This was published 3 years ago
NSW hospitals brace for deadly Delta wave
By Deborah Snow and Lucy Carroll
The ICU in St Vincent’s Hospital in Sydney. There are 160 COVID-19 patients in ICU, taking up almost 20 per cent of the state’s current total of 846 intensive care beds across public and private systems.Credit: Kate Geraghty
A new word, “confronting”, has crept into Gladys Berejiklian’s lexicon as she tries to massage public expectations around the worsening Delta outbreak.
This week she asked the state’s citizens to “get very real” about accepting that living with COVID-19 will mean some people would continue to die, citing the fact that the (less lethal) flu already takes hundreds of lives every year. “I know it’s a very difficult conversation to have… nobody likes to talk about this because it’s confronting ... but this is what will get us through,” the Premier said, in her most determinedly matter-of-fact tone.
She was also able to brandish some good news: 70 per cent of NSW residents are now vaccinated with at least one dose. That’s led to the promise of rewards for the fully jabbed: events and meals out when 70 per cent double doses are reached (expected by mid-October); reunions from overseas at Christmas when that figure hits 80 per cent.
Yet there’s a perilous gulf to be crossed between now and then, and success hangs on how big the surge of critically ill will get as the virus infiltrates the ranks of the unvaccinated. Friday brought the chilling announcement of 12 more deaths, against a new daily case record of 1431.
“There is trepidation,” one Liberal MP admitted this week. “The risk of relaxing too early is an overwhelmed hospital system. The impact, if it happens, of ambulances queued up, people being turned away, some of the things we have seen overseas, would be huge psychologically, because the one thing we regard as a certainty in our lives is that our health system can cope with most things that are thrown at it. At the other end there’s the political risk of losing support because of lockdowns. Striking the middle course will require great political skill.”
In reality Berejiklian has little choice but to keep running forward over a burning bridge.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has warned repeatedly that October will be “the worst month for our hospital system”. Just how much worse remains unclear.Credit: Dominic Lorrimer
“The Premier has chopped and changed her messages enough,” a former coalition minister told the Herald. “If she backs down now on the freedom one, I think she is in terrible grief. I don’t think it’s an option for her.”
Piling on the pressure, this week 80 of the country’s largest businesses placed full-page ads in the nation’s press pleading with leaders to “stay the course” and open up between 70 and 80 per cent double vaccinated, as foreshadowed in the national plan based on the Doherty Institute modelling.
Berejiklian has warned repeatedly that October will be “the worst month for our hospital system”. Just how much worse remains unclear.
She’s promised to give a better idea of that next week, along with unveiling plans by NSW Health for increasing intensive care unit capacity – including plans to “reconfigure some of our hospitals [and] hospital wards”. She’s also insistent that no matter how “high or scary” the numbers get, the system will cope. Prime Minister Scott Morrison was also grilled on Friday about how bad case and hospitalisation numbers might get in NSW, but said he wasn’t going to “go out and talk about numbers which are not yet finalised and are changing on an almost daily basis”.
Health Minister Brad Hazzard offers assurances that the state’s heath system is “world class” and interconnected enough to spread the strains evident in western Sydney hospitals across the network.
But there is a dissonance between those assurances, and despatches from the coal-face. In raw numbers, hospitalisations in NSW have quadrupled in the last month, from 232 in early August to nearly 1000 on Friday. There were 160 COVID-19 patients in ICU, taking up almost 20 per cent of the state’s current total of 846 intensive care beds across public and private systems, though Berejiklian indicated to 2GB on Friday this could surge to 1500.
Rising vaccination rates have kept the brake on deaths, which are much lower than during Victoria’s winter outbreak last year when carnage was unleashed on the elderly. The state insists it’s able to expand capacity to about 2000 ventilators. But as many insiders point out, finding enough specialist staff, not just the hardware, is the key challenge.
Queues of people at the vaccination hub at Sydney Olympic Park early last month.Credit: Dean Sewell
On Thursday the numbers of healthcare workers in isolation, or “furloughed” because of being COVID-19 “close contacts”, reached more than 1400, exacerbating the pressure on the workforce.
Morrison was in urgent talks with Berejiklian and Victorian Premier Dan Andrews during the week on how to bolster their already under-pressure hospital systems. Commonwealth chief medical officer Paul Kelly has been given the task of assessing public health capacity across the country, and told reporters on Friday “the numbers are one thing, but it’s the preparation of the health system and how we can cope with numbers as projected as the important component”.
In NSW, COVID-positive patients are spread across at least 35 hospitals with another 2200 people receiving hospital-led care in the home, and a further 690 positive cases being cared for in the state’s medi-hotels. Deputy chief health officer Dr Marianne Gale has cited “close to 11,000 people with COVID-19” being cared for. People infected with Delta are twice as likely to go to hospital compared with earlier strains, according to a recent study in the Lancet.
Westmead Hospital, at the epicentre of the outbreak, was forced on August 25 to establish an “Emergency Operations Centre”, redirecting ambulances and transferring patients elsewhere, with the intensive care unit only treating people infected with the virus while “green” non-COVID-19 patients were moved into a makeshift ICU.
Nurses in Sydney’s hotspots, who have spoken to the Herald on the condition of anonymity, report exhaustion and burnout as they manage what one calls “floods of patients coming and no end in sight”.
“Every shift we are short, asking for overtime. This means more patients are being cared for as a 1:2 ratio rather than 1:1 simply because there aren’t enough staff,” a Westmead ICU nurse reported. “As nurses we are left feeling like we’re not providing quality care and that is mentally draining and debilitating.”
Another reported that about 30 per cent of the ICU staff [at her hospital] had been pulled in from private hospitals, paediatric intensive care and operating theatres over the past week.
“All of us have facial pressure injuries from wearing N95 masks for 12-hour shifts. We are all extremely burnt out. And we’re scared of catching COVID at work and taking it home to our families. People with children are scared to hug their kids.”
Paramedics are painting an equally grim picture. “It’s a massive strain,” one told the Herald. “It’s the lack of breaks, the workload, the worry about COVID for themselves and their families, it’s the gear, the PPE they have to wear, which would ordinarily be considered an occupational health and safety risk in itself because of the heat - on top of the usual pressures of the trauma of the work.”
Despite requests, NSW Health has been unable to provide an exact number of ICU nurses or the numbers that have recently been “upskilled” to boost the intensive care workforce.
A spokesperson for the department said: “All local health districts have well-developed workforce surge and demand management plans in place, and our networked hospital system ensures patients can be transferred or redirected to other hospitals where necessary, including private hospitals … Strategies have already been implemented such as the temporary suspension of non-urgent elective surgery.”
Vice-president of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Mark Nicholls, an intensivist at St Vincent’s hospital, says while health personnel are “highly trained, motivated and determined” to deliver intensive care, staffing remains a challenge.
“It is uncharted territory. The hope is that as vaccination rates rise we will get to the point where we can have a sustainable flow of patients through ICU,” Nicholls says.
Melbourne University health systems modeller Dr Jason Thompson points out that the amount of time COVID-19 patients tend to spend in ICU is considerably longer (up to five times longer) than most other ICU patients.
“There’s a finite capacity in any of these systems and once you hit it, that’s it,” he says. “All sorts of other things start to hit tipping points as well.”
There is a general view among epidemiologists that the state has done well to keep daily case numbers from climbing more steeply than they currently are.
What’s less clear is how much the vaccination surge is contributing to this, and how much owes to continuing lockdown measures and contact tracing, testing and isolation.
Professor Margaret Hellard, a modeller with the Burnet Institute in Melbourne, says even single dose vaccine rates will be helping to push down the infection rate. But she warns, “even when you have high levels of dual vaccination – and our [Burnet] models suggest that’s over 80 per cent for all of the community – you may need occasional restrictions to control an outbreak to stop numbers rising high enough to overwhelm your health system.”
Berejiklian however is doggedly adhering to the Doherty road map, which envisages restrictions starting to ease at 70 per cent double dose, albeit with strong public health measures still in place.
Yet the Doherty plan is also fast becoming a political football, with Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk triggering cold fury in federal circles this week after she cherry-picked a table in the report to assert 80 people would die each day after easing at 70 per cent vaccination rates. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt accused her of “selectively misusing” the document in a “breach of good faith”.
The Kirby Institute’s Professor John Kaldor says “no politician can credibly claim that the modelling is predicting what will actually transpire. But it [Doherty] is based on a reasonable set of scientific assumptions.”
Associate Professor James Wood from the University of NSW, part of a team now helping to update the NSW modelling, acknowledges that “the caution has been whether 1000 cases a day versus a 100 makes a difference” to the report’s assumptions.
“As best we can tell, contact tracing has continued to perform fairly well, despite the large numbers of cases... I do think you can be reasonably confident that the scenarios that the Doherty model looks at are applicable in the NSW context,” he says. Wood concedes if cases resume a steep climb “there is going to be a point at which it can’t continue to scale”.
Last week the state abandoned surveillance testing for authorised workers in “areas of concern” and chief health officer Dr Kerry Chant, who used to urge anyone to get tested on even the slightest of symptoms, is now urging people not to get “a COVID test for the sake of it …. don’t use those scarce testing resources because we need to get the turnaround times for tests down”.
Whatever easing of restrictions does take place at 70 per cent double dose will have to ensure the same level of protection extends across the most at-risk groups, including Indigenous Australians and minority group populations. Nearly 600,000 Australians aged over 60 are still to receive a single dose, prompting the Prime Minister to write to them urging them to do so.
One MP told the Herald there was a “rump” of over-60s in his electorate still hanging out for Pfizer, some having been advised to do so by GPs.
The hospitalisation rate is a key number government will be watching. Berejiklian on Wednesday said the current rate was about 5.5 per cent of active cases. But according to NSW Health’s weekly COVID-19 surveillance report, data up to August 14 shows a hospitalisation rate of 12 per cent.
Juliette O’Brien, data journalist and creator of, warns the lower 5.5 per cent hospitalisation rate may not take into account the roughly 8300 people who have tested positive in the past week but who are probably not yet sick enough to be admitted to hospital.
“Because there can be a delay between a person becoming ill with COVID-19 and subsequently requiring a hospitalisation, and because cases in the current outbreak have a median of 11 days between onset and death, hospitalisations and deaths are under-reported for the most recently notified cases,” the department’s own surveillance report acknowledges.
Federal Liberal MP Trent Zimmerman believes that on top of the 70 and 80 per cent thresholds, “the most important threshold [for the government] is that you have been able to offer a vaccine to everyone who wants it … I do think it’s reasonable for us to have been able to offer everyone under 60 either Pfizer of AstraZeneca”.
That may become easier when Australia receives the flood of mRNA vaccines which start in a few weeks. In a vaccine swap with Britain that was announced on Friday, Australia will get a further 4 million Pfizer doses this month, on top of the 500,000-dose deal with Singapore announced earlier this week.
It doubles the amount of Pfizer available in September. Throughout the month, Australia will receive more than 9 million doses of Pfizer alongside 1 million Moderna doses and continued AstraZeneca supply.
Berejiklian, for her part, insists she is not being rash. “Unlike other places around the world, we will have a measured and planned opening up”. It remains to be seen whether Delta plays along with those plans.
with Rachel Clun and Mary Ward