

This was published 5 years ago

Rips: A lesson in how not to panic

By Julie Power

I jumped into a rip. On purpose. Unlike the 19 people who fatally drown in rips each year, I survived.

That was partly because Queenscliff Beach's experienced lifesaver Tim Hayes swam with me to stop me panicking as the rip sucked us out beyond the waves faster than we could swim. It then spat us out.

The rip is the dark water between the waves and the sandbanks.

The rip is the dark water between the waves and the sandbanks.Credit: Justin McManus

I was a reluctant pupil in a rip lesson, something lifesavers occasionally do to educate the public on the power of the 17,000 rips operating on our beaches every day.

Even in the shallows of the glassy deceptively calm waters where we could still stand - only a few metres from the waves rolling between the flags at the northern end of Manly - the rip pulled on our legs.

Of those who fatally drowned in a rip, 56 per cent could touch the bottom when they got in trouble, according to those who saw the incident, said Shane Daw, the national coastal and risk safety manager with Surf Life Saving Australia.

Yet many parents told their children they could go in the water outside patrolled areas, but only if they "don't go beyond their waist".

Mr Daw said the perception was that when people are caught in a rip, they're out of their depth. "But we know that in 56 per cent of known cases they could touch the bottom, they were in water to their waist or shoulders. That shows you the strength of a rip current, " he said.

Experienced volunteer lifesaver Tim Hayes surveying the conditions at Queenscliff Beach in early January.

Experienced volunteer lifesaver Tim Hayes surveying the conditions at Queenscliff Beach in early January.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer

One in five Australians have been caught in a rip, finds a new coastal safety brief by Surf Life Saving Australia compiled late last year. On any given day, about 17,000 rips are running around Australia, and this summer three members of a family died after getting in trouble on unpatrolled Moonee Beach in northern NSW. The same sad story has been repeated across the nation.


Rips are the number one threat to life on beaches, says the report, yet 29 per cent surveyed don't know how to look for a rip, 5 per cent said there were no rips on their beach, another 17 per cent said they were too lazy to look and others said they found them hard to identify. Only 11 per cent said they swim between the flags.


While drownings from rips exceed all deaths from sharks, floods and cyclones, the report found most people were nearly as scared of sharks and crocodiles (even in southern states where crocodiles are usually found in the zoo) as rips. Not me.

Of those who die in a rip, young men account for 86 per cent of fatal drownings, with the average age 36. Most fatalities occurred on summer afternoons. Yet the survey said male beach goers were generally overconfident. Of those who said they could identify a rip, 21 per cent couldn't and 32 per cent got it wrong half the time.

Like many of those people who have drowned this year, nearly 60 per cent of those who fatally drowned in a rip lived more than 50 km from the location. And 51 per cent were either swimming on an unpatrolled beach or outside the flags.

Because I am an average swimmer with one saving grace, good floating skills, I know my limits, swimming in the flags and rarely venturing too far out.

In a survey, 29 per cent of people said they did not know how to look for a rip.

In a survey, 29 per cent of people said they did not know how to look for a rip.

At Queenscliff, Mr Hayes watched as members of the public strolled down the beach to the water's edge, often ignoring the warnings signs and entering the smooth waters that mark a rip.

"Many are pool swimmers and are confident in the pool. They see there are no waves, and they think 'happy days' and they think it is safe," Mr Hayes said. "There are no waves because it is deeper and the water is racing out."

Only a few weeks ago, Mr Hayes spotted a mother and a child only metres from the shore who were stuck in a rip practically in spitting distance of the shore, a sandbank and the patrolled area.

The woman was immobilised with fear, in waist-deep water, and the child was screaming.


"Even a very strong swimmer couldn't swim against (a rip)," said Mr Hayes, who has been rescuing people since he was a boy doing Nippers on the north coast. "People swim against it, they get fatigued, panic sets in, and they lose the ability to think clearly, therefore up goes the heart rate, respiratory rate, and they lose it. The trick is to stay calm and raise your arm - and float and go with it."

With 36 coastal drownings already this summer, 12 higher than the 14-year average, I was reluctant when Mr Hayes urged me to experience what I was reporting. Even knowing what to expect, and Mr Hayes an arm's length away, it was hard to stay calm. Within seconds of entering the water, the current carried us about 40 metres out and to the north so quickly and smoothly it was frightening to see how far we travelled in a few seconds.

As much as I tried to follow the advice to treat the rip like a ride - which board riders use as an express train beyond the waves - panic set in for a few seconds when the water started churning with sand in deep water. When it was clear that it was pointless to attempt to swim out of it, there was nothing to do but float and wait for it - like the dentist's drill - to be over.

The rip carried us beyond the waves where we could swim back to shore (or call for help if we had needed it). The next day Mr Hayes called me to stress that the rip had been mild by most standards, yet panic could have killed me.

Because people are often unaware how quickly a current is carrying them, Surf Life Saving recommends that beach goers check whether they are moving by having a reference point - the flags or a landmark on the shore.

Why you shouldn't panic, says Dr Rip

Professor Rob Brander - a rip expert often called Dr Rip - says panic is what kills people in rips.

Here’s why you should keep calm and float it out, says Professor Brander from the
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at

1. They won't pull you under the water (i.e. they are not undertow);

2. They won't take you across the ocean;

3. They won't take you into shark-infested waters;

4. They are just taking you for a ride;

5. There's a good chance they'll re-circulate you into shallow water in minutes;

6. If you are in trouble, keep floating, and signal for help from a lifeguard, lifesaver or surfer - but you must signal for help.

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