Like most Sydneysiders, I was most peeved to read that the “managers” responsible for eviscerating the Powerhouse and shipping it off to parts unknown in the dead of night have been celebrating their successes, with a feast of fresh tuna and sparkling wine (“Museum defends Christmas party after ‘exceptional’ year”, March 10). Ten years ago, our Powerhouse Christmas party involved cakes and tea – and we had to bake our own cakes. Any moment now, these incompetent bludgers will catch the gravy train back to Victoria, leaving behind a gutted and sold-off Ultimo site, a dusty shed in Castle Hill, the lamentably neglected Sydney Observatory and a milk crate in a flood plain in Parramatta. Sack the lot of them and bring back the real Powerhouse. Allan Kreuiter, Roseville
A whole yellowfin tuna was consumed at Powerhouse Museum’s Christmas celebration.Credit: Instagram
With respect to Linda Morris’ article, a $30,000 Christmas lunch for 400 staff is about as far as it gets from a story. To call it “an exceptional year” is an understatement when considering what Powerhouse staff achieved in 2024, and a nice meal with a few drinks pales in comparison to the reward they would have received for comparable work in the private sector. Let’s also put $30,000 into perspective: that’s less than half of the lowest electoral allowance paid to NSW MPs on top of their already generous salary and benefits. Powerhouse is one of Sydney’s finest institutions. We should celebrate its dedicated and hard-working staff, not join in Peter Dutton’s predictable attacks on public servants. Harrison Vesey, Blacktown
I read with interest Linda Morris’ account of the lavish end-of-year party to “celebrate” a momentous year at the Powerhouse Museum. I served on the Board of Trustees of the Powerhouse Museum between 1999 and 2010, eight of those 12 years as its president. I was not aware of the event. It strikes me as a little ironic that some who were celebrating the Ultimo campus’ “$300 million renovation” that evening were not so long ago publicly advocating, indeed committed to, its complete and permanent closure. Were it not for a brave few who persisted (and still persist) to see this landmark museum retained in the centre of Sydney, we would undoubtedly be seeing yet another high-rise residential development on the Harris Street site. Memories are short. And the sushi is delectable. Nicholas Pappas, The Rocks
The Powerhouse boffins who are trying to defend an extraordinary spend on a Christmas do are ignoring the fact that their museum and hence, their staff, rely on government funding, which makes them answerable to taxpayers. And this taxpayer is appalled. Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill
Black Hawks down
Ex-Army Black Hawk helicopters have been sitting inactive having been offered free of charge to the Rural Fire Service (“Black Hawk choppers not fit to help”, March 10). CASA , the appropriate commonwealth authority, would not allow these aircraft to be used for rescue and transport activities. What a waste of valuable resources. CASA has been restrained by outdated aviation regulations that do not permit ex-military aircraft to be used for civilian activities. This is surprising since the Black Hawks and the ex-RAAF Hercules are built on the same production lines as their civilian equivalents, which are able to carry passengers. I’ll vote for any party in the next election that will get rid of these ridiculous aviation regulations. Warren Dunn, St Ives
One of the Black Hawks has recently been painted in the Rural Fire Service colours.Credit: NSW Rural Fire Service
Don’t blame liberals for Trump
George Brandis presents a very simplistic view of the history of political ideologies and he mistakes the symptoms for the causes of what he calls “failed liberalism” (“Failed liberalism gave us Trump 2.0,” March 10). Among other ludicrous generalisations, he seems to think that “woke” hippies had something to do with Donald Trump’s mafia-style fascism. Brandis blames the demise of genuine liberalism on those who have tried to defend freedoms and diversity, rather than seeing that neo-liberal, hyper-capitalism has overwhelmed politically progressive movements and ideas. Humility and respect don’t cut it against Standard Oil or News Corp. Philip Bell, Bronte
George Brandis is correct, the Democratic Party and by extension its supporters mainly living on the east and west coasts of America and in Washington DC are primarily responsible for Donald Trump’s political rise and resurrection. With the emergence of woke, working-class Americans mainly living in the “fly-over” states saw their needs ignored by the highly educated elites. If the Democratic Party is not careful, they could be responsible for “Hillbilly” J.D. Vance becoming their next president. Riley Brown, Bondi Beach
Thanks to George Brandis for an interesting and thoughtful piece. While it concentrates on recent American politics, it also has some relevance in Australia. We are seeing much of the same judgmental intolerance among self-proclaimed progressives on subjects from climate change to religion. In fact, some of the climate warriors have elevated their beliefs into a form of religion. In the words of one preacher I heard recently, if you can believe in a climate change catastrophe, then you shouldn’t have much trouble believing in the final judgment. The other progressive belief, that all institutions should be controlled by the state, is supposed to be inclusive but ends up denying many their freedom of expression and belief. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh
Does Brandis agree there’s generally a cause to every effect? If American liberals were “abandoning pluralism and intellectual humility” they must have been reacting to something, surely? And that something was the right-wing fury at efforts to level the gender and minority playground for a fairer equilibrium. No one was going to mention gender and racial inequalities or LGBTQI issues until conservatives took it upon themselves to exercise their own intolerance and push back against things they did not like or understand. They even gave sensible empathy the scathing “woke” tag and weaponised it for political purposes. It’s this that gave rise to Trump 2.0. Alison Stewart, Riverview
George Brandis claims left-wing liberals are the reason Donald Trump is president. Credit: nna\KCampbell
Brandis proposes that Trump’s return to the US presidency was enabled by American liberals, supposedly “the champions of diversity”, ironically “[becoming] the enforcers of conformity” and “ruthlessly intolerant of deviations from [their] worldview”. The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, in his book Beyond Good and Evil, wrote: “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster.” In a similar vein, George Orwell, in his satirical novella Animal Farm, describes how the efforts of a group of animals to create a society where all were equal, free, and happy, resulted in a worse society than in the beginning. We need to be aware that every movement risks becoming the thing that it abhors. Paul Casey, Callala Bay
According to Brandis, the Democrats are responsible for Trump; a delusional idea worthy of Trump. The reality is the US has been heading down the Trump path for decades with its extreme capitalist ideology that disproportionately benefits the wealthy and disadvantages ordinary Americans. Any solution that may have helped was blocked by their extreme antipathy for any form of socialism, like a decent public healthcare system. The only answer available was Trump – a delusional far-right conservative. John Macintosh, Merewether
It’s a bit much for Brandis to blame liberalism. If anyone is to blame it is not “liberal” Americans, who were probably among the 75 million who voted Democrat, but rather the 77 million who voted Republican, and even more so, the 90 million who couldn’t be bothered to vote at all. Paul Parramore, Sawtell
Brandis is having his usual go at the progressive side of politics by setting up the straw man argument that modern liberalism in America is underpinned by intolerance of those with whom they disagree. I think he has got it back to front. What is intolerant about wanting a fair go for minorities and others who are not a part of mainstream society? It seems clear to me that it is in the reluctance of conservatives to afford that fair go to minority groups where real intolerance is to be found.
Michael Georgeson, Balmain
In yet another thinly disguised effort at belting those of progressive thought closer to his own sphere of influence, Brandis is lecturing American liberals on their lack of pluralism. Can I suggest to Brandis that pluralism is a commodity noticeably thin on the ground among Trump acolytes, as well as this side of the Pacific among those of his own political persuasion in the Dutton camp. And, perish the thought, his regular columns seem to hint at a personal affliction in that direction as well. Surely, somewhere along the line, that little quip about people in glass houses throwing stones has come up. Terry Flanagan, Wagga Wagga
Ho hum. George Brandis dusts off, freshens up and expands his “everyone has a right to be a bigot” speech. Freedom of speech is one thing, George, but bigotry is more than a difference of opinion. David McCarthy, Berowra
Thanks to all the (wet) feet on the ground
Hello again from South East Queensland. With my internet connection restored, what a relief to be able to read the Herald online again. There’s lots to catch up on, especially letters and Column 8. It’s still raining, and we may not be able to return home on Monday as suburban roads may be flooded, but our new neighbours, now our friends, are still looking out for us. As former Blackheathens, this isn’t the first time we’ve been near a disaster, and it is simply astonishing how people look after one another in times of need. Along with the good deeds is a large helping of humour, which just melts the anxiety. Officials, emergency services, everyone, you’re what humanity is all about. Ongoing gratitude to all the feet on the ground. Irene Wheatley, Bethania
NSW RFS teams have been deployed to North Queensland to assist locals in flood stricken communities.Credit: Nick Moir
There have been many floods in the past decade, but every time there’s at least one person who, despite all the previous warnings (and deaths), decides to drive through the water over a flooded road. This time there were numerous instances, and I guess that since there is still lots of flooding around, they won’t be the last to endanger themselves and the people trying to rescue them. It’s hard to believe. Don Leayr, Albury
Defensive strategy
David Crowe notes that the two main parties need to lift growth, add to household wealth and build a stronger nation for all of us (“No time to waste for leaders”, March 10). Unfortunately, a significant increase in defence spending will be needed as part of that mix. I think it’s time to end the tax breaks we grey nomads have been enjoying on super in retirement. Perhaps by directing those savings to defence, like those who served in the many wars of the 20th century, we can do one more thing to make our kids and grandkids safe. As one who didn’t get to serve, I’m ready to now. What about you? Brian Barrett, Padstow
Big car blues
Your article about carparks made me angry (“Mega-car in a mini space: How SUVs are reshaping Australian car parks”, March 9). Any increase in the size of car park bays to accommodate SUVs and trucks will inevitably result in fewer parking spaces. The community is therefore being collectively punished to accommodate the selfish choice of those people who choose to buy vehicles that not only intimidate other road users, but also increase their chance of serious injury. As a society, we should be doing all we can to reverse the trend towards larger cars. Ideally, they should be taxed off the road. They should also be charged far higher insurance premiums (especially third party) as there is solid evidence that they are more likely to injure and kill pedestrians and other road users. Bollards to prevent oversized vehicles from entering town centres, normal-sized car parks and school zones should also be introduced. This is already happening in a few places in Europe, where the extra weight of these vehicles can damage historic infrastructure (eg Marlow Bridge). As an aside, collective punishment is banned under Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. Simon Blake, Wamboin
SUVs crammed into small parking bays is a common sight.Credit: Joe Armao
Paid by taxpayers
Peter Dutton continues to attack public sector workers’ employment conditions despite the fact he has spent most of his adult life collecting a taxpayer-funded salary, at first as a policeman and afterwards as a politician. Denis Goodwin, Dee Why
Family politics
What is so remarkable that it requires a half-page article telling us an elderly wealthy man intends to vote for someone, not because of policy, but because he knew her great uncle and she was friends with his granddaughter (“Old family ties put Fox among the Liberals”, March 10). Maybe the remarkable thing is that we no longer have serious discussions about policy, but rather focus on personalities. Manuela Epstein, Pyrmont
Steel yourself
Why the excitement over possible tariffs on our iron/steel and aluminium exports to the United States? They account for a mere 3 per cent of our smallish total exports of goods and services to the US, and an even tinier fraction of what we pay annually to the US on our capital account. A small withholding tax on those payments wouldn’t be much in breach of that free trade agreement with the United States, would it? Ian Bowie, Bowral
Renewables power ahead
Your correspondent’s claim that “the national transition to renewables has stalled considerably” (Letters, March 10) is not borne out by the facts. Over the past six months (September to February, inclusive) Australia has averaged more than 45 per cent renewable power, a national record, and coal has been pushed below 50 per cent for the first time ever. Brendan Jones, Annandale
Five Guys and a funeral
Fast food company Five Guys is just another American import contributing to Australia’s obesity problem (“US burger chain Five Guys is slow-cooking its way to success”, March 10). How anyone can open their jaws wide enough to bite into that tower of calories is a mystery. Knife and fork? Don’t make me laugh. Can we please ignore this chain, which I’m sure will do very little for the Australian economy and even less for our already overstretched health system. Jennifer Bacia, Newstead
King James version?
New Zealand band the Mutton Birds have a song called Queen’s English that allegedly was written after viewing an American politician being interviewed on television. This individual was railing against other languages being spoken in the US. He supposedly opined: “If the Queen’s English was good enough for Jesus Christ, it’s good enough for me.” Give it a listen. Pauline McGinley, Drummoyne
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