

This was published 4 years ago

How police lured businessman to reveal $1.5b cocaine network

By Lucy Cormack

It could have been written by any company board director.

With mentions of investment, risk assessments and logistics, the document cited “a board at war with each other,” and the need to “build mutual trust”. The language was formal, polite and business-like.

And that was exactly how Rohan Peter Arnold intended it, when he wrote to a man known only as Ivan in December 2017.

Murrumbateman businessman Rohan Arnold was sentenced on Thursday.

Murrumbateman businessman Rohan Arnold was sentenced on Thursday.

The letter feigned legitimacy, but its subject was anything but: a large-scale international drug syndicate was desperately seeking the return of 1.28 tonnes of cocaine, which had mistakenly landed with another criminal group on its way from China to Australia.

Arnold, an experienced stockyard director and steel importer, hoped to “facilitate” its return from Ivan and his associates with “professionalism”.

It would take less than two months for Arnold and his co-accused to realise that no such negotiation would take place. Instead they had walked into a trap carefully laid by the Australian Federal Police, culminating in their arrests in a Serbian hotel in January 2018.

On Thursday, Arnold, 45, was sentenced in the Downing Centre District Court to 27 years in jail for the "vital" role he played in a conspiracy to import a commercial quantity of cocaine, with a potential street value of $1.5 billion.

The Murrumbateman man hung his head and closed his eyes as Judge Jane Culver handed down the sentence, with a non-parole period of 19 years and 6 months. In the gallery his family sobbed.


Arnold was brought into the conspiracy in July 2017, when he agreed to assist his friend of 10 years and now co-accused, in recovering the shipping container of cocaine, one of two containers ordered by an Australian steel company on consignment from Shanghai, China.

On March 30, 2017 both containers arrived at the Port of Sydney and were examined, with one holding 2576 blocks of cocaine hidden inside prefabricated steel posts.

Arnold’s alleged fellow conspirators, who cannot be named for legal reasons, were attempting to urgently locate the cocaine when they were informed it had mistakenly landed with two men in New Zealand - Henry and Ivan - who wanted $3 million in "Kiwi" cash for its return.

Henry was actually a covert officer from New Zealand law enforcement, while Ivan was an undercover operative with the AFP.

Over the following months the drug syndicate, which had members both in Australia and abroad, used devices with encrypted Cipher chat software to negotiate a meeting with Ivan and Henry to recover the drugs.

But after negotiations broke down and amid failed meetings and angry threats, Arnold stepped in to take a different tack.

"It was aparent [sic] to me from your early messages that you were not a thug, rather a guy in business and this was a deal," he wrote to Ivan on Cipher in December 2017.

"I live in a world where deals are done very differently."

As he struggled to renegotiate the exchange deal, Arnold was becoming desperate and fearful his family were in "direct and immediate danger" from others in the syndicate.

"Ivan ... I am begging you to work with me. I don't think you are an authority, but if you are, come and arrest me for my family's sake," he wrote on Cipher, having already offered to pay his own share of "the project" to ensure it was concluded.

Arnold and his co-accused would eventually arrange to meet Ivan and Henry in Serbia for a planned exchange at The Hotel Metropole in Belgrade on January 16, 2018.

At the meeting Arnold brought a bag containing €630,000 in cash, while the group discussed the remaining amount that would be paid in Australia.

But within minutes Serbian authorities stormed the hotel with guns raised and Arnold and his co-accused were face down on the carpet of the hotel lobby.

Arnold was subsequently extradited to Australia, a journey which included an extraordinary sightseeing tour of Paris under federal police escort.

On Thursday the court heard an earlier submission from defence barrister Stuart Littlemore, QC, that Arnold was little more than a "delegate or agent" to the three principals of the conspiracy and that his role was "akin to an adviser providing logisitics advice."

However Judge Culver found "on any view of the facts beyond reasonable doubt this offender was absolutely vital to the success of the enterprise."

Rohan Arnold went on a sightseeing tour of Paris with police.

Rohan Arnold went on a sightseeing tour of Paris with police.

"The conspiracy could not have achieved its intended purpose without him."

Judge Culver ultimately determined that while Arnold had strong prospects of rehabilitation and a low risk of reoffending, his case was "deserving [of] punishment."

She acknowledged Arnold's remorse, as described in a collection of first-person writing pieces titled "I hope we never meet inside these walls." The collection has been distributed to a number of charities to be used to educate and counsel young offenders.

Among character references tendered to the court was one from fellow prison inmate Damion Flower, who described Arnold as a "great mentor for young offenders." The high-profile racehorse owner remains behind bars and before the courts on charges of importing cocaine.

Arnold's sentence includes a 25 per cent discount for an early guilty plea.

He will be eligible for parole on July 15, 2037.

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