The cost of removing and disposing asbestos being uncovered on Sydney road projects is surging well above $100 million, blowing out budgets and forcing the state government to raid other projects to cover funding shortfalls.
On one road initiative – the M4 Smart Motorway between Mays Hill and Lapstone – the amount of asbestos uncovered has added more than $70 million to the estimated cost of a project that had been budgeted at $470 million.
The increasing discovery of asbestos on road projects has also triggered mixed messages from the government about the best way to treat or remove the hazardous material – and about how to communicate those options to the community.
An example of asbestos encapsulated under Bringelly Road.Credit: RMS briefing note to former roads minister
One option is to remove the asbestos to a licensed waste facility. A cheaper option is to bury, or “encapsulate” the asbestos under the road corridor and protective layers of material.
Last August, Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) and the former roads minister, Melinda Pavey, told residents near a school at Orchard Hills near Penrith that the Environment Protection Authority preferred that asbestos was safely maintained on the site of the project, rather than transported to a waste facility. “It is what the EPA want us to do,” Ms Pavey said.
But according to a briefing note signed by Ms Pavey in October, the EPA’s “preference” is that asbestos is taken to licensed waste facilities. The briefing note says the EPA also “agrees” that on-site asbestos management is acceptable.
The Herald has obtained internal RMS documents detailing the increasing recognition of the size of the asbestos issue.
In one summary of a meeting held last month, the blow-out attributed to asbestos found on the M4 Smart Motorway is identified, among other factors, as helping to push the cost of the project to $594 million.
At the meeting, roads bureaucrats propose to “borrow” extra funding from other projects within the Easing Sydney’s Congestion program, including initiatives to treat pinch points around the Sutherland Shire and Parramatta.
Briefing note for former roads minister Melinda Pavey about asbestos management on Sydney Road Projects.Credit: SMH
The October briefing note for Ms Pavey outlines RMS's response to the "increased volumes of Asbestos Containing Material being encountered on road projects".
The note says off-site disposal “is the most readily available option to consider and is the EPA’s preferred method of managing Asbestos Containing Material, costing approximately $350/t for transportation and disposal at a licensed facility”.
On-site “encapsulation” involves burying asbestos “within the road corridor under the road pavement,” and generally requires planning approval, in consultation with the EPA.
The note was signed by Ms Pavey on October 18, 2018. Two months earlier, Ms Pavey and the RMS told locals near Orchard Roads Public that encapsulating asbestos was the EPA’s preference.
“Although offsite disposal of the (asbestos) at a licensed waste facility is an option, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) prefers that efforts are made to maintain such material on road projects,” RMS said in a note to residents.
Contacted for this story, a RMS spokesman said: “The statement provided in August last year was specific to the issue at that point in time.”
An example of asbestos containing material on a road projectCredit: RMS briefing note to former roads minister
A spokeswoman for Ms Pavey, now the Minister for Water, Property and Housing, said: “This is now a question for the roads minister.”
As well as the cost of removing asbestos on the M4 Smart Motorway program, asbestos found on road widening works along the Northern Road in western Sydney have also added more than $30 million to those projects.
The briefing for Ms Pavey said the Northern Road project has about 10,000 cubic metres of “asbestos containing material” in quarantined stockpiles. The briefing tallies $110 million of asbestos disposal costs required on road projects, not including WestConnex or the planned M12. It is understood that figure has since risen above $130 million.
A RMS spokesman said costs associated with dealing with asbestos are factored into projects, but, “on some occasions adjustments do need to be made to ensure the material is dealt with safely”.
“Prior to starting all road projects, the agency carries out extensive environmental investigations, including geotechnical ground sampling. Despite this work, determining the scale and scope of hidden asbestos is difficult,” the spokesman said.
The Herald asked a spokeswoman for the EPA if the agency had a general preference for on-site treatment or delivery to a waste facility. The spokewoman said: “the appropriate management is determined on individual project circumstances”.
Bonded asbestos containing material was widely used in building, construction and agricultural industries until the late 1980s. Bonded asbestos carries less health risk than non-bonded asbestos, for instance used in insulation, but can pose a hazard when broken apart.
The October briefing note says that after the proposal to encapsulate asbestos near the Orchard Roads school received media attention, RMS disposed of the material at a licensed facility.
RMS and "EPA are currently in discussions and developing appropriate messaging and communication materials about Asbestos Containing Material management on road construction projects."