The six-month delay to the $11 billion new Metro airport line is unlikely to make any difference, seeing as transport into the city will be woefully inadequate with or without it (“Late opening for $11b line to new international airport” , February 14). Imagine arriving there after a 15-hour flight, then getting the Metro for 20 minutes to St Marys, 45 kilometres outside Sydney, a station serviced only by an old, overcrowded commuter rail line. The tired passengers can look forward to waiting on the platform watching overcrowded trains go by, then squeezing onto a train and sitting on their luggage for an hour while they endure 18 stops to Central. The authorities have ignored the story of Mirabel airport in Montreal, Canada, which was the world’s largest when it opened in 1975 but because it was 39km from the city, it failed to attract passengers or airlines. Now it is little more than a decayed industrial site. The terminal has been demolished and all flights to Montreal now use the airport that Mirabel was built to replace. I had high hopes for our new airport, but I fear that the idiocy of not providing viable public transport dooms it to failure. The fact it has attracted interest from only one foreign airline speaks volumes for how the industry feels about it. William Kennedy, Jordan Springs
The new airport’s first floor, where shops, bars, restaurants and other outlets will be located.Credit: Wolter Peeters
It comes as no surprise that the airport Metro will be delayed. What is more surprising is the suggestion that the cost will outweigh the benefit. The value of public transport, especially in western Sydney, should never be underestimated. However, the new Metro line would be of even more benefit if it continued all the way from Campbelltown-Macarthur. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls
Beat the duopoly
So they’ve done it. On what was probably the final sitting day of this parliament, Labor and the Coalition rushed through their cynical legislation to lock out legitimate political challengers (“Can the teals resist this $90m party invitation?” February 14). Just one example of the funding windfall for the big parties, referred to by David Crowe, is the innocuous sounding $50, 000 per donor, per recipient, per year which – “if done for every state and territory division as well as a national party office – means a party could in theory collect nine times that amount in a year”. In other words, $450,000 from a single donor. Another is the exemption of funds for “generic branding”, covering, for example, those thousands of placards that just say “Vote Liberal” or “Vote Labor”. Despite the indecent haste, these undemocratic rules will not come into effect until after this election. So, if Australians want to avoid a moribund red/blue duopoly like America, voters need to support the community independents across Australia – now. Rob Firth, Red Hill (ACT)
Cop with no name
Your correspondent (Letters, February 14) raises a fair point about the court suppression of Inspector AB’s identity. However, I am sure the court’s ruling on the suppression wouldn’t have been taken without compelling reasons. Coming from a law enforcement background myself, I can only surmise that at some stage in his career, the inspector has been involved in undercover work or something similar, where the publication of his identity, especially a press photograph, might put him, his family and possibly other persons in danger. John Ure, Mount Hutton
I support Rosemary Long’s call, and those of others for the disclosure of Inspector AB’s name. Officers of lower rank have been dismissed for less serious offences, yet for some reason this officer remains almost untouched. Could he have something over someone, possibly a politician, that is ensuring his anonymity? What a terrible message this sends to other police officers and the public in general. Time for the government to step in and fix this. Victor Marshall, Meander (Tas)
Public derailed
It’s 2025, not 1925. Surely we can come up with better ways of solving industrial disputes than by brinkmanship by employers, governments and unions, work bans, lockouts and so on (“Sneak strike: State government says rail union is gaslighting commuters”, February 14). Martin Mansfield, Baulkham Hills
More rail strikes delayed commuters this week. Credit: Steven Siewert
Again a commuter nightmare because the government can’t work out a deal with the unions. And the unions are spiteful until they get what they want and again the commuters suffer. They should all hang their heads in shame. Brendon Fehre, Waterloo
Hate speech divides in time of crisis
As a former nurse who believes in equal treatment for all, I share the betrayed feelings of all nurses over the reported comments of the two Bankstown nurses (“Critical” evidence is needed for charges against nurses”, February 14). I am, however, equally disturbed by Max Veifer’s claim that he exposed two nurses but “how many others are there? I don’t know who I can trust any more”. Who can anyone trust any more when we have people like Veifer deliberately baiting people to provoke a reaction? This behaviour only enables and enhances cultural tensions. Heather Johnson, West Pennant Hills
Thank you to Therese Schier (Letters, February 14) for highlighting the role of social media platforms in allowing a so-called professional influencer to bait people of a different religion with seemingly innocuous questions, then filming and editing the angry exchange and posting it without their permission to his four million followers to suck up and rage over. The remarks made by the two nurses were indeed heinous. They have paid dearly for their words, and it is a shame they felt the need to engage with these questionable TikTok and Instagram sites. Vivienne Nicoll-Hatton, Balmain
The Herald reports that a rival newspaper has used a “bait and trap technique” to (unsuccessfully) lure antisemitic comments at an inner-city cafe (“Daily Telegraph caught up in stunt gone wrong”, February 14). Why does the Herald then also feel there is any merit in continuing to publish the video excerpts of the pro-Israeli “influencer” who, when talking to two NSW Health employees, used a very similar technique of entrapment? Andrew Sweeney, Lewisham
One can only wonder what the reaction of the Telegraph and other News Ltd outlets would have been if the incident involved a Jewish restaurant, a man wearing a cap in Palestinian colours and a Herald news team in tow. Indeed, one might ponder the response of police in that situation. Peter Robertson, Stanmore
E-bike dangers
I researched and wrote the first draft of Sydney City’s successful motorcycle and scooter policy. In the process, I looked at Melbourne’s decision to allow footpath parking for bikes and scooters. This was moderately successful, due mainly to the wide footpaths. In light of Sydney’s much narrower pedestrian ways, I decided not to propose a similar system here. That decision was backed by organisations representing people with disabilities. The obstructions in that case were stationary. Allowing mobile obstacles in the form of electric two-wheelers will make footpath congestion much worse, and indeed dangerous. I think it is a serious mistake. Peter Thoeming, East Ryde
Melbourne hosts Lime scooters, unlike Sydney where it has had to learn to operate bikes.Credit: Penny Stephens
Keep on surfing
Andrew Cohen, no need to feel hard done by (Letters, February 14). Why not drive your “fat old” body in your old car with your nine-foot stick to Trouton St wharf, Balmain, where the parking is free? It’s 10 minutes to the Quay then a ferry to Manly, where you might find waves. Or, just drive to the beach, pay for the parking, do without food for two days, lose weight, get back on your short board and ride the bus to the beach. Problem solved. Vivien Clark- Ferraino, Duckmaloi
Seventy-year-old surfer Andrew Cohen finds it a financial burden to pay for parking to enjoy his lifelong passion for surfing. I assume he heads my way to the northern beaches, where costs are prohibitive. Andrew, go south to Cronulla or the great surf sports in the Illawarra area. No parking fees. Or take up body-boarding and use public transport. Gone are the days of the 1960s when we left our boards under a house near the beach until the next surf session. Tony Nicod, Collaroy
Whale of a tale
These sorts of human-whale events, which, while rare, are increasing due to more vessels in the ocean and more humpbacks, as they bounce back from the edge of extinction (“Whale swallows kayaker in Chilean Patagonia”, February 14). I would like to point out that the kayaker was not “swallowed” or attacked, but was unintentionally mouthed by a whale feeding on plankton. The humpback could not have swallowed the human as it is a filter feeder and it can swallow only tiny marine creatures filtered through its baleen. Humpbacks do not attack and nor are they aggressive, but being in their way can be dangerous due to their size and power. As our own incidents in Sydney, NSW, and Australia increase for the above reasons, careful media coverage will be paramount to avoid creating unnecessary fear and for positive outcomes for both whales and humans. Tema Milstein, University of NSW
Planning dead zone
What a depressing and outrageously ugly sight of stacks of houses side by side, tiny yards devoid of trees, each a different shade of grey, each doing its part in keeping the suburban landscape aesthetically null and void, and hot (“How hot is your suburb? Look for tree cover in your post code”, February 14). How does this reflect a successfully vibrant society? I fear the children living in this moonscape will become just like the structures which enclose them – uninspired, grey and boring with no appreciation of the beauty and meaningful life that nature provides. It’s planning catastrophe and needs to be abolished. Judy Finch, Taree
Unfortunately, nature and quality of life seem to be an afterthought in Sydney at this time. Squeezing in an ever-increasing population appears to be the goal. Paul Doyle, Glenbrook
Fish market fiasco
Your editorial about the disastrous new Sydney Fish Market begs the question of whether the design was flawed from the start (“It was meant to be the Opera House for fish. Instead, there’s something rotten in Blackwattle Bay” 14 February). In trying to be both a fish market and a major tourist destination (lots of fabulous shops and restaurants according to the blurb) it’s unlikely to achieve either objective. Instead, we have a massive overdevelopment with competing vested interests. And by building it in the bay we have lost a significant part of the harbour. Richard Spencer, Glebe
The new fish market will have state-of-the-art temperature control, which is vital to ensure the fish remain fresh. However, the building faces west and will receive the full heat of the sun. I note the wonderful wave design of the feature roof, but where are the solar panels, and in their absence, what will be the energy cost of temperature control? Greg Nelson, Avoca Beach
I don’t want to be accused of piking about it, being bass, or indulging in codswallop, but I have been hakeing to say that I hope your carping about the fish market brings those responsible to eel. Ron Sinclair, Windradyne
The new Sydney Fish Market is rising on the other side of Blackwattle Bay from the existing site.Credit: Dion Georgopoulos
Brief encounters
In these days of mass-produced tokens of affection for Valentine’s Day, I was intrigued by David’s alluring, outsized marriage proposal on Friday’s page 9 and eagerly scanned the QR code, hoping to discover what well-heeled suitor was popping the question. Alas, it was no such thing, just a nifty way for David Jones to tout women’s unmentionables. Disappointing, but imaginative. Mary Carde, Parrearra (Qld)
Donald Trump’s bombshell announcement this week of tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium was one surprise too many from the unpredictable US president, and irate readers got on their keyboards in numbers.
“It appears that the northern hemisphere’s embryonic new fuhrer intends to ruin our trade relationship with the US,” JJ Goold fumed. “The PM has little choice but to tell Orange Man where to put AUKUS and remove all his spy and military bases from our continent.”
A slightly less vehement Marjie Williamson wrote: “It’s an interesting way for a friend and ally to act. Do we react honestly or shut up and be labelled a push-over?”
David Jenkins took a quid pro quo approach. “Target products made from those very materials with counter-tariffs on American trucks, utes, cars and motorcycles,” he suggested.
Adding insult to injury, Australia had just made its first $800 million AUKUS payment. “Cancel the cheque,” wrote Anne Ring.
One lonely voice of support for Trump stood out. “He may seem more than a little crazy at times, but what a breath of fresh air he is,” wrote David Morrison. “More like the putrid stench of a cesspool,” replied Neil Ormerod.
Meanwhile, the trade tariffs remain in limbo while Trump considers the PMs request to reverse the decision.
Readers’ concerns about antisemitism were heightened after two Sydney nurses had their hatred for Israelis laid bare online by an “influencer” – who is an Israeli himself. The story understandably drew angry responses. What was striking was how differently people who are vulnerable to antisemitism responded to the confronting video. Fear and resentment were the most common reactions, but Miriam Levy, a Jewish doctor, lamented a decline in tolerance. “Are we going to allow the terrible situation in Israel and Gaza to change how we behave in our own country?” she asked. “This might be an opportunity for all Australians to share solidarity against hatred.”
Jennifer Briggs also called for calm: “We must neither blame nor fear our Middle Eastern medical personnel. I can say from experience that they have high principles, do their best for everyone, and that we would be poorer without them.”
The tardy ones among us will have enjoyed the story about laggards (“Always running late? You might be experiencing time blindness”’, February 11)? “I feel so much better now my condition has a respectable name,” wrote Meredith Williams.
I’d love to keep writing, but I’m late for my train.
Ivan Hemens, letters desk
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