This was published 1 year ago
Unfairly judged or unfit to lead? Your verdict on Scott Morrison
Was Scott Morrison unfairly judged compared to other prime ministers or was he just not fit to lead? As the former PM exited parliament this week, letters writers and commenters told us how they will remember “Scotty from Marketing”.
Illustration: John Shakespeare Credit:
What was the best thing Scott Morrison did?
- “Too often in this place, we confuse differences of policy with judgments about people’s intent and motives,” Scott Morrison said during his final speech to parliament. “This is not good for our parliament. We may disagree, but we need to honour the good intentions of all of us.” The Morrison haters will never agree with that statement, according to chief political correspondent David Crowe.
Peter Duffy Let’s be balanced. Scott Morrison: 10 per cent sincerity; 50 per cent mendacity; 10 per cent competence; 30 per cent self-interest.
Colin Stokes, Camperdown David Crowe’s faint praise for our former PM reminded me that even a broken watch is right twice a day.
practical-reason Morrison has been unfairly judged compared to other leaders. The Hawaii incident was overstated and there were many hands on robo-debt. Sending the boats back requires some harsh decisions and there is probably not a simple answer to that issue. I applaud ScoMo’s contribution and his faith. He was the victim of an unfair, yet effective opposition campaign to secure government. And now the Coalition needs to find an effective way to reboot.
Jmg I don’t hate Morrison, he was just not fit for the job of leader. It was the state governments that got us through COVID. He had to be pushed and shoved. I’m just embarrassed he was ever Australia’s prime minister.
Sceptic As a fully paid-up, out-there Morrison hater I reluctantly concede that he did, in fact, do something good – he finally resigned and left. There is no greater gift he could have given to the nation. What a man!
The way to go out.Credit: Cathy Wilcox
Why did so many vote for Scott Morrison?
- Over the years, you never quite knew who would turn up under the name of Scott Morrison. “Scotty from Marketing” has long been the naughty, perfect label attached to this political chameleon, explained special writer Tony Wright.
Fishmonger In fairness, Scotty should have been given six separate going away speeches. One for each ministry he held.
Dinky-Di I found Morrison’s “hypocrisy” (for the sake a better word) breathtaking in its naivety and lack of any understanding or responsibility. He seems to believe that being a Christian means that his actions, decisions and deeds should never have been questioned. I’m not sure what reasonable description can be given to someone like that. The main reaction I have now is of relief that he’s gone.
Tez23 Chameleon Morrison might have been a figure of fun if the results of his actions had not been so cruel and damaging to other people. As treasurer, Morrison was a particularly snarky performer so his attempted transfiguration into a warm and cuddly “daggy dad” was never convincing. Regrettably he lacked the personal insight to recognise that fact, and as his farewell speech confirmed, he still doesn’t.
lizard queen Morrison is the perfect example of why religion of any kind has no place in government.
a perspective Morrison: the lowest point in a decade of political low points.
Michael Cosgriff Morrison, a legend in his own lunchbox, according to ... Morrison. However, the Liberal Party enabled him and we voted for him. Says a lot about our collective intelligence.
Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:
What does the former PM deserve for a memorial?
- Everyone gets the joke about the Harold Holt Memorial Swimming Centre in Malvern, a suburb of Melbourne. But the pool is part of a rich Australian tradition of remembering former prime ministers in inappropriate ways. Author Michael McGirr asked: What does Scott Morrison deserve for a memorial?
stuart.edser A salad. The Morrison Word Salad would have bits and pieces of any old leftovers the chef could think of on the spur of the moment. There would be no overarching, tying-it-altogether theme, just a mish-mash of food that doesn’t belong.
Pigeon The fire station at Cobargo.
flitch A pew in his church of choice would be harmless enough.
Yuri A fire hydrant. Hose optional.
Derek A statue with his hand out trying awkwardly to shake hands with people. I’m sure passers-by will ignore his gesture.
avoter What about a watch?
The Salmon A big ScoMo out the front of Shark Park, Cronulla.
TinTin A travel agency in the Shire.
Andrew Spencer The Scott Morrison Hall of Mirrors.
Billinudgel A coal ship sailing away.
Phil Name the big Canberra roundabout after him - round and round in circles but getting nowhere.
Empty Pockets What is something that makes a lot of noise for a long time but ultimately delivers nothing? Can we name a species of cicada after him?
Daz Jones I nominate the Morrison Small Modular Reactor, Australia’s first nuclear power plant to be located in Peter Dutton’s electorate.
Phil Bradshaw Naremburn A fire station, a women’s refuge, a “healing hands” massage service, a refugee centre, a “miracle” steam cleaner and spot remover: so many inappropriate options for a ScoMo memorial. I doubt he’ll get a much-loved indie band named after him; only Gough gets that honour.
- You can join the conversation at in the comments sections of each article and in letters to the editor in print and online. Have a great week. Yours. Sincerely, Pat Stringa, letters editor