While the federal government can rejoice in staving off a recession through population growth (“Population is 27 million and still on the rise”, March 22), it should provide food for thought to anyone in the increasingly large over-65 category, especially those who are anxious to protect their superannuation nest eggs from any new taxes. Importing young people may help with tax revenue, but they need support services too. Our medical system is simply not coping. More investment is needed in hospitals, staff and specialist doctors. No amount of money can protect you from an ambulance that doesn’t turn up, or a doctor who is simply not available. You certainly may be able to pass on a sizeable inheritance to your children, but I would prefer to live and enjoy it. Elizabeth Darton, Lane Cove West
How many people are too many for services?Credit: AFR
There is a general belief that population growth is necessary for everyone’s wealth and to look after our elderly, but it has helped create the current housing crisis. That’s not all: eight billion people are putting the planet’s once-stable climate into crisis. Those with our wealthy lifestyles are essentially responsible. So we invite more to join us because it makes us feel benevolent. Paul Ehrlich’s early warning of the perils of explosive population, while highly criticised, is essentially correct. If it were any other animal species, it would be called a plague. Anne Matheson, Gordon
Immigration in this country must be the greatest Ponzi scheme going. The requirement for more housing means we need more migrants to provide the skills and labour to build more houses. More migrants means we need more housing, which means we need more migrants. And so the scheme keeps rolling. The economists love it because Australia’s GDP keeps rising, but the GDP per person keeps falling, dragging down the standard of living for all but the very wealthy. Geoff Wannan, Dawes Point
The latest ABS figures support the projection that Australia’s population will double within a lifetime. Today’s concern is the housing crisis. Tomorrow it is likely to be traffic gridlock, then water shortages, schools without playgrounds, the last koalas in the wild. Our growing number impacts life in many ways. Since reading the seminal book Limits to Growth in 1972, I have closely studied the debate about population growth. The view that it is necessary to tackle skill shortages and ageing is shortsighted. The idea that it can grow while we protect natural habitat and reduce carbon emissions is wishful thinking. We are on a runaway roller-coaster without brakes or driver. As our rickety carriage gathers speed, many passengers enjoy the wind through their hair. But my knuckles are white as I grip the handrail, contemplating how we will stop, as stop we must. Ian Penrose, Kew (Vic)
Rewriting rights and wrongs: let freedom ring
The potential consequences of removing Section 38 from the Sex Discrimination Act can perhaps be more easily grasped if we shift the focus from schools to other places of employment (“Scrap school right to discriminate: report”, March 22). Would it be right for the Cancer Council to refuse to employ a potential marketing manager who smoked a packet of cigarettes a day? Should an AFL club be allowed to overlook a potential head of merchandising who actually has zero interest in football and prefers basketball? Would it be fair for the Greens to refuse to take on a social media manager applicant who was a member of the Liberal Party? Common sense says that freedom must generously extend both ways. Organisations must be free to preserve their culture by ensuring that they have supportive people in their fold, and job candidates must also be free to not apply for an advertised role, if they feel that they cannot in good conscience give their outward assent to the values upon which a religious body has been founded. If such considerations are not upheld, then I fear that we will create a civil crisis of conscience for potential employees, if they deliberately decide to apply for a job where one’s character should ideally match the organisation’s ethos. Peter Waterhouse, Craigieburn (Vic)
A question for all students. Religious leaders want society to respect their beliefs, but will not respect the laws governing society. Discuss. Phil Bradshaw, Naremburn
Any debate about whether so-called religious schools should have the right to discriminate misses the more fundamental question of whether such schools should be funded at the expense of our government schools. The underfunding of government schools is writ large in the decision of many parents to send their children to religious schools, not out of any religious conviction, but because the government school is so underfunded it cannot even ensure simple safety and discipline. Mark Porter, New Lambton
Energy dilemma
One can always replace their petrol leaf blower with a battery one and use more power from the grid (Letters, March 22). Many oldies find the blowers easier on the body than a broom and shovel and can’t afford to trade in their 10-year-old car for an expensive electric vehicle. Can’t win! Denis Suttling, Newport Beach
Your correspondent raises an interesting question. Which is more climate-friendly? An older vehicle that is less fuel efficient than a modern one, but which also uses less fuel because it is smaller, or a newer vehicle that is more fuel efficient but, because of its mass, uses more fuel? Peter Butler, Wyongah
Get well soon
As an inveterate James Valentine listener, I was shocked when he announced that he had cancer (“Announcer Valentine takes break for cancer”, March 22). I, along with thousands of his fans, will be praying for him that the operation and his convalesce will be a success, and that he will be back on air soon. I want to thank him for being so open about the cancer. It might help other people who don’t want to see a doctor make that appointment. Robert Pallister, Punchbowl
James Valentine - best wishes and get well soonCredit: James Alcock
I’m shocked, I’m saddened at the news, and I wish James Valentine all the best for a speedy recovery. Genevieve Milton, Dulwich Hill
PM shows good footwork on religious freedom
The chance of a multipartisan approach to a religious freedom bill is unlikely when some of those involved just want to play politics (“PM sidesteps a lone leap of faith”, March 22). It was a wise move from the prime minister to seek co-operation from Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, whose public response indicates all he is interested in is a divisive fight. Too many people will be hurt if Dutton does to this issue what he did to the Voice. Dutton’s faux sincerity is wearing thin. The Liberals are obviously desperate for relevance if they allow Dutton to behave like this. Or are they just desperate? Geoff Nilon, Mascot
Is Anthony Albanese getting religion right?Credit: Alex Ellinghausen
That says it all: “The split in parliament reflects the gulf in society”. Faith communities and religious school communities are often divided, despite what their leaders may say. The majority of non-adherent Australians, not directly concerned, almost certainly favour non-discriminatory practices but don’t want a fight over it. Sensible, really. Sensible to reign in those wanting a scare campaign or political grandstanding for the sake of it. Sensible also to expect that, on a day-to-day basis, school communities will show sensitivity and compassion whenever the issue arises in their midst. Margaret Johnston, Paddington
Bail fail
Rushed laws tend to lead to injustice (“Labor upset over Minns’ bail laws”, March 22). The bail reforms will undoubtedly mean more Indigenous children will be incarcerated. If Labor was so intent on these changes, it has missed an opportunity to tighten which bail authorities can give bail. Police should have been forced to immediately refer any situation arising for a 14- to 18-year-old to a court or judicial officer, for the bail consideration. Independent oversight of draconian laws is a critical feature of our legal system. Michael Blissenden, Dural
Expensive option
There is another side to the debate on the so-called privileged private school students that tends to go unreported (“Principals exposed to more threats”, March 22). It’s about ordinary parents wanting what they feel, in the current climate, to be the best education option for their children. Constant negative press on public schools and discrimination in religious schools are forcing them to make expensive private school choices that many can ill afford, to give their children what they consider to be the best on offer. Elizabeth Kroon, Randwick
Couriers gone wild
Anish Bhasin (“Don’t live in fear of kids on e-bikes”, March 21) is correct in saying that we should not fear kids on e-bikes. However, we pedestrians are at serious risk from bicycle food-couriers. I recently walked 700 metres along Bondi and New South Head roads and was passed by four food-couriers cycling on the busy footpath at speed, being brushed by two. At 79, I may not survive a collision. Bicycle couriers should be licensed and should carry visible identification and insurance. Over 50 years of cycling from age seven over thousands of kilometres, I have never witnessed such dangerous cycling behaviour as the present explosion. Warren Kidson, Bellevue Hill
Naked truth
How rude is nude?Credit: Martin HM Schreiber
The naked body is just right on hot summer days (“I didn’t think I was a nude prude until I moved to Denmark”, March 22). We took our young grandsons to an art gallery. They stopped and stared at a painting of nude voluptuous women draped around a happy male. One of the boys asked in a very loud voice, “When were clothes invented?” Their grandfather replied: “When it got cold”. Bea Hodgson, Gerringong
Rotten deals
Looking for a good homeCredit: Kate Geraghty
The stink is not the fish, it’s the rotten deals that were done to build a new tourist destination pretending to be a fish market (“Big stink over design of new fish market”, March 22). And in the process, we have lost a significant part of Blackwattle Bay to free up the old site for high-rise development. A much lower cost and more efficient market could have been built near the Flemington markets, which is far better placed for receiving and distributing the fish that comes from other parts of Australia and overseas. Instead, we are left with the loss of the bay and, as the former chairman said, “You don’t need the Taj Mahal to flog dead fish.” Richard Spencer, Glebe
Free Julian
The relevant authorities should give Julian Assange a fair go and release him from custody (“Assange supporters’ joy at possible US plea deal”, March 22). Give him a non-custodial sentence if necessary but let him have freedom. Graham Russell, Clovelly
Fun as a tax write-off
Everywhere we go in the outback, we see young tradies having a great time (Letters, March 22), with a huge ute decked out with winch, roof rack, bull bar, two-way radio, off-road tyres, rooftop tent, and every possible tool for the adventure, all tax-deductible because apparently they need all of that to be a plumber in Perth. Maggie Ramsay, Woolloomooloo
The proliferation of these monsters is encouraged by their full tax-deductible status. Does the ATO audit the tradies’ full work claim when these monsters are used for families to shuttle school kids or for having fun as weekenders? Paul Lau, Dolls Point
What worries me most about utes is all the regalia I see them decked out in. Skull and crossbone decals, pirates and cowboy motifs. I see middle-aged men driving vehicles that look to have been designed by 10-year-old boys. Unfortunately, their sense of empowerment from these large vehicles means that they often drive like over-exuberant 10-year-olds in dodgem cars. John Mizon, Collaroy
Koalas cannot bear much more
How do we save koalas?Credit: iStock
The situation for koalas across NSW remains dire (“Conservationists to clash with government at koala summit”, March 22). For the koalas of south-west Sydney, the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan (CPCP) will reclassify about 11,000 ha of rural land to urban capable, to accommodate 73,000 new homes. This is the largest expansion of Greater Sydney’s footprint in recent memory and will result in urban sprawl across critical koala habitat, at a time when this recently expanding koala population is now showing signs of decline. The $49 million set aside to create the Gulguer National Park and the $31 million to protect and restore small, isolated patches of rare, at-risk native vegetation in areas such as Orchard Hills are not in areas identified as koala habitat. For koalas to have any chance of surviving mass urbanisation of most of their habitat, the government must commit to adhering to the recommendations of the chief scientist as outlined in the “Advice regarding the protection of koala populations associated with the Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan”. The chief scientist was adamant that funding be committed to achieve protections upfront, but the government’s press release gives no indication when the additional funding will be spent and how the new koala map will be funded. Meanwhile, the koalas of NSW are still waiting for action by politicians on the 42 recommendations of the 2019 upper house inquiry. The situation is indeed dire.
Maria Bradley, president, Save Sydney’s Koalas, Coogee
The letters page this week started with strong discussion about Peter Dutton’s thoughts about nuclear power and how to do it cheaper and better than renewables.
These ideas were excoriated by letter writers, who, generally, consider them ridiculous, expensive and too long-term for reality. Plus the cost of decommissioning spent reactors, often more than the building costs. Not to mention what to do with the radiation leftovers. Many writers had ideas about that, mostly involving Dutton’s electorate.
After that, writers moved on to the headmaster who suggested that prejudice is now against white privileged males. Well, you could hear the laughter across the country. Letters poured in, writers delighted by the idea of all those poor, hard-done-by white men, whose suffering has been unacknowledged. Some others tried blaming women, but they were smothered by the weight of letters from the other side.
Then it was on to housing when a study showed that most people want to live in smaller blocks with most easily managed strata schemes, despite the politicians who want to build up, up and away in every corner of the city. Writers spelled out the problems that need to be sorted out before anything positive could or would happen.
Donald Trump was a topic of discussion again, this time thanks to his rudeness towards Kevin Rudd. Writers were insulted on Rudd’s behalf, and very much against the Coalition taking Trump’s side.
Cycling, and motorbikes that aren’t e-bikes, no matter what anyone claims, caused a lot of anger too. Also on the subject of mechanised transport, “monster utes” are also unpopular to people not riding in them, just trying to get their little, not needing much petrol, cars out of their way.
Harriet Veitch, acting letters editor
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