

This was published 1 year ago


Public interest consistently sacrificed in Barangaroo evolution

This story is part of an in-depth series investigating the Barangaroo precinct, one of Sydney’s largest urban renewal projects.See all 19 stories.

When NSW premier Bob Carr launched an international urban design competition for East Darling Harbour in 2005, he announced an ambitious agenda for the redundant 22-hectare waterfront site.

“We have seized this historic opportunity to return a substantial part of Sydney’s foreshore back to the people,” he said. This was coupled with an equally ambitious aspiration for Sydney to be seen on the world stage as a global city, “...the premier business, cultural and living centre of the Asia-Pacific region”.

An early iteration of what East Darling Harbour might have looked like if the original concept plan was realised.

An early iteration of what East Darling Harbour might have looked like if the original concept plan was realised.Credit:

The NSW government was seeking a “showpiece of excellence in waterfront urban renewal both in Australia and around the world”.

As such, the brief required all proposals to provide a minimum of 50 per cent of the site for a new foreshore parkland including a continuous waterfront promenade.

The buildings were to be limited to one third of the site, and to be between 5 and 14 storeys, with a mix of uses – commercial offices, retail, hotels, residential, recreational and cultural – stepping down to the foreshore and parkland to the north. To enhance the growth and positioning of Sydney, large floor plate office space was to be provided.

Finally, the project was to be self-funding. Therein lies the rub.

From the outset, these competing ambitions set up tensions between public and commercial interests that continue to play out today as the adopted concept plan for the site undergoes its ninth modification. Each amendment eroded the form and intent of the original approval and diminished the net public benefit.

Successive modifications to the concept plan have incrementally undermined the original ambitions of the project.

The competition brief called for a strong urban design concept that would attract public interest. A concept that recognised the unique attributes of the prominent harbour location and captured both Sydney’s existing character, and the future possibilities for the city’s development in the 21st century.


A key aim of the two-stage competition was to stimulate imaginative design proposals. Providing a rare opportunity for designers to express their skills and creativity, it attracted entries from across the globe. Predictably, the Stage 1 submissions were more experimental, while those shortlisted for Stage 2 represented the best of the different approaches in Stage 1.

Barangaroo precinct development.

Most of the schemes addressed the brief, albeit in quite different ways. The international schemes tended to be more transformative, while the shortlisted local submissions tended to have a more nuanced response to the context, the urban condition and scale of Sydney.

Being part of the Stage 2 jury was an equally exciting challenge. The five shortlisted schemes were both compelling and more resolved than the first round, making for a close competition.

However, the jury was unanimous in selecting a winner: Sydney team, Hill Thalis, Berkemeier and Irwin. The successful scheme was a considered piece of city-making that captured both the project vision and Sydney’s character. Importantly, it provided a clear framework that could accommodate many contributors without the inherent structure being radically changed at each stage of development.

Once appointed, the team refined its scheme to take on feedback from the jury and the government’s evolving requirements, but the approved concept plan was not to be realised.

Like the Opera House competition, controversy arose during the design development process. The developer for the first phase – Lend Lease – proposed modifications to the building heights and public domain of the concept plan, the first of many. What has been built today is an amalgam of eight separate modifications.


The project as-built, certainly has high notes, including recognition of the traditional owners in the naming of Barangaroo; the parkland and promenade; excellent sustainability credentials; some quality design, and a much-needed metro underway. However, successive modifications to the concept plan have incrementally undermined the original ambitions of the project, appearing to favour commercial over public interests. The most dramatic and controversial being the introduction of the 75-storey Crown tower right on the waterfront displacing the proposed foreshore open space.

The latest proposal for central Barangaroo (Modification 9) is also not without controversy. By once again challenging the height limit, a proposal that would further impact the public domain and historic views, has signalled that a tipping point has been reached.

The NSW Planning Minister Anthony Roberts has just announced that he “could see no way that approving the modification would be in Sydney’s best interests”. This is a welcome call by the minister. His refusal of this modification may go some way to restoring confidence in the planning process and rebalancing the public interest at Barangaroo, if not the competition process.

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