

This was published 3 years ago

Refusal to deal with blind trust erodes integrity


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Speaker Tony Smith says that Christian Porter should be investigated for a possible breach of disclosure rules, but the government voted down the referral to the lower house’s privileges committee, the first time that’s happened since Federation (“Porter avoids scrutiny over use of blind trust”, October 21). Smith displays both the impartiality which the Speaker should have and the integrity the Coalition lacks. Diana Wyndham, North Sydney

It is outrageous that the government continues to deny scrutiny as to who is behind Porter’s blind trust. What is there to hide? With the debate about political fundraising, this type of influence should be a worry for all those who think we live in a democracy. I want to know who these mystery donors are, and the people should be rallying against opaque influence on our political class. Peter Neufeld, Mosman

It is incredible that the government has used its numbers to oppose a motion to refer Christian Porter to the privileges committee after Speaker Tony Smith had ruled there was a prima facie case for this referral. This result can only indicate the government is self-serving and demonstrating a clear betrayal of the faith the public has invested in it to act with integrity. Leo Sorbello, West Ryde

The government’s “unprecedented move” this week to ensure that Christian Porter’s use of a blind trust to pay some of his legal fees will not be investigated by the lower house’s privileges committee, despite Speaker Tony Smith’s ruling, certainly puts to bed any chance of an effective federal ICAC any time soon, despite Scott Morrison’s commitment to do so at the last election. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown

Not only has the government failed to deliver its promised federal integrity commission; it has, in the words of the Speaker, delivered “the cover-up to end all cover-ups” by preventing the privileges committee from being able to look at whether Porter’s use of a blind trust broke parliamentary rules. The government’s action in denying the Speaker’s decision, for the first time in our parliament’s history, fails the pub test, and every other test of honesty and transparency. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Alas, preventing the privileges committee from examining and reporting on Christian Porter’s blind trust issue will only strengthen the grounds for establishing a corruption watchdog, independent of Parliament and, at the same time, weaken the standing of Parliament in the eyes of the nation. Blind Freddy and Freda can see that. Pasquale Vartuli, Wahroonga

It appears every member of the Morrison government disagreed with Tony Smith’s ruling that a prima facie case was warranted on the rules and disclosure of pecuniary interests of parliamentarians. Nothing to see here, just a blind trust. This is not an unprecedented move; this is what we have come to expect from this unaccountable and secretive government. I don’t think there is any chance of a federal equivalent to NSW ICAC any time soon. Mark Nugent, Lugarno

PM’s approach to climate change serves only himself

Tim Flannery makes clear that Australia, as “the fifth biggest source of climate pollution worldwide” (“Dead last in the race of our lives”, October 21), has a responsibility to take meaningful action on climate change, to ensure our children and grandchildren can survive and thrive. Unfortunately, Scott Morrison has only ever considered climate change as a political issue to be managed, with an eye on his own survival and electoral prospects – the very antithesis of genuine leadership our nation needs. Michael Healy, East Maitland


In the past few months, Australia has sprinted ahead on the vaccine rollout to overtake several countries that were faster off the mark. Let’s hope we can pull off a similar miracle when it comes to climate action. We lag far behind the rest of the world, with some of the worst per capita emissions and a gaping absence of climate policy. But if recent history is anything to go by, it’s not too late for our competitive spirit to kick in and for us to gallop into the lead. Our country and our future depend on it. Emma Storey, Campsie

I am sure that most Australians wish Tim Flannery well in his endeavours to “ensure Australia rises to the moment” at COP26, but with our Prime Minister unable to even secure net zero for 2050 let alone what is needed for 2030, Mr Flannery faces a herculean task. To have any hope of reaching the necessary emissions targets, we know there can be no more new coal mines. Peter Nash, Fairlight

It’s now 14 years since Tim Flannery made his infamous “rain/dams” prognostication so he probably feels safe to re-emerge into the light. Some of us, though, are still alive, memories intact. Flannery manages an entire column assuring us of many things but telling us nothing. He’s keen to assist in saving us all via Glasgow, then pulls back. He never defines what will actually happen to our Earth and its citizens should we recklessly gallop towards, and eventually teeter into, the last-chance saloon abyss. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

Tim Flannery is being deceptive with his claim “the world is on track to a devastating 2.7 degrees of warming”. The palaeontologist/mammalogist does himself and his cause a disservice by not mentioning this figure is fahrenheit and not celsius.
Riley Brown, Bondi Beach

Population growth stunts cities

The editorial (“Migration is the lazy way to boost economic growth”, October 21) is correct in arguing that a policy of increasing post-pandemic immigration alone will not be the panacea for improving economic growth nor living standards. Expanding the already overstretched boundaries of greater Sydney to “fit in” burgeoning numbers of people causes spill-over of population into greenfield areas with little regard for the provision of services such as public transport. Premier Dominic Perrottet and his National Party partners should immediately embrace a policy of decentralisation to move growth into regional areas with dormant rail systems, still mainly in place. Once reactivated, they would provide the spine for increases in population and economic growth in the towns along their routes and provide some relief for Sydney’s overburdened infrastructure. Neil Maclean, Bowral

Problem solved – many thousands of Afghans are applying to come to Australia. They helped us –
it’s our turn to help them. Bring back TAFE for any training required. Just for once, let this government consider others rather than themselves. Jeannette Tsoulos, West Pymble

Is there any room in the new immigration plan for the Tamil family from Biloela and the refugees wasting their lives away on Manus and Nauru?

Genevieve Milton, Newtown

No refuge for the violent

Your correspondent’s domestic violence insights deserve reinforcement (Letters, October 21). A male DV perpetrator should be immediately relocated and risk permanent confiscation of his property. Relocating women and children to refuges exacerbates their DV trauma and should only be a rare and brief measure. Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach

One woman gets killed every week by domestic violence and the government’s response is continually inadequate. If one politician got killed every week what action would the government take? James Aimer, Kirribilli

Crash will fix boom

The undeniable fact is that house prices are too high (Letters, October 21). Increasing supply will not fix this problem. No business is going to build houses and sell them for less than market price. The only fix is a market crash. Investors will lose out but owner occupiers could ride out the storm.
The RBA must now gradually increase the cash rate to 5 per cent. The federal government must cancel negative gearing and capital gain discounts. A rental “board” needs to be established to set rates to ensure rents are kept at a reasonable level and not abused by investors. Barry O’Connell, Old Toongabbie

Shared party platform

I agree with your correspondent about banning political donations (Letters, October 21) but political representatives should be allowed to present their policies to the public. And they should be able to do this independently of the potential political bias of any particular media organisation. It would be a simple process to legislate equal media time to each party or representative to present their policies or message. And as the public already funds the ABC we have the vehicle for these presentations. Brenton White, Mosman

Prolonged suffering

As an old nurse, I have sadly witnessed prolonged agony together with an inability to control bodily functions in people being denied the human right to a peaceful dignified death of their choice. It is unbelievable that self-serving ministers should continue to delay this important bill for their own religious and political purposes. The foot dragging conservative right seem unaware the majority of voters wants this bill passed. We are not stupid and will not readily forget those happy to prolong someone’s unnecessary suffering come election time (“Perrottet faces unassisted high wire act”, October 21). Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick

Downside risk

I ponder the T&Cs on financial investment documents where it states: “Past performance is not an indication of future earnings.” This seems to be the opposite for many of our politicians. Tim Schroder, Gordon

Dose of abject reality

In general practice, it has gone from famine to feast regarding supplies of vaccines. Initially, it was a problem with excess AstraZeneca supplies, and now it is also the case with Pfizer. It is distressing whenever, despite all best efforts, doses are wasted because of falling booking numbers. Efforts to send vaccines elsewhere, including the hubs, have faced logistical challenges. One solution would be to open eligibility now for booster doses of Pfizer for all those who took part in the first stage of the rollout, the aged care and healthcare workers and those over 70 who received the AstraZeneca vaccine. Louise Dolan, Birchgrove

Lost on the roadmap

I can visit my aunt in rural Victoria, but I can’t visit my father in rural NSW (“Families reunite as Victoria opens up to NSW”, October 21). Now, that’s COVID logic for you. Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

Hounded by history

If only Mike had been able to actually stop greyhound racing, he’d be my hero. Still, banking
is important. Keith Russell, Mayfield West

Must be djoking

The Australian Open tennis scheduled for next January is not reliant on whether Novak Djokovic is fully vaccinated (“Djoker doubles down: Rules apply no matter how big a star you are”, October 21). Let the show begin without him. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

For heaven’s sake

Obey, Nan Howard (Letters, October 21)? Really? And there was I thinking all believers were keen to see the NSW Modern Slavery Act passed. Jim Dewar, North Gosford

The thing that irks me most about your repentant, obedient believer correspondent and her ilk is that they will die believing that they are going to heaven and will never know that they haven’t gone there, due to its non-existence. Alynn Pratt, Grenfell

As the old joke goes: “I am going to heaven for the climate and hell for the company.” Al Clark, Belrose

My mum made the best case for voluntary assisted dying I’ve ever heard. She said: “You know, there are worse things than dying.” Tom Orren, Wamberal Heights

Perhaps your correspondent could help with the Epicurus question which goes back to 350BC. “If God is willing to prevent evil, but unable, he is impotent. If God is able to prevent evil, but unwilling, he is malevolent. If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then whence evil?” Perhaps you could answer with reference to the conduct of the religious right element in Australian politics. John Hinde, Millers Point

The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Australia is running dead last among rich nations in the most important race humanity has ever faced
From David: ″⁣Thank you Tim for your succinct summary and call to action. I feel ashamed as an Australian at our lack of care for the future of this beautiful planet and our disregard for all life yet to come.″⁣

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