

This was published 6 years ago

'Making a quick dollar out of greed': family charged over theft of baby formula

By Laura Chung

Four family members who run a newsagency in Sydney's north-west are facing legal action over their alleged involvement in a theft of more than $1 million worth of baby formula and vitamins in the past 12 months.

A 31-year-old Carlingford man was arrested at Sydney Airport upon returning from China on Saturday morning.

His arrest is the sixth that NSW Police have made in relation to what they call "a well co-ordinated theft syndicate".

Police believe the theft syndicate has been operating for several years, but in the past year it sent "thousands of shipments" to China.

Strike Force Dungv was established in February last year after "major retailers" reported thefts of baby formula and vitamins.

A 31-year old man was arrested at Sydney Airport as he returned from China.

A 31-year old man was arrested at Sydney Airport as he returned from China. Credit: NSW Police

The first three charges were laid last year when a 48-year-old woman, a 45-year-old man and a 35-year-old man were arrested.

Police allege the family hired the men to assist with the theft of tins of formula and other health supplements.

Following those arrests, police searched two homes in Carlingford and seized 4000 tins of baby formula, large quantities of vitamins and manuka honey, all of which were alleged to have been stolen.


Police then arrested a 53-year-old man in December and a 29-year-old woman this month, before the airport arrest at the weekend.

Robbery and serious crime squad commander, Detective Superintendent Daniel Doherty, praised the work of investigators.

The baby formula haul, seized by police August 2018.

The baby formula haul, seized by police August 2018.Credit: NSW Police

"This has been a meticulous investigation, with detectives now putting five people before the courts and disrupting a well co-ordinated theft syndicate," he said.

"Not only are they making a quick dollar out of greed, disadvantaging mums and dads of Australia but they are literally taking baby formula out of the mouths of babes."

Superintendent Doherty said more people would be arrested in relation to the group's activities, warning those involved to "expect a knock on the door".

"Further arrests will happen in the near future," he said.

The 31-year-old man had his luggage searched by Border Force officials before being taken to Mascot police station and charged with recklessly dealing with the proceeds of crime and participating in a criminal group contributing criminal activity.

"It probably was something he may have expected, but he didn't expect it to happen at the airport when he got off the plane," Superintendent Doherty said.

The man appeared on Sunday at Parramatta Bail Court, where he was granted strict bail. He will reappear at Parramatta Local Court on January 30.


The 53-year-old man has been charged with knowingly participating in a criminal group assisting crime, and recklessly dealing with the proceeds of crime.

The 29-year-old woman was charged with participating in a criminal group contributing criminal activity, and recklessly dealing with the proceeds of crime.

Both were granted strict conditional bail and are due to appear at Burwood Local Court on February 5.

The crisis in baby formula supply in Australia has led to one-kilogram tins of formula worth between $25 and $35 sold in China for a profit of $100 a tin.

In response, supermarket giants have limited the number of tins customers can buy, while some sell the formula only from behind the counter.

Police urge anyone with information to contact 1800 333 000.

With AAP

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