

This was published 2 years ago

Gobsmacked by Barilaro’s behaviour? Join the club

Just what ClubsNSW needs: as it is trying to convince NSW voters that it has a good heart, a bid by John Barilaro to take over the helm (“Barilaro bids to become clubs boss”, February 3). Here is a man who achieved infamy by repeatedly demonstrating questionable judgment throughout his political life. Barilaro’s attempt to take over from Josh Landis should be consigned to the same rubbish bin that holds his bid for appointment as NSW trade commissioner to New York. Kim Woo, Mascot

I read the article about John Barilaro’s utterly unconscionable behaviour, which effectively deprived most of the Labor electorates of their emergency bushfire funding, with smoke coming out of my ears (“Barilaro’s office in fire funding storm”, February 3). The admitted pork barrelling by this government was a vote-buying strategy. Such reprehensible action needs way more than the usual slap on the wrist, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens next. Anne Ring, Coogee

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

To exacerbate people’s misery, and politicise it, is the lowest of the low. The relief recovery program is there to ensure all affected by the Black Summer fires get assistance. Barilaro shows us – again and again – how little compassion he has for the people of NSW. Daniela Catalano, Haberfield

Sadly, the revelations show two things: first, that the egregious former minister for John Barilaro appears ready to continue to serve the people of NSW in any capacity – provided it has a six-figure salary attached. Second, that while in office he didn’t have the nous to understand how pork-barrelling works. The idea is to get people to vote for you, so it is logically directed at seats you don’t have, rather than ones you do. Unless, of course, he realised the Coalition was (is) so on the nose that it needed to shore-up those seats it already held. Or maybe both of these cases are true. Greg Oehm, Robertson

Why is there no punishment for pork barrelling? In public life, fraudulent behaviour is punishable under law. For politicians, it’s business as usual. Forget about improved sporting facilities, safer car parks and appropriate disaster relief. So long as these actions come without consequence, nothing will change. Sam Kent, Hunters Hill

I pondered long and hard in an attempt to predict what Barilaro might include in his job application for ClubsNSW. All I could dredge up were greyhounds, koalas, brumbies, threats to blow up the government, overseas trade appointments and, then, Thursday’s revelation of his interference in the bushfire recovery program. When will our failed politicians realise that they are unemployable? Even by ClubsNSW. Rhonda Seymour, Castle Hill

Quite appropriate really – a man who directed desperately needed bushfire recovery funds away from ALP seats now wants to run an organisation that exists on the back of problem gamblers and illegal money laundering. Sounds like the ethics will be a perfect fit. Michael McMullan, Avoca Beach

Is it any wonder that Barilaro denied bushfire recovery funding to the Blue Mountains? Apart from it being a Labor seat, he once referred to koalas as tree rats. The man has no love of the bush. Sally Spurr, Lane Cove

The former deputy premier is reportedly proud of his nickname Pork Barilaro. His arrogance is breathtaking, and the revelation that the joint federal and state emergency bushfire funds were distributed on partisan grounds under his direction is contemptuous. Why am I not surprised that he has now put his hand up for the recently vacated ClubsNSW job? His intervention in the emergency bushfire recovery program needs to be immediately reviewed by ICAC. Peter Neufeld, Mosman


I suggest that regardless of which party wins in March it considers appointing a Chief Pub Tester for major policy and decision-making. The beauty of the role is that it could be filled by 99 per cent of the population, and the only equipment the chief would require is an egg timer, a bar stool and a beer or G&T. Monique Darcy, Davidson

The integrity and transparency of the Perrottet government can be summed up in one word: Barilaro. Michael Petras, Thornleigh

It’s hard to decide whether I feel utter contempt for the cynical interference in disaster relief or just bewilderment at such delusional ambition? Has Barilaro considered putting his hand up for POTUS in 2024? Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn

Good old “Pork Barilaro”, the gift that keeps giving to NSW Labor. Rob Phillips, North Epping

I’m buying up popcorn. The Barilaro ICAC will be a corker. Dorothy Kamaker, Whale Beach

Illustration: Alan Moir

Illustration: Alan MoirCredit:

Divisive Pell not a martyr, and no saint

Tony Abbott called Cardinal George Pell “a saint of our times” and a victim of a modern-day crucifixion (“As Pell the man is laid to rest, Pell the martyr rises”, February 3). As I understand from my 13 years of Catholic education, Jesus was crucified for threatening and challenging the entrenched power structure and calcified ideologies and attitudes of the church hierarchy, not for propping it up. Monica Oppen, Stanmore

Abbott’s grasp of the requirements for sainthood and of the array of great Catholics that Australia has produced helps me to understand even further his time as prime minister. Sister Susan Connelly, Lakemba

My condolences to anyone praying for any ongoing meaningful contribution from Abbott to Australia. Ben Dryza, Newtown

Abbott said “George Pell was the greatest man I’ve ever known”. Yet no knighthood. Mark Kilminster, Castle Hill

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding

“Warrior”, “soldier of truth”, “saint”, “hero”. Gandhi? Nelson Mandela? Martin Luther King? No. George Pell. Seriously? Julia Booth, Westleigh

By far the most significant comment at the funeral was Abbott’s; that Pell should never have been investigated without a complaint; he should never have been charged without corroborating evidence, and should never have been convicted without a plausible case, as the High Court eventually realised. Laurie Le Claire, Epping

Such delusions of grandeur. The deliberately divisive Pell was no more a saint than Abbott was a leader. Anne Garvan, Chatswood West

The last time I checked, Saint Mary Mackillop is clearly more highly revered than a late cardinal. Saint Mary Mackillop is the greatest Catholic Australia has ever produced. Zara Tai, Minchinbury

The question is, has Pell travelled northwards or southwards? David Boyd, Bondi Beach

Pell incites strong opinions among his supporters and haters, even in death. Let us all move on with his passing, but may the Catholic Church move with integrity, compassion and justice. If the Church always tries to put the institution above the people, the institution, even after 2000 years, will not survive. Vincent Wong, Killara

Dear Tony Abbott,
How dare you turn a wilful blind eye to Cardinal Pell’s own wilful and well documented blind eye to the abuse of children. Sue Burton, Mosman

The man Abbott describes as the “greatest I’ve ever known” was someone found by a royal commission to have protected paedophiles. What does this say about Abbott?

Still, it’s no surprise to see a conga line of Liberal luminaries now waxing so lyrical about Cardinal Pell. In Pell they found a fellow right wing political operative par excellence, who brought the power and prestige of the Church to the project of reactionary conservatism. Michael Hinchey, New Lambton

Clearly, Abbott lives in a parallel universe to most of us. Peter Kamenyitzky, Castle Hill

Interesting to see the fawning adoration by Tony Abbott at the memorial service for George Pell. Including of course that he was a victim of a media witch hunt against him and the Catholic Church in general. George Pell presided over an administration that did little to redress the victims of sexual abuse nor did it acknowledge what future safeguards have been put in place. His administration was a failure. His only interest was protecting the Church and its money. His line at the royal commission, “It was of little interest to me”, perhaps shows the true colours of the man. Stephen Trevarrow, New Farm (Qld)

How do we reconcile Tony Abbott’s proclamation that Cardinal George Pell is a “saint for our times” with Pell’s own statement that multiple claims of child sexual abuse perpetrated by Catholic priests under his watch were of not much interest to him? The man is hardly a martyr if the definition is “a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion”. Meg Pickup, Ballina

Not one letter writer has shown even a drop of human kindness (Letters, February 3). The man, a beacon of endeavour and achievement, was an early crusader in the fight against sexual abuse in the church, subsequently deemed inadequate, but revolutionary in its time. Pell endured horrifically biased treatment from the ABC and the Victorian police, tolerated a dud rap as a criminal, and was eventually totally vindicated, yet, rather than bitterness or hatred, he displayed only his enduring faith in his God.

How was Pell not a giant of a man? Flawed yes, but none of us is perfect, and he didn’t ever deserve the viciousness he faced. Convicted serial killers are shown more tolerance. Rosemary O’Brien, Ashfield

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

Bernini explained that since St. Peter’s is “the mother church of nearly all the others, it had to have colonnades, which would show it as if stretching out its arms maternally to receive Catholics, so as to confirm them in their faith, heretics to reunite them to the church, and infidels, to enlighten them in the true faith.” Pell’s funeral made plain for all the church in Australia has closed its arms to the wounded, those it harmed, ignored their cries of pain, and in so doing, failed to follow Jesus’ admonition to welcome and comfort the injured and hold them close, invite them in to St Mary’s Cathedral and acknowledge its crimes against the young innocents. Instead, it denied the findings of a royal commission, denied their very existence. The beginning of the road to redemption is to first admit your sins. This week, the Catholic Church did the opposite, it said nothing happened, there were no victims and proved it is too arrogant and out of touch, it can only deny its acts by washing away the blood of the young innocent. Philip Drew, Annandale

Thank goodness for former PM John Howard, Tony Abbott, Peter Dutton, Matt Canavan, and Dan Tehan for standing up to witness the passing of Cardinal Pell.
It is disappointing our other current political leaders were too small-minded, self-serving, and “go with the flow” to honour Pell who was used as a scapegoat, and suffered 404 days in gaol for a crime he did not commit. But he is in a better place now, thank God. Elizabeth Vickers, Maroubra

Nevermind the monarchists, get the royals off our notes

Does the decision to replace the late Queen’s head with an Indigenous design on a single banknote really constitute a poke in the eye to monarchists, or is it simply an attempt to acknowledge the nation’s First People on our currency (“Timing of new $5 note without King could be better”, February 3)? It seems an over reaction to a minor change that will probably go unnoticed by most of the population. After all, how many of us could accurately describe exactly what is on each banknote without looking? Merona Martin, Meroo Meadow

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

I don’t understand why the dysfunctional Windsor family are on Australia’s currency anyway. James Duggan, Hunters Hill

The monarchists seem so sad over the $5 note business. Why not cheer them up by having more royals on our money, reminding us colonials how great the monarchy has been. Put Charles on the fiver and Andrew on the $10. The $20 could have the former Edward VIII and Wallace. The $50 would be perfect for Henry VIII, circled by his five wives. Nothing less than the $100 note would do for Prince Harry. Richard Macey, Pendle Hill

I applaud the decision not to issue a $5 note with King Charles on it. They are obviously waiting until after the coronation; any balding man looks better wearing a hat or a large crown. Noel Mills, Avalon Beach

Better pay the best cure for GP crisis

The government’s approach is novel: leave the cause untreated and see if the patient survives (“Doctor pay unaddressed in report”, February 3). When the main cause of the crisis in general practice is that the bulk-billing Medicare rebate is about half of where it should have been had it kept pace with inflation over the last 30 years – making bulk-billing economically unviable and leading medical graduates to pursue other paths where their expertise is more valued – the government seems to want to waste money on doing everything it can to avoid actually treating the cause. The prognosis isn’t good. Alan Garrity, North Narrabeen

A close family friend has had his very successful inner-city GP practice up for sale for three years with no buyers and has now been forced to simply shut it down. Payments to GPs have not increased markedly for many years unlike their business overheads, resulting in marginal profitability for doctors often working in excess of 60 hours a week. What a sad commentary on our modern society when highly trained and respected GPs, whose opinions often determine the length and quality of our lives, struggle to make a living while tradies earn $150 an hour and drive around in $100,000 utes. Tony Snellgrove, Tumbulgum

Inequality needs new thinking

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

Decades of neo-liberal economics along with the slow burn of fiscal austerity have driven the relentless selling-off of government instrumentalities and the ransacking of many vital government departments (“Shrill critics of Chalmers’ essay are missing the point,” February 3). It provided previous governments with the revenue to win votes through tax cuts and nepotistic funding rorts. It made winners of the well-heeled, while more of us became steadily less and less well off.

Inequality has now reached epidemic proportions and areas such as education, health, housing, aged care and transport are in fiscal crisis and desperate for funding. For decades, we have been sold the lie that taxes are a burden on our economy and to be feared. It is time we considered a more equitable and inclusive way of improving the wealth of our nation. Bruce Spence, Balmain

We now have a treasurer who writes an essay offering new ideas to create a fairer, better society for all Australians. His ideas are progressive, thought-provoking and challenging. The voices that criticise him, immediately label him a communist and a real danger to corporate Australia. The attitude by those that have, against those that have not, are predictable, archaic, self-centred and selfish. Jim Chalmers is thinking about our future not the next election, surely that’s worth consideration. Geoff Hermon, Maraylya

Baffling gas decision

One of the few good decisions made by Scott Morrison is likely to be overturned (“Scott Morrison’s decision to stop controversial NSW gas field to be overturned”,, February 3). Whatever Morrison’s motives, this was a decision which went some way to address climate change concerns. It is now likely to be overturned with the help of a federal government that claims to care about climate change and global warming. The reason for this decision by the federal government is, apparently, the potential cost of compensation to the gas companies. Once again money trumps public interest.
As a long-term Labor supporter I am baffled and deeply troubled by their approach to this issue. Edward Quinn, St Ives

The Wounded Kangaroo

Alan Joyce’s perpetual apologies for Qantas failings wear thin when your QF27 luggage does not arrive in Buenos Aires three days before departing an Antarctic voyage (“Despite the hype, Qantas turnbacks are a sign of strong safety”, February 3). No apologies. No explanation. And no expedition gear. Just anxiety.

Unfortunately, Qantas no longer brings an offering to market which is as certain as it may be safe.

It’s time for a management rethink because, right now, the Spirit of Australia days are over. Any airline will do. Stephen Goddard, Bowral

Classroom conundrum

Decisions are complex, not binary. Should single sex schools exist? It depends (“Enrolments at public boys’ high schools in steep decline”, February 3).

For some children they work. For others not. It is about the makeup of the individual, not social engineering. My son went to Homebush Boys High and it worked for him. Would he have done better in a co-ed school? We will never know.

The pendulum is swinging towards co-ed schools. I predict in a couple of decades it will start swinging the other way. Why do we think there has to be one answer? Neville Turbit, Russell Lea

Dutton must grow up


Credit: Illustration: Matt Golding

Ossified, obsolete and irrelevant, the Liberal Party, with or without the Duttons of this world, must soon begin to transform to 21st century life or face extinction (“Dutton must pass Harbour test”, February 3). The fresh Labor government has shaped up well so far but needs a viable and intelligent opposition for our democracy to function as we all would wish. Why is no one rising to the challenge? Brian Haisman, Winmalee

Nick Bryant is one among many who point out the difficulties ahead for Peter Dutton as leader of the Liberal party. I wonder if a 2023 version of Don Chipp will emerge from the moderate malcontents of the party. John Bailey, Canterbury

Does Peter Dutton know what’s really “an attack on our society”? He plays the divide and conquer card while aiming to appeal to the tone-deaf. Trying to ignite a fire when none need to exist. It’s well past time to pay our due to our First Nations on whose land we live. It’s time to grow up. Francesca Stahlut, Armidale

Only stand up for a standing ovation

Theatregoers standing for the curtain call ovation are a minor irritation (Letters, February 3). The real problem punters are the concertgoers who stand in their seats for half of the show. John Swanton, Coogee

Over the decades I have attended countless music concerts and many had the audience give a standing ovation. There was one concert where the crowd got to its feet at the end not in appreciation but to demand the band return to the stage as their performance had been so short.

When it appeared they had no intention of playing more, the audience took to throwing cushions and ripping seats out to throw at the stage in disgust. This was Elvis Costello’s first concert in Sydney in 1978 at the Regent theatre; his future ones were much longer. Con Vaitsas, Ashbury

Looking for a three-headed emu in a haystack

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt Golding

Good news that the radioactive pod was located in Western Australia, but I await the first appearance of a three-headed emu (Letters, February 3). Mark Berg, Caringbah South

Put ‘woke’ back to sleep

Could we please put “woke” back to sleep. It has become another boring, pointless word that spoils a good argument or description. Kath Maher, Lidcombe


Kim Crawford of Springwood was one of a number of letter writers who claimed to have double-checked the date on Friday’s Herald front page. So confounding were the headlines - Cardinal George Pell described as a “martyr” and a “saint of our times”; the former NSW deputy premier eyeing off the newly vacated job of ClubsNSW chairman, and living up to his nickname of “pork Barilaro” - that correspondents thought they’d woken up on April 1.

George Fishman of Vaucluse was one of only a few who wrote that “whatever side you are on, the funeral oration by Tony Abbott hailing George Pell was one for the ages”. Not surprisingly, the majority of writers were scathing of the former PM’s statement that “Pell was the greatest man I’ve ever known”, many agreeing with Peter Kamenyitzky of Castle Hill that Abbott “clearly lives in a parallel universe to most of us”, while others suggested he needs to meet more men.

Others, like Sue Burton of Mosman, were critical of Abbott turning “a wilful blind eye to Pell’s own wilful and well documented blind eye to the abuse of children”.

“I respectfully suggest that John Barilaro now be awarded the title of ‘the human headline’ (with apologies to Derryn Hinch),“wrote Lorraine Hickey of Green Point. “So many juicy stories, so little time.” Phil Bradshaw of Naremburn was so bewildered at the former minister’s ambition, he wondered whether “Pork Barilaro” would consider putting his hand up for POTUS in 2024. Pat Stringa, letters editor

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