

This was published 1 year ago

No camp shamelessly exploits underlying racism

Through early white settlement there were countless proven examples of intimidation, mass poisonings, shootings and unceasing efforts to eliminate the right of First Nations people to exist on their own land (“Yes campaign finds its Voice”, September 18). Right now, we have an historic opportunity to address the disadvantages that First Nations people, even now, continue to endure. The conservative right knows that they can derail this endeavour for their own political advantage by stirring up fear and resentment. Isn’t that exploiting the residue of racism that undeniably still exists in Australia? When the Mabo decision was made there was an outcry from people who were told they would lose their backyards. It was a shameful myth pushed by the conservative right. So why is it so bad to call out racism when we see it, but okay to be racist? Bruce Spence, Balmain

How will you vote on the Voice?

How will you vote on the Voice? Credit: John Shakespeare

It is an enormous national shame that the opposition parties couldn’t unite with the government to support the Voice. I remember when this once happened, at the time of the Vietnam War with the arrival of boat refugees and an awareness that the White Australia policy was not appropriate. Politicians came together in refusing to demonise the refugees and in quietly dismantling this racist myopic policy. It’s a disgrace that our Aboriginal people, comprising just 3.5 per cent of the population, and in request for a Voice couldn’t be supported by the Coalition parties who have just jumped as attack dogs using Trumpian negative tactics. Other countries, like New Zealand, Canada and Finland, have done the right thing working together across party lines and given constitutional respect to their disadvantaged indigenous people. They are better for it. Stephen Bargwanna, Coogee

It was great to see the rallies around Australia in support of the Voice. But there seems to be a mob out there who are unusually silent. I refer to our religious leaders. Our First Nations people have been our neighbours since 1788 and all religions say we should care for our neighbours. Surely then, our religious leaders should be shouting “listen to our neighbours, hear their Voice”. John Crowe, Cherrybrook

As always, Bob Carr nails it (“Tragic scene sold me on the Voice”, September 18). Often, we need to be visually confronted by what has happened to wake us up. Truth-telling is an important factor in deciding on how to vote in the referendum. For most middle-aged and older Australians, the education system failed to address the truth of our history, the Indigenous narrative was never included in their schooling. As a result, this large cohort of Australians is often unaware of what went on. Carr’s suggestion to stream High Country and Rachel Perkins’ The Australian Wars is a good one. Start with these, and then look further. Pam Timms, Suffolk Park

Sean Kelly is quite an astute writer, but I find myself in disagreement with his suggestion that more vocal support from corporate entities such as Big W and various football codes would really benefit the Yes cause (“Voice debate hopelessly abstract,” September 18). If personal entreaties from various political and Indigenous leaders fail to sway the voter, I can’t see how the position of any large company could be expected do any better. Ross MacPherson, Seaforth

I find it incredible I’m yet to see a “no” badge, a “no” protest march, or a prominent person/company/sporting body etc. rallying behind a “no” result, yet the “no” vote is, supposedly, leading by a country mile. How does that work? Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield


The Voice is based on the “Uluru Statement from the Heart” but traditional owners have banned climbing of the landmark. Should the Voice referendum be lost, this high-profile alienation of a national asset may have contributed to many people voting in fear of such bans becoming more widespread and restrictive. It would indeed be tragically ironic if the Uluru ban finds itself at the heart of the failure. William Lloyd, Denistone

Police not best placed to handle mental health

The tragic death of Krista Kach (“Family begged for medical care before mother killed”, September 18) and the shooting of a 32-year-old man during a “welfare check” on Sunday (“Police shoot man during welfare check”, September 18) are painful reminders that police are ill-equipped to handle mental health emergencies. No amount of officer training can change a force that operates with violence at its core. Five years ago, South Eastern Sydney Local Health District developed the PACER program that saw mental health clinicians join police for call-outs involving someone experiencing a mental health crisis. The results included improved de-escalation, reduced police time on the scene, and fewer incidents ending in a trip to the emergency department. Why is this approach not yet the norm for mental health emergencies? Harrison Vesey, Blacktown

Krista Kach died in hospital after police Tasered her to bring to a close a nine-hour siege.

Krista Kach died in hospital after police Tasered her to bring to a close a nine-hour siege.

If the police are supplied with Tasers then we must expect them to be used. Exactly when they are necessary is another matter. One woman died in hospital last week, and recently a woman over 90 was Tasered with a fatal result. One way to subdue a blade-wielding opponent is to use a weighted net. In the arenas in Rome a gladiator armed with a trident and net frequently overcame his helmeted opponent armed with a sword and shield. Some may scoff that in the 21st century we should consider using a method used in the games in Rome. However, we use hardened sealed roads, indoor plumbing and drainage which date before the 1st century AD. With a little training the police could capture someone without risk to themselves and their guns could remain in their holsters. David Green, Lindfield

I have no doubt that police involved in the shooting in Darlinghurst or those involved in the fatal incident at Newcastle would have wanted to help rather than harm but surely it’s time for the government to change this story. It’s clear that police are not best placed to help those with mental health issues, and it must be the role of government to put in place the support that gives those with mental health issues the support they need when and where they need it. Continuing to traumatise victims, their families and police is surely no solution. Colin Hesse, Marrickville

Am I the only reader to see the irony in the headline, “Police shoot man during welfare check”? Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill


We read in yesterday’s Herald of two mentally ill people being shot or Tasered by police, one fatally. As usual, we are told that there will be a “critical incident investigation”. Will this investigation include an inquiry into ways in which a violent response from police might have been avoided? Of course, officers are entitled to employ self-defence, but the only crime these people have committed is to be mentally unwell, a factor over which they had no control. When such incidents arise, surely it is appropriate medical care which is required, not heavy-handed law enforcement. The loss of life in these situations is an indication that these people, police and victims, have suffered from a failure of the system. Derrick Mason, Boorowa

It’s possible that members of the public might need to invest in Tasers or an electronic protection device to protect ourselves from over-enthusiastic police. Ashley Berry, Toolijooa

Barassi, the pioneering patron

In 2002, the National Women’s AFL Championships were held for the first time in NSW (“Vale Ron Barassi”, September 17). Graciously and enthusiastically, Ron Barassi agreed to be our patron. And what a patron he was. He attended games at a pre-renovation Drummoyne Oval, awarded trophies and was fun and interested. Ron lent women’s football credibility. AFL officials who attended, probably because he was there, provided $5000 in support, an unheard of sum from a national men’s body, or anyone for that matter, in those times. And look at AFLW now! Thank you, Ron. RIP.
Anne Marie Edwards, McMahons Point

Ron Barassi as a young man and posing for a portrait in 2010.

Ron Barassi as a young man and posing for a portrait in 2010.

Byrnes earns rave reviews

Paul Byrnes’ film reviews will be sorely missed (Letters, September 18). His greatest legacy, however, is his term as director of the Sydney Film Festival. Under his stewardship, that already prestigious institution evolved from “a fortnight at the State Theatre” to the cornucopia of world cinema that can be seen at venues across Sydney each June, an event that truly justifies the term “festival”. For that reason alone, Sydney’s filmgoing community will be always grateful. Gary Dennison, Glebe


Your correspondents, like me, are thankful for the films they saw as a result of Paul Byrnes’ reviews. I am even more grateful for the films, weepies, horror movies, superhero epics and other time-wasters, that I never had to see because of Mr Byrnes. Bronwyn Bryceson, Mangerton

Thank you, Paul Byrnes for all those masterful movie reviews. I can’t tell you how many times my wife said that we must see such-and-such a film because you gave it four and a half stars. And you were always right! Enjoy the sunlight of your retirement. Steve Baker, Engadine

Name and shame

I boarded at St Joseph’s College in the early 1960s and was fortunate not to have been molested (“School raises memorial to survivors”, September 18). The actions of the Marist Brothers in belatedly addressing the terrible and disgraceful paedophilia which occurred at the school over very many decades should be supported, but the molesters should not be anonymised. The photo in the Herald’s article depicts one of the school’s many championship first XVs of the 1950s, which has been on public display for well over six decades. It now shows that the image and name of the coach and child molester has recently been pixelated, something I can support. However, the name of this criminal and all the other paedophile brothers should be put on permanent prominent public display on the new memorial monument. Tom Kelly, Potts Point

Ivory towers falling

That our universities are part of an education “industry” (“Cheating students undermine uni and qualification”, September 18) is disturbing. We need to come back to these institutions being a social good from which we all benefit.
Greg Baker, Fitzroy Falls


Logging horror story

Pictures of the widespread logging of the Tallaganda State Forest by the Forestry Corporation (“Logging ‘carnage’ in endangered glider habitat”, September 18) raises great concern about the rampant land clearing going on in this state. It seems nothing will reverse the hopeless state of our environmental protection. What have the respective federal and state environment ministers been doing while this destruction has been going on? Such carnage has been happening in all our forests and has threatened all of our native species yet the people responsible for preservation of the forests are sitting on their hands and letting the forestry industry proceed regardless. Clearly their political motivations are more important than the environment and this is a very sad state of affairs indeed. Stuart Laurence, Cammeray

It is hard to believe that this large, semi-arid country of ours does not yet seem to be aware of the need to conserve its forests. The shocking disregard for native wildlife continues. What is worse is that the business carrying out the destruction is state-owned. There is a stopwork order in place for 40 days in the Tallaganda State Forest, but what happens after that? Will the destruction continue? The arrogance of the forestry industry that is apparently indifferent to the forthcoming extinction of our unique native animals is unforgivable. For our state government to be complicit in this carnage is totally irresponsible. We need a forestry industry but it should not depend on long-term growth native forests. Plantation forests in already cleared land must be the answer. Native forests logging must stop now. Nola Tucker, Kiama

Cats of the night

Cat owners think their cats “love” them (“Cat lovers get claws out against ban”, September 18). More likely, natural selection has worked such that cats have evolved behaviours that needy humans find easy to interpret as love. Allen Greer, Sydney

Dorlene Haidar rescues and rehomes cats from the street.

Dorlene Haidar rescues and rehomes cats from the street.Credit: Rhett Wyman

Yes, have a domestic cat. But, please, please keep it contained inside your house or in a run in your yard. A few weeks back, a so-called domestic cat killed our neighbourhood possum. We are saddened to have lost it because we welcomed the pitter-patter of it of an evening as it ran over our roof. Gail Grogan, Constitution Hill


Some do the maths

Ross Gittins, (“Productivity spat falls into ‘lies and statistics’ mode”, September 18) my memory of Commerce students at the UNSW in the ’50s and ’60s was that many struggled with statistics, failing to take into consideration the many variables necessary to come up with accurate statistical analysis and relied on questionable correlations. Sound mathematical ability is required, sadly lacking by some in the field of economics. Josephine Piper, Miranda

Natural or constructed

I was surprised to read that nearly everyone in NSW was affected by a “natural disaster” in 2022 (“Natural disasters hit 93% of people in NSW last year”, September 18). However, given that 18 million people were affected by floods, the percentage is not surprising. But we really should stop calling these climate-fuelled disasters “natural”. In this, soon to be official, Anthropocene, it’s human-initiated emissions that are causing global warming and energising them. Ray Peck Hawthorn (VIC)

The longer version

Would a more accurate, albeit longer, headline have been: “Voters support spending cuts provided they do not impact their personal needs or other aspects of their lives” (“Voters support spending cuts”, September 18)?
Kristina Vingis, Church Point

Ring in the changes

Joan Brown, your ring story (Letters, September 18) was luxurious compared with ours. My long-suffering wife received no engagement ring: just a heartfelt proposal which explained to her that we would have to marry to keep the immigration department off my back. We had a registry office wedding in Wagga Wagga and had been told that rings were not compulsory, but on the day the celebrant insisted on a ring. Fortunately, one of our two witnesses lent us her wedding ring and the ceremony proceeded with it. I still love her. Tom Meakin, Port Macquarie

Thank you, Joan Brown. Being able to start the week with such a big laugh was just what I needed. Vivienne Potter, Gowrie (ACT)

Moving on

No one forced them to run (“Marathon heat puts dozens in hospital”, September 18). Peter Miniutti, Ashbury

Sydney marathon

Sydney marathonCredit: Getty Images AsiaPac

Clocking up the heat

It’s almost dark at 6pm and there are no cicadas or Christmas lights but otherwise, with the weather the way it is, you’d swear it was December. Michael Deeth, Como West

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