This was published 10 months ago
‘Limited visibility’ for teens in group homes amid worrying number of reports
The number of reports being filed about the abuse of young people living in group homes, and the staff caring for these children, underscores the urgent need to reform NSW’s out-of-home care system, welfare advocates say.
The state government in 2012 privatised the operation of group homes, where children stay when there are no available or suitable foster care placement, following a damning inquiry into child protection.
But the government now has limited visibility over these children, with critics warning young people can be at greater risk once placed in group homes than the environments they are being removed from.
Child protection advocates warn there’s limited oversight for children in privatised out of home care. Credit:
There are currently 648 children in group residential care homes, in what is termed “intensive therapeutic care”.
In the year to March, there have been 530 reports of children in group homes being at risk of significant harm, an increase from 113 reports from the three months prior. These reports may not be related to the children’s current placement and may be historical.
At the end of the March quarter, the Office of the Children’s Guardian also had 243 reportable allegations logged on its residential care workers register, which include allegations of ill treatment, neglect, assault and sexual misconduct by staff against children.
The register was established in July 2022 to prevent unsuitable people from moving between employers. About 35 per cent of these reportable allegations were also reported to police.
NSW Families and Communities Minister Kate Washington said she was concerned about many aspects of the child protection system.
“As minister, I have parental responsibility for more than 13,000 children, but under the current arrangements I don’t have a lot of visibility on what’s going on with non-government providers,” she said.
About half of all children in need of care and protection are managed by Communities and Justice while the other half are in the care of NGOs. The government runs just one residential care home, while all other accommodation is outsourced to providers.
One senior Department of Communities and Justice employee, who did not have permission to speak publicly, said he believed children in residential care were at risk of further abuse.
“I would say that the majority of children in residential care suffer further abuse,” he said.
According to data from the Office of the Children’s Guardian, just over a third of all NGO residential care worker staff are labour hire, with many in residential care facilities working on shifts at a ratio of one worker to two children.
Adopt Change chief executive Renee Carter said the figures were distressing but not shocking.
“It’s not unusual for there to be reports and inquiries in institutional settings, and it’s well known that an institutional setting is not how a child should be raised,” she said.
Carter said abuse could happen from both inside and outside the home.
“One of the areas for abuse is adults outside the home, who are aware of what the home is and prey on the children because they’re vulnerable,” she said.
Abuse could also be perpetrated by traumatised children who have previously experienced abuse exhibiting sexualised behaviour towards other residents.
“There are some children who need to go into [residential care] for temporary therapeutic care, but the issue is that with a shortage of home-based care we’re seeing kids go into those settings when they shouldn’t, and stay there for long periods,” Carter said.
It is rare for a child to exit residential care and be adopted or placed under guardianship, with fewer than 20 children getting a permanency outcome in the past three years. Communities and Justice does not have data on permanency placements since the start of 2023, stating there was not enough follow-up to provide figures.
The Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies chief executive Maree Walk said reportable allegations were always a concern but added it could also be due to increased awareness and diligence about what to report.
“NGOs who run accredited residential care are committed to providing safe and caring environments for young people who are unable to live at home, with kin or in foster care,” she said.
Washington has repeatedly promised to reform the child protection system.
“We are committed to significant structural reform of the child protection system because the current arrangements are not delivering the outcomes we want to see, and vulnerable children and families are paying the price,” she said.
The auditor-general will release a report on the costs and outcomes of the child protection system in the coming weeks, while the NSW Advocate for Children and Young People is conducting a special inquiry into children and young people in emergency out-of-home care.
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