

This was published 3 years ago

Undermining IPC betrays Barilaro’s deeper loyalties

Illustration: Michael Leunig

Illustration: Michael LeunigCredit: Fairfax Media

The Independent Planning Commission has rejected the application of the Dendrobium mine expansion saying the project risked irreversible damage to Sydney’s drinking water (“Barilaro rakes IPC over coals on mine ruling”, February 6-7). Deputy Premier John Barilaro, not happy with this outcome, wants to shoot the umpire, overturn the result and disband the IPC, leaving the decision to the experts in NSW Planning (who deemed the mines ‘approvable’ last year) before any serious environmental investigation took place. I would like to thank the good people at WaterNSW, who have taken a strong, science-based opposition to the project because of the expected draining of swamps, and subsidence and cracking and damage to water quality. An approach of jobs at all costs could be catastrophic if our drinking water supply were to fail. If we want to maintain any semblance of our natural environment or proper habitat for our native animals, we need a change of government. Mr Barilaro, in not getting the result he expected, has shown us its true colours. - Marian Attfield, Mount Colah

Leave the IPC alone, Barilaro. Irreversible damage to important water catchments west of Wollongong is surely an important consideration when long-wall coal mining is proposed under these areas. Yes, the loss of some jobs is sad and unfortunate but the loss of water through cracking and subsidence is far more serious for both our current population and future generations. - Rod Bartlett, Woonona

Barilaro is being disingenuous. The IPC was set up by his own state government to be independent and expert-led and to be at arm’s length from political interference. Now, the first time it rejects a coal mine in a drinking water catchment, he wants to axe it. - Sharyn Cullis, Oatley

Neither integrity nor intelligence are pre-requisites for a political career (and for our leading coalition parties, it appears they are a handicap) and so it is that Barilaro, without a hint of irony, finds the IPC rejection of plans to extend coal mining under our water catchment a “disaster”. This is the same man who is happy to see koalas and other native species become extinct and for feral horses to wreck our unique alpine regions. The facts are plain and simple to understand: climate change is happening; there is a mass extinction event happening; and we live on the driest continent on earth (after Antarctica). Barilaro just doesn’t get it. - Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

Barilaro is living in the past if he thinks there’s a viable future in coal. Investors, insurance companies, governments and our trading partners are turning away from this declining industry. Coal mining is increasingly automated and the number of workers employed in that industry is consistently overstated. For the same investment, twice or three times as many jobs can be generated in low carbon industries than in the coal sector. And coal is an environmental nightmare. If Barilaro truly cares about jobs, he’d back the diversification of local economies currently dependent on coal. - Thea Ormerod, Kingsgrove

On the white horse, we have Scott Morrison. On the red horse, we have Angus Taylor. On the black horse, we have Matt Canavan. On the pale green horse, we have John Barilaro. Enter the four brumby-riding horsemen of the coal-fueled climate apocalypse. - Cornelius van der Weyden, Balmain East

We have a quarantine station, let’s use it

Regarding the issue of hotel quarantine, (“Locks and keys, February 6-7) the NSW government may wish to use our original quarantine station at Manly. Not only is it on the outskirts of the CBD, but many of the original buildings have been renovated and are now used as hotel accommodation. Why has no one thought of repurposing the site for international returnees? The single-storey rooms with verandas that open to the outside and are connected by open-air walkways were designed for (you guessed it) quarantine. It seems a no-brainer for those contemplating the problems associated with hotel airconditioning airflow rates. Is the reason for not using the site due to a lack of imagination? It is still on state-owned land with military facilities nearby. Perfect don’t you think? - Lynne Swarts, St Ives

At present, there are over 40,000 Australian citizens caught overseas with no solution to get home, apart from being at the whim of the airlines and a slapdash government repatriation solution that was never going to “get them home by Christmas” as the Prime Minister said. So many are “stuck” through no fault of their own and are in situations where visas have run out and income has gone, giving them a sense of desperation as the government fails them. Why can’t they be eligible for a support payment while they really struggle to get on board a flight home? And why can’t the government bite the bullet and organise more repatriation flights? It’s ridiculous to say that we have no more quarantine sites available. If boatpeople turned up tomorrow in their thousands, Scott Morrison would surely find space to lock them away. - Craig Duckmanton, Birchgrove


It remains an unanswered question as to why the Commonwealth has seen fit to shy away from its exclusive remit to exercise quarantine powers. It is just as well that the states have responded
so proficiently to this “hospital pass” of dubious legality from Canberra. - Kelvin O’Keeffe, Rozelle

So, Scott Morrison firmly rejects the idea put forward by the West Australian government to use Christmas Island as a quarantine centre, without giving a reason why. Is that a guilty conscience speaking? Such a move would also throw the spotlight on the Biloela family’s plight. - Graham Watson, Woollahra

NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard, defending his government’s decision not to ban secondary employment among hotel quarantine workers, says “security guards and cleaners have lives”. If this is so, then why not legislate for decent wage rates and conditions. - Geoff Hutcherson, Paddington

Construction industry must build trust

The construction industry is forever moaning about a housing market slowdown, warning of potential job losses (“Builders say slowdown risks jobs”, February 6-7). The forecast slowdown in demand may well be the only problem builders choose to see right now but I would urge the industry players to look at their loss of credibility in recent years after so many alarming and distressing incidences of poor and unsafe construction, especially in apartment blocks. The industry needs to convince consumers and investors that its products are worth buying again. Meanwhile the government is not to jump in to provide any assistance or stimuli before the Building Commissioner considers the current regulatory system adequate and the consumers are protected from the unscrupulous developers. - Kim Woo, Mascot

There is an obvious response to your report that new home-builds will fall. How about building some social and affordable housing? Many people in Sydney face rent-stress or homelessness. Instead of subsidising renovations for well-off homeowners, the money should go to people in genuine need. - Steve Castieau, Bexley

Not a think tank

Shane Wright’s description of The Sydney Institute is incorrect (“RBA set to overhaul think tank funding”, February 6-7). The Sydney Institute is not a think tank – it is a forum for debate and discussion. Moreover, it is not, as Wright asserts, a “right-aligned institute”. Speakers at The Sydney Institute annual dinners have included Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull. Also, all pre-pandemic Greens leaders have addressed our public functions. Recent speakers on our current “virtual” meetings list include Tanya Plibersek. The Sydney Institute is not aligned to any political parties or organisations. - Gerard Henderson, Executive Director, The Sydney Institute

Positive spin on things

So the Test cricket season went ahead without any evidence of a single COVID-19 transmission, despite the dire warnings of super-spreading events by some publicity-seeking pessimists is their well-paid and secure jobs. Maybe we also need statisticians to inform us the numerical chance of contagion when there are 49 cases in NSW (as of February 6) in a state of 6 million people. As Oscar Wilde said: A pessimist is someone, who “when he has the choice of two evils, chooses both”. Today, we need a few more optimists. - Don White, Frenchs Forest

Having the Big Bash final with 30,000 fans at the SCG was certainly good to see. What a shame the SCG Trust failed to come to party. The only time COVID-safe practices of hand sanitising and when to wear your mask were broadcast was when you approached the gates to enter. After that it was – apart from a couple of reminders from COVID-safe marshals within the stands – a shambles. No hand sanitisers in sight, no broadcast messages about COVID-safe practices and no reminders about social distancing. The SCG Trust certainly dropped the ball on this occasion. - Michael Blissenden, Dural


Thank you Peter Hartcher for socking it to the techno-bullies Google and Facebook (“Spare us Google-eyed crackpots”, February 6-7). By calling their bluff, Australia is leading the world and we can be proud of that. I for one would be happy to transfer to other providers if they were foolish enough to withdraw their services. - Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

Macquarie university

Lachlan Macquarie, who is today much maligned for his policies in relation to Indigenous Australians was, for his time, an enlightened reformer. Bravo to Sue Williams who, in her book, reveals the dogged determination of his wife to clear his name, the fake news about him, and the real conspiracy that ended his good work (“History lesson from heroine who dared to defy fake news”, February 6-7). The problem for ordinary people, whose views are shaped by social and mass media, is identifying fake news which has always had real consequences – as it did in Macquarie’s case. How do we eliminate fake news without imposing strict censorship? Perhaps we could begin with changes in school courses so that our kids would become more astute at distinguishing fact from opinion. - Geoff Black, Caves Beach

Its utter nonsense that Elizabeth Macquarie lived in penury after her husband’s retirement and/or death. In his military career Macquarie was able to make a pretty penny. There was a grand tour through Europe after his retirement and they were landed gentry in Scotland. - Paul Everingham, Hamilton

Hip-hop must stop

Julia Baird’s excellent article on the violence perpetrated by Marilyn Manson, and its impact, is timely (“A coercive monster and his enablers”, February 6-7). Recent comments from Margaret Court and Israel Folau have enraged many. Yet there is a silence when the likes of Manson and indeed many hip hop artists forge careers and amass fortunes writing songs that encourage violence including against women and gay people. They are celebrated as artists, yet as Baird notes, when the lyrics spill over into real life their fan’s anger is directed not at them but rather their victims. There is little appetite from the music industry to cut these artists loose. The uncomfortable truth is that thousands of young impressionable people are attracted to them. The impact is far greater than the mutterings of a couple of misguided Christians. - Mike Kenneally, Manly

Vote your conscience

While it is certainly true that some voters will not forget the Biloela Family (Letters, February 6-7), a significant majority will do just that. It is often asserted that ‘we are better than this’ but election outcomes prove we are not. Our professed Christian leaders’ confident assuredness of this state of affairs reflects appallingly on us as a nation. - David Baird, Burradoo

My wife was a psychologist (school counsellor) working with refugee children who had been held in immigration detention for prolonged periods. These children had survived bomb attacks, crawled over dead bodies to escape from terrorists. Some had seen family members killed. But these experiences were not the major source of trauma. They could (and did) take action to escape from these situations. They could not take action and escape from immigration detention. This prolonged detention, inflicted on them by the Australian government, became the major source of trauma for these children. Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton should reflect on the permanent psychological damage their decisions are inflicting on the Australian-born children, currently held on Christmas Island. - George Rosier, Carlingford

Graceless Kelly

Who would you prefer to take your medical advice from for the best way to address the COVID-19 pandemic? A body of eminent and highly qualified medical professionals in the Therapeutic Goods Administration and the health system, or a former furniture salesman (“Kelly lobbied to influence medical advice”, February 6-7)? - Rob Peard, Beacon Hill

Good on you, Craig, sticking by your guns. Don’t take any notice of those Bolshie know-it-all scientists. Why not prove them wrong by taking a nice big dose of that whatsitsname drug and, even better, doing it publicly so we can all admire your fortitude in the face of ignorant criticism. - Nola Tucker, Kiama

Is Craig Kelly our own mini version of Marjorie Taylor Greene? - Peng Ee, Castle Cove

Cartoonists, columnists, comedians, commentators and lampoonists concerned at the departure of their favourite target, Donald Trump, can rejoice at his replacement – Craig Kelly. - Alan Slade, Dover Heights

Boomer bytes back

I want youthsplain to become a new word, now I read that mansplain is the runner-up to “fake news” for word of the decade. Youthsplain will call out patronising assumptions that people over 60 “will be ignorant of the subject matter” especially when it’s to do with technology. - Janet Burstall, Lilyfield

The digital view

Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Senate impeachment trial to put Donald Trump back in the spotlight
From HWGA: “I think it is the Republican party, rather than Trump himself, which faces the most important judgment in this impeachment trial. Will they stand for democracy, rule of law and accountability or will they stand for Trump? The signs are that they will support Trump to try and get political mileage from his base. But Republicans should also remember that, notwithstanding the base, in one term Trump lost the House, the Senate and the Presidency.”

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