It was pleasing to read that the tree canopy has increased in the western suburbs (“Sydney’s leafy suburbs are no longer where you think”, January 2). However, trees are (mostly illegally) being removed to accommodate the mega mansions and provide views here in the northern suburbs. It is important that any tree being planted does not exceed the height of the surrounding building, preventing any disaster of falling trees during periods of heavy wind. Small native trees are best as they bring native fauna into an urban area. In the northern suburbs, residents need to be vigilant and stop illegal tree removals, as councils cannot police illegal tree removal on their own. Brian McDonald, Willoughby
Penrith has seen the greatest increase in the amount of urban tree canopy, up 6.36% in the last year. Credit: Photo: Wolter Peeters
The loss of tree coverage can be tracked in the history of local birdsong. When I stayed at my mum’s place in the northern beaches in 1976, I’d be woken by a cacophony of birds at dawn. There was a wide variety, all competing to be heard. Today it’s eerily quiet by comparison, just the usual suspects: magpies, lorikeets, kookaburras and so on. With every new person who moves here it’s “just one tree” they want to take out. Over time it’s become a dramatic change, to the detriment of the neighbourhood.
Penny Auburn, Newport
I love to walk each day and the difference between walking down a tree-lined street and a street with no cover is huge, with temperatures incomparable in summer. Councils seem to be vigilant in heavily trimming trees near power lines rather than finding a long-term solution to this disfigurement of half the streetscape. Damaged or removed trees on the street are not replaced and council are not encouraging tree planting in private homes. Helen Simpson, Curl Curl
It is hardly surprising to read that tree coverage is receding over much of Sydney when we have state-sanctioned lopping for motorways. Local councils’ authority has been taken away. How much longer can we allow this to happen? It is official vandalism on an immense scale and must be stopped. Nedra Orme, Neutral Bay
It comes as no surprise to read that “Sutherland Shire lost the highest amount of urban canopy”. The rate of tree clearing around here makes the deforestation of the Amazon look like an exercise in conservation. “Sutherland Shire tree protection order” now ranks alongside “Politician’s promise” as a measure of worthlessness. Ryszard Linkiewicz, Caringbah South
As a Sutherland Shire resident and Bushcare volunteer, it has been very disheartening to see the loss of mature native trees in recent years. As well as allowing too many mature trees to be removed for development, the council itself has removed too many street trees, and has not replanted enough to compensate. As councils are responsible for the land between private property boundaries and roads, there is plenty of public land to plant trees on. Sutherland Council needs a renewed focus to plant and protect trees, particularly street trees. Even then, it will take a long time for new plantings to actually provide the canopy, shade and habitat of all those mature trees lost. Rhonda Daniels, Sutherland
Privileged protecting the future for their kids only
Elderly Australians can remember a time when we prided ourselves on being an egalitarian society in which the underprivileged could aspire to win places of superior social participation (“Tutor college explosion risks undermining HSC”, January 3). The key to that situation was the existence of a high-quality public education system which used several reasonably effective means to distribute teaching skill across the state in an equitable manner. Most families sent their children to public schools. These processes gave poor youngsters their chance and their hope. We have long since abandoned those procedures; many public schools, including, mainly, high schools now struggle to perform. The changes have been created by those who achieved positions of leadership over education without themselves ever having worked in a public school, sent children to a public school or attended a public school. Secondary education in New South Wales has become a key means by which the privileged protect ownership of the future for their children. The use of tutoring colleges to improve HSC performance is simply one further means by which that attempt is made. Noel Beddoe, Belconnen (ACT)
The high number of students being coached risks undermining the HSC system.
HSC tutoring colleges offering cash prizes to high-achieving students? What next, tutors writing essays for students who submit them for assessments and also memorise them and regurgitate them in the exam? Oh wait, that already happens, but is rarely talked about. So much for an educational level playing field. Irene Nemes, Rose Bay
The real problem with our education system is not selective schools but private schools that are creaming off the highest-performing students through scholarships or charging fees to select the highest socio-economic groups. There are 21 fully selective and 26 partially selective public high schools in NSW compared to 401 private high schools. That’s nine times as many private schools that are selecting based on capability and/or wealth.
David McMaster, Mosman
It is reported that up to 95 per cent of students at some selective schools are being privately coached. This may be skewing the HSC results. However, there is a more important problem with private coaching and this is the coaching of students to achieve access to these selective schools in the first place. When the tests for selective schools goes beyond the curriculum taught to primary school students, a bright student who is not coached is far less likely to be accepted to a selective school. The high school coaching is merely an extension of the broken system of selection for selective schools.
Pamela Wood, McMahons Point
Planes beat trains via new airport
About 40 years ago, I briefed a senior French high-speed rail expert on the Sydney-Melbourne rail corridor: capital city populations, cities in between, intervening terrain, rail alignments and overall distances (“Plainly, this busy route’s a rail fail”, January 3). He pondered those facts for a moment and then said; “Merde – it will not work”. That, however, did not deter us from: the 1980s Very Fast Train proposal; the 1990s Sydney-Canberra tender for a high-speed rail service; two major studies of the Brisbane-Sydney-Melbourne corridor and many studies for sectors in between, including Sydney-Newcastle. State and federal governments have now agreed that improving regional rail is the priority and inter-capital will remain aviation territory for many decades to come. However, the opening of Western Sydney Airport will doubtless provide a more comfortable alternative for many travellers between Sydney and Melbourne. Peter Thornton, Killara
Very Slow Train Credit: Simon Letch
Anthony Dennis is correct in that five hours door to door Sydney to Melbourne is a realistic flight time and that the travel experience is not enjoyable for most of us. I recently drove the journey and it became clear that with divided roads, newer adaptive cruise control and lane guidance the ten-hour journey has become more relaxing. Clearly a fast train that runs from centres of both cities and is less than four hours would swing many business travellers. To date, building of a fast train has been stymied by cost but has this taken into account the benefits to local economies when introducing two stops at say Canberra and Albury? John Kempler, Rose Bay
Regarding the Sydney-Melbourne flight time - add in summer storms that can delay flights for hours. What fun! Marjie Williamson, Blaxland
Prince among men
My wife’s late brother-in-law Carl Ryves, a former Olympic yachtsman and an Australian Yachtsman of the Year, was a great friend of Prince Frederik of Denmark, a fellow Olympian (Letters, January 3). At the Sydney 2000 games, Carl invited Fred to lunch and also invited his new, not so secret girlfriend, Mary. Both arrived at Carl’s home in separate taxis to throw the press off the scent. The couple could relax among friends in their anonymity. After lunch Carl took them for a sail around the harbour before dropping Mary off under the Harbour Bridge, where she melded with the crowd, and then delivered Fred to the Olympic sailing venue in Darling Harbour. When Carl’s wife Alysoun died in 2007, Prince Frederik wrote a wonderful letter of condolence to Carl. Denmark is in good hands. David Sayers, Gwandalan
Crocodile tears
Captive breeding programs create employment, enhance institutional reputations and make humans feel good that “something is being done” (“Taronga’s frog crew on a mission to save their species”, January 3). But they do little for the species because they do not address the underlying reasons the species are endangered, such as habitat change, unchecked feral animals, exotic diseases and land clearing, for to do so would be too great a threat to the economy. The tears shed by captive breeding programs are crocodile tears. Allen Greer, Sydney
These corroboree frogs – no bigger than 3 centimetres – are critically endangered, battling disease, invasive species, a changing environment and natural disasters. This shed is hoping to change that.
Seeing the light
Finally, a small concession that decades of Coalition leadership might have been holding our country back (“Coalition backs tax breaks to ditch gas”, January 3)? Andrew Bragg’s epiphany that there’s been “too much politics and not enough focus on the practical, economic benefits” could well be extended to many other “non-political” issues that have been shamelessly politicised by the Coalition to the detriment of our country. Many of these issues are not “owned” by any side of politics, and could have easily found their place with bi-partisan support. The list of non-political issues that could have been picked up by an enlightened LNP leadership could include: climate change and renewables, immigration (which for many decades enjoyed bi-partisan support) and multiculturalism, fair taxation policies for housing investment, the environment, and even possibly (with a different leader from Peter Dutton) the Constitutionally-enshrined Voice for First Nations people. Rob Firth, Red Hill (ACT)
Any change in policy position by the federal Coalition with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy is to be welcomed and Andrew Bragg’s efforts are commendable. What would be truly gratifying on the part of the Coalition would be an unambiguous acknowledgment of the reality of anthropogenic climate change and of the urgent need to mitigate it. Only then will we get real action at the federal level. Ken Enderby, Concord
It seems some of the Coalition has moved on from the “gas-led recovery”. Along with their controversial backing of nuclear power it shows they recognise the climate problem and are putting forward ideas to reduce pollution. This is a major breakthrough for conservative thinking. Gas is a pollutant and needs to be replaced with electrification from increasingly renewable sources. Dennis O’Hara, Wanniassa (ACT)
Andrew Bragg has previously advocated for home buyers to use their superannuation to purchase a home and now he is also suggesting that they use it to upgrade their gas appliances to electric. At this rate, the average person will have no super left to provide an income during retirement. Bragg’s suggestion of offering a tax deduction to consumers to get off gas will only be adopted by the Coalition if Ted O’Brien, the shadow minister for energy, is allowed to replace it with a local small modular nuclear reactor just down the street. Peter Nash, Fairlight
Safety first
No, it was not a miracle (“‘It was a miracle’: Twelve Australians among fireball flight survivors”,, January 3). It was a combination of scientific advances in design, an airline with a rigorous safety culture and training, and passengers who had paid attention to, and put into practice, the safety briefing. One expects that of the Japanese, but, equally, Australians - thanks to our airlines and crew - know their stuff in such situations.
Richard Cobden, Woolloomooloo
A Japan Airlines plane is seen on fire on the runway of Haneda airport in Tokyo, Japan. Credit: NTV
Special contribution
What’s to say that young Alicio could represent (“Migrant system wants to deport Alicio”, January 3)? Australia in the swimming team at a future Paralympics, as other athletes with cerebral palsy have done. Or, given his skill with languages, a position in the foreign office as a translator. He could contribute to his adopted country in all kinds of ways. The decision-makers need to see the whole person, not just the physical handicaps. Joan Brown, Orange
Farewell letter
For many years I have written to the Herald but alas, my letters have never been printed. Is there a possibility that my last may be my first? Robert Burns, Avoca Beach
Narrow vision
Thank you Jessie Tu, “‘Great men’ biopics continue to belittle women”, January 3). The Napoleon movie underplayed Josephine’s great strength and achievements, and neither did it give any breadth to Napoleon’s interest in the world, its arts and culture. The director should have seen the 2012 Napoleon: Revolution to Empire exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria – a wonderful and rich example of their broad interests and influence.
Rosalind Ward, Balmain
Pronoun pedantry
A simple solution to the problem of “desexing” medical language (Letters, January 2) would be to use “it”, and “its”, “their” and “them” as appropriate when biological sex does not need to be known. But please can we stop using third person possessive plural as the pronoun of choice for second-person singular, which makes nonsense of both biology and language. Ian Bowie, Bowral
Who’s whom
I agree with your correspondent and can’t wait for the next series of Dr Whom. George Manojlovic, Mangerton
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