

This was published 2 years ago

Remember – recycle comes after reduce and reuse


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

If plastics are still being collected but not recycled, only stored (“What to do now with ‘scrunchables’: bin it or push back”, November 10), odds are they will end up with other non-recycled rubbish, either in the sea or as landfill, dumped as a non-biodegradable, toxic waste pile waiting to poison fish or land. One answer is a mandatory repurposing of plastics’ manufacturers to enviro-friendly goods. Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay

Seemingly lost in the conversation over the warehousing versus recycling of plastic bags is the use of non-plastic bags in the first place. Manufacturers like Compost-A-Pak, which the City of Sydney helps sponsor, produce compostable garbage bags which are made of corn and are plastic-free. Hence, no need to recycle. Instead, they simply turn into usable compost. This is a sensible path to replacing plastic bags altogether. Hopefully, other councils will investigate and implement similar programs. Larry Woldenberg, Forest Lodge


Credit: John Shakespeare

Reading the first sentence of the article raised my hackles. “Plastic bags will now need to be thrown in your rubbish bin”. I intend to store them for six months and wait for the recycling to resume. George Carrard, Oatley

If you want to reduce using soft plastics stop using plastic sandwich bags for school lunches. Buy a lunch box, wrap sandwiches in paper, fill a reusable drinking bottle with water and add a piece of fruit that comes in its own wrapper. It’s not rocket surgery. John Bailey, Canterbury

This demonstrates again the need for industrial incineration with concomitant electricity generation. Regrettably, recycling has been driven by ideology overcoming practical considerations and ignores the benefits of a proven and safe industrial process in widespread use across Europe. Alan Haselden, West Pennant Hills

The role of government must be to regulate in the interests of citizens for the collective good.
With the collapse of a plastics recycler we see yet another failure of market “self regulation”, with the environmental and financial costs passed directly to the community through increased plastic to landfill. It’s time for government to end this farce, and legislate for product stewardship of packaging resting with the producer, both to reduce over packaging and to ensure that packaging is appropriate and recycled. Colin Hesse, Marrickville

The collapse is a shame but not a bad thing. It will force companies and consumers to look at behaviour and change producing, selling and buying things wrapped in plastic. Reduce comes before recycle. Louise Woods, Miranda

Many years ago, as a devout environmentalist, I was horrified when supermarkets brought plastic bags into vogue. It won’t last, I thought, it is so bad for the environment. Now, “Recycling collapse shows need for action on plastic” (November 10). Christine Bridle, Dee Why


I am saddened by how we blame the victim: all this talk of recycling, when actually the producers are to blame. Gerianne Rudd, Toowong (QLD)

Stokes’ anti-gambling speech not before time

Rob Stokes should be applauded for his powerful attack on clubs consumed by the lure of the gambling dollar (“Clubs trade in misery, says Stokes”, November 10). While local clubs do provide a valuable source of community assistance, Stokes’ unbridled speech delivers the hard reality that this good is often built on the misery of others in that same community. While Stokes’ intervention is welcomed by many, it is telling that this speech has only been delivered by someone who feels they are no longer shackled to the powerful gambling lobby. It is more than overdue that politicians need to cast aside the gambling industry bullies and stand up for all the members of the communities they represent. Paul Townsend, Narara

Rob Stokes

Rob StokesCredit: Louise Kennerley, Wolter Peeters

While I applaud both the content and sentiment of Stokes’ “blistering attack” on the gambling industry, it is a sad indictment of our parliamentary party-based structures, both state and federal, that it is often only upon their imminent retirement that members have the courage, moral clarity and liberty to express their true opinions and feelings, often reflecting community sentiment. Rowan Godwin, Rozelle

While Stokes’ sudden anti-gambling stand is commendable, I wish he’d spoken out during the past nine years in government rather than at his retirement. Equally, Dominic Perrottet, instead of weasel words before an imminent election, could have taken real action, backing former gaming minister Victor Dominello’s cashless card proposal. Instead, Perrottet replaced him with a club-friendly outspoken critic of reform. If governing is too hard for politicians, they shouldn’t put their hands up for the job. And if Chris Minns wishes to lead the state, he should do what the majority wants and properly stand up to the peddlers of misery. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Some elderly women (and elderly men) are just as susceptible to gambling addiction as anyone else (Letters, November 10). This is a specious claim for excusing people for having a so-called “innocent flutter”. Gambling is insidious in any form and can start with small steps and before long the social side with which it began is left behind. Moreover, the so-called “elderly” may begin gambling because of loneliness, not to be with friends. Maureen Casey, Breakfast Point

Gambling? No, no, it’s not gambling, it’s gaming, it’s just a bit of fun. Or that is what the gambling/gaming industry wants you to believe. After all, the letters they removed from the word “gambling” could stand for “bitter loser”. Joan Brown, Orange

Simple steps to stop data hacks

I’ve got a couple of data demands of my own to add to Peter Lewis’ list (“As a Medibank hack hostage, I have my own demands”, November 10). Firstly, make it compulsory for organisations to destroy copies of supporting documents and the details you supply to establish your identity once you have done so. Sighting them, not retaining them, should be all that’s required and it’s not beyond our clever capacity to devise a way of simply stamping our various online accounts with an “identity verified” flag and leave it at that. Secondly, make organisations automatically destroy your transaction history after it has outlived its relevance – for example, claims periods and product warranties. It won’t cover who or where you are, but it will eliminate the details of much of what you’ve done. If information is no longer there, it can’t be stolen. Adrian Connelly, Springwood

I am a Medibanker and I don’t like my private information made public and I don’t want Medibank to pay hackers. I think we need a compromise. Medibank should offer the hackers and their extended family a 10 per cent discount on membership and waive the waiting period to qualify for a rebate. A win-win situation. Mokhles Sidden, South Strathfield

Organisations such as Optus and Medibank are required to keep client’s data for seven years after the members no longer subscribe. As a result, data which they no longer use has been hacked. Excuse my naivety but if it’s not used, why is it online and not on external hard drives unusable and inaccessible unless required? Richard Fry, Marrickville

Three cheers for the AEC

When you dig deeper into how the Americans organise their voting eligibility (“There’s a big Republican winner, and his name is not Trump”,, November 10) you realise how lucky we are to have the Australian Electoral Commission. In Australia, all voting booths are organised in the same manner throughout the country with the same eligibility criteria for every citizen.
In the US, it is different. There, it is up to each district or council and they can impose restrictions as to who can vote, which is usually directed at people of colour and the poor. So it’s not unusual to have one state insist that potential voters provide documentation of citizenship or identification to register to vote, knowing it will disenfranchise some, while another state makes it a crime to provide food and water to voters queuing at a poll. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury


Credit: AP

It has become apparent the huge Republican tsunami that threatened to wash the Democrats out of both houses of Congress has failed to eventuate and that the 2022 US midterm election results could yet deliver far closer and more surprising results. What is encouraging for American democracy is that Donald Trump-backed candidates have failed miserably in most cases to capitalise on the former US President’s so-called popularity within the electorate. Eric Palm, Gympie (Qld)

A couple of things are wrong with US politics. Firstly, they don’t have compulsory voting and, secondly, they start announcing results from the eastern seaboard while the booths are still open in the mid-west, west coast, Alaska and Hawaii. It is little wonder that people from those states don’t vote, as the outcome is almost certain from the east. Ron Field, Bermagui

The US elections were a referendum on Donald Trump, pure and simple. Even ardent Republicans were turned off by his egregious behaviour. George Fishman, Vaucluse

Restore the balance

It is not surprising the united business lobby groups so strenuously oppose the proposed reforms (“Business Chiefs unite to oppose amended IR bill”, November 10). They want to maintain the status quo and continue to make big profits at the expense of their workers. This is an essential reform that will restore the balance between workers and business when it comes to negotiations on salaries and other working conditions. Apart from the amendments proposed by some of the more reasonable independent MPs that will improve the bill, the government should not yield. Alfredo Bustos-Ramirez, Mosman

High cost of limbo

Your correspondent (Letters, November 10) reflects the electorate’s disappointment in a government that espouses a fair go for all, yet persists with an inhumane offshore detention policy. If taxpayers were aware of the amount of money spent in sustaining this cruel agenda they would be appalled.
The Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law (UNSW) estimates $3.4 million a year is spent on keeping one refugee and others seeking asylum in a state of limbo. The budget bottom line would look a lot healthier if the people held on PNG and Nauru were allowed to settle in Australia. Judith Reynolds, Leura

Still a long way to go

The long COVID dilemma isn’t a surprise (“Long COVID clinics ’inundated‴⁣⁣ , November 10), given the broad-ranging disruption caused by the pandemic, including the overburdened health system and the cost to the economy. In NSW, and elsewhere, we have been subjected to a “let’s get on with it” narrative and policies, which many feel lack the balance to properly respect the health and well-being of all citizens, and this thinking is far from an advocacy for draconian measures. Long COVID has been a known factor for 18 months or more, let’s hope politicians can be as eager to fix this mess as they were to encourage us to “live with COVID”. Brian Jones, Leura

It’s a wrap

Uses for Herald plastic (Letters, November 10)? Line bins, store small objects, wrap postal items requiring protection, travel suitcase storage and under muddy shoes. Lyn Langtry, East Ryde

We used the Herald wrapper instead of buying cling film, then sent it to Woolies with our other soft plastics. Newsagents should return to paper wraps. Jeffrey Mellefont, Coogee

No more plastic wrapping for newspapers may herald the return of the paperboy who once dragged a billycart-full of newspapers. A little less unemployment and a lot less plastic and vehicle pollution. Joy Cooksey, Harrington

Ghosts busted

I’ve always wondered, if ghosts (Letters, November 10) can pass through walls, why don’t they fall through the floor? Lloyd Swanton, Wentworth Falls

To see a cockroach’s ghost, you’ve first got to kill the bloody thing. David Clark, Springside

Raising the bar

Pleased to learn sitting on the couch very slowly is good exercise. It follows that, for a balanced health plan, I should start eating very slowly (“Do you even lower, bro?” November 10). Mustafa Erem, Terrigal

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Big businesses unite to oppose amended IR bill
From Glenn Newton: ″⁣So big business can collectively oppose government industrial relations reforms but workers can’t collectively bargain. Hypocrisy is alive and well but the fair go
is on life support.″⁣

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