

This was published 11 months ago

Peter Dutton embraces division for no reason - again

Peter Dutton’s comment on the prime minister’s response to the death of an Australian aid worker in Gaza and his insistence on a deeper investigation of events depended on his assertion that there were “people who are living in fear in Jewish communities in our country at the moment” (“Dutton queries special adviser role”, April 9). He didn’t bother to elaborate where these communities are or why they are living in fear. Dutton thinks that by throwing around such a repugnant statement he can turn Australian against Australian over Anthony Albanese’s response to the death of the Australian aid worker. Ruth Lennox, Kingsford

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Why is so much space given to Dutton’s predictable criticism? If Albanese had done nothing, Dutton would have accused him of weakness. Dutton accuses him of acting for purely political reasons. I can’t remember hearing him complain when Tony Abbott threatened to “shirtfront” Vladimir Putin, or when the Morrison government trashed our previously good relationships with France, China and most of the Pacific Island nations. As part of Coalition governments for a decade that provided very few solutions, he may not know what will help – but he sure seems to be an expert on what won’t. Alan Marel, North Curl Curl

It’s no surprise Dutton is querying Labor’s appointment of Mark Binskin to investigate the veracity of Israel’s claims about the death of aid workers in Gaza. Bipartisanship to Dutton and the Coalition is anathema on any, not only this, subject and it’s becoming very ho-hum. If the Coalition is to become an effective opposition, it needs to give a much better explanation for its negative attitude. The family of slain Australian aid worker Zomi Frankcom deserves no less. Christine Tiley, Albany Creek (Qld)

We watch on and read article after article on the horrors of this war (“After six months of war, is Israel any closer to defeating Hamas?”, April 8). We are continually told that this war started on October 7, but in reality this conflict has been going on my entire life. It will continue forever if extremism is allowed to define the dialogue. The vast majority of Israelis and Palestinians who desire peace must be so saddened by the disgraceful leadership demonstrated by Hamas and the parliament of Israel. Matt Neenan, Wallagoot

I thank your correspondent for expressing so clearly what many in the Jewish and non-Jewish community think about Benjamin Netanyahu and his “Likud goons” (Letters, April 9).
The harm they have perpetuated is ongoing and irreparable, with no convincing end to Hamas, nor peace and safety for either the Palestinians or Israelis. His so-called war has been an utter unmitigated failure. Josie McSkimming, Coogee

Australia has an opportunity to help the situation in the Middle East. The reality is that as long as Israel persecutes Palestinians, Hamas or similar patriotic organisations will continue to exist.
The UN Security Council will shortly vote on Palestinian statehood and this should be strongly supported by Australia.
Australia should investigate the tragic death of an aid worker but must also actively call for and activate a permanent ceasefire, return of hostages, reconstruction of Gaza with land links to the West Bank, and peaceful co-existence of Israel and Palestine. Michael Fox, Pacific Palms


Inquiries are only way to keep corporates honest

This inquiry is great news in this time of our cost of living crisis (“Consumers, farmers to reap benefits in shake-up”, April 9). We all look forward to the investigation and the results that will open up our knowledge of the things that happen behind the scenes in food pricing and price gouging. Let’s hope that the results bite hard and produce more fairness, and farmers and consumers truly benefit as the supermarket corporate leaders are brought to heel. Then, next on the list, let’s look at petrol companies, individual parts of the construction industry such as concrete and steel, the airline industry, motor vehicle servicing and parts – the list is long and continues to expand. Serious inquiries like this one into our supermarkets should be ongoing and have teeth when unfair practices are discovered. That’s the way to keep the corporate sector honest in its pricing. Robert Mulas, Corlette


Consumers and suppliers shouldn’t get their hopes up over the Food and Grocery Code of Conduct review. If history has taught us anything, it’s that reviews and inquiries rarely achieve significant gains for consumers. Supermarkets and the like usually resist being held to account at first, then agree to mend their ways, but eventually return to price gouging. The massive increase in prices over recent years wouldn’t be so offensive to consumers if suppliers weren’t being screwed as well. Graham Lum, North Rocks

I would not like to be caught between the large supermarkets duopoly and an interim report on product price rises by Craig Emerson, a respected economist. In a move that is completely out of character, Peter Dutton – the “man of the people” – says the report is “a Mickey Mouse review” from a Labor lackey. I can hardly wait to read it. John Fryer, Ryde

It seems like a good idea, or at least soundbite and headline, but how does it work? Woolworths or Coles cross an arbitrary line and they are busted? Or is this a massive upheaval, market manipulation and government interference, Coalition and Greens combining on feelgood policy without any nuts and bolts? And who are the losers in this situation? Superannuation funds and individuals who would see the value of their shares in either supermarket plummet. So that’s potentially everyone. Mark Baxter, Kingscliff

Woolworths must have had a last hurrah at price gouging. The cost of items, across the board, was hugely inflated yesterday, compared with my last shop the week before. Bring on the changes.
Dorothy Gliksman, Cedar Brush Creek


Vote of no (pretty) confidence

Richard Fontaine, described as a US foreign policy guru, is “pretty confident” Donald Trump would stick with AUKUS should he win the 2024 US election, given “the current challenges require a much deeper engagement with allies and partners” (“US policy guru ‘pretty confident’ Trump would back AUKUS”, April 9).
In 2016, were any such gurus “pretty confident” Trump would undermine NATO, that he would have bromances with dictators and autocrats around the world, that he would threaten to withhold funds from Ukraine, a US ally, to pressure them into an investigation of political opponents. How confident were experts that, on the home front, he would openly undermine the US rule of law, he would inspire a riot intended to prevent the transfer of power to the duly elected candidate, that he would daily distort the office of the presidency through a barrage of self-serving lies that would create mass delusion, corrupt the GOP and raise societal tensions? I could go on.
Hence, are Australian citizens meant to be assured by any prognostication on Trump’s foreign policy, economic, governmental or societal behaviour in office? Trump’s past and current performance illustrates that he pursues only what is in his personal interests at any given time. I hope our government is not lulled by such “pretty confident” reassurances. Marie Del Monte, Ashfield

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Not for teacher

It’s a bit rich to blame the recent pay increases for teachers for the lack of progress on the Lane Cove Public school hall (“Cuts to fund teacher pay rise bite deep”, April 9). The hall burned down in 2020 and the pay rise was awarded in 2024; what was the education department doing for the years in between? The bumbling excuses about “legal considerations” hardly justify the time frame.
Peter Cooper-Southam, Frenchs Forest

Bad vibrations

There are a number of things those who are for the trading extension, but do not live in the area, fail to realise as I do in my own area (“Palm Beach restaurant saga sparks government review of noise regulation”, April 9). They may also not be aware, and this has nothing to do with NIMBYs. Sound does travel, as has been measured. Particularly bass sounds. When the bass is turned up, there is a loud throbbing that can be felt in the air, the ground and, as it travels through anyone’s house, by those residing there. There would most likely be no problem if the owners and bands turned the music down and particularly turned the bass down. Not only would those attending the event still be able to, they may even also be able to talk to each other.
Kathryn Burton, Hurlstone Park


Beyond the city

Your opinion piece on free public transport is gloriously Sydney-centric (“I’d love it but free public transport is a terrible idea”, April 9). No mention of the inequity for those living in most of our state who have no public transport whatsoever but are forced to subsidise Sydney’s public-transport black hole. Would Sydneysiders agree to 80 per cent of regional flight fares being paid by the state government? No, I thought not! Michael Britt, MacMasters Beach

Free public transport? It’s hard enough to fit on to some weekend express buses from the city to the Hills district now; making travel free would deter people from even trying. Doug Walker, Baulkham Hills

Low-rise jeans came back in vogue. Here’s how the Coalition can do the same.

Low-rise jeans came back in vogue. Here’s how the Coalition can do the same.Credit: Marija Ercegovac

Pangs of youth

I admire the hope that beats within the heart of your opinion writer Daniel Cash (“How the Coalition can win over young voters like me”, April 9). With a number of tweaks, he seems to believe the Liberal coalition can somehow appeal to the younger demographic. Sadly, it will take a lot more than that. While the party’s senior brains trust is populated by “no”-obsessed reactionary dinosaurs, total irrelevance in the Mesozoic era will be the only reward. And then, of course, there is the pesky issue of appealing to women that needs a looking into. Bill Young, Killcare Heights

Well done with the article, Daniel, but the Coalition doesn’t need a facelift, it needs a heart transplant. Warren McPherson, Gerringong


The plane facts

The message I am supposed to swallow is that there will be more frequent flyer seats but they will cost more to redeem them (“Qantas on right flight path to heal the customer ‘pain point’”, April 9).
The extra seats will be at Qantas’ discretion and, as ever, will fluctuate in response to commercial demand. Cutting through all the persiflage, the true headline should be “Qantas further devalues frequent flyer points”. David Peterson, Sutherland

At the pointy end of the climate crisis it seems incongruous, if not actually immoral, that not only is Qantas still rewarding frequent flyers but making it allegedly easier for them to fly even more. Peter Fyfe, Enmore

Pause and listen

Why is menopause expensive to treat? One answer is within the article (“Menopause help underfunded and underused, inquiry told”, April 8). The fact hot flashes and night sweats are still being reported as the main issues faced by perimenopausal and menopausal women is both ignorant and insulting. In my case (and believe me, there are many more women out there like me) it meant debilitating aching joints, brain fog, hair loss, insomnia, fatigue, loss of libido, mood swings, depression and chronic injuries. Trying to treat all of these means visits to multiple physicians and medication trial-and-error. The sooner doctors, like mine, take women seriously and stop treating us like it’s all in our heads or it’s “natural”, the sooner we’ll get better and hopefully cheaper support. Lisa Del Vecchio, South Coogee

Irony man

Right next to one letter commending Sean Kelly’s article on the need for rational debate is another that, while echoing this opinion, at the same time proceeds to label the 60 per cent who voted No for the Voice as “shameful”, “fearmongers” and “anti-woke” (Letters, April 9). Ironic. John Flint, St Leonards


Barnes the noble

Greatly saddened to learn of the death of football legend Keith Barnes (“Tigers’ tears as Balmain legend Barnes dies, aged 89”, April 9). Affectionately known as golden boots, he was not only one of our best fullbacks, he was also one of the kindest, most gracious people you could ever hope to meet. Vale Keith. Jerry Stiel, Lilyfield

Keith Barnes watches the Tigers from the stands in 1987.

Keith Barnes watches the Tigers from the stands in 1987.Credit: Robert Pearce/Fairfax Media

Horse pay

What’s it say about our society when thousands of people are struggling with the cost of living and can’t afford a house to live in, some are driven into poverty, while others can spend $10 million buying a horse (“Winx’s part-owner buys her foal for record $10m”, April 9)? Leo Sorbello, West Ryde

Cut master

All this chatter about barbers reminds me of another classic cutter, Angelo DeMarco, who had a salon on William Street, Kings Cross (Letters, April 9). I traded my waist-length locks for a number-one cut there in 1976. He had an old black-and-white photo on the wall of the queue of bodgies in the 1950s extending halfway up the hill, waiting for a continental cut. John Swanton, Coogee

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