

This was published 3 years ago

The mischievous communications of roving sons

During his peripatetic days and years, around 40 years ago, Peter Merrotsy of Port Kennedy (WA) sent a postcard to his parents every week, "simply addressed (C8) to Merrotsy, Bloody Beautiful Bonny Hills, Australia. Mum reported that every week they received their postcard."

Jan Howton of Sawtell shares that their postman "must have had a laugh at our late son's postcards to us from around the world, variously addressed (C8) to, The Oldies, Howton Happy Acres, The Old People, Mummsie and Daddles Howton, Ma and Pa, The Old Howtons (and God-Bless-Em) Howton Resort and Hotel, The Howtons (Bonny and Clyde) (the grey house at the top of the hill)."

Many years ago, Heather Lindsay of Woonona was teaching at Bulli High School "where
we had the beautiful kids from the Pipe family (C8) attending. Their dad was a local police officer known by all as Copper Pipe."

According to William Galton of Hurstville Grove, "the Downe family (C8) of Parramatta had three sons, not two. Rod Allen forgot to mention the youngest, Neil." Doug McLaughlin of Bonnet Bay notes that he knew the Downe family, "they also had a large dog named Pipe." Of course Granny is unable to confirm the veracity of these stories, but it's not like Column 8 readers would just make up this sort of thing to get a few laughs. Right?

Several readers noted that, contrary to John Lees' assertion, Roseville (C8) is not bound by Boundary Street but includes at least two blocks to the south of it as well. You have a perfectly named dividing line and you don't use it? Classic Sydney!

Lionel Latoszek of Long Jetty recalls with some amusement that there was a discussion in Column 8 a few years ago about the supposed best suburbs among North Shore postcodes. For Lionel, "the only boundary that really counts north of the Sydney CBD is the Hawkesbury River Bridge. Let the pretenders battle out a futile class argument amongst themselves again.

An end-of-year request from Rhoda Silber of Manly. "Can Column 8ers nominate our favourite words of the year, please? Mine are saudade, a feeling of nostalgic longing for something that one was fond of and which is lost, and fernweh, the longing for faraway places." Petrichor, the smell of rain in the air, is the one that comes immediately to mind for Granny for this year when we were celebrating the rains of February.

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