

This was published 4 years ago

The game-changer to fix the 'emptiness' holding back Sydney Olympic Park

After the Opal Tower debacle and a U-turn on plans for the Olympic stadium, it is hoped a metro line can reinvigorate the Games precinct.

By Matt O'Sullivan

Opal Tower apartment owner Tina Tong says Olympic Park lacks basics such as supermarkets.

Opal Tower apartment owner Tina Tong says Olympic Park lacks basics such as supermarkets.Credit: Peter Rae

Dominating the skyline near the main entrance to Sydney Olympic Park, the 36-storey Opal Tower stands as a constant reminder of NSW's residential construction crisis. For Tina Tong, it represents a crushing of dreams. She was among hundreds of residents evacuated from the newly built tower on Christmas Eve in 2018 after gaping cracks appeared in the building.

More than 18 months on, the memories remain raw. She cannot sell her four-bedroom apartment and banks refuse to lend on the high-rise tower built on government-owned land. "We thought this is a government development and nothing can go wrong. I had more than 137 defects in my apartment," she says. "Hopefully something will change, otherwise we will be here forever."

Twenty years after the Green Games signalled a coming of age for Sydney, the Opal Tower symbolises the hurdles confronting Olympic Park as it reaches a crossroads in its development. The building defects saga has dealt another blow to attempts to give the area something it has sorely lacked – residents.

Tong, a graphic designer, laments a lack of supermarkets, schools and other services. "The view is fantastic but, apart from the view, there is nothing much else. I have a young son and I'm worried about where he's going to go to school next. There's no school in this area," she says.

With the coronavirus pandemic forcing the cancellation of concerts, sporting fixtures and the Sydney Royal Easter Show, those charged with injecting new life into the sprawling precinct face more hurdles. The Berejiklian government has all but shelved plans to extend Parramatta's multi-billion light rail line to Olympic Park via the nearby suburbs of Wentworth Point and Melrose Park on the banks of the Parramatta River. In another blow, a recent decision to dump plans for an $810 million revamp of ANZ Stadium – 21 years after it was opened – dashed hopes overnight. The renovations were designed to create a "cauldron" effect by building steeper seating to draw spectators closer to the rectangular playing field.

Now the big hope for reshaping the area rests on what both proponents and critics dub a "game-changer". The fix is the promise of a new train station at Olympic Park, which will be built as part of the state government's $20 billion-plus Metro West rail line along the city's east-west spine. "The single biggest constraint has been in transport," NSW Planning and Public Spaces Minister Rob Stokes says. "That's why the big transformative thing that will really unlock the next phase of opportunity at Sydney Olympic Park is the metro, because the metro connects it as part of an integrated transport network and not a branch line ending in a cul de sac."


Construction of the mostly underground rail line will mean a westwards trip from Olympic Park to Parramatta will take less than six minutes – about 18 minutes faster than by train now. The project team's target for a journey in the opposite direction to Sydney's CBD is about 14 minutes, less than half the time of the quickest commuter train at present.

An artist’s impression of the metro train station planned for Olympic Park.

An artist’s impression of the metro train station planned for Olympic Park.Credit: NSW government

It will help solve a problem the public has long recognised. About three-quarters of respondents to a survey last year believed it "very" or "extremely important" that public transport to the area was improved. After public transport, the poll of 1228 people for a report commissioned by the Sydney Business Chamber found affordable housing options and better road access rated second and third in what it would take for people to consider shifting to Olympic Park to live.

While high expectations are placed on a new station re-invigorating Olympic Park, the rail line's opening is still almost a decade away. The construction of a metro station on land held under long-term lease by GPT, the real estate trust founded by Lendlease, also raises questions about whether the existing Olympic station will become a white elephant. "Huge amounts of public money are necessary to perhaps provide energy to this place. But of course it is going to make the existing railway station obsolescent," says James Weirick, a professor in urban development at the University of NSW.

Yet more than 22 years after the loop line built for the Games opened, top former NSW rail executive Dick Day says it still achieves what it was designed to do: move tens of thousands of people who converge on the Olympic Park station after a major event. He does agree that the train services to Lidcombe on the Western line results in a slow rail commute to the CBD because of the need to switch trains there. But he insists the "Lidcombe shuttle", and the station at Olympic Park, will have a role to play after the metro line opens – albeit a quieter one. "There will still be a relief valve role," Day says.

Regardless of the existing station's future, there is little doubt that the metro trains will become the primary way to travel to and from the area. "It will put Olympic Park and all those homes there on the map," Day says. "The metro will create a lot of development opportunities."


The Royal Agricultural Society of NSW, one of the precinct's most important long-term tenants, is a key backer of the metro line. It believes a lack of a modern east-west rail service connecting Olympic Park is the "single biggest handbrake" on its development.

But, for now, the rural institution has more immediate concerns ahead of its bicentenary in 2022. With the precinct reliant on thousands converging on it for events, the COVID-19 pandemic severed a major source of revenue for businesses almost overnight. The biggest casualty was this year's Sydney Royal Easter Show, which usually attracts up to 900,000 people over two weeks. "It was absolutely devastating for us. We had outlaid a lot of money," says Peter Thorpe, the general manager of Sydney Showground, the agricultural society's event management arm.

Sydney Showground general manager Peter Thorpe says coronavirus has had a devastating impact.

Sydney Showground general manager Peter Thorpe says coronavirus has had a devastating impact.Credit: Wolter Peeters

The cancellation of scores of events has left giant exhibition halls eerily quiet. It has forced Sydney Showground to put 150 staff on the JobKeeper wage subsidy. Thorpe estimates the loss of revenue since March amounts to up to $50 million – a figure sure to climb. The agricultural society is likely to be forced to decide within months whether it can hold the Royal Easter Show next year, an event it earns about 60 per cent of its revenue from annually.

While hopeful some exhibitions might return by October, Thorpe says uncertainty about mass gatherings is making it difficult to predict. "Most of the clients are saying, 'Let's postpone until the following year'," he says. "It’s going to take us a couple of years to bounce back."

Since at least 2017, the agricultural society has been working on plans to boost the appeal of Olympic Park. A reliance on the Easter Show – spruiked as the largest ticketed event in the southern hemisphere – is one of the major reasons why the agricultural society is pushing for a $450 million upgrade to the showgrounds. The nearly two dozen buildings on the 30-hectare site close to the train station are ageing, and the society wants to attract more year-round events once the COVID-19 pandemic abates. The centre-piece of the proposed revamp is a 4000-seat conference centre, which the society says will complement the International Conference Centre at Darling Harbour in the CBD rather than be its competitor. "We need to give people a reason to come to Olympic Park from Monday to Friday and not just at weekends," the agricultural society's development manager, Jonathan Seward, says.

The Royal Agricultural Society's wants to revamp Sydney Showground at a cost of $450 million.

The Royal Agricultural Society's wants to revamp Sydney Showground at a cost of $450 million.Credit: Wolter Peeters


Now, the planned upgrade rests on the state government stumping up the money. Eighteen months after the government accepted the final business case for the project, the proponents concede it has "taken a back seat" due to the health crisis and deep recession gripping the country.

The revamp is part of grander ambitions for Olympic Park to reshape itself as a "super lifestyle precinct" over the next decade. A 2018 blueprint promised a revitalisation of Olympic Park, creating a "vibrant new town centre", educational centres, a shopping precinct, new homes, more jobs and extra open space and community facilities by 2030. A key target is for Olympic Park to have a "daily community" of more than 82,000 people by the turn of next decade, a more than two-fold rise on the number who live, work or study there at present. The overall goal includes boosting the number of people who call it home from 4000 to 28,000, and workers from 19,400 to 34,000.

Dave Wallace, the owner of the Coffee Club on Australia Avenue, says the apartment towers built at Olympic Park in the past few years, such as those at the Parkview precinct where Opal Tower is located, have boosted business at his cafe. But he is convinced the area requires a bigger influx of people. "Housing, mate," he responds, when asked what is needed. "We just need more development around here. You go two kilometres down to Wentworth Point and it is a city. You could count on your hand the number of developments here since it opened."

An artist's impression of what authorities hope Sydney Olympic Park will resemble in 2030.

An artist's impression of what authorities hope Sydney Olympic Park will resemble in 2030.Credit: Sydney Olympic Park Authority

More than six months after taking over as chief executive of the Sydney Olympic Park Authority, Sam Romaniuk says he is "very careful" about development on the government-owned land. "If it's just about development and it's not about being inclusive with the surrounding communities, then it will become an island. That's why we have to ensure that development is carefully staged," he says. "We want to make sure it has the right balance of residents, workers and visitors."

The senior public servant now in charge is keen to talk up the opportunities, though concedes Olympic Park has hurdles to overcome. "On major events it is fantastic ... but Monday to Friday it is a challenge," he says. While he accepts that Olympic Park is "hard to get to", he believes the construction of the metro station will transform transport access and spur urban renewal. "The promise of Sydney Metro [means] it won't be a speculative investment any more," he says. "It will really super charge or attract some of Australia’s most prominent educational and commercial businesses."

His appointment marked a major upheaval in the agency charged with overseeing the park since 2001. In February, the government dissolved the authority's board led by former NSW Liberal premier John Fahey – the man who famously leapt into the air when Sydney won the Olympic bid in 1993 – and folded the agency into the state's Planning Department.


The Berejiklian government's justification for the shake up is that it believed the board's job as an authority focused solely on managing Olympic Park as a standalone destination was done. "It had gone as far as it could and now the opportunity is to better integrate it into the fabric of Sydney, recognising that it has a unique heritage," Rob Stokes says.

The Planning Minister cites London's success in reinventing Olympic spaces after the 2012 Games. The London Olympics were based at Stratford, in the city's East End, and were part of broader urban renewal throughout the Lea Valley. "We don't want it to be turned into a dust bowl legacy like some of the Olympic assets in places like Athens or Rio, for example, where they have just been forgotten and full of tumbleweed. We want these assets to be a living part of Sydney and an integrated part of Sydney," Stokes says.

He freely admits that the sheer scale of Olympic Park is partly an enemy of plans to create intimate, people-focused spaces. "But my experience of design is that it is the constraints that actually make places interesting. If it was just a blank sheet of paper, you'd end up with something far more boring," he says. "London had the opportunity to embed the venues a little bit more in the city and that's what we need to do. The beauty of the Sydney site is that it's right in the centre of the city."

With Sydney's recent history of wars over stadiums still fresh in minds, the future of ANZ Stadium will inevitably re-emerge over the coming years. After all, the government will one day have to make a decision on what to do with the stadium, following it first dropping plans in 2018 to demolish and rebuild the arena at a cost of $1.33 billion and then ditching plan B to begin renovating it this year. "Something really should be done with our stadium, which is sadly a failure," says James Weirick, the urban expert who favours demolishing it and building the metro train station on the site.


But Stokes, who wants to avoid re-litigating arguments over ANZ Stadium, says it is a "reasonably modern venue" and its role hosting large events, such as concerts, will continue. In the meantime, the government has plans for significant landscaping of the area around the stadium. It was due to unveil in March the winner of an international design competition to transform the paved area around the stadium into a "green, people-friendly space" and spark the "first major upgrade for the stadia precinct" since the Olympics. While a winner has been chosen, its identity will remain secret until the end of the year. The government's justification for staying mum is that work on ensuring it is a feasible concept, and will support both the existing area and future development, needs to be completed.


It leaves many people worried that Olympic Park will remain in limbo, a state made more likely due to the enormous pressures on the state budget from the worst recession in decades. "What we are looking at is another 10 years of emptiness here on the site. Everything is too spread out at the moment and it looks like that's the way it will going to be. By trying to make it a city, as well as a sports park, it has fallen between the two stools," Weirick says.


Charting a new course for an area that officially became a suburb in its own right in 2009 was always a challenge. Much now rests on Sydney's resolve to bridge the divide between its legacy and turning Olympic Park into an appealing place to live and work. "We certainly never want to lose the sense of place and this incredible Olympic legacy that defines Sydney Olympic Park," Stokes says. "It's just that we don't want it to be limited to its Olympic legacy. We want to build on that and that is the next phase of its journey."

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