier Minns, one would come to the conclusion that these squatters in Lismore are despicable people, rather than desperate people (“On a flood-ravaged Lismore street, ‘squatters’ take on premier”, March 12). When you are homeless, any opportunity to put a roof over your head, however temporary or dangerous, is worth the risk. This story just highlights the size of the problem and the callous response of the government. Until there is enough housing to accommodate the homeless, people will seek shelter wherever they can. Carole Hayes, Newtown
It all adds up
Max Redmayne’s opinion (Letters, March 12) that maths anxiety can only cured by being well prepared and drilled in the fundamentals much the same as a footballer in training for a big match has some empirical evidence to support it. Max was responsible for drilling the fundamentals into me 45 years ago. I stared the HSC maths exam in the face and did not flinch. Rob Reitano, Lane Cove West
Empathy indicator
The army psychologist assigned to observe Nazi defendants at the Nuremburg trials (Captain G M Gilbert) found that a lack of empathy was the one characteristic that connected them all, and concluded “evil is the absence of empathy”. Elon Musk said on the Joe Rogan podcast of February 28 that “the fundamental weakness of Western civilisation is empathy”. I wonder if the two statements are related. Jim Foreman, Canberra
I am the kind of driver who has always happily allowed cars to merge in front or invited others to join a queue ahead of me. Recently, I have noticed I speed up or even swerve to protect intrusions from a Tesla. At first it was unconscious – now it is deliberate. Am I an evil person? Geoffrey Watson, Hunters Hill
The wrong buses
The NSW government is planning to buy 50 diesel-powered buses (“Sydney’s north to get new bus fleet”, March 12). What hope is there for humans if large organisations such as the state government can’t do the right thing and buy buses that do not add greenhouse gases to our already trashed atmosphere? George Carrard, Oatley
Commuters wait in a snaking line for B-line buses to the northern beaches at Wynyard station.Credit: Wolter Peeters
Fifty new diesel buses belching carcinogenic diesel fumes over north shore and northern beaches commuters for the next 20 years or so is the last thing we need. What happened to the electric bus rollout? John Vigours, Neutral Bay
Why on earth is the NSW government not buying electric bendy buses? Lewis Kaplan, Birchgrove
Recycled news
What a fuss about nothing (“Work first, fashion second for Princess Catherine’s royal return”, March 12). Wearing the same outfit several times is not recycling, it’s common sense, seeing that much time and money has gone into making it. What is more scandalous is an example of haute couture worked on by several designers and dressmakers being worn only once. Joan Brown, Orange
Kate has worn a coat more than once. Most of the world’s population has done the same. Is there not enough other news in the world to report on? Michele Worner, Queens Park
Sands to reason
Thank you, Barbara Chapman, for your defence of sand (Letters, March 12). When I was doing an associate diploma of applied science in landscape, the use of sand was often referred to as coming from a “borrow pit”. I always wondered when the sand taken was going to be given back. Clare Raffan, Campsie
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