

This was published 1 year ago

Public schools got $357 in fees per student last year – their private rivals raked in $13,000

By Christopher Harris

Public school parents are chipping in less money towards their children’s education compared to a decade ago, while parents with kids at private schools are spending thousands of dollars more in fees, charges and contributions every year.

Official figures released on Thursday show average parent contributions declined by $200 over 10 years, falling to $357 in 2022.

The figures comes after schools have cancelled weekly sport because they can no longer afford to hire buses, while the head of the Department of Education, Murat Dizdar, has told principals not to imply school contributions are mandatory with terms such as “fee”, “charge” or “levy” in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis.

It has become common practice in public primary schools for principals to ask teachers to bring in packs of tissues, hand soap and paper towels as general supplies.

School fees and contributions for private schools have risen by 35 per cent to $13,621 over the decade, according to data in the National Report on Schooling in Australia.

Many private schools hiked fees from 2021 after the government started tracking “capacity to contribute score”, which matched enrolment information with tax office data to measure how much parents could afford to pay, with their funding accordingly. No such system exists for public school parents.

Parents in public schools are contributing less while those in the private system are shelling out more.

Parents in public schools are contributing less while those in the private system are shelling out more.Credit: iStock

Catholic schools’ fees increased from $1965 per year on average to $3142, Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority data shows.

For the first time since 2013, Catholic school students received less than government pupils when it came to gross income (government funding plus parental fees and contributions) on a per-student basis.


NSW government school funding increased from $9341 to $14,486 per student over the decade.


UTS Professor Rachel Wilson, who studies educational systems, said a growing exodus of students from the public system into private schools was responsible for the funding shift.

“The reason it looks like it is going up outrageously is that the need is there, [disadvantage] is more concentrated in public schools, it is also more concentrated in some [public] schools more than others,” she said.

Under the Gonski needs-based funding model first announced in 2012, schools are allocated taxpayer cash to assist students with additional needs to meet their potential at school, which is calculated as the “schooling resource standard”. The system was only ever partially implemented.

Wilson said the annual report on Australian schooling failed to provide information about the national goals of education that have no available data against them. “For example, children with a disability are only counted, there is no attention to their opportunity or outcomes,” she said.


“Overall, there is a lack of transparency for how money is spent in schools.”

NSW P&C Federation president Yvonne Hilsz said while parent and citizens associations across the state raised more than $40 million last year, more families were struggling with the cost of living.

“It demonstrates to me there are increased living pressures on families,” she said.

When it came to helping schools pay for things, she said parents were now chipping in for a range of things, not just special projects. She said that ranged from shade cloths, outdoor equipment, classroom resources or transportation costs for swimming lessons.

“More and more, we’re hearing P and Cs [parents and citizens] are providing more support to subsidise other activities like buses,” she said.

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