

This was published 1 year ago

Going cashless is, as ever, about bigger bank profits

In the current rehashing of the presumptuous and calculated “nobody wants cash, it costs too much to supply, let’s end it” debate (“Digital uprising gains momentum for cashless society”, December 30), it seems that the cost of distributing cash to Australians isn’t necessarily the banks’ to cover, but just possibly for passing on to the government, or directly to the end users. The banks’ evermore stratospheric profits are untouchably theirs, and after the permanent closure of an amazing number of branches and a great reduction of staff on the godsent COVID pretext, evidently need to be even more freed from operating costs. On the Australian coat of arms we really do need to include our timeless business – and now broadly national – credo: privatise the profits, socialise the losses and cost-shift the operating expenses. Alex Mattea, Sydney

In many small country towns, banks have already closed their branches and removed ATMs. Now it’s becoming increasingly clear that they’d like to remove access to cash altogether – wherever we live. However, not everyone is impressed with the convenience of digital banking. One small shopkeeper in Katoomba displays a sign encouraging customers to pay with cash rather than card. He says it saves the customer giving even more money to the banks (a reference to that little extra fee that often accompanies card payments) and keeps more people employed. I am one of the 13 per cent still regularly using cash, and I find it hard to shed a tear for banks recording bumper profits while whingeing that handling cash – once the essence of their business – is all a bit of a bother and, wait for it, costing them money. Cash still comes in handy, especially when servers go down. Nick Franklin, Katoomba

Surely if the banks want to phase out cash transactions to improve their bottom line, it is only equitable for them to indemnify their customers against card fraud. Is it an unfair contract to implement a change made to benefit the perpetrator without a guarantee against losses to the target client? The government’s role is to protect the exchange of legal cash transactions. D’Arcy Hardy, North Turramurra

Or is this the next choice?

Or is this the next choice?Credit: AP

One advantage of a cashless society would be a boost to tax revenue. Without a cash economy, all earnings would be declared, due to the presence of electronic records for all transactions. One disadvantage, however, is that fees for card payments are passed on to consumers, who bear the cost, although these fees are a claimable tax-deductible business expense. Why is this flagrant example of double-dipping allowed to occur? Carmen Fenech, Frenchs Forest

Another story about the demise of cash and/or cheques with the banks complaining about the obvious extra cost of maintaining cash or cheques. But if electronic banking is much cheaper and efficient for the banks, why, then, does it often draw an extra fee? As a cashless society becomes inevitable, maybe the Reserve Bank should have a good look at the rationale of charging these fees. And if cash disappears, you can bet that the banks won’t be tardy in jacking up these fees whenever they feel they need an extra billion or two. Tony Mitchell, Hillsdale

Amid despair at the world there is still hope for 2024


It’s difficult not to agree with Nick Bryant’s depressing assertion about the state of the world (“Progress has peaked. Now what?” ‚ December 30). When we are faced with the possibility of another Trump presidency to add to the already present chaos of wars in Europe and the Middle East, it’s little wonder. It seems that good sense and selflessness has been submerged by populism and self-aggrandisement with those skilled in those pursuits taking control with disastrous consequences. We are not immune in this country, with constructive progression of any kind beset with a culture of “No” from politicians with nothing to offer except the concept of “No”. Max Redmayne, Drummoyne

What happens next?

What happens next?Credit: Reuters

It is hard not to agree that the world is going backwards. After the optimism of the end of last century most things seem to have taken a turn for the worse. The Great Leader syndrome seems to be at the heart of it. China, aware of the dangers of a repeat of Mao, established a limit of two terms for a leader, but it didn’t take Xi long once he had taken the reins to get rid of that. Putin dispenses with anyone who might challenge him. North Korea follows suit. The West has its own versions of populist leaders, and Trump in the US could take down democracy itself. It should be noted they are all male. Oh, for more women at higher levels of politics. Gary Barnes, Mosman

Nick Bryant’s opinion piece, though he said nothing that could be argued against, was hardly uplifting reading and I’m hoping for something a bit more optimistic to start the new year. His efforts to end on a positive note with his quote from the African-American poet Amanda Gorman, saying there is always light, “if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it”, reminded me of a line from a great Canadian poet, Leonard Cohen, “There’s a crack, a crack in everything, that’s where the light gets in.” In 2024, I’m hoping to see that crack. Charmain Brinks, Newcastle

Desk calendar wisdom might be a good place to start, Nick Bryant. If I choose to be the light, there is always a cost. There is always hope. This year started with much hope. It always comes down to people of good will doing the right thing. Geoff Nilon, Mascot

A new year dawns with conflicts, unbelievable suffering for some and a great fear for the sustainability of our planet. Let each one of us spread kindness wherever we find ourselves, and remember Amnesty’s saying: “It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness.” Josephine Piper, Miranda

Sydney vastly different to Paris


Michael Koziol makes sense and says it all but for two points (″⁣How to shape Sydney’s future? Paris has some clues″⁣, December 30). First, Paris is not obsessed with property ownership as Sydney is. It is not an item of gossip, nor is property obsession a marketing tool in Paris, nor is it the character of Paris. In Sydney, it is the basis of NIMBYism. Second, banks need to address barriers to lending to women. Anne Eagar, Epping

It’s too late to try to turn Sydney into Paris. The public interest requires heritage to be conserved, not traduced for high-rise apartments, regardless of the housing crisis. If heritage is not saved, Sydney will become soulless tumbleweeded nihilistic towers fulfilling the prophecy that “there’s no point going or living there if there’s no ‘there’ there”. Andrew Woodhouse, Potts Point

Is Paris the best place to be?

Is Paris the best place to be?Credit: iStock

Michael Koziol wants us to emulate Paris, which is building subsidised housing along its ring road. In Sydney, it makes sense totake maximum advantage of existing infrastructure and increase density along train lines. But affordable housing shouldn’t be at the cost of our city’s visual amenity. What we have been creating over decades are canyons of high rises through which heavy rail rattles. A daily commute is enough to breed NIMBYism. How the residents themselves must feel is a mystery – it’s their backyard, after all. Highways are beautified, so why not give more thought to our transport corridors? Margaret Johnston, Paddington

Castles in the air

A word of caution for coastal home owners who say their locality “can’t be built out” (“Coastal spots close to Sydney where property prices are picking up”, December 30): take nothing for granted. Under this NSW government, developers who cannot build out are encouraged to build up. If Yamba can have high-rise buildings, so too can other coastal locations. Col Shephard, Yamba

Norway ahead


What a delight to read about Norway’s sporting success as a confirmation of their long-term planning and vision using the benefits of their oil and fields (“Little country that roared on the world sporting stage”, December 30). North Sea oil and gas revenues threatened to upend Norway’s economy if the money was brought into the country. The natural resource bounty has only been brought into the country as needed for hospitals, schools and sports. Norway’s sovereign wealth fund is now over $2trillion, compared to our $200billion – a 10th the size – for a country the size of Sydney (5.4million population). All Norwegians are millionaires. We continue to lose the opportunity to generate a common wealth fund, instead turning Australia into an impossible place for young people to buy homes, and many taking on far too much debt in the chase for hoped-for profits from home ownership. Bill Johnstone, Blackheath

Leave trees be

Why is a big expanse of ocean the most sought-after view (Letters, December 30)? Enough to vandalise the immediate environment for the momentary glimpses of shades of blues and grays? So you feel free to destroy foreshore habitat, visual amenity for communities, erosion barriers and shade? Trees are part of the view. Leave them alone for all their value, not just the view. Anne Skates, Bomaderry

Let’s let trees be.

Let’s let trees be.

Let’s make any tree vandals we catch do community service. During the hours when they are not at work or getting their eight hours of sleep, make them dress up to look like trees and then have them stand where the trees used to be. Mark Anderson, Coogee

Whom it may concern

While joining the throng mourning the loss of “ing” (Postscript, December 30), I was already bereaving the neglect of “whom”. Whatever has happened to a word that I was taught the role of around 75 years ago? I suppose the loss has not been sudden, but when did it become OK to ignore the objective form of the word “who”? Mike Foale, Maleny (Qld)


I had a surge of agreement on reading the letter (Letters, December 30) complaining about the ubiquitous use of the term “reach out”. “Thank you for reaching out” irritates because it implies that I am in a more disadvantaged position than the person or organisation I am contacting, when I am actually an individual who expects to be treated with respect. Sally Smith, McMahon’s Point

Advice and thanks

In wishing everyone a very happy new year, this bloke approaching 80 would like to pass on a few observations (with only a little “aged chauvinism” intended): “It is all very well to have a very caring heart, but one only, matched by an equally very careful head”, “Go looking for trouble, and trouble will find you in half the time and double the amount you expected” and “Live your life in such a manner that you would not be ashamed to sell the family parrot ... to the town gossip.” Howard Hutchins, Chirnside Park (Vic)

As a child born January 1, 1935, I have experienced war in Yugoslavia (now Croatia) and Austria, including Russian occupation, poverty in refugee camps, and finally migration to Australia in November 1949. I have told my story to my children and grandchildren more times than they care to listen. Thank you, Australia, for the welcome and opportunities this country has opened for me over 75 years and continues to offer to people in distress. Ferdo Mathews, Robina (Qld)

Toll robbery

Almost $10 to travel on a small section of road in a passenger vehicle is legalised highway robbery (“The more things change: Shake-up for tolls, vapes and tax”, December 30). Is the CEO of Transurban called Dick Turpin? Alicia Dawson, Balmain



With so many letters discussing student-teacher ratios (Letters, December 30), I am glad that no one of my vintage disclosed class sizes in the late 1950s. We would be accused of exaggerating. Don Firth, Wooli

In third class at a Catholic boys’ school there were 70 students with one teacher. The milk supplied by the government at recess was usually warm, there were nibs and ink bottles and we did what we were told. I think the vision of the cane might have had a limited role. Paul Keys, Clouds Creek

Chew and flew

The cicadas need that nasty bite to defend themselves from those predatory drop bears (Letters, December 30). Warren Nicholls, East Blaxland

Annually retentive

To borrow a quote, “a New Year’s resolution is something which goes in one year and out the other”. Edward Loong, Milsons Point

Time for a new year

Time for a new year

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