

This was published 6 months ago

No easy choice on police marching in Mardi Gras

Reading the thoughtful and moving opinion pieces by Josh Szeps (“No cops isn’t a moral triumph, it’s fuzzy-headed victimhood”, February 28) and 78er Barbara Karpinski (“Police must take Mardi Gras break”, February 28) made me extremely uneasy. At 81, I am of Karpinski’s generation, the one that lived - and died - through appalling discrimination, the AIDS epidemic, police ignorance and brutality. The younger Szeps owes much of the admirable freedom of his life today to the activists of earlier decades. When the police first marched at Mardi Gras, while it was well-meant and even touching, it was essentially a gesture. It is entirely understandable that the decision to ban them from Mardi Gras this year has been strongly linked to community grief over the tragic recent deaths and allegations that have followed. But findings of the recent inquiry into unsolved deaths involving suspected LGBTIQ victims and the deplorable role of the NSW Police of the era reminded us that a deeply rooted culture of ignorance and prejudice doesn’t disappear overnight. I had thought initially that barring police from marching in the 2024 Mardi Gras might have been an overreaction. I now believe it was the right decision. Gillian Appleton, Paddington

The 1978 protesters were arrested in the street.

The 1978 protesters were arrested in the street.Credit: Fairfax

Over the last few days, we’ve seen an increase in the disdain of NSW Police marching in this year’s Mardi Gras due to heightened tensions resulting from the horrific allegations of the murders of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies, but this is the wrong attitude to take in these troubling times (“Police, organisers debate option to eschew uniforms”, February 28). Rather than further contributing to tensions, it’s times like this that these separate communities should be rallying together and building a better future instead of dwelling on their sad intertwined past. There is a way forward if both sides can forgive and move forward, no matter how heightened tensions may be. Robbie DeVine, Oran Parkn

I can’t help but feel the Mardi Gras committee’s attitude to the police marching is hurtful. Hurtful to me as a citizen of Sydney who loves the Mardi Gras and to the gay police who bravely marched in uniform in the early days. Don’t meet former hurtful behaviour with more hurtful behaviour.
There are many groups who treated gay people badly, so don’t pick on today’s gay police on account of the behaviour of former generations. Would the response have been the same if the suspected killer had been a doctor or a firie? Kerrie Holmes, Kensington

The police have worked determinedly to find answers in the killing of Jesse Baird and Luke Davies. This would have been an opportunity for many of us in the LGBTIQ community to show we support and appreciate what they have done and are continuing to do. Yes, the community is hurting and in shock. However, in this instance it was not the greater police force as alleged perpetrators, but an individual who happened to be a police officer. Philip Smith, Waterloo

It may be appropriate for the Mardi Gras parade to exclude a police presence, but given their lack of confidence in the police force, it would be inappropriate to rely on them for security. They should appoint a private company to manage the event. Charles Hargrave, Elizabeth Bay

How lucky are we in the LGBTQI community to have so many helpful straight allies [sic] to tell us how we should respond to current events and be more like you. It’s very welcome and thought-provoking and not even the slightest bit opportunistic, self-aggrandising and patronising. Peter Fyfe, Enmore


Morrison’s big decisions driven by public pressure

It’s funny how we can view the past so differently (“Haters must acknowledge that the former tardy, rushed PM made some good decisions”, February 28). I recall that many of the big decisions made by the Morrison government during the pandemic as being both tardy and rushed, forced by the weight of public opinion, rather than initiated by him. Closing the borders, lockdowns, Jobseeker, online learning in schools were all a result of public anxiety and fear in the face of dogged resistance by the government. The dole queues, parental withdrawals of students from schools, the frantic search for rapid tests, the demands to protect the country when other nations were closing borders, the race to join vaccination wait lines after botched imports of vaccine, and the laid back “I’m going to the footie tonight” when COVID rules kicked in, are memorable. We knew it was all a bad “look” for a government so decisions were made, belatedly. Vanessa Tennent, Oatley

They say that imitation is the highest form of flattery and Scott Morrison says he wants to emulate Julia Gillard in his retirement from politics. Good (“Libs’ two-horse race for Cook hots up as Morrison bows out”, February 28)! She broke the mould when she became Australia’s first female prime minister and the Liberals never forgave her for it. They used whatever means they had to belittle and ridicule her. Remember the “Ditch the witch” and “Bob Brown’s bitch” signs? Vile and disgraceful. Maybe Scott Morrison’s gesture to her will go a little way to assuaging that memory. Though knowing the Liberals, there may be a sneaky plan in place. Peter Skrzynecki, Eastwood

The way to go out.

The way to go out.Credit: Cathy Wilcox

This week saw another positive step towards ridding our body politic of religious zealotry (“Scotty from Sunday school seizes the day”, February 28). The 2021 Census tells us that, by the next, over half of the population will identify as non-religious in all forms. Of the remainder, many are indifferent or fearful of correctly identifying themselves. Dwindling church attendances, confirm they are not committed believers. Accordingly, the Coalition should cease masquerading as a broad church, when it’s anything but, and start pre-selecting for the next election to correctly represent modern Australia. Howard Charles, Annandale

Among the many beliefs that Pentecostals such as Morrison enjoy are speaking in tongues, the ability to heal others and the belief in the End Times and Armageddon, the final battle before the second coming. I find it discomforting to think that Morrison will take these beliefs with him when he provides “advice” in the defence sector. David Farrell, Erksineville

I have always considered Morrison a great advertisement for atheism. Bob Hall, Wyoming


Fairer pay is fair go for women

While it is disappointing that there continues to be gender inequality in salaries in so many businesses, it is especially egregious when it turns out that some of them are fashion and beauty brands whose profits depend on female customers (“Top brands out of fashion on pay”, February 28). Thanks to this information now becoming public, it is now possible for women to take effective action by hitting them where it hurts: their income stream. I’m hoping that there will be many of us sticking a list of those companies on the fridge to remind us to boycott them until they mend their ways. Anne Ring, Coogee

There will never be parity in gender pay while the work women do is not valued as much as that done by men. Why is the work of female dominated professions of nurses, teachers and carers, for example, not valued highly? Not only is equal work for equal pay essential, it is also essential to value the work women do as equal to the work men do. Once the term “women’s work” was a derogatory term. We still have a long way go. Pauline Paton, Centennial Park

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

It doesn’t seem to be gender pay inequality. Most reports say that genders are paid the same for similar work. Rather, it seems to be inequality in hiring practices (mostly men in the higher-paying jobs in an industry) or inequality of pay between jobs – should cleaners get paid the same as welders? Should personal carers get paid the same as mechanics? Mark Anderson, Coogee

Danger ahead

The courageous article on how specific Australian locations are already being rendered less liveable by global warming uses Climate Council data that should be used by the Labor government to justify stronger climate actions to the electorate (“The effects of climate change on your suburb and city revealed”,, February 28). Instead, they meekly pussyfoot around the real issue of fossil fuel exports, afraid of the misinformation machine of the Coalition and the mainstream media. We have this data showing we must act now; how long can those denialist players imperil us by their inaction? Barry Laing, Castle Cove


Reef is precious

It’s devastating that the Great Barrier Reef has again experienced extensive bleaching this summer (“Barrier Reef bleached as things heat up underwater”, February 27). The reef is a UNESCO World Heritage listed ecosystem of rare and diverse beauty that can even be seen from space. It adds billions to our economy annually and supports 64,000 jobs. That we threaten the reef’s very existence by continuing to burn the fossil fuels that are causing alarming atmospheric and oceanic temperature rises beggars belief. Facing this loss, proactive leaders would be doubling down efforts to roll out climate solutions. Instead, we have Labor who have approved or supported 16 new coal and gas projects since the 2022 election, and the Coalition who delay with anti-renewables rallies and distract with nuclear pipe dreams. As coral reefs pale under the relentless heat, we cannot allow our collective responsibility to safeguard the climate and environment to fade. Amy Hiller, Kew (VIC)

Powering ahead

I have been informed that while nuclear-powered stations will decrease spikes in electricity costs and lower power bills, the flip side suggests that the Coalition will require a minimum of 18 nuclear power stations in NSW alone – not “Mini Mac” stations as suggested (Letters, February 28). And the power stations will be required to be constructed near water, ie along the NSW coastline. Anybody up for a debate on nuclear energy? Peter Nelson, Moss Vale

The poll on nuclear power should have included one more question than suggested by correspondents: “What do you know about the construction costs and time frame of modular nuclear generators?” Robert Dillon, Bathurst

Everlasting gift

What a timely gosh-darn feel-good story about a clear-headed and sprightly 93-year-old benefactor whose $1.5 billion bequest will enable free tuition for medical students at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, New York’s poorest suburb (“$1.5b donation makes Bronx medical school free for all students forever”, February 28). She also just happens to be the current chair of the Einstein board of trustees. Well done, Ruth Gottesman — you have made my day.


I wish Education Minister Jason Clare good luck in finding some home-grown Aussie billionaires to help out with our current crises in university education and shortage of graduates to fill the growing gaps in medical and other professions in our communities (“Who foots bill for fairer unis?”, February 28). Nell Knight, Avoca Beach

Swooping changes.

Swooping changes.Credit: Andrew Dyson

Ross Gittins’ column has the answer to enabling more students from disadvantaged backgrounds to enter our universities, but he uncharacteristically pussyfoots around it. His last two paragraphs allude to the changes needed to make our universities – and Australia – even better and much more egalitarian: higher taxes and more money into our public schools. Ian Falconer, Turramurra

Standing up for education

Margery Evans is standing up for independent education, not just religion-based education (Letters, February 28). That those with religious convictions get involved in education is not a nefarious action but an outworking of values. The Constitution does not require a “religious test” for any office. Indeed, religious freedom is protected. Labelling something irrational does not make it so. An antipathy to religion is not an argument.

Supporting independent schools does not force public schools to have less. States fund public schools and are free to increase funding if they choose. Commonwealth funding does not take anything away from them. Indeed, it allows other contributions – indeed requires them – to make up for the funds redirected from these students to the public system. I wonder how well the public schools in Vaucluse or St Ives do? Chris Main, Campbelltown

Brilliant wit


During question time in parliament on Tuesday, an opposition MP loudly interjected as the PM spoke (Letters, February 28). In a flash, the PM rejoined, “The light shines on the member, but it doesn’t make him any brighter.” Paul Keating would be proud. Edward Loong, Milsons Point

In response to being asked how he would meet his maker, Gough Whitlam replied: “You can be sure of one thing. I shall treat him as an equal.” David Farrell, Erskineville

Colour piece

How refreshing it is to have a “colourful Sydney racing identity” back on the news pages after years of merely beige racing identities on the sporting pages (“Racing figure Hayson charged with alleged ice importation”, February 28). Seppo Ranki, Glenhaven

Get moving

As the whole point of rugby union is to get the ball back into play, I suggest that six points be awarded for each scrum put-in, and three for each line-out throw. Stoppages would be minimised and, hey presto, running rugby (Letters, February 28)! John Christie, Oatley

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