

This was published 11 months ago

Fewer girls enrolled in opportunity classes as test comes under review

By Lucy Carroll

The number of girls enrolled in NSW’s opportunity classes has tumbled to its lowest in a decade, with female students less likely to accept or apply for a place in the intensely competitive primary school gifted streams.

Data from this year reveals a record gender gap in the public school classes for academically gifted children: about 39.5 per cent of students in opportunity classes are girls, falling from 47 per cent in 2017.

The gap has prompted the NSW Education Department to investigate possible changes to the placement test, almost six years after a root-and-branch review of the state’s selective education system vowed to remedy the gender imbalance.

Year 4 student Alice Ou, 8, seen with her sister Erica, 5, and mother, Jessica Li, will sit for the OC placement test in August.

Year 4 student Alice Ou, 8, seen with her sister Erica, 5, and mother, Jessica Li, will sit for the OC placement test in August.Credit: Janie Barrett

“We want more girls in opportunity classes and selective high schools and continue to look at ways of achieving gender balance,” a department spokesperson said. About 720 girls are enrolled in an opportunity class this year and 1100 boys.

Demand for places in opportunity classes – which cater for gifted children in year 5 and year 6 at 87 NSW public schools – soared to a record high last year. Many parents view the classes as a stepping stone to public selective high schools, but fierce competition means only 12 per cent of those who sit the test secure a spot.


Girls are also less likely to apply to sit the opportunity class test, with female students making up about 47 per cent of 15,300 applicants last year. Girls are also more likely to reject a place (73 per cent of female students accepted this year, compared with 78 per cent of boys).

Boys are also outperforming girls in the three components of the placement test (reading, mathematical reasoning and thinking skills).

“We are investigating what changes can be made to the test to address the gender imbalance. Following recent changes to the selective high schools test there are now no significant differences in test performance between girls and boys,” the spokesperson said.


A 2018 department review found fewer places in the selective school system for girls and too much emphasis on maths in the test. The selective high school test was revamped in 2021, while a new “thinking skills” component was added to the test, with questions designed to be less coachable and more psychometric.

However, unlike the selective high school test, there is no writing component in the opportunity class test.

Private school scholarship test providers, including Academic Assessment Services and ACER, which combined provide tests for dozens NSW private schools, include a writing section in their primary school scholarship assessments.

Data from 2023 shows boys outperformed girls on all sections in the test, while girls did better in reading and writing in the selective high school test.

Dr Geraldine Townend, a gifted-education researcher at UNSW, said many reasons contribute to the gender imbalance in opportunity classes, including resistance from some families to switch schools, especially if it involves longer travel time.

“Schools with OC classes are not always on a family’s doorstep and parents can be reluctant for daughters to travel far on public transport. Private schools are also marketing scholarships, and are seeing an opportunity to cater for gifted and talented students,” she said.

If the test was adapted to add a writing component that could play more to girls’ strengths, Townend said, “but any test is a blunt instrument insofar as it just shows how well they can do on that single day”.

She also pointed to Victoria introducing a new policy where selective co-ed high schools can now be subjected to a special measure to ensure gender balance.

Australian Tutoring Association chief executive Mohan Dhall said the growth in the private coaching industry meant centres were targeting parents with specialised courses, and many reported more boys are enrolled. Some parents are spending thousands of dollars on opportunity class coaching in the lead-up to the test at the end of year 4, he said.


“Parents can view OC and selective schools as highly pressured environments, and they may consider alternatives. It’s also become more competitive, with more applicants but no more places in the system,” Dhall said.

UTS academic Christina Ho, who has interviewed opportunity class teachers as part of her research into selective schooling, said the test questions are weighted towards students with high maths ability.

“The other issue is if certain schools are known to have more boy enrolments then parents of girls may be less likely to apply. It is a spiral effect, and families of girls don’t want them to be a minority,” Ho said.

“There are also more students tutored from a young age, and that can really accelerate students’ capacity in maths and thinking skills, rather than in literacy.”

“There is also a massive demand for OC that is unmet. If you are going to have a OC program, let’s give kids a better chance of getting in, it seems cruel to have such a low success rate,” she said.

Jessica Li, who has two daughters at a public primary school in Carlingford, said her year 4 child, Alice, will sit for the opportunity class test in August.

There are about 710 girls in OC classes this year, compared with almost 1100 boys.

There are about 710 girls in OC classes this year, compared with almost 1100 boys.Credit: Janie Barrett

“It is so competitive, but good experience for her to take the test. If she doesn’t get in she will stay at her local school and probably go for the selective school test or stay at the local high school. We haven’t ruled out going to a private school though.”

Alice is enrolled in her current school’s “challenge class”, an extension group for high-potential and gifted learners. Li said she believes the opportunity class test is maths intensive and “quite difficult, especially the timing and having to do almost one question a minute.” Students sit for the placement test towards the end of year 4, for entry in year 5.


A new equity model for selective schools and OC classes was also implemented in 2022 that sets aside 20 per cent of places at selective schools for disadvantaged students.

About 215 students received a first-round offer for next year under the equity placement model, and 182 accepted. Of those who took up the offer, 104 were students from low socio-economic background, 25 Indigenous students, 8 from a rural background and 45 students with a disability.

Timothy Ricketts, a qualified teacher who runs a tutoring college, said parents “lean more to putting forward their sons for the OC test and for tutoring for the test.”

“Coaching colleges are now promoting so many OC programs, selective school and scholarship coaching courses. There is this ferocious appetite for it, but it’s an unregulated industry. And that means anyone can just put a sign on their door and advertise OC tutoring.”

Last month, the government announced OC places would be reduced at eight schools, while others would gain classes in a bid to shift enrolments to underpopulated schools.

P&Cs at some schools with OC classes, such as Balgowlah Heights, are pushing back against the decision and want the state government to run a formal consultation with parents before their places are halved.

“Halving OC spaces at our schools halves the chance for kids to access well-established, quality programs,” said Diana Worman, president of Balgowlah Heights P&C.

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