This was published 4 years ago
North Sydney pool plan pushes ahead 'under the cover of coronavirus'
By Megan Gorrey
North Sydney Council has scrapped a shade-cover that threatened to disrupt the heritage features of its harbourside Olympic pool, after last-minute changes to major redevelopment plans were adopted by councillors.
The council has lodged a development application for its $57.9 million overhaul of the North Sydney Olympic Pool, which includes upgrades to the existing pools, a new "family leisure" pool and a replacement grandstand.
An independent report found the sun-shade over the children and families pool had "adverse" impacts on the venue's heritage. The design has since been amended.
But councillors have yet to resolve the dilemma of how to protect the children's pool from the sun, prompting one councillor to argue the plans for the revamp were being pushed through "under the cover of coronavirus".
An independent report, prepared by consultants GML Heritage, found the steel-framed shade canopy designed to protect the children and families' pool would "dominate the original structures of the pool complex in a highly visible location". This would have "an adverse impact on the pool complex and the setting of Luna Park".
Their concerns prompted the project's independent planners to request changes to the pool's design.
The council was set to debate the updated plans at a meeting on March 23, but not enough councillors could attend.
Instead, general manager Ken Gouldthorp told the council's most recent meeting he and Mayor Jilly Gibson had already submitted the amended development application under delegation within the required 14-day window.
He said he expects work on the redevelopment to start around September. The pool, which shut due to the coronavirus outbreak, is expected to be closed for at least two years.
Councillor Zoe Baker said that start-date was unlikely given the pandemic and the council should delay consideration of the proposed changes to allow the revised plans to go out for community consultation.
“Any other applicant we would regard as really shonky to have received a letter that talks about significant amendments required in order to address significant and adverse heritage impacts on important items of heritage."
Councillor MaryAnn Beregi said the mayor and general manager had "lodged the amended plans under the cover of coronavirus and without the knowledge of the community".
But Mr Gouldthorp said there was sufficient detail in the plans for the application to proceed. The only concern that could not be addressed was that of the sun-shade, which he argued could be added at a later stage.
Council papers said it was "clear that including [the sun-shade] with the current development application adds substantially to the risk of refusal on heritage grounds".
"Unfortunately, all attempts by the architect to find a design solution to meet heritage requests and provide shade, have been unsuccessful."
Mr Gouldthorp said: "We’ve now got this dilemma in the 21st century between the community’s attitudes towards 'sun-safe' and providing a modern facility with shading over the children's leisure pool, or retaining the heritage elements of the pool that were designed some 80 years ago when 'sun-safe' wasn't such an issue."
Council papers said the changes would reduce the impact of the proposed development and the usual process in those circumstances was "not to recommence the notification process".
Cr Gibson told councillors - the majority of whom supported the motion to amend the application - they "need to just get on with this". "Our community expects us to get this redevelopment done, and done as efficiently as can."