

This was published 3 years ago

PM wastes millions yet crucifies Holgate over $20,000

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Can I suggest to our Prime Minister that for all his outrage over Christine Holgate’s spend, $20,000 is just a drop in the ocean when compared to his governments misuse of taxpayers’ money (“Government hits back at Holgate’s claims over exit”, April 15)? Where does one start: the Christmas Island reopening photo opportunity; the $50 million spent on keeping the Murugappan family incarcerated on said island; the sports rorts scandal; the robodebts repayments; the community grants program; the repeated inquiries, investigations and finally a royal commission into age care; and the multiple positions on climate change? Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill

I am waiting for Morrison to express the same level of concern about the many times $20,000 spent on flying the former finance minister around in pursuit of an overseas appointment. We have only been informed that it costs “about $4000 an hour” for the flights, not the total cost of this jaunt to the ADF, also an Australian owned “company”. Peter Funnell, Newport

Consider the fact the Coalition and the NSW state government embrace pork barrelling as a way of governing, where they award Liberal MPs districts with thousands upon thousands of dollars while denying Labor population centres. This dwarfs rewarding deserving postal employees for saving jobs with a $20,000 watch. Larry Woldenberg, Forest Lodge

Coming from the man who has directed the allocation of millions of dollars of public money only to Coalition electorates via sports grants and bushfire relief money, Morrison’s self-righteous anger at Holgate is hard to stomach. By comparison, her largesse is but a tiny speck. It seems to me that Holgate’s greatest sin was assuming she had the same rights, responsibilities and protections as a male CEO. Irene Buckler, Glenwood

Holgate’s replacement has been gifted a salary north of $1.4 million plus potential performance bonus of the same amount (Letters, April 15). The culture of entitlement at the top end of town, epitomised by these mind-boggling amounts of money, shouldered by taxpayers, are the root of the problem. I wonder if the Prime Minister will be calling out Paul Graham’s emoluments in Parliament. As they’re both members of the pale, male club, I’m not holding my breath. Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding Credit:

When the Australia Post watches story broke I formed an opinion of wrong-doing on the part of Holgate. Watching her evidence to the Senate inquiry, I am now ashamed of that ill-informed view. Holgate’s view of the events contrasts starkly with the disgraceful tone and confected outrage of Morrison. I now know who I choose to believe - it’s not the PM. Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs

Reading about the Australia Post episode, I can’t help but think of my father, who spent his entire working life with what was the PMG. Over the years he gained promotions till he was working at what would be called an executive level today. I’m sure he never received a lucrative bonus or a huge salary. He just got on with it. Joan Brown, Orange

What use is a Cartier watch apart from trying to convince others that you are equal to, if not better than, them. My phone probably does a better job of telling the time. What a waste. David Gibson, Bungendore


Premier out of step with the majority on assisted dying

The right to die once again becomes a political issue instead of a health issue (“It’s life and death for the people - and Berejiklian”, April 15). When my mother passed away peacefully in December all she talked about in her last 18 months was being able to choose when she died and not going into a nursing home. Thankfully for her she didn’t have to make those decisions, but it caused her considerable and unnecessary anxiety. It is well overdue for NSW to once again play catch up on this very private and personal health issue . Janet France, Northbridge

Gladys Berejiklian was wrong when she said the debate was over on euthanasia in NSW. Every other state in Australia either has laws, or is preparing and debating laws, to permit seriously and terminally ill people a good and pain-free death. Does the Premier really think the people of NSW will sit back as their state continues to ignore the wishes of its residents? It is time for her to step up and allow a true conscience vote when the bill comes to the Parliament in September. Deirdre Johnson, Spit Junction

No Premier, we definitely have not finished the debate on dying with dignity. Bless you, Alex Greenwich, for again trying to drag NSW with other states on this important issue. Maybe the vote should be left to the cohort it most affects, such as those looking forward to a very undignified death due to age or illness as opposed to those young and fit enough to throw the discussion into the too-hard basket. Actual personal experience can be a massive game changer, so please let us decide for ourselves. Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick

A small number of conservative politicians basing their concerns about a euthanasia bill on dubious religious claims should not stop the government from passing a bill supported by an overwhelming majority of the population. That is not democracy. Just get it done NSW, so we can all move on. Debbie Ditchfield, Vaucluse

Our politicians need to be responsive to the communities they were elected to represent. As an Albury resident, which according to Vote Compass has the highest level of support of any NSW electorate at over 80 per cent, we need to know what position our local MP will take in September when the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill is presented to Parliament. Sharon Potocnik, Table Top

I’m 75 and I mix with many people around my age in the northern region of the Upper Hunter electorate, where I live. Those about to stand as candidates for the electorate should make their views on this reform well known. If we had a referendum on the issue I feel sure we would get an overwhelming vote for the legislation. Patricia Wallace, Willow Tree

Three decades of needless agony

How many more First Nations people must die in custody before this “national disgrace”, as labelled by Pat Dodson, is seriously addressed (“Labor’s $170 million plan to reduce Indigenous deaths in custody,” April 15)? I commend Linda Burney on her attempt to inject desperately needed funding into measures that keep Indigenous people out of incarceration in the first place. What is it about Australia that we mark the 30-year anniversary of the landmark royal commission inquiry in a worse place, with grieving parents having to take to the streets to be heard? Mark Paskal, Clovelly

On the 30th anniversary of the report of the royal commission on Aboriginal deaths in custody, why is the federal government sitting on the extremely detailed and well-researched 2018 Australian Law Reform Commission report “Pathways to Justice” which makes many valuable and practical recommendations to tackle the tragedy of Indigenous incarceration rates and avoidable deaths in custody? Pauline Hyde, Dulwich Hill

You are correct, Teela Reid — most Australians believe First Nations’ voices do matter (“A nation in the custody of its past”, April 15). My generation was told Aborigines were proud hunters, holding a shield and a spear like Gwoya Tjungurrayi, depicted on the eight-penny stamp, from a previous time and “not one of us”. We know better now. We are in awe of the way Aboriginal Australians survived and thrived in this harsh land for 60,000 years. Time to kickstart those politicians, Australia. Jenny Forster, Manly

PM’s show goes on

In yet another marketing facade, the Prime Minister makes a headline announcement that the National Cabinet will meet twice a week to “manage” the vaccine rollout (“PM leans on states to fix jab debacle”, April 15). But how will more meetings increase the supply of effective vaccines, which is the real underlying issue? It’s just another Morrison ploy of appearing to do something and shifting the responsibility to the states. Rob Phillips, North Epping

Scott Morrison’s request to the states and territories sounds excellent until you discover that the “states carry the burden [of costs] of mass vaccination sites, while the federal government pays for doses given by GPs”. The PM’s solution is all about the tired old game we have of cost shifting, along with finger pointing, between the federal government and states. Since Australia is about the 100th in the world for vaccines administered per million people, we clearly need to lift our game, but not through more of this ritual. Bill Johnstone, Blackheath

It seems a little unfair to blame the PM for the vaccine cisis. After all, he doesn’t hold a syringe.
Malcolm Mccallum, Dulwich Hill

Labor, it’s time

The science and the warnings are consistent and repetitive, and every year the urgency to act becomes greater, yet the government still refuses to commit to viable climate change policy or definitive action (“World is set to break through Paris climate change limits”, April 15). It is time that the Labor Party took a stand and displayed policy certainty and a clear point of difference to the Coalition. The hundreds of thousands that have marched and protested for climate change action all have family, relatives and friends that can vote. They need a party that is committed to action, not just spin like the government. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

Overall, we commend the SMH team on its climate reporting, but your front-page story warrants clarification. Our report concludes that global average temperature rise will breach 1.5C of warming; most likely in the 2030s. We are also explicit in saying that the Paris Agreement’s temperature goal, while extremely challenging, is still possible. How so? The Paris long-term temperature goal (measured in decades) allows for temporary exceedance of 1.5C (“overshoot”) and to strive to return the temperature rise to 1.5C or below using a process known as “drawdown”.
You also claim our report is “based on new data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” (IPCC). It is based on up-to-date science, but is not connected to the IPCC. This aside, we hope readers focus on the key message: every effort must be made to cut emissions this decade. There is no time to lose. Dr Martin Rice, Acting CEO, Climate Council of Australia

Meat-free moment

In a rare moment of insight and honesty from Gladys Berejiklian, she has realised that pork barrelling will not always bring home the bacon (“Byelection can now be won, says Premier”, April 15). Margaret Harding, Chatswood

Fees must be counted

I am a self-funded retiree. As a self-employed professional, I had a self managed super fund. My super has also been managed by retail superfunds (“To fee or not to fee - the bitter stoush over superannuation costs”, April 15). Interestingly, when my funds were managed by a particular retail fund, I had three successive people as advisers. Although they were all younger than me, the first two had earned enough to retire. This was despite the fund doing no better than the stocks we bought. I did some research on the returns by retail and industry super funds before I retired. The industry super funds did better because their overall fees were lower. Switching my super funds to an industry super fund was one of my best decisions.
I am therefore at a loss to understand the rationale of excluding the administration fees from the direct investment costs in the proposed benchmark test for the superfunds’ performance. How is excluding the administration fees not going to affect the bottom line of my super returns?
Thiam Ang, Beecroft

Byron boom

Here’s a mathematical formula for all those bemoaning the changing environment of Byron Bay and other coastal hotspots: increasing population + unaffordable city real estate + desire for lifestyle change = expanding development and cultural shifts for former sleepy holiday towns. The migration of people away from the big urban centres is inevitable (Letters, April 15). Responsible state and local government planning may at least preserve the “village atmosphere” so beloved of residents and visitors alike, and restrict high-rise and medium density development to the hinterland. Robert Hickey, Green Point

All those who say they are leaving Byron because it is no longer the place it used to be are decades too late. The real Byron was back in the 1950s, 60s and 70s when it was a quiet backwater surrounded by farming communities; a mecca for surfers, amateur fisherman and alternate lifestyle seekers. By the 1980s it had begun to morph into a cross between Double Bay and Surfers Paradise. Paul Duncan, Leura

Devil you know

Jan Allerton, be careful what you wish for. I agree with very little, if anything, our PM stands for, but if he were to go who would replace him? We could find ourselves with the worst of outcomes; Peter Dutton being pronounced our new PM (Letters, April 15). Gareth Turner, Louth Park

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Fuelling the property fire? The stir-crazy Australians seeking better homes and gardens
From Realist: ″⁣Every Australian has been convinced by very clever marketing to consume everything in sight including houses. At the end of the day the only thing satisfied here is ego. Imagining that your beautiful house and beautiful garden will enhance you and your lovely life is the result of being brainwashed. And while you’re living your beautiful life you’ve probably forgotten about the lack of affordable housing for too many Australians.″⁣

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