This was published 6 years ago
'Horrendous consequences' if sexual consent law reform goes wrong
By Greg Barns
Too often in our community, criminal justice law reform is driven by kneejerk reactions of politicians to a media story. Let us hope that the NSW government is more considered as it responds to an ABC Four Corners program aired on Monday which provided a voice for Saxon Mullins to outline her experience where she was the complainant in a rape case and the issue of consent was a live one.
Saxon Mullins on Four Corners on Monday.Credit: Four Corners
In 2017 the NSW District Court, in a judge alone trial, found that Luke Lazarus had a genuine and honest belief that Mullins, then an 18-year-old virgin, was consenting to anal sex even though her evidence was "in her own mind" she was not. The law of consent in NSW is that the prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused either knows that the other person does not consent intercourse , or the person is reckless as to whether the other person consents, or the person has no reasonable grounds for believing that the other person consents to the sexual intercourse.
It is a very broad test.
Before politicians and others jump on the bandwagon of calling for reform of consent laws they should read carefully all the evidence in the case and the trial judge’s reasons. This was a case that relied on the careful forensic assessment of the credibility of witnesses, including Mullins. Lazarus' acquittal does not mean that the law concerning consent, which should not be tinkered with lightly given the horrendous consequences for the accused and complainants in getting it wrong, is deficient.
It is worth remembering that while Lazarus was finally acquitted, he spent 11 months in prison after being convicted in a previous trial, which he appealed. In other words there are no winners here.
Today there are calls, including from one minister in the NSW government, to adopt a reform from Tasmania. In that jurisdiction the definition of consent is similar to NSW but adds that “a person does not freely agree to an act if the person ... does not say or do anything to communicate consent.” The difficulty with this provision is that it is nebulous. It raises the question of what is meant by “say or do anything” in every case. Even one of the supporters of the Tasmanian reform Professor Helen Cockburn has acknowledged: “Consent is comprehended in different ways and there is likely to be a similar lack of uniformity in the way that the concept of communicated consent is understood. Signals about consent are thus susceptible to misinterpretation.”
Injustice results when the law fails to define with as much accuracy as possible what is meant by concepts such as consent. While the Tasmanian definition might work if a person is going to a doctors surgery and is required to sign a firm or otherwise affirm consent in the complex setting of two persons in an intimate setting such a clinical approach does not work.
In cases where there is risk for both complainant and defendant in an adversarial trial process, an option that should be available is what is called restorative justice. In Canada, New Zealand, the US and Britain this process is available to complainants in sexual assault cases. It involves the defendant admitting wrongdoing, the victim being given the opportunity to tell the defendant how their actions hurt them, and with an outcome focussed on greater support for victims and for the defendant who, instead of simply being warehoused in a prison, may be subjected to a combination of prison and community-based alternatives that will focus on his or her underlying behavioural issues.
Luke Lazarus leaves court in Sydney after his acquittal.Credit: AAP
Restorative justice is preferred by victims in sexual assault cases. University of Montreal criminologist Jo-Anne Wemmers, writes that a 2015 survey from the US reported “56 per cent of victims indicated that they would like the opportunity for RJ in addition to the conventional criminal justice system and 30 per cent said that they would like the opportunity for RJ as an alternative to court.” In New Zealand, after a landmark 2015 law reform report, the justice system now offers the alternative of restorative justice in all sexual assault cases. As Professor Wemmers, writing last year, notes, “victim participation in RJ may be beneficial for victims’ psychological wellbeing, by reducing symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and stress” Victims refer to restorative justice processes as empowering for them and the use of such a process can encourage a defendant to plead guilty to the offence, albeit one is not suggesting that Mr Lazarus is guilty of any offence.
The Mullins case can either be a signal for sensible discussion around alternatives to the criminal justice processes and a considered view on the laws of consent. But rushing into legislation the law of another state because it seems politically opportune is not smart justice.
Greg Barns is a barrister who practices in Tasmania. He is criminal justice spokesman for the Australian Lawyers Alliance.