

This was published 2 years ago

‘Here’s what’s missing - everything’: No schools and no services but houses keep going up

By Jordan Baker

Marsden Park in Sydney’s north-west.

Marsden Park in Sydney’s north-west.Credit: Rhett Wyman

The Clarke family had a house in Kings Langley, but as their brood of boys grew, they needed something bigger. They bought in Sydney’s north-west growth area, where they could afford a brand new home with a surfeit of bedrooms and space. Plenty of other families had the same idea. Within a few years their once sleepy suburb, Marsden Park, became one of the child capitals of Sydney, with more children aged under nine – one in five residents – than almost any other suburb.

While there were plenty of homes for all those families and kids, it became clear to Libby Clarke that there wasn’t much else. The public primary was the size of a country school and now has 19 demountables. The closest shops were 20 minutes away; if she forgot milk, it was a 40-minute round trip, often in traffic. Trains came hourly, even at the peak. Narrow roads were choked. The hospital repeatedly promised for nearby Rouse Hill didn’t exist, and still doesn’t. Meanwhile, the population grows exponentially.

Libby Clarke with her children Jackson, 9, Andrew, 6, and Thomas, 4.

Libby Clarke with her children Jackson, 9, Andrew, 6, and Thomas, 4.Credit: Flavio Brancaleone

“It puts a sour taste in your mouth,” Clarke said. “They knew we were coming. Where did they think we were going to shop? Where did they think our children would go to school? It comes down to better planning. Stop rushing to get people into these houses.”

Clarke is not alone. There is deep frustration among many of those who have moved to the high-growth areas on the city’s fringe about a failure to provide the services they need – and, some say, were led to expect. The feeling is shared by people in other parts of Sydney, too, who have seen rapid development and ballooning population in their suburbs without the social infrastructure to match. It’s an issue Labor will push hard at the upcoming state election, when seats such as Riverstone – which takes in Marsden Park – will be in play. It’s a key issue for independents. Even Coalition MPs are campaigning on overdevelopment.

Myriad issues are stopping infrastructure keeping pace with population in the north-west. An “archaic” demographic projection method, which is only now being improved. Too little communication between the tiers of government. A lack of clarity about exactly what services were promised, exacerbated by developers advertising schools and roads that were still just ideas on paper. And unexpectedly fast growth. “We are finding that some of these areas are moving much more quickly than anybody has ever anticipated,” said one senior public servant.

The city’s north-west fringe is a patchwork of bucolic countryside, leafy 1990s homes with big backyards, and new housing of varying quality. In the new estates, houses tend to take up most of the block (Australia is a world leader in big homes), leaving room for little more than a washing line in a tiny yard. At one estate typical of the area, visited by the Herald, the houses are so tightly packed together, a brave soul could step from roof to roof. None have room for trees. It has black bitumen roads and black roofing, to the horror of environmental experts who warn dark colours will only exacerbate intense western Sydney heat in the years ahead.


Services are lagging, residents are irritated, but the houses keep going up. There are streets lined with nothing but timber frames, as homes are constructed en masse. Blacktown City is forecast to have almost twice as many houses by 2041 as it does now. By 2036, the council area’s population will exceed that of Tasmania. Sydney needs houses for its booming population, and many voices, such as the Property Council, argue that unless councils meet their annual housing targets, the economics of supply and demand mean the cost of a home will remain beyond many Sydneysiders.

But people moving into those areas say it takes more than a bunch of rapidly constructed houses to create a community. “So here’s what’s missing,” said Angela Van Dyke of the Riverstone Neighbourhood Centre and Community Aid Service. “Everything. Public education. Public transport. Good urban design. Livability.”

Michelle Rowland, the Labor federal member for the north-west seat of Greenway (and also the communications minister), said the problem was due to a long-term failure of different levels of government to coordinate. “Developers, basically, in a lot of aspects, they do have free rein,” she said. “The incentive of the developer is to maximise land use to maximise profit. Which is why you have a lot of residents complaining [about] what normally they’d call overdevelopment, but a lot of it is to do with a lack of trees, a lack of environmental controls, houses are close together, streets are narrow.”

Responsibility for creating and resourcing new suburbs crosses the different tiers of government in complex and confusing ways. But some things fall squarely to one; hospitals, schools, public transport and some key roads are a state responsibility. “Hospitals are the one where I get the most complaints,” said Rowland.

Rouse Hill Hospital was first promised in late 2014 by then premier, Mike Baird, ahead of the 2015 state election. The site was bought late last year, but remains barren. There is no indication of when building might begin, let alone finish. In the interim, the population in its proposed catchment has grown by many tens of thousands. In the first quarter of this year, the closest hospitals to the north-west – Blacktown and Westmead – had some of the city’s longest emergency department wait times.


Labor leader Chris Minns said he would build the hospital. “It wasn’t promised by us, it’s been promised by the government,” he said. “People have made decisions about where to live based on things like that. This would have to be the overwhelming, No. 1 issue that I hear of any issue in NSW politics. Firstly, [they] were promised a set amount of infrastructure, which was either delayed or cancelled or pushed back. And secondly, and I think this is an under-appreciated part of living there, there’s a massive increase in population that’s not even there yet. They don’t have the infrastructure they require right now.”

A spokesperson for NSW Health said work on the hospital would begin in early 2023. “A master plan and clinical service priorities for the new hospital are being finalised and scheduled to be announced in the coming weeks,” they said.

A brave soul could jump between the houses in Schofields in Sydney’s north west.

A brave soul could jump between the houses in Schofields in Sydney’s north west.Credit: Wolter Peeters

Labor deputy Prue Car, whose seat of Londonderry neighbours that of Riverstone and is facing similar problems, said roads aren’t coping with the increase in traffic. “It would not be an exaggeration to say 20, 30,000 people have moved in over five or six years, and there’s no budget allocation for Richmond Road,” she said. “I would say in the north-west growth area, it’s one of the top five issues. Everything is impacted by the fact that the main arterial is not workable. It means you can’t get to school in time, you can’t get to the station, it means emergency services can’t get in.”


Another issue is schools. Northbourne Public School opened last year in Marsden Park to cater for the ballooning population. It is already over capacity, with 19 demountables. So are North Kellyville, Jordan Springs (14 demountables) and Gledswood Hills (in the south-west, with 22 demountables) public schools. The lack of a local high school is a particular sore point. The state government announced plans for a new one at Marsden Park before the last election and revealed the site last year, but Clarke is not reassured. “They won’t say when it will open,” she said. “What if our eldest son misses the boat?”

But there are plenty of private schools. The non-government sector spotted a need for schools in the area years ago, and acted upon it. The Catholic Education Diocese of Parramatta opened St Luke’s at Marsden Park in 2017, using a pioneering model under which the school day runs from early morning until the evening to suit parents with a long commute, and has recently opened another in Box Hill. In the south-west, Oran Park Anglican College opened in 2012, while Oran Park High opened in 2020.


Clarke says she has four non-government schools within a five-minute drive of her house. “We’re not religious people, so I don’t want to pay for a religious education,” she said. “I have three children. By the time the third got there, times would be tough.” Her view was echoed by Western Parkland Councils in a submission to a parliamentary inquiry into school infrastructure. “This tendency to rely on the non-government sector ... to provide education facilities for new communities puts financial pressure on families.”

At the same inquiry, planning and education bureaucrats gave an insight into why infrastructure is lagging. Until this year, projections given to health and education have relied on local government area-level data. Only now is the NSW Department of Planning able to use more suburb-level data for its forecasts, thanks to a more precise dataset from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. “We used to use local government area boundaries,” said Matt Berger, the manager of population insights at the planning department. “Demand from users like health and education and transport for more granular data has been increasing for the last – well, it’s always increasing. ”

Another reason is that the growth has been faster than expected. “What we saw was a slow burn in Oran Park that suddenly appeared to be really quick,” said School Infrastructure NSW chief Anthony Manning, telling the same inquiry that his organisation was working out ways to reduce the three-to-four year gestation period for a new school, such as building classrooms offsite. At Marsden Park, it was a similar story. “What we didn’t anticipate was the speed of the growth of that suburb and the density of the occupants of that suburb ... we are finding that some of these areas are moving much more quickly than anybody has ever anticipated.”

New estates in Sydney’s north west are heavy on concrete and light on trees.

New estates in Sydney’s north west are heavy on concrete and light on trees.Credit: Wolter Peeters

One issue is that “we have no control over the number of houses a developer might choose to build in a year”, said Manning, who is overseeing a multibillion-dollar school building program across NSW, begun by the Coalition government. “We might know that the rezoning gives them 10,000 dwellings, and they might even give us a view as to how quickly those developments will move through. But as you know from most of the developments, they sell the plots. Once they sell the plots, it’s up to the individuals to get on and build them. And that can happen at a ferocious rate.”

David Cross used to be chief of staff to Education Minister Sarah Mitchell before becoming chief executive of the Blueprint Institute, a Liberal-aligned think tank. He said planning for schools was frustrated by a failure of different levels of government and developers to talk to each other, as well as the “archaic methodology” used in population projections.

“Then you have cowboy developers who reserve space for a new school in a proposed development without talking to the government, even if there is no direct need for one,” he says. “This in turn sets a community expectation that a school will be built, which then often pressures government to spend money in that community even though it is better spent building a school elsewhere where there is greater need.”


Development is one of the issues Labor will be pushing ahead of the March election. There are key seats in play on the city’s fringe, including Riverstone, where sitting Liberal MP Kevin Conolly is retiring; the new, nominally Labor seat of Leppington; and Holsworthy, held by the Liberal Party with a 3.3 per cent margin.


When asked what he would do differently, Minns said, “it’s a complex one. The thing we would not do is really condemn big parts of Sydney to major population growth without the needed infrastructure to cope and survive. We’re going to release our infrastructure plans closer to the next election, and we’re committed to fairness when it comes to planning in metropolitan Sydney. We’re going to have to look at intermediate measures, such as toll relief and a western Sydney catch-up fund to bring some fairness back to where the capital work expenditure is.”

In response to questions from the Herald, a spokesperson for Anthony Roberts, the minister for planning and homes, said the government was “pulling all levers at our disposal to fast-track housing supply in the right areas at the right time with the right infrastructure, including for the North West and South West growth areas. Already 123 infrastructure projects worth more than $1.04 billion, such as roads, open space, drainage, sewerage, and the purchase of land for schools, are underway or have been delivered.”

Car called for a public conversation about the sort of services new communities should be able to expect. “If you are moving out ... to the north-west growth area, why should you have less access to public infrastructure than other people in Sydney?” she said. “These are good, hardworking people who are up to their eyeballs in debt for a huge house, and they don’t have anything around them. It creates a massive divide in Sydney between those people who have access to opportunities and those that don’t because of where they live.”

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