Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:
Australians in general are not hobbled by the convention of neither confirming nor denying what is as plain as day (“Bernard Collaery’s leaking charges over East Timor operation dropped on Mark Dreyfus’ orders”, July 8). The now defunct prosecution of Bernard Collaery was ill-advised, cost millions of dollars, caused seething anger here and in Timor-Leste and brought Australia international shame; and its origin resides in the Australian spying on the Timorese government around 2004.
Our government was willing to spy – for commercial gain – on a nation where even today 5 per cent of children die before their fifth birthday. This jaw-dropping willingness to swindle impoverished people requires scrutiny. The opposition now claims that the pursuit of Collaery protected “national security”. A royal commission into the espionage would provide more necessary warnings to Australian governments: a spade is a spade, and national security is not served by defrauding struggling neighbours. Susan Connelly, Lakemba
The previous government’s penchant for secrecy was well known and the secrecy about the case against Collaery was extreme, so it is impossible for the public to understand why the details about a commercial negotiation between two supposedly friendly countries should be kept from view. It would seem that this was another case of the Morrison government wasting more taxpayers’ dollars on a vindictive persecution of an individual for no real benefit to the country. Peter Nash, Fairlight
The comments of shadow attorney-general Julian Leeser that Dreyfus’ intervention in the case against Collaery undermined the work of Australia’s security agencies and “sends a dangerous message to those who would seek to do harm to Australia by dealing in government secrets” reveal yet again how out of touch with reality the Coalition is. Collaery should never have been charged, rather whoever ordered the bugging of the East Timorese government should face court. Graham Cochrane, Balmain
I look forward to the attorney-general taking the next step to investigate and prosecute those who ordered the illegal bugging of the Timor-Leste offices. Rob Cameron, Balmain
Collaery’s release from prosecution ensures that justice and freedom have been restored to the rule of law in our country. Brave whistleblowers deserve our thanks as finally we seem to have a government genuinely committed to integrity of purpose. Anne Garvan, Chatswood West
With the crucifixion of Collaery terminated, Anthony Albanese promptly needs to bring resolution to the equal outrage against Julian Assange, if only to demonstrate that all the NATO-US-Quad geopolitical kowtowing that he has enthusiastically engaged in non-stop since the election has a tangible benefit for Australians. Alex Mattea, Kingston
There are good women and men still standing in Australia, and Collaery is among their number.
You, sir, are an inspiration to those among us who detest the bully who is otherwise unaccountable.
Thank you. David Hawkins, Bilgola Plateau
Treat heroes as heroes, with heroes’ pay
Heroes today, forgotten tomorrow (“Our everyday heroes deserve more recognition”, July 8). Your editorial hopefully will embarrass the politicians enough to financially reward the unsung heroes doing their everyday, essential but often unappreciated jobs. It is not a fair world but we can make it better by “recognising our everyday heroes”. Don’t just shake their hands and move off to the next photo shoot. Treat them with the recognition they deserve and pay them accordingly. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach
The tugboat heroes who helped to save the Portland Bay freight ship from being washed ashore. The crew from the SL Diamantina: engineer Marius Fenger, ship’s captain Brad Lucas and deckhand Alex Alsop.Credit: Peter Rae
It was heartwarming to read your editorial on the bravery of the Diamantina crew. Anyone who followed the unfolding drama would have applauded such selfless service. The editorial expressed the great value and debt we owe to the many workers who keep our communities safe and nurtured every day. Thank you for expressing this appreciation on our behalf. Wendy Howard , Quakers Hill
You’re spot on; maybe the Diamantina’s prevention of the Portland Bay foundering on the rocks is the catalyst to ensure Australian awards are given to people such as Captain Brad Lucas, engineer Marius Fenger and deckhand Alex Alsop, who put their lives on the line, instead of to people who are simply doing their jobs with little personal risk. David Gordon, Cranebrook
Your editorial makes light of us brave souls attending meetings, suggesting they don’t pose any risks. I have attended many meetings and have frequently dodged poison-word filled arrows, sarcasm-laden bullets, blame-ridden nukes, sniper attacks by over-ambitious-and-totally-inept grovelling lackeys and the slow-but-sure disintegration of mind, body and spirit having to listen to droning, uninspiring speeches. I, too, am one of an army of unsung heroes. Manbir Singh Kohli, Pemulwuy
Tennis test of loyalties
Credit: John Shakespeare
Given that Australians seems to feel equal disdain for both Nick Kyrgios and Novak Djokovic, it will be interesting to see if those who profess a dislike of Kyrgios will forgive him everything if he prevails in the Wimbledon final (presuming Djokovic qualifies) just because he’s Australian and Djokovic isn’t (“Nick Kyrgios’ free pass into the final is Wimbledon’s worst nightmare”,, July 8). Judy Hungerford, North Curl Curl
Would it be considered un-Australian if I supported whoever is playing Kyrgios in the final? Simon Squires, Hornsby
Kyrgios now has the wildest of wildcard entries into the Wimbledon final. Will he give us the Kyrgios we all hate, or can he pull another trick out of that bag to give us an unblemished performance to rank him with the Australian champions we all cherish? And what an irony to be facing the player we sent home. And what a dilemma for Australian sports fans – to support or not to support? Peter Thornton, Killara
No (“Do we like Kyrgios? It’s complicated”, July 8). Peter Miniutti, Ashbury
Jesus is a Gunner
Sorry to rain on your parade lads, but Jesus has just signed to play for Arsenal (Letters, July 8), so he’s no longer available. Rhod Jeffrey, Surry Hills
In scary times, no need to add stupidity to the mix
It’s been a scary few days, watching the Wyong River rise, as emergency vehicles pass by on both water and land (“Flood rescues across NSW as state turns to clean-up”, July 8). The sound of sirens is constantly in the background. Fallen trees sail past in the speeding current: one day, even a small car was afloat and heading for Tuggerah Lake. Yet, as the sun emerged, so did recreational boaters. What possessed the driver of the tinny to do laps of the river as if playing chicken with the debris? Did the owner of the small runabout realise that where he had chosen to tie up was usually a park, the depth of the now-receding water there an unknown? Did the paddler consider what would happen to his kayak if it were hit by one of the many logs heading quickly downstream? And, perhaps they all should be reminded that unseen bull sharks can and do live in fresh water, and that snakes can swim and have been known to board boats mid-stream. This boatie is staying on land for now. Randi Svensen, Wyong
The two sides of BoJo
Two writers offer very different takes on Boris Johnson. One finds him to be an instinctive, stupid liar and a sociopath, a view robustly shared by his Conservative colleagues and many in Britain (“Downfall of an incompetent liar”, July 8). The other, George Brandis, finds him to be a hugely consequential politician, an appealing winner, courageous, charismatic, engaging, the smartest person in the room (“Love him or not, Johnson was most consequential PM since Thatcher”, July 8). According to Brandis, he simply “ran out of luck”. Is this the kind of surreal thinking that led to the Coalition’s recent trouncing? Alison Stewart, Riverview
The Brandis panegyric on Johnson’s demise makes a virtue of his manifest failings of character and leadership. Johnson has undoubtedly changed the course of Europe but to what end: the benefit of the people of the United Kingdom or to promote his personal political ambitions? Gordon Lambert, Kiama Downs
Bonk ban bonkers
Sad state of affairs, excuse the pun, when a “bonk ban” is necessary, not for a group of hormone-driven teenagers, but for the elected leaders of our community (“‘Bonk ban’ to remain under Albanese”, July 8). What message about appropriate behaviour does it send to our youth, given the problems already being faced by young women in educational facilities. It’s shameful. Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick
Let the dam water out
I don’t understand why we need to raise the wall of Warragamba dam to mitigate the flooding of areas around the Nepean River (Letters, July 8). The Bureau of Meteorology had forecast heavy continuous rain two weeks before it happened. Why can’t the relevant authority start releasing the water at that time, a full two weeks before? This would have given the dam additional capacity if needed by reducing the level by 14 metres. The river would have been able to handle the extra flow. It would be cheaper to crank up the hardly used desalination plant if the forecast was wrong and our water supply was a bit short. Julius Dhanu, Peakhurst
Bishopric betrayal
By failing to pass a motion calling for women to have more senior roles in the church, many Australian Catholic bishops have shown their blind allegiance to this ancient relic of male supremacy (Letters, July 8). Parts of the New Testament do admonish women speaking publicly in the church. But Jesus liberated women from this yoke of slavery and shame that is manifest through the ongoing scourge of domestic violence and sexual exploitation.
Surely, these bishops have betrayed all who suffer such untold indignity, simply by common virtue of their gender. Reverend Vincent Zankin, Rivett (ACT)
Contrary to your correspondents’ laments, there will be further discussion at the Catholic Church’s plenary on the matters seemingly failing to receive support. It needs to be understood it is not just about what people want to happen nor about majorities so they can feel at home in today’s culture, but a reading of the signs of the times where what is truly needed for the world is upheld, established or recognised. Gordana Martinovich, Dulwich Hill
Thanks to your correspondent for verbalising the disappointment many Catholics, men and women, are experiencing. Could I suggest, though, that our faith is in the person of Jesus, not in the patriarchal church that has evolved since he walked among us. Kim Crawford, Springwood
Booze circuit-breaker
For many boozers, drinking in moderation is an impossibility (“Giving up booze for a month is no answer”, July 8). In my experience, as someone who has now been dry for 20 years, the struggle to resist rather than indulge is far more difficult than giving up completely. And giving up is not easy.
Your columnist writes drinkers will feel guilty at failing a self-imposed booze ban. Well, imagine the guilt, shame and self-loathing when you can’t even manage to stop at one instead of one dozen? Abstinence is about self-denial and willpower; however, it doesn’t only require these inner strengths, it builds them up. Health initiatives like the various sober months are not pointless exercises in virtuous hash-tagging. They often function as a circuit-breaker for individuals who then continue onwards in their abstinence. A sustained sobriety that not only improves their own life, but also the lives of those around them. Michael Thompson, Bexley North
Forestry the answer
Elevated extinction risk for any native species should be of great concern to all, and as a society, we should be doing all we can to act (“‘Australian panda’ joins endangered list as extinction looms’, July 5). However, forestry operations, rather than being singled out as a factor contributing to species decline, should be embraced as part of the solution.
The two greatest known impacts on glider populations are catastrophic fires and abnormally high overnight temperatures. There is no scientific consensus that forestry operations have a major impact on overall populations: native forest harvesting occurs on such a small scale that singling out its contribution is an overstatement. Active and adaptive management of forests is an acknowledged method of tackling climate change and building resilience in forests against fire through practices such as prescribed burning. Lachie McCaw, Vice President, Forestry Australia
Credits where they’re due
I don’t begrudge Peter Fyfe (Letters, July 8) his “opt-out” button to avoid TV credits, but while binge-watching 39 episodes of SeaChange (yeah, OK, naff but I love it) I do object to having to press two “opt-in” buttons within half a millisecond before the closing credits in order to hear the finest Australian TV theme-tune ever written. Steve Cornelius, Brookvale
On behalf of all theatre, movie and television technicians and staff, may I offer my humble thanks to your correspondent for pointing out just how insignificant and unworthy of recognition or credit we all are. Well done sir. Please enjoy your future entertainment without sets, costumes, sound or lighting. Alynn Pratt, Grenfell
I have loved movies since I was a small child and I always watch the credits. The credits frequently include junior people in the profession who are delighted to see their names up on the big screen. Sometimes an extra scene or joke is placed after the credits, and you miss it if you scarper before the lights are even up. It is also nice to see the same names become more senior over the years. We need the arts now more than ever. Eva Elbourne, Pennant Hills
It was a busy week in the world of news this week, providing correspondents with plenty of good subjects to discuss.
Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:
Letter writers congratulated the heroic actions of the Diamantina tugboat crew and many wrote suggesting raising the Warragamba Dam wall was not a smart solution to the recurring flooding. COVID-19 made headlines again, and correspondents were quick to admit their concerns and fears, as well as expressing anger at the many maskless passengers on public transport.
Only one or two correspondents believed that Anthony Albanese had spent too much time overseas, agreeing with Coalition politicians who publicly condemned the PM. Gary Stowe of Springwood summarised the feelings of most: “Do the Liberals actually understand the distinction between work and holidays?”
Tennis fans had to decide if they were going to support Nick Kyrgios at Wimbledon after his on-court “bad behaviour” and his free ride into the final. Most were unsupportive of the controversial player, although they were slightly concerned they would be deemed to be un-Australian.
Sports aficionados also had fun trying to decide in which team or position Jesus would play after Derrick Mason, of Boorowa wrote: “If Jesus were to return, he might not only give the Rabbitohs a hand by playing on the wing, but he might also give some of his so-called adherents a lesson in compassion and understanding.” There were many suggestions and Peter FitzSimons dedicated his sports column to the subject, naming a Holy Trinity of football. Today, Rhod Jeffrey of Surry Hills may have brought that discussion to an end by revealing that Jesus is, in fact, a Gunner. Pat Stringa, letters editor
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