

This was published 3 years ago

PM shift towards net zero may be too little, too late


Credit: Cathy Wilcox

Very much like an iceberg in the Arctic, Scott Morrison is slowly melting to the idea of taking some sort of climate change action (“PM shifts towards net-zero emissions”, February 2), but it has to be targeted, incremental and won’t cost the people who vote for him any money. The trouble with this approach is by the time he does anything, we’re all cooked. Chris Moe, Bensville

The idea to have zero emissions by almost 30 years from now is the Prime Minister playing politics. It’s a put-off. The Coalition has had the past 10 years to devise a plan and all we’ve got is obfuscation. Lyle Keats, Miranda

I would be nice to think that our PM has set a more ambitious climate change target but, as with his contribution to addressing the wide range of issues confronting Indigenous Australians by changing one word in the national anthem, he tip-toes around the sensitivities of his die-hard conservatives. To say the “our goal is to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible” commits the government to nothing. Bill Johnstone, Blackheath

Kicking and screaming and with fingernail marks still on that lacquered parliamentary lump of coal, Morrison finally concedes – a little. There’s progressive and conservative, there’s radical and reactionary, there’s visionary and pragmatist and there’s dumb and dumber. I’d prefer the former in each case. What we still have is the latter in spades. Peter Russell, Coogee

Note to the Prime Minister: the science tells us that we don’t have a blank cheque for climate change either. Stuart Kean, Berowra Heights

We’re making progress! Scott Morrison’s rhetoric on climate change is shifting from “we’ll do as little as possible” to “we’ll now try a little bit”. Alan Fry, Winmalee

First we had the “for we are one and free” charade in the hope that it would look like Morrison is interested in Indigenous matters. Now he’s floating a “goal to reach net zero emissions as soon as possible” to paint some kind of impression that he’s doing something about climate change. It is so inadequate as to be laughable. Nedra Orme, Neutral Bay

Targets are easy to set up. Much harder to hit. Especially those moveable, long-range targets viewed through the smoke-haze from burning coals. Joy Cooksey, Harrington

When I see a headline like “PM shifts towards net zero emissions”, I feel that what this means is that the PM and his team have come up with a marketing strategy to make their current stance of doing nothing look like a positive plan. Don Squires, Lake Cathie


Could this be the breakthrough many of us have been waiting for? I suggest Scott Morrison changes his nickname from Scomo to Zero, just in case his “hope” gets forgotten in the murky politics of climate change. Nick Franklin, Katoomba

PM shifts ″⁣towards″⁣ net zero emissions. Ah, the Duke (of Plaza-Toro). Leading from behind again.
Brian Milton, Avalon

Coalition’s tired ideology on tax holds back economy

Apparently, you can’t run an economy on taxpayers’ money forever, according to Scott Morrison. (David Crowe, February 2). No doubt this was stated because he was worried about the long-term impact of running a deficit, especially on future generations. Such a pity that this concern is not extended to future citizens of the world thanks to his government’s continued insistence on gas and other fossil fuels, which will overheat the planet for them. Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

The Prime Minister’s sanctimonious statement that he can’t run the economy on taxpayers’ money forever is puzzling as this makes up about 93 per cent of government revenue, in one form or another, so what alternatives does he have in mind? Can we hope that he and his fellow Coalition MPs now plan to dig deep into their own pockets in an altruistic attempt to keep the economy afloat? Or perhaps he’s planning a boost to revenue by using those recently disclosed donations from grateful constituents. Then again, his comments could just be a bit more spin by Scotty from marketing. Merona Martin, Meroo Meadow

The Prime Minister is once again giving us this tired rubbish about burdening future generations with debt and you can’t keep running the Australian economy on taxpayers’ money. We are now going to starve the unemployed again in the name of ideology. The Prime Minister is right to an extent; our government has gone into debt, but it has done nothing to stimulate our economy. I am afraid we are, in fact, going to end up with a huge debt and an ongoing deep recession. Our government is driven by an ideology that prevents them from doing what is needed – stimulating demand by making money available to those who will spend it, and spending borrowed money on investments that generate returns. We have been very badly served. Michael McMullan, Five Dock

The PM says there are two ways to reduce carbon – technology and tax. He should rethink the latter. Not all taxes are bad. Many taxes serve dual purposes – raising money for services while discouraging harmful activities (tobacco and alcohol). It took a long time for government to realise it was better to tax tobacco now rather than pay for the damage later. For carbon, later is already here.
Much as a tobacco tax encouraged people to minimise harm, so too do we need a similar win-win tax on carbon. Hans Knutzelius, Balmain

Pensive over future of pension

In light of recent debate on the superannuation guarantee, it is good to see the aged pension receiving overdue attention (“Relax, the pension will always be there for you”, February 2). What will future governments do long-term to prevent the old aged pension slipping further away so that a retiree has to be 70 to claim it? What incentives will be provided to encourage retirees to continue to work part-time if they wish and to draw a pension? Rod Leonarder, Roseville

This Coalition government has said that the aged pension is welfare, not an entitlement. Given their punitive attitude to other welfare recipients, does anyone really think any Coalition government will maintain the aged pension at a level that will provide for life’s necessities? Sandra Pertot, Diamond Beach

Chamber of horrors

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry call for a return to the pre-COVID dole rate (frozen since 1994) (“Cut dole to $40 a day except for long-term jobless: ACCI”, February 2) shows its true colours and the COVID-induced lies of “we are all in this together”. It shows once again that public life can be broken into two groups: the “enlargers” and the “punishers and straighteners”. The current union bus ad showing Morrison at the wheel of a bus mowing down workers says it all. Alan Carruthers, Artarmon

What is the role of the citizen in our society? Is it to simply work and consume, or is there anything more? It would seem that worker/consumer is all the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry believe we’re worth. But if we’re a society, not just an economy, we need to have a broader view.
I have worked with unemployed people and their needs and stories are as diverse as any other group in society. While our governing political parties continue to rely on the wealthiest corporations to gain power it’s difficult to believe government will act with compassion. If, however, we want a good and fair society, government must end the punishment of the unemployed and increase social security payments so that all of us can live decent lives. Colin Hesse, Marrickville

Wheels on the bus

If Craig Kelly can promote controversial theories then the CFMMEU can satirically depict the Prime Minister running down workers and their rights in a fictitious bus (‴⁣⁣A new low’: Porter slams unions’ anti-IR reform bus ad”, February 2). Denis Goodwin, Dee Why

Coalition members failing to repudiate Craig Kelly’s comments on using unproved drugs to treat COVID-19, I am reminded of the saying by Lieutenant General David Morrison: “the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.” We are in a sorry state when the behaviour of Kelly is apparently acceptable to most of Parliament. Rob Siebert, Skenners Head

Time to stand up to China

Hear, hear, Peter Hartcher (“Disregard China? We’ll be sorry”, February 2). His essay about calls for Australia to toe a “nuanced” diplomatic line with China is dead on target. When have Australians ever been asked by their government to kneel before a bully? Those calling for us to back down to avoid making China angry appear to have more than just sovereign interests at hand. Financial, perhaps? Doing the best thing is not as important as doing the right thing. Karl Fletcher, Mudgee

Mining dissent

That the Association of Mining and Exploration Companies’ push to remove community groups’ right to mount legal challenges to major project approvals has been rejected (“Community complaints are planks of democracy: law review”, February 2) rightly channels the sound view that in our democracy (to paraphrase) it is important that no entity existing be not responsible to the people. Steve Ngeow, Chatswood

Myanmar coup lessons

The military coup in Myanmar reminds us once again just how fragile democracy can be (“Aung San Suu Kyi held as military takes over”, February 2). The Myanmar army’s claims of election fraud appear to be as baseless as those in the US. Here, we can rail against our governments, both state and federal, for their many shortcomings, but are fairly certain that an election result will always be honoured. Joan Brown, Orange

Aung San Suu Kyi’s only political crime is that she has been unsuccessful in managing the army to stay out of politics, free their people and return to their barracks, where they belong. Mike Fogarty, Weston (ACT)

Justice for Biloela family

Your correspondent (Letters, February 2) identifies the absurd criminality of our government’s treatment of the Biloela family. Is it time for us to have mass silent vigils outside our capital city parliamentary buildings to demonstrate how we feel about the ridiculous treatment given these poor people? Anthony Tucker, Leichhardt

Peter Dutton showed his displeasure at the WA Premier for imposing a lockdown at short notice. I hope he is aware that as minister of his portfolio, he has locked down a number of refugees, at an enormous expense of taxpayer money. Peng Ee, Castle Cove

While Labor is looking for issues to tackle the government with, go no further than the Biloela family for a return to a normal Australian life. This is sure to be a winner with all the fair-minded populace we hear so much about from the Opposition Leader. Zuzu Burford, Heathcote

My local member (Cook electorate) doesn’t reply to my many emails regarding the Sri Lankan family incarcerated on Christmas Island, except for acknowledging receipt of the emails. Josephine Piper, Miranda

EV come, EV go

The only time I suffer ″⁣range anxiety″⁣ with my EV (Letters, February 2) is when I start thinking about travelling across the Nullarbor Plain. Cornelius van der Weyden, Balmain East

We can’t have EVs because we will lose our weekends. In 2019 Scott Morrison told us so. Christiaan Goudkamp, Murwillumbah

Golden greats

Gold is a great colour for the Wallabies (Letters, February 2) as it might help them distinguish a teammate to pass the ball to. Denis Suttling, Newport Beach

Your correspondent states gold or yellow is a poor choice for the Wallabies jersey and a dark colour would be better for rule infringements to be overlooked. My suggestion is dark purple, a colour reminiscent of sour grapes. Barrington Salter, Neutral Bay

Prickly threat

All there seems to be on the TV news each day are people getting virus jabs. I know it’s important but if I see another one I’ll scream. John Nickel, Noosa Heads

When the vaccine becomes available, we would have more success if we stopped referring to it as “the jab”. Ray Smith, Kings Park

The digital view
Online comment from the story that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Morrison eyeing more ambitious climate target of net zero by 2050
From Praetorian: ″⁣He who aims at nothing. Sure to hit it!″⁣

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