

This was published 2 years ago

Mask mandates are divisive but necessary to protect for all of us

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

I am extremely concerned about the current COVID crisis and the lack of leadership from state and federal government around public health management and reintroducing restrictions (“Doctors alarmed by severity of latest Omicron wave”,, July 21).

My parents, aged 92 and 91, who live in a regional town, have contracted COVID this week. They are up-to-date with vaccinations and have followed every rule and advice. They are being cared for by my sister (they live independently). They are quite unwell and have been prescribed antivirals. My sister had difficulty accessing this medication for them – all antivirals are going to nursing homes experiencing outbreaks.

My mother-in-law, 91, who lives in another regional town, has also contracted COVID in the last few days. She became infected in hospital and is very unwell. She usually lives in her own home with support. The hospital is in lockdown and are so short-staffed the general manager is showering patients.

If any of these much loved and generally healthy nonagenarians die from this illness I will hold our political leaders responsible. They have allowed this virus to spread very rapidly this year. Political power appears a priority over peoples’ lives. Kathleen Fazio, Old Bar

This Omicron wave was predictable and avoidable. Science informed political leadership, consistent public health messaging, mask wearing and vaccination are key to helping stem it. While it was heartening to see Anthony Albanese donning an N95 mask at a recent press conference, it was disappointing he stated the public had no appetite for mask mandates. Does the public have an appetite for their loved ones dying needlessly and prematurely? The daily statistics are sobering, but the raw data cannot possibly encapsulate the grief felt by those relatives and friends left to mourn. What appetite is there for hospitals to be overwhelmed? Mask wearing alone is not enough to stem the tide of this latest wave, but the public may ultimately find mask wearing more palatable than the alternatives. Suzanne Leahy, Carlingford

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

A central tenet of medicine is that prevention is better than cure. A central tenet of politics is that an unpopular decision is delayed until it becomes glaringly obvious that there is no alternative. When it comes to mask mandates, it’s apparent that politics now has the upper hand. The eventual winner? The virus. The eventual loser? That would be us. Des Mulcahy, Orange

We don’t like masks but we don’t want to risk the possible complications of long COVID so we have started wearing masks in group situations indoors – shopping, public transport, theatre (“Risk of long COVID is driven down by vaccination”, July 21). However, please let’s not have mask mandates; all that does is bring out misguided people disrupting the rest of us rabbiting on about “freedom” and puts small business people and their staff in the invidious situation of policing such idiots. It also wastefully diverts police resources. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach

Last week I was admitted to Royal Prince Alfred Hospital in Sydney. Every one of the RPA staff was wearing a mask without complaint. I saw how much pressure RPA staff are under. I cannot overstate how impressed I was by the care and treatment I received from RPA. These people are a precious resource that I cannot believe the reluctance of governments to require masks in indoor public environments. We need to protect and support our protectors. It is a small thing for us to wear masks in supermarkets and buses. Make it mandatory. Now. And get boosted. Hugh Dillon, Drummoyne


Yesterday I took a ferry to Circular Quay. I was in my trusty mask, as our political leaders very rightly ask me to do (Letters, July 21). I felt like I was in a parallel universe. Very few passengers wore masks. No signs about the import of masks on the ferry, or the wharves. I wonder how many passengers even realise masks are mandatory, let alone their import as a simple tool for health protection? How about some well-placed signs? Mask dispensers as you board each ferry? Intercom messages? Government regulation without direct messaging is pointless. Patricia Duggan, Manly

Act now to save the planet, for our lives depend on it

We knew it would come to this. Australian communities still reeling from bushfires and floods; a shocking State of the Environment report; record heatwaves and bushfires across Europe; and Pacific Island leaders pleading with Australia for a stronger emissions reduction target (“Village fires, record heat as toll mounts”, July 21). The Albanese government has inherited a diabolical climate mess but, for the sake of the planet, they must not get sucked into the dishonest game of talking big on emissions while still banking on the irresistible earnings from fossil fuel exports. With no time to waste, Australia needs very bold leadership and actions that previously would have been unthinkable, for example, a high-level task force to requisition all Australian fossil-fuel operations – with appropriate compensation – and implement the rapid replacement of fossil fuel exports with renewables. Rob Firth, Cremorne Point

The long-awaited State of the Environment report signals the code red warning for our environment. Australia has been reported to have lost more mammal species than any other continent (Letters, July 21). This report is grim, and our wake-up call. The human world is not separate from the natural world; we rely on the environment for food, water, air and natural resources. The Labor government needs to act swiftly to strengthen and enforce environmental laws, provide significant funding to aid protection and recovery of the environment and to decarbonise our economy and society as rapidly as possible. This is not a “greenie leftie tree-hugging” issue; if we do not swiftly protect our natural environment, our own existence will be at risk. Ching Ang, Magill (SA)

We now find ourselves approaching the tipping point of runaway climate change and environmental collapse. Yet humanity has the smarts for solutions and an alternate path toward a liveable future, that can sustain life, has been mapped. We must urgently invest in restoring our natural infrastructure – our rivers, wetlands, oceans, forests, and atmosphere –like our lives depend on it. We must divest from the climate-threatening fossil fuel industry and provide a just transition to renewable energy industry to become the “renewable energy superpower”.

Let us wholeheartedly apply ourselves to the survival of all species and be supported by our leaders to collaborate and co-operate in truly meaningful work saving life on Earth. Now may be our last chance to curb the trajectory toward an inhospitable planet and to restore the stability and abundance of our precious home, planet Earth. Rebecca Mclean, Mullumbimby

Illustration by John Shakespeare.

Illustration by John Shakespeare.Credit:

For our nation to remain a credible member of the Pacific family, action is needed to address islanders’ concerns (“The case for a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty”, July 21). In the first instance, approval of additional coal and gas projects must cease. Secondly, it is imperative the gas export problem be solved to provide for short-term energy needs. Thirdly, coal and gas companies should be required to invest in research and development of renewably generated fuels for export to offset their contribution to global carbon emissions. This would also, in turn, replace at least some of their reduced income as coal and gas reach their use-by dates. Roger Epps, Armidale

Public service turns a corner

Chris Wallace’s description of the Coalition’s deliberate erosion of the public service could also be applied to the NSW Government’s politicisation of the public service (“Public service sighs with relief”, July 21). Just as Scott Morrison and his team did not want fearless advice on policy and instead stacked the service with consultants who deliver what they want to hear, so to the NSW Coalition government has abrogated its responsibility. The senior ranks of the NSW public service are now stacked with consultants who often lack in-depth knowledge and experience, and who readily recommend more external consultants. Further, to hide the true costs, permanent public service positions are constantly being replaced with contractors, who again lack experience, depth of knowledge, and an impartial approach. Congratulations to Anthony Albanese for reversing this trend. I suspect only a change of government will (hopefully) see a reversal in NSW. Ian MacDonald, Newport

As a former public servant who acted as a press secretary and adviser to both Coalition and Labor ministers in the Fraser and Whitlam governments, I was delighted to read Chris Wallace’s assessment of the decline in the value of the public service advice since the Howard years. Great cost has been the price we have paid for what appears to have been an overwhelming number of party appointees to such roles. The fact is it has always been the prerogative for a minister to decide not to accept his public service adviser’s advice for political reasons, but at least the advice he was being given wasn’t solely political in its nature. Jim Eames, Gerringong

Putting our foot in it

How unsurprising that after an initial flurry of concern, the threat of foot and mouth disease entering Australia and the catastrophic consequences, seemed to drop off the radar (“Viral parts of foot and mouth in Australia”, July 21). How terrifying for the cattle, sheep, and pig producers in this country, some of whom risk losing everything. When Agriculture Minister Murray Watt flew back into Australia from Indonesia he was impressed and reassured by the comprehensive and rigorous biosecurity inspections he was subjected to.
Of course he was. But the reality is that ordinary travellers are coming back from Bali and not having any checks at all. No signage alerting returning travellers to the risks. No shoe-cleaning facilities available, even when requested. No suitcases opened and contents examined. No scrutiny of where people have been. Nothing.
May I suggest the minister send someone incognito to the airports to see what is really happening, maybe even ban travellers from entering from Bali? Does Watt really want to be the minister responsible for allowing foot and mouth to enter Australia? Helen Hunt, Black Hollow

That viral parts of foot and mouth disease have been found in pork products is no surprise. A check in a supermarket the other day discovered only one packaged bacon which was Australian. True to our feeble packaging laws, the labelling informed where the other meats weren’t made: “Less than 10 per cent made in Australia”. Another proclaimed, “Proudly packed in Australia”. Made me feel like singing the national anthem. We need honest packaging laws, so that we can know what we are buying. Most of us have had enough of food scares from products brought in from goodness-knows-where. Donald Hawes, Peel

Future imperfect

OK, it may be timely to have a review of the workings of the RBA (“Board structure and missed targets to go under microscope”, July 21). One doesn’t know what it will actually achieve. Perhaps someone may come up with a crystal ball for the next RBA board to forecast the future.

One of the main problems with monetary policy and interest rates is that the effect is across the board. It is up to the government to attempt to come up with a policy whereby housing loans are shepherded from interest rate movements that are aimed to expand or contract the economy.

It doesn’t take much to recognise that the governor of the RBA Philip Lowe is a man of integrity, doing his best to predict what’s going to happen next. One thing for sure is that general criticism of what has been done and when, is going to have future boards second-guessing themselves.

Who knows what is going to happen tomorrow. The RBA is in an invidious position and should not be solely responsible for running the economy. Where is government fiscal policy in all this? Fiscal policy is the main driver of the economy. Relying solely on monetary policy is a mistake. Stewart Copper, Maroubra

With all the RBA criticism, I think it should be borne in mind that economists were only invented to make weather forecasters look good. Des Carmody, Bourkelands

Trust proofing

I’m a Sydney Anglican, and in Australian Christian circles we have a reputation for having a go at other Christian groups for not having pure enough theology. But having listened to the relevant section of Scott Morrison’s talk to Victory Life Centre (Letters, July 21) I’m struggling to see what all the fuss is about. Mr Morrison is not disparaging the work of government. What he was saying is an ongoing theme throughout the Bible: when you put your hope or trust in something other than God, whether that be the government (“Put not your trust in princes”, Psalm 146:3), or money (“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal”, Matthew 6:19), or anything or anyone else apart from Jesus, disappointment is sure to follow. Roger Gallagher, Merrylands

Unfair trade

Can someone please tell me what NSW products politicians and trade representatives are trying to sell overseas? List them, please (“Premier takes flight as turbulence hits”, July 21). We have Australian national trade representatives scattered throughout the world who, I’m sure, aren’t excluding our state in their representations. Also, please declare the cost of these overseas junkets. Kate Chivers, Epping

Not noice

For the life of me I cannot see anything funny about this show: stupid people doing stupid things with a stupid accent (“A Kath & Kim reunion? It’s noice, different, unusual”, July 21). Why don’t they just throw pies at each other? And is there a darker side to it – two middle-class women making fun of working-class women? Nicholas Triggs, Katoomba

In the clouds

The Qantas managers presiding over the chronic delays, cancellations and lost baggage that continue to sully the airline’s once great reputation should use the prudent actions of their pilots, who declared a fuel emergency to ensure a priority approach and landing, as a textbook example of how competent professionals go about ensuring passenger wellbeing (“Qantas pilots declare ‘fuel mayday”’, July 21). Col Burns, Lugarno

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday on
Climate change top of the agenda as Labor kick-starts new parliament with four bills
From Narky: ″⁣Let’s hope the Greens don’t make perfect the enemy of the good again.″⁣

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