

This was published 1 year ago

Shoes, fruit, and Peruvian nightclubs: Bassam Hamzy’s diverse ‘bizzo’

By Jenny Noyes

From his cell inside Goulburn supermax prison, Bassam Hamzy has been trying to make the world his oyster.

The founder of the fearsome Brothers 4 Life street gang has roped in lawyers, accountants and an array of contacts on the inside and out, to pursue business interests from Burwood to Belize, a Sydney court heard as Hamzy’s trial began this week.

The question for a jury over the coming weeks is: was the “bizzo”, as the first witness called it, in fact a drug-fuelled criminal enterprise?

Bassam Hamzy (left) is accused to running a drug supply ring from Goulburn supermax prison, with help from solicitor Martin Churchill (right).

Bassam Hamzy (left) is accused to running a drug supply ring from Goulburn supermax prison, with help from solicitor Martin Churchill (right).

The first week of the District Court trial, in which Hamzy is accused of deploying solicitor Martin Churchill as a go-between to direct a drug operation from inside the prison walls, has offered a rare window into how the Sydney gang boss has applied his time behind bars.

The court has heard Hamzy, 44, sought to diversify his business portfolio in the hope that doing so would help to secure his freedom – and wealth on the outside when the time comes.

However, police and prosecutors hope the evidence they present will do the opposite, and convince a jury that Hamzy’s dealings included running a meth racket and bankrolling one gang member’s attempted escape from the law.

Hamzy has pleaded not guilty to supplying a commercial quantity of drugs, knowingly dealing with the proceeds of crime, and hindering the apprehension of a person who committed a serious offence; each charge relating to his dealings from jail between October 2017 and February 2018.

If found guilty, a subsequent sentence could significantly extend his jail time.

The ‘bizzo’


Hamzy’s business pursuits, the court has heard, include the importation of brand name sneakers from Asia and a fruit that grows year-round in South America. He’s been involved in the distribution of a large quantity of bathroom accessories. He sought an interest in a property development in Burwood, and a “$100,000-a-month opportunity” to buy a stake in Peruvian nightclubs. Investments in bottled water, agriculture and property in Belize, in Central America, were also on the cards.

Hamzy’s barrister Dennis Stewart argued that his client had only engaged in legitimate business, bringing in money with which he could help pay the legal fees of friends and associates, along with his own.

But prosecutors allege Hamzy’s apparent charity with legal fees was little more than a front to disguise serious criminal activity – where a direction to “pay the barrister” is code for supplying drugs to a dealer.

The Crown case relies heavily on the testimony of two former Brothers 4 Life members, who can be identified only as Witness I and Witness A – and whose evidence, Crown prosecutor Adrian Robertson said in his opening, would be corroborated by intercepted phone calls and text messages, and other police surveillance. Both witnesses are set to receive a sentence reduction for co-operating, provided their evidence is truthful, Robertson told the jury.

The court has closed to the public, bar a handful of accredited journalists, for the witnesses’ testimony.

From Tuesday to Friday, Witness I testified remotely, his face beamed into the room via two large TV screens: one above the dock for the jury to watch; the other positioned opposite, for the benefit of the accused.

Witness I told the court he was courted to join Brothers 4 Life via personal phone calls from Hamzy, who initially used a contraband mobile phone to make contact from his cell.

Hamzy was making plans around “a chapter he wanted to open in Wollongong” – meaning a local division of the Brothers 4 Life gang. Witness I said he “politely declined” to join initially, but on a subsequent call he was wooed by Hamzy telling him “we have accountants, we have lawyers, we have many different types of people in Brothers 4 Life and we do legitimate things too”.

His interest was piqued by talk of construction, “which I was more interested in”, plans to import “a fruit he was saying grew most of the year round” from South America, and a venture to import Nike or adidas sneakers from Thailand –“I don’t know if they were real or fake”.

Ultimately, Witness I said, “I joined Brothers 4 Life”. But despite his interest in legal business, he quickly became involved in drug supply.

Coded calls

Witness I told the court he received directions from Hamzy, who’d had his mobile phone taken, by listening in to his phone calls with Churchill.

The solicitor would call him and discuss business, then say, “Bass is going to call me from jail ... please be quiet and I’ll tell him your response.”

On one such call, of several aired in court, Witness I is heard telling Churchill: “I saw the barrister the other day, I gave the barrister another 7000”. When Hamzy joins the call from the jail phone, he says he’s “a little bit confused” by how much has been paid to whom, but “I know exactly how much [Witness I] paid the barristers ... it’s my bread and butter”.

“I hope absolutely no one’s spoken about my legal fees ... what other people rate for my appeal is no one’s business,” Hamzy is heard saying.


Witness I told the court that conversations such as this were referring to drug deals, not actual legal fees. The “barrister” referred to is a drug dealer, “paying” them means supplying with drugs. Numbers could refer to either actual money, or ounces of drugs.

Throughout the witness’s testimony, Hamzy has maintained a business-like composure, frequently plucking post-it notes from a colourful pile on the bench in front of him and passing them to his counsel.

During an occasionally heated cross-examination, Stewart repeatedly put to Witness I that “you’re just making it up”.

The witness accepted there were inconsistencies in his account of the code used – sometimes $3500 meant an ounce of drugs, while $4000 could mean four ounces – but insisted “that’s just what happened”.

He also agreed that during his initial phone calls with Hamzy there was “no discussion of drugs” or what code words they would use. With no such conversation, “there was no basis on which you could believe that Bassam Hamzy through the medium of his solicitor was using a code”, Stewart said.

“I disagree,” the witness replied. “It was a code.”

The trial, expected to take four weeks, continues before Judge Antony Townsden.

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