Last Sunday’s editorial on the NDIS rightly points out that certain aspects of the scheme have become unwieldy and costly and places the rectification of these issues solely at the feet of the current government (The Herald’s View, January 19). However, it should also have highlighted that most of the rorting and mismanagement of the NDIS can be attributed directly to the previous 10 years of Coalition governments. With their “small government” ideology, they failed to provide sufficient public sector oversight, to properly regulate the use of private sector for-profit operators, or to manage the NDIS in the best interests of users or taxpayers. Tony Heathwood, Kiama Downs
The government has made cuts to the NDIS to keep growing costs under control.Credit: Marija Ercegovac
Dutton’s gutter politics
Tim Costello’s message of hope and peace comes in stark contrast to the vitriol and divisiveness of Opposition Leader Peter Dutton (“Let’s cross the either/or line and work for justice”, January 19). Dutton’s baseless assertion that Albanese shares the blame for the recent antisemitic episodes is “gutter politics” at its worst. It has become impossible to have a rational discussion about the horrors of the war in Gaza or the tactics on both sides without being accused of antisemitism or Islamophobia. Albanese is under attack from the Greens and the Coalition for failing to agree with their extremist views of this war. Dutton senses political advantage in being absolutely pro-Israel and ignoring the plight of Gaza’s civilians, while the Greens hold Israel responsible. The PM has never wavered in his condemnation of Hamas and support of Israel’s right to defend itself, but maintains deep concern for the innocent victims on both sides. Labor is focused on a peaceful resolution to this senseless war, while the opportunistic Greens and Coalition are more interested in the electoral advantage of prolonging social division. Hopefully, the ceasefire will lead to a lasting peace, but it’s difficult to share Costello’s optimism. Graham Lum, North Rocks
Stick to the facts
Your correspondent quotes numerous independent sources confirming the strength of the Albanese government’s economic management compared to that of the previous government, challenging Peter Dutton’s negative claims (Letters, January 19). He could have added that last year the International Monetary Fund named Australia as the second strongest in world budget management rankings among G20 nations, behind only Canada. This is another fact we won’t be hearing from opposition naysayers during the election campaign. Alison Stewart, Riverview
Having never met any of Australia’s political party leaders, I have no idea what their personalities are actually like. However, anyone basing their vote on whether the leader “looks” strong, weak, disappointing or fascist ( to name a few) should be reminded that what you see is a carefully crafted image created to win the next election (Letters, January 19). If Dutton seems “Trumpian” in his divisive Make Australia Great Again tactics, or Albanese seems “small target” in his successful “I’m not Scott Morrison” policy, voters should evaluate what they are being told and base their votes on each party’s actual policies, and also how likely they are to bring them to fruition. Australia is not (save for a few fringe exceptions) an electorate of personality politicians, and hopefully never will be. Allan Kreuiter, Roseville
Profits of gloom
The problem is not with profits per se, but with profits that are unreasonable (“Tall profits syndrome: Why do we hate companies making money?”, 19 January). Companies need to make money in order to provide a reasonable return on the capital invested. It’s when those profits become excessive, when they are essentially just transferring money from customers and employees to company owners, that there is a problem. And it worries me that the author is just spouting the line spruiked by the mining companies that they are effectively providing services because of the tax paid on the profits they earn. So, remind me, what was the rate of tax they pay again? And who ultimately owns the resources on which their wealth is built? Or would the author prefer that we return to Dickensian times, when exorbitant profits built on the exploitation of others was the norm? David Rush, Lawson
Trump 2.0 begins
Parnell Palme McGuinness suggests that Donald Trump may be ruled by big technology billionaires Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk (”Trump’s not the tech bros’ puppet master. He may be the puppet“, January 19). Her article fails to mention that Trump owns Truth Social Media, which now promotes his policy announcements. Trump also owns the company marketing his brand, so that every MAGA cap, placard and Trump bible, joggers and all other Trump merchandise makes a profit for him. Her article states that Musk is a “sustainability entrepreneur”, perhaps because he owns Tesla. Musk’s commitment to the environment is hardly demonstrated by his upset with the Tesla board for twice not granting him an additional $56 billion pay increase. The article also states that Kamala Harris had a “role in the Biden administration’s deeply unpopular immigration policies”. Trump’s immigration policies have started with officers rounding-up suspects in Chicago and San Diego. Local mayors have said they will go to jail to protect their local communities and have directed their agencies not to co-operate. This is only the start of Trump’s deportation of about 11 million people, which promises to be massively disruptive and unpopular throughout America. Bill Johnstone, Blackheath