Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:
So much hypocrisy and double-talk (“Churches back player’s decision amid anger in LGBTQ community”, July 27). To the Tongan Evangelical Wesleyan Church pastor’s remark “whatever the Bible says is very authoritative to us”, I guess that means no tattoos or Sunday games for Manly?
To the National Chair of the Assembly of Confessing Congregations, Christianity is far more “ingrained” in Aussie culture but we’ve managed to get over it. And to the Sydney Anglican diocese, you might be still “having a conversation”, but the rest of Australia overwhelmingly decided this matter years ago. We don’t just accept our LGBTIQA+ friends, we celebrate them. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn
The Catholic Church in Australia at its recent plenary council affirmed inclusion of LGBTIQA+ people, using the acronym for the first time in an Australian official church document. This is a way to ensure all rainbow people are represented in the church and its mission. I know many denominations and faiths that either positively, or in part, include LGBTIQA+ people. Now we see sports events doing the same thing.
As a Catholic priest, I recognise inclusion as basic to following the Jesus of the gospels. What kind of religion do the seven Manly players belong to that demands discrimination against and exclusion of people based on their sexual and gender identity to such a degree that they can’t even wear a multi-coloured jersey? Peter Maher, Arncliffe
Those church leaders unhappy with Manly’s rainbow jersey must have some difficulties dealing with the Biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colours. Steve Bright, North Avoca
Speaking on behalf of his fellow Pacific Islanders, the Reverend Hedley Fihaki declares that Christianity is “not just a matter of going to church on Sunday, it’s part of our DNA”.
At conception, a person receives DNA from both biological mother and father, not from proselytising missionaries. The traditional beliefs held for thousands of years by the reverend’s ancestors were completely overturned just a couple of hundred years ago by visiting Christians. If DNA had anything to do with it, I don’t think the Bible would be part of the conversation. Ken Moore, Hinton
How sad that a bigoted human construct should further marginalise and possibly cause serious harm to the LGBTQIA+ community and those afraid to come out due to such opinions (“My heartbreak over rainbow jersey boycott”, July 27). Ian Roberts demonstrated tremendous bravery in declaring his sexuality when playing. If a current team member or opposition player did likewise, would these Manly players refuse to play with or against him? This is not about the players’ “diversity and empowerment”, it’s homophobia, plain and simple; and homophobia comes in many forms, indeed. Graham Fazio, Cootamundra
Those people vilifying a group of footballers would be screaming loudly about their “rights” if their boss required they be seen to endorse a religion or a political party or a war, or whatever else they didn’t personally support (Letters, July 26). The fact that some people think it’s a noble cause just opens the door to everyone else arguing for their favourite personal cause, too.
What goes on footballers’ clothing is just about commercial relationships, not belief in a cause. Gordon Drennan, Burton (SA)
Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:
Consultation, my foot (Letters, June 27). The seven Manly players who complained about not being consulted by the club before being asked to wear the pride jerseys are being disingenuous. Had they been consulted beforehand, would they have agreed to wear it? No! Their position is clear — that it is against their culture and/or religion. So what would the consultation have achieved? Merely refusal behind closed doors and silence in public. Kim Woo, Mascot
I have zero sympathy for the Manly players who have chosen to sit out Thursday’s game due to their religious beliefs. If these players are feeling maligned or discriminated against, perhaps one or two might be capable of reflecting on how their current plight compares with those of the LGBTQIA+ community. Religions need to be (and definitely have been) capable of adapting to changes in society. Thursday’s game would have been a wonderful opportunity for the Manly club to lead the way on this issue. Instead, the stance of these players has brought shame and embarrassment on a code which its chairman claims is a bastion of inclusivity. Ben Lloyd, Merewether
Absence unlikely to make our hearts grow fonder
As a constituent of Cook, Scott Morrison’s electorate, I am appalled but not surprised by his lack of workplace ethics (“So much for mutual obligation”, July 26). After such a long break away from parliament one would have expected he would attend the new sitting. The salary he is paid is specifically to represent this electorate, and it is not in Tokyo. Why go on a trip to Tokyo to discuss who knows what with a group of, as Jenna Price aptly names them, “has-beens”?
What our local MP is obviously doing is networking in the hope that some of these “has-beens” will offer him a more lucrative and prestigious role than representing the good citizens of Cook.
A few words of advice to the “has-beens” if they think to offer him a job: he doesn’t hold the hose, doesn’t deal well with pandemics (unless a group of state premiers take over for him), doesn’t believe you can trust government or the United Nations.
He does, however, firmly believe in coal and has been known to carry some with him; believes in climate change figure-fudging, obfuscation and, oh yes, his god. The electorate of Cook deserves better. Sue Schipp, Caringbah South
Surely, the main reason why Morrison has failed to turn up at the opening of parliament is that he is just plain embarrassed to do so.
The trip to Tokyo to speak at some conference or other is just a convenient excuse to ease himself into the reality that he has suffered an excruciatingly huge defeat as prime minister and now has to face it, rather than reside in relative obscurity as the lowly member for Cook, a job he doesn’t seem to be doing very well. I’d be happy if he retired to spend more time with the family. Michael Slocum, Ascot Vale
If Morrison is going to go off to pointless gabfests instead of attending parliament, or indeed if he resigns before the next election, there’s a simple response.
Fine him whatever his total parliamentary salary would have been during his absenteeism. The conservatives should endorse that response – it’s exactly what they’ve been trying to do to trade unions for legal industrial actions for decades. Tony Doyle, Fairy Meadow
Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:
It really does sum him up. Morrison certainly hasn’t wasted any time using his gold travel pass considering his recent trip to WA to preach to the converted. It is somewhat of an insult to his fellow sitting Liberals that he has not shown up to parliament. Hopefully, his employer will deduct three days’ pay for absenteeism, and in case he’s forgotten, he does still have an obligation to his electorate to be in Canberra when the House is sitting. Peter Rose, Jamberoo
If the people of Morrison’s former electorate – because, let’s face it, Morrison is as good as gone – think their local federal member should be sitting in parliament representing their interests, then they ought to have voted for one prepared not only to hold a hose, but to remain “trust(ing) in the Lord with all (his) heart and lean not on (his) own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5), and to have recalled Philippians 4:13 and “done all this through Him who gives me strength”. Fred Jansohn, Rose Bay
Psychologically, Morrison’s failure to show for the first week of parliament is a repeat of his holiday to Hawaii when the country was burning. It is an escape – thinking that out of sight is out of mind, whereas the ensuing furore indicates the very opposite is true. The former PM is likely soon to flee politics altogether, making possible that an independent or a strong local ALP candidate can defeat a new Liberal candidate in his seat of Cook. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne
There could be a new movement: “SMEXIT”. Peter Hill, East Ballina
Reading, writing and the arithmetic of COVID
It is difficult to find a single sentence with which to agree with Chris Uhlmann (“Pandemic truths must be known”, July 27). One can’t help feeling he should be reading, not writing, about the complexities confronting experts in minimising all forms of damage – health, social and economic – caused by a pandemic of the scale of COVID-19. Lockdowns were an essential tool before widespread rollout of vaccination and the subsequent development of antivirals. Mandating mask-wearing indoors now is a trivial intrusion on liberty, as is working from home when ill and ensuring full protection to self and community through vaccine boosts. The infection that causes death in an older Australian comes at the end of a chain of transmission with links that would’ve been broken by such simple measures. We are indeed all in this together.
He is correct, however, in pointing to the underfunding before the pandemic of the public hospital system as a major contributor to its struggle to cope with the additional burden of COVID. This will not change until the Commonwealth restores its contribution to 50 per cent. Graeme Stewart, Palm Beach
Greens empowered ‘the mandate’
Chris Bowen is refusing to lift Labor’s position on 43 per cent reduction of carbon emissions because “we were elected with that mandate” (“Greens shape up to support Labor’s climate reforms”, July 27). He might remember that Labor was elected because of the preferences of the Greens and independents. Labor’s primary votes were the lowest in a long time. The Greens and independents had a mandate for a much higher carbon reduction than Labor’s pathetic 43 per cent. So, who has the mandate for carbon reduction? Fairness and reason tell us that it is the Greens and independents, while Labor in its misplaced arrogance is over-riding the very people who got them where they are. John Biggs, Mt Nelson (Tas)
Maybe the Greens have finally understood that to make progress on ending the climate wars some small steps are necessary even if they are not the giant steps they wanted. Even though Labor’s legislation is not all that the Greens and teals may want, it is an important first step to provide a legislated structure to advance action on climate change. The last decade of incompetent dithering by the Coalition resulted in the shambles that our environment and the power industry have found themselves in. Introducing a framework will provide a structured starting point from which further change can be built. Ross Hudson, Mount Martha
From the mouths of babes
Yesterday afternoon, after collecting my grandchildren from their childcare centre, my five-year-old grandson joyfully showed me how they start every day (“So much for mutual obligation”, July 27).
First, the Acknowledgment of Country, after which they all sing Head, shoulders, knees and toes in the local Aboriginal dialect, followed by We Are Australian in English.
Instead of the nonsense of a hugely diverse group of people swearing allegiance to a monarchy, many of whom wish was in our history rather than our present, and listening to prayers in ancient English to a Christian god, our parliament could take a leaf out of this childcare centre’s book. Even if they stuck with Head, shoulders, knees and toes, it would be no sillier than what they’re doing now. Prue Nelson, Cremorne Point
RBA and two masters
Ross Gittins is correct (“Keeping your head over inflation”, July 27). All central banks serve two forces: the financial sector and the government. The RBA is under huge pressure from the financial sector to raise interest rates. This sector only wants their own interest rates to bring them greater profits. No matter where all these inflations come from, banks want a bigger share, no matter if there’s a slump. Central banks will be blamed unfairly, as usual, and financial sectors will get their low economic activity. Jocelyn Pixley, Paddington
The forever apology
Pope Francis has apologised in the name of the Catholic Church for atrocities committed to hundreds of children of Canada’s First Nations people (“‘I ask forgiveness’: Pope apologises for ‘deplorable evil’ of Canadian indigenous schools”,, July 26). Perhaps then he could extend his journey to Ireland to apologise for hundreds of deaths of children hidden by nuns running residential institutions there. And while he is in his humble mood he might visit Australia and other places to apologise to those whose lives have been devastated after being sexually abused in schools and churches by his priests. He might even apologise for his church’s arrogant efforts in many countries to subsume or replace the established creation beliefs and worship practices of indigenous peoples with his religion. My god, he has his work cut out. Brian O’Donnell, Burradoo
Minister’s job on the line
What, another train strike (“Commuters brace for train disruptions”, July 27)? Just wondering how close we are to seeing our transport minister honouring his pledge from a couple of months ago to put his job on the line to fix the trains. I know that in the interim he has had a distraction or two with his overseas trips and riding the bullet train in Japan, but it is beyond time that our various transport debacles find a resolution. Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill
See-food solution
As a former “boat person”, circa 1967 and a £10 Pom to boot, I recall advice from a fellow passenger, while crossing the Bay of Biscay off the French coast en route to Oz, that the cure for sea sickness was to keep coming back for more food (Letters, July 27). I also remember a very deserted ship’s canteen and crowded deck. It worked for me. Robin Humphrey, Springwood
Dishing the dirt
When booking into accommodation in Byron on Monday I encountered a young lady who had been at the Splendour in the Grass festival (Letters, July 25). When I asked, naively perhaps, “how was the mud?” she smiled and replied, “ya just get with the vibe”. Perhaps there’s a lesson there for all us septuagenarians. Peter Singer, Arrawarra Headland
Solo interests
Every picture tells a story (“Opposition’s mask slips as new parliament starts divided”, July 27). The images of Labor, Greens and independents all wearing masks for the opening of parliament may also signal a show of unity to work together for the good of all. The unmasked Liberals represent the philosophy of go your own way. Michael Blissenden, Dural
There was a masked difference between the Coalition and the Labor side of the ecumenical service at St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church to mark the start of the 47th Parliament.Credit: Alex Elllinghausen
If this lot can’t even follow public health advice during a devastating COVID-19 outbreak, how can they claim to be working in the public’s interest? They might as well be wearing MAGA caps. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown
Our new leader shows commitment to fair, polite government, and the vanquished haven’t learnt anything. At least Sussan Ley shows some sense in social distancing. Mask up, Libs. Alison Stewart, Waitara
Cruden gesture
It is called the Cruden’s Concordance, compiled by the rather erratic Alexander Cruden in the 17th century (Letters, July 27). Jim Cruden, Conder (ACT)
The digital view
Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Desperately short of qualified staff, childcare centres ask to bend rules
From Amp1982: ″Our centre is leaking staff. So much turnover this year. Along with this, we have just been asked to keep our kids home/reduce their hours because staff have been hit by the latest COVID wave/sickness wave/burnout. I’ve spent two weeks home with my kids because they’ve been sick. I’m sick. Everyone is sick and trying to hang in there. I worry about the burnout. I see it in the educators’ faces. They are so tired. I’m not sure how we fix this.″
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