The Sydney Morning Herald is a home. It opens its front door and we know we will be nourished with knowledge and involvement. The loneliness disappears and we find friends on each page as the stories fill our hearts. We are left overjoyed with news of someone once lost but now found. We are educated in complicated finance, made aware of real estate, technology and environmental issues; everything is there.
Thank you Herald for the education, the political and sport coverage and other stories, the complicated puzzles, editorials, for it all. And for being a clever, kind friend. Happy birthday. Mary Julian, Glebe
We started reading the Herald in 1990, in Johannesburg. That year, we submitted our migration application for Australia, and the friendly local airline staff supplied weekly copies of the Saturday Herald. We pored over them with delight and trepidation as we prepared for our new life. In 1993, we migrated to our adopted home, Sydney, and the Herald has been with us every step of the journey. I am a regular contributor to Column 8 and the Travel section, and share articles with my brothers in Johannesburg and Tel Aviv. Congrats and happy 190th birthday wishes, long may the Herald continue! Rhoda Silber, Manly
Thirty-three years of subscription and correspondence to the Herald. What does the masthead mean to me? A breath of spring in winter across a Hellespont of despair. A shaft of light in the darkness before the first bird sings. Learning that people are schucked oysters whose letters reveal their minds and hearts. A coin flipped in the air, promising hope to someone. The metaphors are boundless. Na Zdrowie! To the Herald for its next Special Edition. Onwards and upwards. Always. Peter Skrzynecki, Eastwood
While a 190th anniversary is pretty good, I look forward to being able to tell you that I have enjoyed the 200th anniversary’s special edition in the same way, in the same location.
As a Herald reader for more than 65 years, its daily delivery has been a constant in my childhood, adolescent and adult routine. At the age of five I learnt to read upside-down print through sitting across the breakfast table from my father and his folded-over SMH broadsheet. The Herald has been my primary source of current affairs news and in more recent years joy has been found in leisurely reading of Herald opinion writers views. Robert Hodge, Arncliffe
I arrived in Sydney in October 1964 as a “Ten Pound Pom”. After sampling each of the morning papers I soon decided the Sydney Morning Herald was the one that suited me best. The Newtown girl who became my wife in 1968 preferred an afternoon newspaper – the Sydney Sun.This led to me entering the first Sun City to Surf race in 1971. I completed my 50th - now under the banner of the Sun-Herald – last year. When our local newsagent closed some years ago I became a subscriber to have my paper delivered. Keep up the good work. George Wardell, Stanmore
I cannot imagine life without the Herald. From my earliest days of reading 70 plus years ago it has just been there scattered throughout the events of my ongoing journey. It has been my instant reference for expert opinion, for clever forensic investigations, for brilliant cartooning, a source of joy for shared special celebrations and above all a fascinating entree into the lives of others in the Letters pages. It is the humour, the crotchety grouches, the graceful observations,the powerful challenges from all walks of life that keeps me attached. It’s us - all of us. Happy birthday! Anne Garvan, Chatswood West
When I was 15 and boarding at King’s in 1953, I was encouraged by the economics master to read the Herald, so I was allowed to take out a subscription and would noisily fold the paper and read it in our prep (when we were expected to review our homework before going to school), much to the annoyance and envy of the other boys. Since then when living in Sydney I have always read the Herald every day. In 1996 I started writing letters to the Herald and have had the honour to have had more than 200 published. Happy birthday Herald and long may you provide us with the best of journalism. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer
I have been a Herald reader for 54 years. It was the paper of choice for my parents and rapidly became mine. Living in a rural area, I don’t get a delivery, therefore, I appreciate access to the digital version. However, nothing beats spreading a paper across the table and pouring through it.
The front page of the Herald the day King George VI died.Credit:
My great luxury each Saturday morning is to drive 20km to a nearby village to a friend’s cafe where I get the Herald, an egg and bacon roll and a mug of coffee and am allowed into a back corner (which is not opened to the public) where I spread the paper over the table to leisurely read while I consume breakfast. It’s the best possible start to the weekend.
While a 190th anniversary is pretty good, I look forward to being able to tell you that I have enjoyed the 200th anniversary’s special edition in the same way in the same location. Vic Walker, Wollumboola
The early 1970s saw the start of my regular reading of the Herald. Over breakfast, I turned straight to the sports section where Bill “Tiger” O’Reilly’s column was essential reading. Always forthright and witty and never afraid to give his opinion, his column, along with the fact that the Herald was still a broadsheet, remain one of my favourite memories of the newspaper. I have been a reader since then, a subscriber since the 90s and a contributor, through the Letters page, for about 30 years. Tony Everett, Wareemba
Congratulations to the Sydney Morning Herald on its 190th birthday.I have been a subscriber since 1981 but my memory of a Herald headline goes back to 1952, when King George VI died. I was a child, aged 8, in an adults’ ward in Auburn Hospital, recovering from having my tonsils removed. I awoke to a cacophony of patients’ voices in the normally quiet ward. Everywhere I looked, all I could see were the front pages of newspapers, hiding the faces of the patients, with large headlines pronouncing “The King is Dead”. This headline is permanently imprinted in my memory. Sandra Burke, North Sydney
My family have been readers of the Herald for well over 100 years. I had my first letter published in April 2001 regarding my great uncle. He had just returned from fighting during the Great War. However, in January 1920 he drowned while trying to save a young woman caught in a rip while surfing at Palm Beach. The President of the Surf Club saw my letter in the Herald and shortly afterwards a plaque laying ceremony was organised in honour of my brave great Uncle. Other events have since been organised in his honour. Happy birthday ol’ girl and here’s to many, many more birthdays. Carolyn Wills, Cremorne
In the 1930s and 40s I remember the Herald and the milk being delivered every morning. In the late 1930s my elder sister joined the “Herald Angels” with Connie Robertson to produce a weekly women’s magazine. When my husband and I bought our first house in February 1952 the Herald was delivered every morning. We moved twice and never missed a paper. For the last several years I have had the Herald app on my iPad and read it every morning, which is why I can never find any newspaper in which to wrap rubbish! Happy birthday, Herald. Pat Allen, Lane Cove
When the Herald lands at the gate, I really don’t want to be late, to get the newspaper. I can’t wait till later, to read what is in Column 8. I have been reading the Herald for most of my life and the paper is still on the table at breakfast as it was when I was growing up. Maurice Collins, Wollongbar
I have been reading the Herald since 1974, when moving to Wollongong, and a current subscriber. My favourite memory is in 1983 when the Herald, after investigative journalism, reported six tonnes of coal dust could fall on a bad day over Wollongong. A Herald editorial the next day suggested that was not good enough. This may well have assisted the NSW Ombudsman in deciding to have an inquiry to the then new Port Kembla Coal Terminal where four breaches of a development consent had been alleged. In his report, the Ombudsman found 12 breaches and a clean up followed. Philip Laird, Keiraville
There is a photograph that sticks in my mind, appearing many years ago in the Sydney Morning Herald. A brother and sister are being re-united after a long absence. Or, the sister is farewelling her brother as he leaves the country. It doesn’t really matter. What I do remember is that the young lady is clothed in the full starchy, all-encompassing habit of a nun; the young man is dressed in a soldier’s uniform. What is unforgettable is the expressions on both their faces: exuberance, love, devotion to each other, beautifully captured by the Herald photographer. Joan Brown, Orange
The paste-up area of the composing room at the Herald Broadway offices in Jones Street, Ultimo in 1984.Credit: Phillip Lock
1989 - our local toddlers’ playground in Newcastle was to be taken over and become netball courts. Naturally a Letter was sent to the Herald - but it was not printed. I phoned the Letters’ editor asking: is the Herald a paper for just Sydney residents, or for the whole state? The letter was published the next day - Bravo! David Rose, Nollamara (WA)
To put it bluntly I love the Sydney Morning Herald. It has been a part of my life for more than 60 years, reporting on every possible aspect of life on earth from wars to climate change; the list is endless and fearless. Quality journalism at its finest throughout.
My relationship began nearly two decades ago through the Letters page including the thrill of receiving an email to say I had been shortlisted for publication. On seeing a letter a friend remarked at least she knew I wasn’t dead. Names and suburbs crop up regularly. A piece of social history.
Happy birthday, dear Herald, for the next century celebration. Vicky Marquis, Glebe
Happy birthday from the other side of the world! As a child the Herald was a fight on the weekend with my siblings for a page of comics. Later, it was waiting at Ultimo for our results to be published at midnight. Since the Herald went digital, it has been a vital part of following politics and life in my home state and Australia in general. Especially so now, with daily COVID cases of more than 2000 here in Austria and our vaccinations only due in mid-April. Just as importantly, I can print out the crosswords. All the best for the next 190 years. Merran Loewenthal, Vienna, Austria
Congratulations on the significant milestone! I’ve been reading the Herald each day since my early 20s, about 30 years ago, and first started writing Letters to the Editor and being published in 2002. I feel like my opinion’s been heard and validated by being chosen to go to print; like it’s worth listening to. In fact the footnote to the submission of my first published letter says “If you don’t publish this then I will really take it as you not liking the public to criticise your news article and the authors”. It’s great to see that they didn’t let this stand in the way of the truth. Sue Casiglia, North Ryde
As a 91-year-old, the Saturday edition of the Herald has been a constant in my life since 1938, when as an eight-year-old girl, I spent many hours with my paternal relatives who ran a family sub-agency at Matraville. It was with excitement that my two jobs were to collect the headline posters for the Herald and place them in wire display frames and then to help my great grandmother collect tuppence from Herald customers.
So, thank you for the wonderful memories and to the journalists who have kept an avid Herald reader like me, well informed and happily occupied for three hours every Saturday. Barbara Fox, Tweed Heads
Well done for publishing for so long! I find the Herald to be trustworthy and is my major source of news. I first bought the Herald over the counter, but now I’ve been a subscriber for many years; I also have a digital subscription as well since I’m a seven day subscriber, but rarely make use of it. My only real gripe is the plastic wrapping; I have to use a utility knife because I cannot find the seam, and this invariably results in the front page being sliced as well. Dave Horsfall, North Gosford
Rich history: The Herald building on Hunter and Pitt Street, Sydney, in the 1920s.Credit:
A subscriber for more than 55 years. In 1947, my aunt took my twin and I to visit Mum where she worked in the typing pool at the old Herald “Flat Iron” building in Hunter Street. We were five. With headset and typewriter she made a fuss of showing us off but the fuss I recall most was the awe I saw in those present as she received copy from outside reporters and typed with blinding speed. Staff used to come from other floors just to watch her blaze away. RIP June Whitcombe, (nee Hemsley). Blaze ahead Herald. Happy Birthday. Joseph Whitcombe, Bronte
As we celebrate the Herald‘s 190th birthday I am reminded of the different birthday traditions. Living in Germany in the 1980s I loved the tradition whereby the birthday person supplied the cake.
So it is with the Herald. It continues every single day to enhance readers’ mornings with its delivery of moderate and independent information asking for nothing in return other than the recognition that its achievement is attributable to the marriage between responsible journalism and the community where the commonality is a desire for accurate and sensitive news. As a Letters’ contributor since the 1960s I am grateful for the opportunities to express my opinions in such a noteworthy publication. Elizabeth Maher, Bangor
Here is my favourite recollection: In the early 1980s I was enjoying my first full-time office role. Each day we stopped for a morning tea break and shared lively chuckles at David Dale’s “Stay In Touch” column and the accompanying cartoons. The only constraint was our manager - who clearly did not share David’s sense of humour – regularly warned us to keep the noise down. Best wishes for the birthday celebrations. Martin Mulcare, North Ryde
Besides 1831 being the Herald’s first year of printing, there was another momentous event. Michael Faraday discovered the principle of electro-magnetic induction and became known as “the father of electricity”. When I first started reading the Herald in the forties, the only items of news on the front page were the shipping notices. Most of the page consisted of classified ads. In the 1955 Leaving Certificate examination, the English paper directed us to write a letter to the editor at the Herald discussing the dropping of the atomic bomb, including a number of specified words. The Herald is now deposited at the front door off my retirement village by two kind residents. I eagerly read all the articles of your capable journalists. Thanks from an elderly subscriber. Jim Board, Hunters Hill
In the mid-fifties Dad would have the front portion of the Herald so I would grab the back part - sport - and read that. We would swap only when he was ready. He went to work at 7 o’clock and Mum would snatch a glimpse before feeding my sisters and me, and getting us off to school. From 1970, I lived in the far west, Illawarra, Riverina, Lake Macquarie and Central Coast areas and always had the Herald, even if a day or two late. The wonderful journalists and writers have made this paper what it is. I hope they will be acknowledged. Best wishes for the future. Bob Hall, Wyoming
I have been reading the Herald for over 68 years. It was feature of my childhood and it is still a necessity every day. I get very upset if I don’t see the Herald on my front lawn every morning. When I was young I enjoyed the comics, especially Prince Valiant and Ginger Meggs. Now I can’t do without the quick crossword and the word games. When we set up house more than 40 years ago the most important piece of furniture was a kitchen table big enough to spread out the old Herald. Keep printing. Judith Barr-David, Kingsford
My late father was a linotype operator for a rival news company. Each night after his shift he would swap papers with Herald operators to take home. From a very young age an array of papers were waiting for me each morning. Just like having my own newsagent. It was the Herald I always chose first and foremost. A lifetime now of over 60 years reading. Janice Creenaune, Austinmer
The Columbian Press first used to print the Herald. Credit: SMH
My relationship with the Herald dates back to 1980. Regular contributors to this paper are like family. The editorials, articles and letters to the editor often have a powerful impact on me, either because I strongly agree or strongly disagree with what has been expressed. I then feel compelled to respond with a letter to the editor. Whether or not it is published I feel better for having expressed my views in writing. Reading the Herald and writing letters to the editor have become an essential start to my day. Congratulations on your 190th and many happy returns. Graham Lum, North Rocks
Reading the Herald for more than 60 years, brings back Grannies column (knitting) on the front page and forming the eighth column. The weekly trip to Australia House in London to read the Herald in order to keep up with the latest was worthwhile. Working at a Butlins Holiday Camp in 1966, I worked with a colleague who was writing a book using “Letters to the daily Editor” trying to gauge how safe it was when travelling in stage coaches. Barry Brown, Dapto
Growing up in Moree the Herald was my window to the world before TV arrived. I wrote my first letter to the editor as a schoolboy almost 50 years ago. Despite many letters published, my biggest print thrill came in a primary school class visit to the Moree Champion where we got to see proper printing and have our name reverse printed in hot lead - a souvenir I have to this day. Oh, to have seen the Herald’s presses shake the city office. Peter Egan, Artarmon
I have been a Herald subscriber for many decades. The paper has been delivered in the street gutter; under a car; between and behind two pot plants; in a tree. Once it was thrown so hard it dislodged and broke a ceramic pot. Mostly it lands on my front porch, beside my front door, greeting me each morning like an old friend. On the odd occasion it does not arrive at all, I am at a loss. With its news, opinions and puzzles, it is my brain food for breakfast. May the print version last another 190 years! Michael Tapsell, Forest Lodge
On a sunny Autumn morning in our garden, I wrestled with my section of Saturday’s Herald until my father showed me how to fold the broadsheet and perch it on my lap. I felt very sophisticated and worldly reading this paper, if only by mastering its unwieldy format - I was 15. While 50 years have passed and the newspaper has narrowed down to a small screen for me, it continues to contribute daily to this work in progress - the worldly person I always aspired to be. Thank you and happy birthday! Lyndall Nelson, South Turramurra
As someone who migrated to Australia relatively recently from a serial coup country in the region where free press has largely become conspicuous by its absence I cherish the Herald’s “Independent. Always” commitment to journalism. It anchors and sustains our democracy in a big way. We are very fortunate to have such a press here. Rajend Naidu, Glenfield
I have been a Herald subscriber since 1981. In those days I lived in a terrace house in Newtown with a gaping gap below the front door. The paper delivery included slipping the Herald through the gap and thus into my hallway. Later, living in Mount Colah I had 10 years of dog delivery ( thanks Roxy). It was almost as convenient as the current online delivery. Eric Sekula, Turramurra
Around the early 1950’s I remember my father referring to the Herald as an example of perfect grammar. My own interest began in the sixties and I was extremely proud of having a letter published at the time Australia cravenly allowed Indonesia to take over West New Guinea. My letter was titled “Expediency” and my views as then expressed have not changed.
As a teacher-librarian I subscribed for my school as well as buying our own daily copy. No subscription as we lived in the bush. Since the seventies my husband and I have done the daily crossword, gradually transferring to the cryptic. When we moved to Kiama it was a treat to have the paper delivered as it is now, still doing the cryptic and dashing off a letter every so often. The paper has changed as have we but, despite gloomy forebodings, we survive! Nola Tucker, Kiama
The Herald has always been part of my existence - almost 80 years. Although I have now moved to a combination of print and digital, I have always considered the Herald a member of my family. Seeing my name and family names in print - Matched/Hatched/Despatched section, finding my Leaving Certificate results, looking for known faces in photographs from The Wool Dance to demonstration marches. Having a mention on the Letters page or by Granny in Column 8 started a spate of “did you see” epistles to all and sundry. Add news, arts and sport to give a total coverage. Well done! Marjie Williamson, Blaxland
My “Herald moment” was in 1991, with the birth of our first child and an attempt to place a birth notice in the classifieds. We ended up on the front page (the top half of the page). Our daughter was the first baby born to a lesbian couple who attempted to place such a notice. Initially the SMH refused to accept it, saying it wasn’t possible for two women to have a baby and it must be a prank. We insisted, and apparently sent the classifieds into such a tizz, it was still roiling in the morning when a young journalist, Jenna Price, contacted us to ask if she could come and interview us. Janet Peters, Leichhardt
Newspapers are loaded from the presses at the Sydney Morning Herald, Broadway building in Jones Street, Ultimo in 1966.Credit:
The first time I read the Herald, or any newspaper from the West, was the mid-90s in Beijing, given to us by my wife’s English boss after his trip to Australia. “It is a great paper,” he said. We had no idea at the time that some years later we would be moving to Sydney. It’s almost like fate. Han Yang, North Turramurra
My mother, Pat Morath, was a letter writer to the Herald, as well as a journalist who wrote the At Home series in the 1970s; I got my letter writing ways from her. Pattie loved Charmian Clift’s column and the Herald had pride of place on our kitchen table. I miss the print copy but I’m a digital subscriber now. Salutations to the wonderful community of letter writers and long may the Herald continue to investigate the corrupt and powerful and hold governments to account, while giving so many Australians a space to share their views. Deb McPherson, Gerringong
In 1967 I was teaching on the island of Taveuni in the northern part of the Fiji Islands. In a letter to home I mentioned that our local paper, The Fiji Times, wasn’t quite up to the standard of the Herald. Every four weeks my father would bundle up the literary supplements from the Herald and send them over. They were received with great joy. Josephine Piper, Miranda
I’ve been reading the Herald since before my eldest child, now 43, was born. In those days, the births column was very popular and I would scan the column for potential names. I loved, especially, the Saturday edition of the broadsheet. Another memory concerns my need for glasses at the age of about 47 years when I complained about the Herald’s small print, with my husband, never one to mince words, telling me “Your eyes need checking”. Then, some years later, I started to write letters to the editor. I was unsuccessful, at first, in being chosen for publication to the letters page but did succeed after some effort and pruning of submissions. Many delightful exchanges then ensued. Thank you, Herald, and many more birthdays (and letters) to come. Pam Connor, Mollymook Beach
It is wonderful to be part of the Herald family and have the opportunity to contribute to the discussions that shape and reflect life in our state. I hope that I can give voice to the thoughts of others with my words. It is a privilege to know that, even when not published, the Herald letters team have read and considered those views. Philip Cooney, Wentworth Falls
When I retired in April 2019, I became an avid Herald reader. One of my retirement goals was to have a letter published and, nearly two years later, almost 20 of my (many) letters have appeared in print, in the Letters pages, Traveller and in Column 8. Now, with the newspaper on my tablet, I feel the Herald and I are joined at the hip as it comes everywhere with me when there’s a chance of even a few spare minutes to read. Many happy returns to you, my informative, thought provoking, entertaining and reliable companion. Kerrie Wehbe, Blacktown
My memories of the Granny’s Herald are from the late 1950s, not just the elderly hand signed at the foot of the front-page’s eighth column, but its broadsheet format compared with its morning rival. As a long-term reader/subscriber I have followed the Herald as the passing parade has processioned across its pages. Over these years my name has been inked in the annals of this masthead with letters, Column 8 contributions, an oped, and even two obituaries. In all this, in the title of Gavin Souter’s tome marking 150 years, I feel part of a Company of Heralds. Allan Gibson, Cherrybrook
I am an avid reader and a subscriber since January 1982, my arrival in Sydney. As soon as we obtained the “indefinite-stay” visa to immigrate to Australia in 1981, I started visiting the Australian High Commission’s reception in New Delhi three days a week to read the newspapers to know more about Australia and its workings. Those days we knew so much about the Europe, the US and Canada, and, so little about Australia. Then, Australia was seen as a remote country. After a few weeks of reading the Herald in 1981, I found it such an excellent fit - the writing styles as well as values - that I made it my paper for the future. And I have been a a regular contributor since 2007, too. Muthukrishnan Srinivasan, Riverview
As the Herald marks 190 years, can I as an avid reader and long time subscriber of 50-plus years, take the opportunity to thank the many outstanding journalists who over the years have provided insightful coverage of the events and issues which shape our world and ultimately affect us all. And please long may you stay “Independent Always”. Sue Armstrong, Pyrmont
Delivery lorries outside the old Fairfax building on Hunter and O'Connell Streets, before the publishing company moved to Broadway in 1955.Credit: Archive
When I was a teenager wanting to appear worldly I asked my father how I could acquire “culture”. “Read every page of the Herald,” he replied. Betsy Brennan, Wahroonga
Happy birthday Herald: CXC that’s quite a milestone! Having travelled with you for well over 50 of those years you’ve kept me informed of the good, the bad and the ugly across our world and through the letters page on the odd occasion to get my thoughts and opinions into the public arena. May both of us have many more birthdays to celebrate, and you to keep on keeping the bastards honest. Stewart Smith, Tea Gardens
As long as I can remember, my father before me was an avid subscriber to the Herald. I well remember the original format with classified advertising on the front page covering such things as the shipping arrival and departures. It was only during the war years that news made it to the pages at the front of the paper. I thought my birthdays had all come at once when on Monday, September 29, 1958, my wife and I made it to the front page showing us at the finish of the Golden Fleece Veteran Car Club Rally from Brookvale to Bondi. The car was a 1906 REO. It is hard to reconcile that this was now 62 years ago. My wife and I still read the Herald every day. Even though I am in my 91st year, as part of my daily exercise regime I walk up to the local shops to pick up my copy. Roger Allan Foy, South Turramurra
In the early 60s, the Herald formed an essential part of my reading education and in the late 60s, it built my passion for the great St George rugby league team. In the 70s, it made me proud to see my name among the football results. In the 80s, it entertained and educated me with crosswords and puzzles, and in the 90s it was my rock of information from finance to football. Throughout the 2000s, it has become the basis of my political and economic knowledge with fact and opinion pieces by great smart writers. Thank you to the Herald. Jefferson Lillis, Little Bay
My dad Jack Walsh was as avid Herald Letters to the Editor writer. He was born in 1916 and as a child attended Holy Cross, Waverley. He enlisted in WWII in his mid-twenties and served in the Middle East, New Guinea and Borneo. Jack meet and fell in love with my mum Marie in the Public Service after the war and married soon after. They built a home in Sefton, which Dad lived in until his death in 2012. Six years and five children later he commenced studying for his Leaving Certificate. He started writing Letters to the Editor once his children were older, in his 50s and 60s. He moved from ultra left-wing to conservative right wing as he aged but rarely lost an argument on politics. His cup was always half full, never half empty. Helen Simpson, Curl Curl
As I read your invitation to write, I was reminded of my late grandmother Ella, who was bedridden for many years and who read the Herald every day, from front to back cover, almost all her life, up until she left us at age 99 and a half. Her daughter Nancy, my late aunt, who lived to 97 and a half, and her late friend Joyce (both retired school teachers), would each have a go at crossword daily and then ring each other for inspiration to finish it. They came to know that different people devised the crossword on different days, so some days, the solutions were harder to achieve. Thanks for the memories. Susan Keys, East Ballina
I have always felt a close family connection with the Herald. My great uncle, Charles Theakstone, was chief sub-editor for many years, and my uncle, Fred Percival, was also a long-time senior journalist . I was to have carried on the tradition, but it was not to be. However, my mother would say, if she read something that stirred her blood; “I’m going to write a letter to the Herald about that”. But she never did. Now, I write letters to the Herald, keeping alive in just a small way the family connection with our Herald. Della Strathen, Bowral
Happy 190th birthday to all at the Herald. The Herald is, and has been, an integral part of my life for more than 40 years. In October 2009, back when the Herald was paper on our dining table every morning, my husband was the only person in focus in a huge crowd photo published in an article about the “Breakfast on the Bridge”. A once in a lifetime event, twice, involving two Sydney icons. We have a framed copy obviously. Amanda Berry, Scone
In 1907, my late father Alec Coroneo arrived in Australia from the Greek island Kythera, at the age of nine knowing no English, to join his much older brothers - Greek cafe owners in Glen Innes. He attended primary school intermittently, in between standing on a butter box to wash the cafe dishes at busy times. “I learned better English reading the Sydney Morning Herald in my spare time than at school,” he would say, and soon graduated from washing dishes to being a successful businessman. He was a lifelong home-delivery subscriber, reading “cover-to-cover, except the form guide”, and quietly lecturing the family on the occasional typo, until his death in 1970. Needless to say, his son continues the family tradition of home delivery subscription to the present day. Andrew Coroneo, Vaucluse
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