

This was published 4 months ago

‘I’m not going to stop until she’s dead’: Rising number of men ignore domestic violence orders

By Clare Sibthorpe and Nigel Gladstone

Warning: this story contains graphic content

A teenage boy in the middle of the night found his father holding a brick over his unconscious mother on the kitchen floor.

“I’m not going to stop until she’s dead,” the father, in his late 30s, told his son.

One man attacked his ex-wife in the bedroom. Another attacked his wife in the kitchen.

One man attacked his ex-wife in the bedroom. Another attacked his wife in the kitchen.Credit: Marija Ercegovac

The man had repeatedly smashed his wife’s face into kitchen tiles because he suspected she was cheating on him.

The man had no prior criminal record. However, he did have an apprehended domestic violence order (ADVO) imposed on him.

Sixteen days earlier, the woman had sought the ADVO against her husband of 18 years after a phone smashing episode. He was not allowed to assault, threaten, harass, stalk or intimidate her, damage her property or approach her within 12 hours of drinking alcohol.

But the ADVO did not work.

The man, who had temporarily moved out of the home, embarked on an alcohol-fuelled bender with a friend, repeatedly telling him that he intended to kill his wife, court documents show.

The friend was so alarmed by the threats that he texted a warning to the man’s wife. The woman immediately locked her front door.


The husband, however, smashed a window to enter their house later that day. The husband then hit his wife’s head against a wall and repeatedly stomped and kicked her head, leaving her unconscious. The husband cut off her waist-long hair with a kitchen knife and left it on the bench.

The 15-year-old son was ordered to find his mother’s phone. He couldn’t find it. The husband fled with a handful of cash and jewellery. His drinking friend arrived at the scene and called police.

More than two years later, Judge Andrew Colefax sentenced the attacker, who cannot be named for legal reasons, to a maximum of 13 years in jail. Giving sentencing remarks on April 29 in the Downing Centre District Court, Colefax admonished him for the serious physical assault on his wife and for the clear and substantial breaching of the various conditions of his ADVO.

“And, furthermore, you had drunk a considerable amount of alcohol immediately before arriving at your wife’s premises,” Colefax said.

“The degree to which you were prepared to breach the ADVO elevates the objective seriousness of the offence. The breaches show a serious disregard for court orders.”

Domestic violence offenders are increasingly disregarding ADVOs at alarming rates in NSW, new analysis shows. The first three months of the order are the most dangerous period for victims.

ADVO breaches rise as penalties decrease

The Herald’s analysis of ADVOs over a five-year period has found a rise in the number of offenders breaching ADVOs even amid a police crackdown, while punishments are becoming less severe.

The number of orders breached was up 35 per cent from 17,057 to 22,969 in the five years to 2023.

The proportion of offenders being sent to jail for breaching an ADVO, when that was their principal charge, also showed a decline, according to NSW Criminal Courts Statistics from July 2018 to June 2023.

Over the same period, fine penalties increased as a proportion of court outcomes from 12 per cent to 21 per cent from 523 to 1412.

However, this data fails to capture every ADVO breach in NSW, as it counts only those defendants who have been found guilty of and sentenced for breaching an ADVO if that is their main offence.

The danger period for victims, the analysis found, was the three months after an ADVO was issued. The rate of ADVO breaches or domestic violence reoffending was highest in these three months.

Last year, the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research found that extending the length of an ADVO from 12 to 24 months was linked to a decrease in the probability of further DV offending. However, longer ADVOs were associated with significantly higher breach rates.

Experts say the increase in breaches is concerning and that it could be reflecting a combination of more actual breaches, a rise in breach reporting, as well as a targeted police crackdown on domestic violence, including the formation of a squad targeting the worst offenders.

Domestic Violence NSW senior policy officer Dr Bridget Mottram said the perpetrators of violence were often at their most angry and vengeful in the immediate aftermath of an ADVO being taken out. She said the rise in reporting of breaches to police and more proactive policing also would have resulted in the number of offences increasing.

“It’s also an element of boundary testing – the perpetrator seeing what they can get away with, which a breach charge reasserts the boundaries for,” she said.

“It’s significant to note, as well, that the NSW Domestic Violence Death Review Team have found that most women who are murdered by a previous partner had ended their relationship within three months of the homicide. This is an exceptionally dangerous time and where it’s imperative that we have systems in place to keep victim-survivors safe.”

Man raped ex-wife as children slept next door

In another disturbing example of an ADVO failing to protect a woman, one offender broke into his ex-wife’s home several months after being handed the order and raped her for hours as their children slept in the next bedroom. Sentencing documents released by the NSW Supreme Court detail how the offender, who had recently separated from his wife, had been barred from going near the victim or finding out where she lived.

His breaches started with texts asking if he could visit her house to pick up a scooter for their child. On another date, he asked to collect a beach towel. The mother declined both requests.

On October 25, 2021, he asked the young child where his mother lived, and after hours of drinking, he broke into the house and walked into his ex-wife’s bedroom.

The sentencing remarks read: “She came face to face with the offender, who grabbed her by the throat and said, ‘hello [woman’s name]’.

“It caused the victim pain. The offender pushed the victim towards the bedroom, leading her by holding her throat, and said, ‘guess I’m really going through with this after all … My heart is racing’.”

He was sentenced last month to a maximum of 12 years in jail.

Women’s Legal Service NSW principal solicitor Philippa Davis said police and courts must take all breaches seriously.

“If victim-survivors are not believed, or they are told it is just a ‘minor’ or ‘technical breach’, the seriousness of the ADVO is downplayed, and this can lead to perpetrators continuing to disregard the ADVO,” Davis said.

While Davis was pleased to see an increase in the number of ADVO applications being made by police, she said the legal service consistently heard from clients who felt police failed to respond appropriately to their reports of violence.

“[This data] doesn’t tell the whole story because it doesn’t capture those circumstances where police don’t take action,” she said.

Davis said a combination of factors might cause repeat offending within the first few months of an order being issued.

“For some, it could be a lack of understanding as to the particular orders and the restrictions placed on what they can do and where they can go,” she said.

“For others, though, it will be a blatant disregard for the AVO as they continue to assert power and control over a victim-survivor and ensure she continues to fear for her safety and that of her children.”

The Herald recently joined police on a four-day domestic violence blitz as they arrested 226 people for serious offences.

At the time, Superintendent Danielle Emerton, commander of the domestic and family violence registry, said police treated all ADVO breaches seriously.

She said her team used criminal profiling to detect “dangerous offenders” who posed an elevated threat of causing serious harm to victims and they performed regular compliance checks on offenders serving out ADVOs.

The Herald also recently revealed Lismore man James Harrison had been served an ADVO to protect his ex-partner, doctor Sophie Roome, three months before he allegedly killed himself and their two-year-old son.

Support is available from the National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service at 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732).

Domestic and Family Violence Helpline: 1300 338 465

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